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You're in My Spot

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A squabble over seating opens a door into forbidden desires.
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It's funny how the simplest little thing can have the most profound impact on a person's life. Unfortunately here I was going on nineteen, reasonably good looking with curly brown hair and smoldering brown eyes, yet I still hadn't learned to think about the consequences of my actions until it was too late to change the outcome.

Monday night I decided to watch television while sitting in my sister's favorite recliner, a decision that would change my life forever. I had gathered up the essentials; chips, soda and the remote then made myself comfortable with the chair fully reclined knowing that if Cassie came in she'd pitch a fit. She always did. I wasn't too worried about it though since I'd heard her tell mom that she had a date. Most people wait until the weekends to go out, but not my sister. At twenty she was kind of a wild child. If the rumors I'd heard at school were true, then my older sister was kind of a slut. Maybe slut is a little harsh, let's just say it was rumored that it wasn't hard to get into her pants and leave it at that.

But I digress. As I was saying, here I was all six feet of me stretched out in the recliner quite comfy in short baggy nylon gym shorts and a t-shirt when I felt the presence of someone standing behind me. Tilting my head back I saw Cassie standing there glaring down at me, the baby-blue eyes she'd inherited from mom sparkling with mischief. She was wearing dad's favorite blue dress shirt that she normally wore in the evenings to lounge around the house in. I guess her plans had fallen through.

"You're in my spot," she said, the calmness of her voice belying the bitchiness that lurked within her.

"Sit in the other one," I shot back.

Our living room has two recliners with an end table between them facing the TV with a couch and end tables set off to the side. She always had to sit in this one because she said it made her feel closer to dad who had been killed in a botched car-jacking nearly two years ago. It had been his favorite spot but she'd claimed it for her own after his passing.

"You're in my spot," she said again, a hint of a growl in her voice this time.

"For Pete's sake Cassie, just sit in the other one damnit!" I growled back.


"No," I replied turning my attention back to the television.

"Fine," she snarled then reached down and latched on to my nipples through my shirt.

Now I've had, and given, my fair share of titty twisters before, but my sister had to be by far the best at dishing them out. The pain searing my chest was evidence of that. Without thinking I grabbed her wrists and pushed her hands downward away from my bruised nipples. What happened next caught us both by surprise.

By pushing her hands down toward my waist she lost her balance and fell right over the top of me planting her face squarely in my crotch. The other thing that happened was her thighs ended up straddling my head leaving me staring directly at her crotch. Now normally I wouldn't think that that should have been a problem; she is after all just my sister. Unfortunately for me Cassie wasn't wearing any panties. I was left staring at the meatiest pussy I'd ever seen. Her inner labia were poking out past her furry outer lips and it looked as if she had the largest clitoris on the planet. And the smell! Oh my god! It was an intoxicating mixture of musk and floral bath soap that had my cock instantly stiffening. I was completely mesmerized by the sight and smell of my own sister's pussy. That is until she grabbed my balls through my shorts and squeezed.

"Let me up or I'll rip em off," she snarled.

Placing my arm around her waist I held her tight to me unwilling to let the sight before me slip away too fast. Besides she wasn't really hurting me, quite the opposite actually, it felt kind of good having her warm hand clutching my ball sack through my shorts.

"You gonna sit in the other chair?" I asked breathing in as much of her scent as I could.


"Then I'm not letting go," I told her, my cock continuing to stiffen.

"I'll bite you," she threatened.

"Go ahead," I told her smugly, certain she wouldn't want to put her mouth on any part she could reach.

I was wrong. The next thing I knew she pulled up the leg of my shorts exposing my cock to the world and clamped her teeth onto the rapidly expanding shaft. Again she wasn't really hurting me but I yelped with surprise anyway. Instead of relinquishing my hold on her I did something that shocked even me. I pushed my nose into the slit of her pussy and latched my mouth onto the bud of her enormous clit. She stiffened when my tongue darted out and began to lick it. She pulled her teeth off my cock and began to thrash violently trying to break the hold I had on her.

"Oh shit! What are you doing? Stop!" she demanded, her thrashing becoming centered near her hips.

I couldn't stop; the taste was just too awesome.

"Danny...stop..." Cassie pleaded even as she pressed herself onto my mouth and began to grind against my tongue.

