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You're in My Spot


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"There's a pair of boxers on the sink, Cassie can rub your back for you," she said as she disappeared from sight.

I glanced down and saw that my cock was in a semi-hard state. Damn, I really need to stop doing that around mom I chastised myself. Once I was dried off I slipped on the fresh boxers and waddled to my room where I found Cassie sitting on my bed waiting for me. She was holding the tube of cream and told me to lie down on my stomach. As soon as I did I felt the urge just to drift off to sleep. The smell of menthol was the first thing I noticed when I woke up the next morning. Another thing I noticed when I started moving around was that I wasn't as sore as I expected to be. Of course it was a different story by the time I got off work later.

At first I didn't think anyone was home because the house seemed eerily quiet. Ducking back outside I checked the driveway and saw that Mom's car was there but Cassie's wasn't. Maybe they went somewhere I told myself before heading to my room and stripping out of my work clothes. Figuring no one was home I headed to the kitchen wearing just my boxers only to find mom sitting at the table drinking a glass of wine. When she saw me she smiled, said I looked comfy, then stood up and went to the stove. I couldn't help staring at her because all she was wearing was a worn white tank top and a pair of black yoga pants that hugged her like a second skin. There wasn't a hint of panty lines to be seen. Taking a seat at the table I watched her bend over and pull out a plate of food that had my tummy growling. She brought the plate over and sat it in front of me and told me to enjoy. Staring up at me from the table was a fat juicy steak, a baked potato and green beans. The boner that I'd started getting when she'd bent over the stove went away and was replaced with a ravenous appetite. She sat back down and told me to dig in while she resumed sipping on her wine. Between mouthfuls I asked where Cassie was and was told that she had gone over to a friends but should be back soon.

"You feel any better tonight hon?" mom asked staring at me over the rim of her glass.

"I'm a little sore but not as bad as yesterday. That cream worked wonders, what's in it?" I replied while shoveling more steak into my mouth.

"I'm not really sure, it's something I picked up at the gym," came her answer.

I stopped eating and gazed over at her. "You go to the gym?"

"Every day on my lunch break. How do you think I keep my youthful figure?" she chuckled.

"Well I have to say, its working Mom," I told her, amazed to discover another thing about her that I hadn't known.

"Why thank you kind sir, its nice to be noticed," she replied with a smirk.

"Oh I'm sure you get noticed," I laughed.

"You finish your dinner, I'll run you a hot bath. When you're done I'll put some more cream on you." With that she rose and walked away, my eyes glued to her butt until she was out of sight.

The bath did wonders for my back and when I was done I put on the pajama bottoms that mom had placed on the sink. I was sad that she hadn't come in and tried to help like she did last night, it would have been interesting to see what would happen if her shirt and pants had gotten wet.

She was waiting for me in my room, the tube of cream in one hand and a hand towel in the other. Before she could even tell me to I lay down on my stomach and put my hands under my head. I expected her to sit on the edge of the bed and was really surprised when she climbed on top of me and straddled my butt. As soon as her weight settled on my ass I could feel the heat radiating from her crotch and soaking through the thin material of my pajamas. It felt nice; hell it felt more than nice, it was fantastic. Just knowing that the only thing separating her pussy from my skin were two thin layers of fabric caused my cock to start swelling. It stopped swelling at about half-mast when I felt the cold cream touch the small of my back.

"Mom, can I ask you something?" I murmured, luxuriating in the feel of her hands working the cream into my sore muscles.

"Sure baby," she replied running her hands higher up my back.

"Why haven't you started dating? It's been nearly two years now since dads been gone."

"Oh I don't know. My work keeps me busy for one thing," she answered softly, her hands now kneading the muscles near my shoulders.

"Sounds to me like you're just making excuses. What's the real reason you haven't tried to meet another man?"

"Maybe I already have," she replied with a chuckle.

"Seriously Mom? You go to work and you come home, that's all you do. So don't try to con me here."

"Okay, okay. If you must know I find relationships complicated and I don't want that in my life right now. For now all I want to do is concentrate on my work and enjoy my life without the clutter that comes from being involved with someone."

"I can dig that, but think of all the things you're missing out on," I responded, letting out a happy groan when her fingers massaged a particularly sore spot.

