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You've Seen Her Pt. 05

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Samy and I get the show on the road.
2.8k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/17/2019
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Waking up, Samy and I begin our day with hot cups of coffee, and a map. Actually, we will need several maps, and a business-provided GPS SATphone. I'm pretty sure Samy knows her way around the trails here, but work requires constant contact is available. I don't blame them since we'll be traversing rough terrain in multiple countries. If I want to get paid, we have to keep the lawyers happy.

I could stare at a map of anything for hours as long as Samy is by my side. Her soft skin touches mine every so often, and I can feel the electricity flowing from her. With our map outlined, we begin gathering our gear. We are officially on the clock, and the trail beckons.

"Well, Zoo, I have a proposition for you." Samy says, stopping from her preparations.

"Oh?" I reply.

"So, I've seen a few things along these trails that I think you may enjoy." Samy says, with a gleam in her eyes.

"Go on." I tell her.

"Let's call it a challenge of sorts. If you do for me, I will do for you." Samy says, standing before me, rubbing her chest with her left hand.

I approach her, leaning in for a kiss.

"No. No. Not yet." Samy replies, stepping back.

"Okay, I'm game." I say.

"There are two spots on this hike where we should be able to have fun. I have seen much nudity and sex along certain spots in both Panama and Costa Rica. So, here's my deal. You go nude for me for a certain amount of time, and I'll go nude for you in return. But, we won't be nude at the same time." Samy says.

"In the jungles?" I ask.

"Well, yes, so we'll need to set up rules. But what I see on the map is a few days in Panama in late June, then a few days in mid July." Samy tells me.

"Let's look at the maps again." I tell her.

"This area of Panama is very remote, and we'll be there in late June. Here, I will challenge you. For every hour you are nude, you will get the same later." Samy says, pulling me close to her.

"Where will you be naked?" I ask.

"A few weeks later, I will reward you with exactly as many hours nude as you were nude for me." Samy responds.

I begin scanning our notes on the map. And then it dawns on me.

"Well, we will be in Costa Rica on Jul 14, which is worldwide Nude Day." I say.

"What?" Samy asks.

"It's a worldwide celebration of nudity. I would love to celebrate it with you." I tell Samy who is now fully in my arms, face to face.

I lean in for a kiss, and am rewarded with the taste of the softest lips ever to grace such a beautiful face. Our lips join together, and I can feel every inch of Samy's body. I place my hands around Samy's ass, and lift her to carry her to my bed. Our lovemaking is wonderfully slow as I take in every part of her body.

Samy lays back on the bed, and I watch as she opens her legs just for me. She spreads her pussy with one hand, and squeezes a nipple. A moan comes from Samy as she closes her eyes. I lower face to her womanhood, and lick my way past her fingers into her juicy delectable parts. I cannot believe how incredible this woman tastes. Only her beauty surpasses how Samy tastes inside my mouth.

Up her body I progress, stopping at both nipples to bite and suck and nibble and enjoy. I squeeze both tits with my hands as I move my mouth to Samy's lips. If only I could just eat all of her up. But that is for later; now is the time to enter her. I slowly stick my cock into Samy and watch her eyes open directly in front of mine.

As we become one, I get a closeup of Samy's face. Her soft Latin skin surrounds her dark round eyes, and round nose. Her smile has captured my heart from Day 1. We move together as one body, Samy's legs surrounding me, her hands in my hair. I use my hands and arms to keep her close as we move more and more quickly.

I can feel Samy's body tighten, and she closes her eyes in anticipation of the cumming orgasm. And cum she does, holding and releasing me as the waves of pleasure overcome all of her body. My full squirt of cum follows quickly, and then I can feel every nerve in my body as the electric shocks of my orgasm hit every cell of my being. Together, we fall to one side, still a single body.

"And to think, you are a shy girl." I tell Samy, as we unwind from each other.

"I am here, only for you, and no one else. It's hard to explain, but I felt suddenly I am made for you." Samy replies.

"Well, as they say, my eyes are on you. Your body feels so amazing. I have to have more." I tell her.