When she did that I intensified my attack on her growing clit by sucking it into my mouth and batting it around with the tip of my tongue. Even with her thighs clamped around my ears I could hear her start to moan. The sensation of my cock head being covered in something hot and wet suddenly registered in my brain. I don't know how long this went on before I felt her began to shudder.

"Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh shit... Dannnnnyyyyyyy!" she screamed while bucking her pussy roughly against my mouth.

"What in the hell is going on out there?" we heard mom shout from the hallway leading to the bedrooms.

Several things happen all at once. I panicked and bolted upright causing Cassie to do a somersault off me and land sitting up in front of the chair. I jumped up at the same time and landed standing directly in front of her just as mom emerged from the hallway. Mom stopped just inside the front room and gave us both a questioning look. She must have been in the shower because all she was wearing was a large towel wrapped loosely around her body and her blonde shoulder-length hair was soaking wet. She was holding the towel loosely with both hands and giving us that look while all I could do was stare back at her and wonder if she'd seen anything.

"You two need to knock off the horse play out here. I could hear you guys clear in the shower," mom said.

"Sorry Mom," was all I managed, all too aware that the front of my shorts were bulging out in front of me.

My sister on the other hand managed to say and do something that I would've never expected in a million years.

"Look Mom, Danny's got a boner!" With that she grabbed the bottom of my shorts legs and yanked them down around my knees. "See!"

It felt like everything happened in slow motion but in reality it only took a few seconds. Now I'm not hung like a horse but I do have a dick that is well above normal, especially when it's hard. For fun I had measured it one day while masturbating and it reached just shy of eight and a half inches. Fortunately mom's arrival had caused it to shrink a little; it just hung there in a semi erect state as mom looked on. Her eyes grew wide and she brought both hands up to her mouth to stifle the moan that I clearly heard escape. By letting go of the towel it unwrapped itself and fell heavily to the floor leaving mom standing there naked as a jaybird.

I have always known mom was good looking. What son doesn't think his mother is pretty? But what I was staring at shattered any pre-conceived notion I might have had of what she'd look like naked. What I was staring at was a goddess, pure and simple. The way she held her hands to her mouth caused her elbows to press her breasts together but did nothing to hide the quarter-sized light-brown areolas with eraser sized nipples. Nor did it hide the fact that her breasts were larger than I'd thought. I couldn't stop my eyes from roaming down her body past her flat tummy to the luscious trimmed blonde bush that covered her mound. As soon as my eyes spotted her clit peeking out from her bush my cock sprang up like it was on steroids, the angry purple head pointing straight at her. Mom's clit was even bigger than Cassie's. Mom groaned once more snapping me out of my catatonic state. I yanked up my shorts and turned to my sister who was still sitting on the floor with her mouth hanging open and her eyes glued to my crotch.

"What the fuck Cassie!" I shouted at her then ran past mom who still hadn't snapped back to reality long enough to pick up her towel.

When I reached my room I slammed the door and sat on the edge of my bed waiting for mom to come and read me the riot act. After five minutes or so I figured out that she was probably just as embarrassed as I was and had no intentions of coming in here. At least not for awhile. Slowly I stood and walked over to my dresser and gazed into the little mirror that hung above it. That's when I made another discovery that had me reeling with anxiety. My nose, mouth and chin were slick with my sister's secretions. If I could see it then I was pretty sure that mom had seen it too. How in the hell was I supposed to explain my face coated in what obviously wasn't spittle if mom asked about it? I wiped it away with the palm of my hand and went back and sat on the bed once more. I had some serious thinking to do.

First off what had I been thinking? I mean yuck, I'd eaten my own sister's pussy. That was some seriously messed up shit. Why I had done it was unclear. Could it have been the smell? Or was it the pure beauty of her pussy that made me go bonkers and latch onto it with my mouth? Another thing I was wondering about was whether or not she had actually put the head of my cock in her mouth, or was that just some hallucination on my part. You know, wishful thinking or something like that. Whatever the reasons I was at a loss to explain anything that had just happened. Just like I was at a loss to explain why my cock still hadn't gone soft. Of course the picture of mom standing there naked bouncing around my head wasn't helping matters any.

As I sat there I began to visualize both mom and Cassie naked, the taste of Cassie's pussy still in my mouth. Without realizing I was doing it I began to stroke my cock. It wasn't until my balls emptied and coated my hand in goo that I became aware of what I'd been doing. After my euphoria faded I glanced down at my cum coated hand with disgust. Slipping out of my bedroom I rushed to the bathroom and scrubbed the gunk off. It was on the way back to my bedroom when things became a whole lot more unnerving.