"What things?" I could tell by her voice that she was really getting into our conversation.

"Oh I don't know, maybe going out to dinner or a movie. Or going dancing at a club or something, things you and dad used to love doing."

"I don't need to be in a relationship to do those things," she laughed.

"I guess not," I conceded, and then added, "But lets not forget about other things. Things that take two people."

"You mean sex? Silly boy, I don't need a man for that. Granted, there are a few things I really miss that I can't do by myself. Now turn over so I can do your chest," I could hear the amusement in her voice.

She lifted herself up enough so that I could rotate onto my back. I settled back with my hands behind my head and my ankles crossed which caused my balls to bunch up. When she lowered herself back down that's exactly where she sat, right on my bunched up balls. It was quite uncomfortable.

"Something wrong sweetie?" she asked when she saw the pinched look on my face.

"Could you slide up a bit Mom, you're...ugh...kinda mashing the boys," I hesitantly said.

"The boys?" she asked.

It was comical to watch her face as it dawned on her what I was talking about. She glanced down between her legs then back up at me, her eyes growing wide and her facial color going through a wide range of shades starting at light red and finally settling into a deep crimson.

"Oh my God, I'm sorry baby," she sputtered, placing her hands on my chest and shifting her weight forward a few inches.

Whether she knew it or not I wasn't sure, but by moving forward instead of back she was now sitting directly on the shaft of my penis, which was rapidly filling with blood and pushing the head of my cock up towards my belly button. I could definitely feel the softness of her cunt through her pants and feel the heat coming off her crotch. Somehow it felt a whole lot warmer than it had.

"That better sweetie?" she asked, her composure returning.

"Yeah Mom, thanks," I told her, subtly shifting my ass enough to push my shaft a little harder against her pussy.

"So what's with all the interest in my life all of a sudden?" she asked as she dabbed some cream on to the palm of one hand. It seemed like she was pushing down on me while she talked but that could've just been my imagination running away with me.

"I just want to make sure you're happy is all," I said before closing my eyes and concentrating on the glorious feeling her crotch pressed against my cock was producing.

Leaning forward she began rubbing the cream into my chest and said, "I'm quite happy honey. I have a wonderful home, a great job, and two fantastic kids. What more could a mother want?"

The way she was rubbing her hands up and down my chest caused her crotch to slide up and down my shaft a fraction or two, but it was enough to cause me to moan out loud.

She stopped rubbing and asked, "Am I hurting you?"

"No Mom, it feels great don't stop."

We both stopped talking and I lay there listening to her breathing as she rubbed me when I noticed a subtle change in the way she was sliding on my shaft. It felt like she was going forward farther than before. Opening my eyes to slits I saw that hers were closed and that she was biting her bottom lip a little bit. Without thinking twice about it I began to push up against her crotch, timing it just as she went forward then relaxing as she went backwards. Her breathing changed pitch and her hands were barely moving on my chest. Her pelvis on the other hand was beginning to move with a life of its own. That's when Cassie showed up and ruined the most magical moment of my life.

"Well, don't you two look cozy," she snickered from the doorway.

Mom sat straight up on me then grabbed the hand towel and began wiping the cream off her fingers. I on the other hand fought the urge to reach up and tweak the glorious points poking through her shirt. In no time flat she climbed off and without a word to either of us she went out the door. Cassie watched her go then sauntered over to the bed and sat down, a rather smug look on her face.

"She was just putting that cream on," I stated before she could come up with a smart remark of some kind.

"Yeah, and it looks like you liked it too," she snickered staring right at my crotch.

Glancing down I saw what held her attention. The head of my cock was sticking out of the waistband of my pajamas and was dripping pre-cum onto my belly button.

"Huh, I guess I was enjoying it," I chuckled.

"Well if its any consolation, judging by how stiff Mom's nipples were, then I'd have to say that she was too."

"So sis, think you can help a brother out here?" I said pointing at my cock and winking.

"Sorry no can do, I started my period today."

"What's that got to do with anything? You could at least lend me a hand," I told her as I reached out and pulled her hand on top of my cock.

Yanking her hand back she fixed me with an evil grin and said, "Quid pro quo Clarice."