We take one last shower, this time together. The drops of water cleanse us as we use our hands on the other to clean and savor the feelings of the past few minutes. And so, it's time to hit the road. We load up a rideshare van, and head to the outskirts of town. From here, we can safely hike a short distance into a national forest where we will find safe passage inside Colombia up to Panama. Through Parque Nacional Natural Paramillo, we can cross over to Darien National Park. Somewhere along the way, I'll be naked. I just have to trust my girl.

My trust is soon rewarded inside Darien. The trail is almost deserted it seems. We only see two on the first day, and three the next. I'm feeling pretty confident, but am actually quite surprised when things start to happen.

"Okay Zoo. It's time for you to start shedding clothes." Samy tells me.

"Okay. Everything?" I ask.

"No." Samy replies.

Well, now I'm officially nervous. I shouldn't have hesitated, rather I should have just started taking clothes off. Instead. I've had time to consider her directions.

"Take your time, and you get to keep your shoes and socks." Samy says, smiling.

Stopping, I unload my pack, and pull off my shirt. I roll it up and put into the pack and load back up. The rest of the clothes should come off as I am walking. We continue on.

With just shorts and underwear to lose, I should be naked soon. I decide not to wait. I stop and begin to pull down my shorts. Samy walks over to me with a bottle of sunscreen and begins rubbing some onto my skin. As I bend over, she gets my shoulders covered. I pull off both shorts and undies to stand before Samy.

"Just like I love you." Samy says, admiring my naked body.

Kneeling before me, Samy takes me into her mouth, swirling her tongue around my quickly hardening cock. At the same time, she continues rubbing the lotion onto my now naked skin. I can feel the sunscreen hit my ass and legs. But, my attention is firmly on her face as she works her mouth around me.

Suddenly, Samy stops, stands up, and walks away.

"Hey, I can't walk like this." I exclaim, staring at my hard cock.

"Well, you better figure it out. We are burning daylight, and no one wants to see that thing." Samy replies, pointing my dick which is starting to droop.

"But..." I start to say, before Samy cuts me off.

"Here's how this works. You only get to hide one time when we come across other people. Choose wisely because we don't know how many people we'll see on the trail. It seems fairly quiet, but you never know." Samy directs.

"That seems pretty simple. How long do I walk like this?" I ask.

"As long as you want. I will repay you in the next national park." Samy says as we continue walking.

I feel like we are walking pretty quickly, probably just how I feel since I am the naked one. But, the day is about to take a somewhat uncomfortable turn as we encounter our first hikers from the other direction.

My brain explodes as I realize we can hear a couple of people up ahead. Do I hide? Do we keep walking, or run past them? Damn, I can feel the sweat really pour out of my body. I decide to step behind and follow Samy. I'm not ready to use my one chance hide, at least not yet.

Around Samy's head, I can see it's a couple older than us, wearing matching hats, and intently talking in Spanish as they move to their right. I don't think they have seen my nudity yet, so I just look forward, and try not to run over Samy as we continue past the couple.

And then it happens. Just as they pass us, they both catch sight of me, and check me out. I can see them out of the corner of my eye as I just stare at the back of Samy's head, pretending nothing unusual is happening.

I hear some mild giggling as I move back to Samy's side. That wasn't easy, but it wasn't hard either. My sweaty body disagrees, but Samy wakes me with a small hit to my head.

"No more hiding behind me." Samy says. "Next time, I'll get behind you. I want you on display."

"I think I can handle that." I say, not realizing I'm about to find out.

In fact, the next people see me before I see them. Sheesh, of course, we come across a lot of people on the day I get naked. Oh well, Samy is worth it. I just squint my eyes, and focus my thoughts on her mouth wrapped around me. Somehow, this is going to be worth it.

"Hey, can we get a picture?" I hear from this couple of girls.

"Of course." I hear Samy say to my surprise.

I turn to look at her.

"We love to meet new people on the trails." Samy continues, while grabbing my shoulders and pulling me to her side.

I stop, and somehow manage a smile while Samy grabs my ass. But that's not all.

"Here, go stand with them, and I'll take a picture of you three." Samy instructs me.

I don't remember much, but somehow I ended up between the two girls, and smiled at Samy for a picture. From my daze, I feel the hands of both girls on my ass. They squeeze me as Samy snaps a few pictures, and I feel the blood rush to my cock.

"Well, lookee there." I hear the girl on my left say. "He likes this."

Sure enough, I do. I can't fight it, and a rock hard erection results.