I had my head down as I left the bathroom and wasn't watching where I was going. Unfortunately neither was mom. She was headed to her room now wrapped in the towel when we collided. The force knocked her back against the hall wall where she slid down to the floor with her knees up and spread. She let out this surprised squeal and stared up at me with an angry look on her face.

"Damnit Danny, watch where you're going!" she yelled, apparently unaware that her pussy was on display to my bulging eyes.

Speechless all I could do was stand there and stare at her pussy while the front of my shorts started tenting out. Even when she reached up and told me to help her up I couldn't stop staring. That's when it finally dawned on her what I was looking at. She closed her legs and asked me to help her again, only this time I noticed that her eyes were glued to the front of my shorts and she had a funny look on her face. Reaching down I helped her to her feet but pulled too hard causing her to slam into me. Instinctively I wrapped my arms around her waist to steady her. We both felt my cock pressing into her at the same time.

"You okay Mom?" I asked lamely.

"Yeah," she whispered in a husky tone making no effort to back away from me.

Letting her go I stepped back and apologized profusely as I slipped past her and into my room. Once I had the door closed I leaned against it until I was finally able to breathe normally again. I couldn't get the image of mom's pussy out of my head. It looked just like Cassie's; all meaty and delicious looking.

Unwilling to take a chance on running into either of them I stripped then climbed into bed and just called it a night. My sleep was plagued with graphic dreams of both my sister and my mother. The next morning I woke with a start unsure as to what was wrong. Glancing over at the clock on my nightstand I saw that it was only six-fifteen. Groaning I turned on my side and discovered what had woken me. I was laying in something wet. Throwing the covers off I looked down and saw it was a puddle of sperm. I almost laughed out loud. Shit, I'd had a wet dream, something I hadn't had in a long while. Climbing out of bed I slipped on a pair of pajama bottoms and my house shoes then gathered up my sheets and headed for the laundry room near the kitchen.

Once I had my sheets in the washer I headed back out to the kitchen only to find mom standing near the counter waiting patiently for the Keurig machine to brew her a cup of coffee. The fresh brewing coffee smelt so good I asked if I could have a cup unaware that she didn't even know I was behind her.

Spinning around she fixed me with a startled look then said, "Shit Danny, you scared the crap out of me!"

"Sorry Mom," I replied sitting down in one of the swivel stools at the bar that separated the kitchen from the dining area.

"What are you doing up so early, and are you doing laundry?" She acted like I've never done laundry before.

"I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep, and since my sheets needed washing here I am," I replied.

"Well since you're in the mood to clean, how bout doing me a favor while I'm at work," she said as she brought over the first cup and sat it in front of me.

"Sure, what do you need done?" I picked up the cup and took a sip.

"I have a load of clothes in the hamper in my room that needs washing," came her answer as she turned back to the counter and started another cup brewing.

Mom worked long hours at the bank so it didn't bother me one bit to help her out. She had started there right out of high school working part-time until she finished getting her degree in business administration. Once she had her degree she rose up the ranks until she made it to the top just last year. At the age of forty-three she became the youngest branch manager the bank had ever had.

Keeping her back to me she said as if it were an afterthought, "Just make sure to use the delicate cycle."

"No problem Mom," I replied as my eyes roamed over her.

Now I'm pretty sure that I've looked at mom a thousand times in the past, but for some reason it felt like I was looking at her for the very first time. Standing at nearly five-seven and probably weighing no more than one twenty-five or so, roughly the same size as Cassie, she really was a striking woman. Why I hadn't noticed until now I'll never understand. It was probably because until now I've never thought of her was as anything other than Mom. She was wearing a blue and white striped cotton nightshirt that went down to her knees but hugged her body in all of the right places. What I was currently staring at was her butt. I could tell it was firm, with a youthful roundness that equaled any of my sister's friends. Yeah, I have look at those whenever the chance arose. But mom's had a quality that I've never noticed before, a sensuality of sorts that no young girl possessed. I found myself getting erect as I tried in vain to find any hint of a panty-line and didn't pull my eyes away in time before she turned and caught me checking her out. Hastily shifting my eyes upward, my face turning all sorts of red, I noticed a small smile on her lips and some sort of look in her eyes that I was hard pressed to define. Slowly she made her way over to the bar with her cup of coffee and took a seat on the stool next to me.