"Excuse me?" I asked dumbfounded.

"From the movie Silence of the Lambs," she chuckled. "It means that if I give you something then you have to give me something in return. Since I'm positive you don't want to stick your tongue in me right now then you have nothing to offer that I really want."

"Yeah yeah, I know what it means," I grumbled as she stood.

"Well, I must be going now. Toodles," With that she threw me a kiss and left.

"You're heartless sis," I shouted at the empty doorway.

Crawling out of bed I headed to the bathroom for one last pit stop and while there did something that I never dreamed I'd do. I masturbated with thoughts of mom as my sole inspiration. I have to admit that it was a little disturbing that I was thinking of her as I stroked my cock, but that didn't stop me from having an orgasm so forceful that my knees actually buckled a bit.

The next morning I made my way to the kitchen and found mom having her coffee at the bar fully dressed for work. I made myself a cup and joined her.

"You're dressed early today," I remarked as I sipped my coffee.

She swung around on her stool and gasped.

"Oh God, I didn't tell you did I?"

"Tell me what Mom?"

"I'm attending a conference on the new banking laws. I fly out to Baltimore this morning."

"Baltimore huh? How long are you going to be gone?"

"I'll be back either late Friday or early Saturday morning."

"Oh, okay. I'll miss you," I told her then leaned over and planted a soft kiss on her lips.

From the look in her eyes I could tell I'd surprised the hell out of her with the kiss. She gazed at me a moment then said in a soft voice, "I'll miss you too honey."

"You know Mom I've heard what goes on at these conferences. Maybe you should take advantage of being out of town where no one knows you," I snickered.

"And just what are you saying young man?" she asked with mock seriousness.

"I'm saying that maybe you could hook up with some stud muffin and catch up on those things you can't do by yourself," I said while trying hard to maintain a straight face.

Playfully slapping me on the shoulder she squealed, "You're terrible!"

"Just a thought Mom, just a thought," I laughed.

Mom left before I had to go to work so I was able to see her off. Right before she got in her car I gave her another quick kiss on the lips and was surprised when she took my face in her hands and gave me an even longer one back. As her car drove out of sight I brought my fingertips to my lips and touched the spot where I was positive Mom's tongue had snaked out and licked. It was going to be a long week I told myself as I went back inside.

It turned out the week actually went by pretty fast. Of course working ten to twelve hours a day helped immensely. Surprisingly Cassie had been a big help too, fixing me dinners and making sure I had a lunch. By Thursday evening we had all the sod down and on Friday it began to rain around noon so Mister Dawson told everyone to go home and come back on Monday. I went home, got cleaned up, and then lazed around the house in my pajamas. Around six Cassie came into the front room dressed in her familiar blue shirt and carrying a blanket. She asked if I wanted to order a pizza and cuddle up on the couch and watch scary movies. That sounded good; we hadn't done that in a long time.

By the time the pizza arrived we had scanned Netflix and chose a movie that we both liked. We ate first then stretched out on the couch with Cassie lying in front of me, the blanket casually thrown over both of us. Although she seemed to be fine with this arrangement I found it a little disconcerting since her ass kept rubbing against my crotch causing my cock to want to swell. To test the waters I pushed my hardening cock against her ass and was sternly told to watch it. She didn't object though when halfway through the movie my hand somehow landed on the outside of her shirt over her left tit causing her nipple to stiffen. I continued to gently fondle her boob clear up to the time the credits for the movie began to roll. Neither of us made a move to switch the movie off.

"Mom'll be home tomorrow," Cassie said finally breaking the silence between us.

"Yeah," I responded, unsure as to why my cock got harder at the mention of mom.

"So Danny, have you given it any more thought?" Cassie whispered as I held her.

"Given what any more thought?" I asked squeezing her tit a little tighter.

"Whether you would do mom or not," came her soft reply.

"Why do you keep asking me that?"

"I'm just curious," she answered.

"You really want an answer?"

"Yes," she said pushing her ass back against my hardness.

"Okay, here's your answer. Truthfully, a couple of weeks ago I would have said you were crazy for even suggesting such a thing. But now..." I left it hanging, unable to voice my new darkest desire.