"Ew" The girl on my right says, placing her right hand on my hardness as her left hand cradles all my ass, and squeezes both cock and ass.

"Well, enjoy the pictures." Samy says, handing their phones back to them. "We have to get moving."

"Just one more, please." The girl on my right says.

Suddenly, she pulls her shorts down to her ankles, and her shirt up to reveal her tits. Her nipples are already hard, and pointing at me. Turning my body, she then does a 180, and bends over, ass to my dick. But, just like that happened, she stands back up, quickly covering her body.

"I don't usually get that close to real cock." She tells me.

"Well, I don't usually get this naked on the trail." I reply.

"Whatever brings you out on this day in all your glorious nakedness, I hope you enjoy the rest of your time." She tells me.

With that, Samy and I resume our hike. I can feel the blood leave my cock, and everything seems normal again. Well, as normal as it can for a naked guy on the trail in a national park.

The next few hours are uneventful, and we need to stop and set up camp. Picking our spot, we unload our packs, and get the camp stove ready to cook a quick meal. With my pack off, I feel even more naked now, but I like it, and decide to remain this way. I'll probably sleep this way.

With everything packed except the tent, we snuggle under the stars, the humidity keeping the temperature well north of comfortable. I'm pretty acclimated after a few weeks here.

I climb into the small tent, head at the entrance. Samy stops at the entrance, and strips down. Watching her crawl in, I expect her to turn around. Instead, she moves immediately to my dick, and begins licking me. Her knees land at either side of my head, and I am able to begin eating her for dessert.

After the day I just had, I don't last long. I feel Samy swallow my cum, then resume licking all of my cock. Her moans tell me all I need to know. I insert a finger in her, and go to work on her clit. My face is soon covered in wetness and I am able to suck and swallow most of her into my mouth.

Samy collapses on top of me, and soon all I can hear are the bugs flying about and her breathing. Sleep comes easily once we are cleaned up and safe inside the tent.

During the night, a storm awakens me. It doesn't last long, but it is fairly intense. We stored our gear off the ground, and I am certain it is safe, so I allow the rhythm of the water falling from the sky to take me back to my dreams of Samy.

Still naked, I am brought out of my dreams by the rustle of something in the trees above us. With the amount of wildlife we see everyday, I'm not one to be concerned. However, I can also hear water nearby.

Exiting the tent with Samy still inside, but slowly awakening, I head off toward the water. Within just a few feet, I find a small stream which is now flowing quite nicely, probably from last night's rain. Spying a couple of dead trees, I knock them over into the stream. With any luck, I can create a small pond of sorts. I position them squarely into the flowing water, then head back to Samy.

"Oh My God! It's a naked Bigfoot!" Samy exclaims, half smiling, half laughing at my approach.

I did forget I was naked. Oh well.

"Hey, there's a small stream just over here, and I just created a small pond if you want to rinse off with me." I say, in all my gloriousness.

"Sounds good." Samy responds, now fully laughing.

I head back to the water to inspect the new pool, and am actually quite happy with the results. The water is flowing over the two trees I knocked over, and there appears to be a nice small spot to sit in some water. Dipping my feet in the water, it is cool and refreshing. I hope we can find other spots like this after long days of hiking.

I step into the water, and find nice firm footing. I turn to look back, and discover a completely naked Samy coming to the water. She is an incredible vision of beautiful brown skin, rock hard nipples, and long legs. Her long dark hair falls around her smiling face, and she is soon standing in front of me in the water.

Holding Samy's face with both my hands, I begin kissing her. I work my around her face, neck, and shoulders. Reaching a breast, I stop to suck and nibble. Samy guides me down into the water, just about knee deep, and we continue rubbing and squeezing each other.

I am able to sit down, and Samy sits down on me, allowing my cock to enter her. It is here, in this cool, flowing water, that we become one yet again. Leaning back, balancing my body on one arm, I am able to run the fingers of my other hand from the top of her head all the way down her face, between her soft chest, and down her stomach.

Stopping my hand just above her pussy, I allow her to rub both of us into a mutual orgasm. As we look each other in the eyes, I see the pleasure move all over her body. I grab her into the strongest hug I can manage, and soon all I can hear are the birds in the trees as the sun begins shining it's way into our little world.

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