For the next twenty minutes or so we sat there making small talk and drinking our coffee. I kept waiting for her to bring up what had happened last night but she never did. All she talked about was work and how she had all sorts of meetings this week that would make her late coming home. She also asked if I had any plans about finding a summer job.

"Mister Dawson has already said that I can work for him this summer," I told her.

"Is he the one that owns the landscaping business?"


"Good for you honey. Just remember you need to get in some studying this summer too, college is a whole lot different than high school."

I was slated to start my freshman year at the same school that Cassie was going to this fall and needed to brush up on several subjects. Academia is not my strong suite. I'd failed second grade and had been set back a year as proof of that.

"I know Mom," I grumbled.

"Don't sound so glum, I think you're going to love going to college," she said reaching over and giving me a reassuring pat on the back.

"Maybe. I just don't like going into an unknown environment without knowing what to expect," I replied.

"Well if it'll make you feel any better Cassie said she'd be happy to help you out."

"Really? Cassie said she'd help me?" I asked, already sure of what kind of help she'd offer.

"Don't sound so surprised, your sister loves you just like I do. Damn, look at the time, I need to get ready for work."

With that she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek before getting up and heading toward the hall. Before she was too far away she turned and reminded me to use the delicate cycle on her clothes once more. That made me remember I had a load in the washer that was probably ready for the dryer. Once I had it in the dryer I returned to the kitchen only to find Cassie waiting for a cup to brew in the Kuerig. From the smell of it I'd say she was making a mocha. She was wearing the blue shirt she'd had on last night and must have sensed me standing behind her because she turned and looked.

"Hey," was all I could think to say.

"Hey," she returned, her face getting slightly red before she turned back to the coffee maker.

I gathered up mom's cup and mine and went over to the sink to rinse them while trying to think of something to say to Cassie that wouldn't embarrass both of us. Just as she picked her cup up and headed for the door I figured out that all I had to do was apologize.

Turning to look at her retreating back I called out, "Cassie?"

"Yeah?" she replied, slowly turning to look at me holding her cup in both hands.

"'m sorry for what I did," I stammered.

"Forget it. I shouldn't have acted like such a bitch," she replied softly.

"You didn't act like a bitch. But I am curious as to what you were thinking when you pulled my pants down in front of mom. That was kind of juvenile don't ya think?"

"I know. But I was nervous and afraid she'd seen what we were doing so I thought I'd distract her. Sorry," she whispered, her face turning slightly red.

"It worked," I replied with a chuckle.

"Yeah, that it did," she said, a strange look coming over her face as she turned and headed for her room.

After rinsing out the cups and putting them into the dishwasher I went to my room to change but decided my pajama bottoms were too comfortable and left them on. I did put on a t-shirt. It wasn't long before mom opened my door and told me she was headed to work and reminded me to do her laundry once more. I told her to have a good day then waited for a few minutes and went into her room to get the hamper. As I carried it to the laundry room I noticed there wasn't much in it, mainly bras and panties with a few slips thrown in to balance the load. As I was putting things in the washer curiosity got the better of me. Taking one of mom's bras I searched until I found the tag; it read 36C. All of her bras were satiny with lace-covered cups but the one that grabbed my eyes the most was a black one with red lace. Looking into the hamper I noticed what appeared to be the matching panties. The panties themselves were made of black silk and the waist and leg holes had red lace around them. As I was holding them up to study something came over me. With shaking hands I brought them up to my nose and took a big whiff. They had the same musky smell that Cassie's pussy had. I felt my cock growing just as I heard what sounded like someone taking a sharp intake of breath. Spinning around I saw Cassie standing in the doorway staring at me with a stunned look on her face. Say something my brain screamed at me. But what could I possibly say that would sound reasonable? I'd been caught red-handed sniffing our mother's panties and no amount of explanation would change that. I fully expected her to start calling me a sick pervert but instead she just let her eyes wander over me until they settled at my crotch. Her eyes grew wide and her face flushed. She fled from the room leaving me standing there holding mom's panties while my dick tented the front of my pajamas. Ten minutes later I heard the front door slam and Cassie's car roar out of the driveway.


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