Rolling over until she was facing me she gazed into my eyes and said, "Tomorrow night I want you to do something for me."

"What?" I asked a little apprehensively.

Reaching under the blanket she grabbed my cock through my pajamas and said, "After mom goes to bed I want you to come into my room and stick this big ass cock of yours in my pussy."

"Seriously?" I was sure my voice squeaked.

"Seriously," she replied giving my cock another tug.

"Just come in there and stick it to ya? No quid pro quo?"

"Not this time. I'll be lying on my stomach with my pillow over my head, and I want you to climb on and take me from behind. You interested?"

I was sure she knew my answer by the pulsing of my cock but I said it anyway. "Hell yes!"

"Good. Now if you don't mind I think I'm gonna take a nice hot bath then go to bed."

She got up off the couch, said goodnight and left me there with all kinds of thoughts running through my head. The longer I laid there the bigger my smile got. The smile stayed on my face probably long after I made it to my room and fell into a dream filled sleep.

The clock on my nightstand read two minutes past twelve when I finally opened my eyes. At first I thought it was telling me it was just past midnight until it dawned on me how bright my room was. Crawling out of bed amazed that I'd slept so long I threw on my robe and headed to the bathroom. After relieving myself I stumbled toward the kitchen in dire need of a cup of coffee and was pleasantly surprised to see mom sitting at the bar dressed in blue jeans, sandals and a black t-shirt with a cup in front of her. She heard me coming and spun her stool around to face me, a radiant smile beaming on her lips. When she held her arms open I rushed into them and gave her a tight hug mashing her boobs into my chest. It wasn't until I heard her saying she couldn't breathe that I stepped back completely forgetting that I hadn't tied my robe closed since I figured it was only Cassie and I in the house.

"Uh honey, I know you're happy to see me, but you might want to cover up," she chuckled pointing toward my crotch.

Glancing down I was mortified to see my robe open and my cock sticking out at half-mast. Red faced I profusely apologized while fumbling to get my robe closed. It felt like I was all thumbs. Laughing mom stood up then stepped forward and took the robes ties from me and did it herself. When she stepped back I could see her face was flushed. By the time my coffee finished brewing I was finally able to convince my cock to go down. Joining mom at the bar I listened as she told me about her trip and how she was able to take an earlier flight home than she'd expected. I hadn't expected her to make it in until well past four this afternoon. By the time I started my second cup I'd managed to find out all about her trip, including the part where she informed me laughingly that she hadn't taken my advice about finding a stud muffin. I found myself secretly happy that she hadn't. Before I could lie to her and say how disappointed I was that she hadn't Cassie came bouncing into the kitchen all bubbly and excited. She asked mom if she was ready to go.

"Where you guys going?" I asked, a hint of sadness in my voice.

Mom patted me on the cheek and said, "We won't be gone long sweetie."

"Yeah...But where are you going?" I asked again.

"There's a new shop at the mall that I want to take mom to," Cassie said enthusiastically, then added, "It's a sex shop. I'm hoping mom will get herself a new toy for those long lonely nights."

"Cassie!" mom stammered, shooting an embarrassed look my way.

Deciding to play along I gave mom a wink and said, "Well Mom, it is a good idea to always have a backup."

Mom threw her arms up in exasperation and shouted, "You two are horrible! I have horrible kids!" Laughing she made a show of snatching her purse from the table and then stomping out of the kitchen.

Before Cassie followed her she looked at me and asked, "You haven't forgotten about tonight have you?"

Giving her my best lecherous grin I whipped open the front of my robe so she could see my thickening cock and said, "Looking forward to it sis."

Her eyes lit up, she smiled broadly and licked her lips once then chased after mom who was already out the front door. I sat there listening to the silence of the house debating whether or not to whack off while they were gone. I decided against it, I wanted my balls to be full when I slipped the meat to Cassie tonight.

Mom's idea of a little while turned out to be three hours. I'd already shit, showered and shaved and was lazing on the couch in sweatpants and a t-shirt when they finally arrived home. Each held a pink bag in their hand that had 'Brenda's Boutique' emblazoned on the side of it. Teasingly I asked mom if she had gotten anything that required batteries.

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