
Stories by BJB69

Slummin It 36 Parts
by BJB69
Interracial Love& more 06/10/2023
505.7k 794 37 1.2k

Young woman turns to homeless men for sex.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 09/08/2020
4.34 38.4k 107 176

Young white woman owned by black men.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 03/05/2021
4.2 49.2k 73 3 114

Young white girl returns to Puerto Rico.

by BJB69
Group Sex 07/27/2022
4.4 8.3k 16 1 24

Young black woman turns to white homeless men for sex.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 02/08/2021
4.34 14.8k 47 2 68

Young woman searches for homeless men to use her.

by BJB69
Group Sex 04/24/2021
4.17 20.1k 45 1 74

Three in the attic doesn't turn out as planned.

4.28 10.1k 5 10

Detective uses her body to buy evidence from homeless man.

4.25 26.5k 35 4 65

Detective continues working with homeless man.

by BJB69
Mature 07/30/2022
4.39 6.6k 10 2 16

Young white woman requests transfer to Guinea.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 07/24/2021
4.18 16.7k 20 34

Young black woman lost in WV mountains.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 07/25/2021
4.29 27.2k 41 78

Abusive white woman gets her comeuppance.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 07/24/2021
3.46 17k 18 27

Janice returns from Mexico.

by BJB69
Fetish 08/07/2022
4.25 3.2k 2 5

Two white girls enjoy a seedy black bar.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 07/29/2021
4.43 21.3k 26 1 55

The white women return 10 years later.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 07/15/2022
3.92 7.6k 14 1 19

Kaylin has a fun afternoon with the boys.

by BJB69
Fetish 07/28/2022
H 4.62 4.2k 7 1 9

The 2 white MILFs are now completely addicted to black cock.

by BJB69
Fetish 08/07/2022
H 4.64 5.1k 7 2 14

Kaylin and Lena sink lower in their depravity.

by BJB69
Fetish 08/11/2022
H 4.68 4.5k 5 11

Kaylin and Lena hit bottom.

by BJB69
Fetish 08/14/2022
H 4.56 4.4k 6 1 10

Young black girl makes bad decisions that affect her life.

by BJB69
Group Sex 08/08/2021
4.27 10.1k 11 16

Wife recalls her time as a gang bang slut.

by BJB69
Group Sex 08/15/2021
4.17 19.9k 28 42

Wife returns to her life as a slut.

by BJB69
Group Sex 08/28/2022
4.23 9.1k 14 1 18

Huge white whore dominates smaller black cop.

by BJB69
Lesbian Sex 08/21/2021
3.94 10.2k 16 18

Huge white woman dominates small black cop.

by BJB69
Lesbian Sex 07/14/2022
4.2 5.2k 12 16

Older white PI tamed by young black thug.

4.28 9.2k 14 24

Young black thug saves white PI.

by BJB69
Fetish 09/01/2022
4.45 2.6k 3 5
by BJB69
NonConsent/Reluctance& more 06/10/2023
11.8k 17 29

Older white PI tamed by young black thug.

4.28 9.2k 14 24

Young black thug saves white PI.

by BJB69
Fetish 09/01/2022
4.45 2.6k 3 5
by BJB69
Group Sex06/10/2023
29.1k 42 1 60

Wife recalls her time as a gang bang slut.

by BJB69
Group Sex 08/15/2021
4.17 19.9k 28 42

Wife returns to her life as a slut.

by BJB69
Group Sex 08/28/2022
4.23 9.1k 14 1 18
by BJB69
NonConsent/Reluctance& more 06/11/2023
15.5k 16 33

Young white runaway escapes to New Orleans.

3.58 10.9k 12 25

Al takes Treva from her pimp and brings her home.

by BJB69
Group Sex 08/26/2022
3.83 4.6k 4 8
by BJB69
Interracial Love& more 06/10/2023
47.2k 65 6 118

Two white girls enjoy a seedy black bar.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 07/29/2021
4.43 21.3k 26 1 55

The white women return 10 years later.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 07/15/2022
3.92 7.6k 14 1 19

Kaylin has a fun afternoon with the boys.

by BJB69
Fetish 07/28/2022
H 4.62 4.2k 7 1 9

The 2 white MILFs are now completely addicted to black cock.

by BJB69
Fetish 08/07/2022
H 4.64 5.1k 7 2 14

Kaylin and Lena sink lower in their depravity.

by BJB69
Fetish 08/11/2022
H 4.68 4.5k 5 11

Kaylin and Lena hit bottom.

by BJB69
Fetish 08/14/2022
H 4.56 4.4k 6 1 10

Transforming from a whore to a wife and Mother.

by BJB69
Fetish 08/11/2022
4.26 6.3k 11 18
by BJB69
Interracial Love& more 06/10/2023
20.3k 20 32

Abusive white woman gets her comeuppance.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 07/24/2021
3.46 17k 18 27

Janice returns from Mexico.

by BJB69
Fetish 08/07/2022
4.25 3.2k 2 5
Simone 4 Parts
by BJB69
Mature& more 06/10/2023
53.8k 49 6 94

Small 18-year-old black man and older white woman

by BJB69
Mature 08/04/2021
4.4 34.2k 30 4 58

Small young black man further dominates older white woman.

by BJB69
Mature 07/10/2022
4.27 11.3k 8 2 15

Ricky takes control of Simone.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 07/19/2022
4.21 4.1k 6 11

Simone falls further under Ricky's control.

by BJB69
Lesbian Sex 08/03/2022
4.04 4.1k 5 10

Black stripper hit on by young white man.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 07/31/2022
4.35 11.3k 19 1 42
by BJB69
NonConsent/Reluctance& more 06/10/2023
33.1k 45 6 81

Detective uses her body to buy evidence from homeless man.

4.25 26.5k 35 4 65

Detective continues working with homeless man.

by BJB69
Mature 07/30/2022
4.39 6.6k 10 2 16
by BJB69
Interracial Love& more 06/10/2023
57.5k 89 4 138

Young white woman owned by black men.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 03/05/2021
4.2 49.2k 73 3 114

Young white girl returns to Puerto Rico.

by BJB69
Group Sex 07/27/2022
4.4 8.3k 16 1 24

My life running a house of prostitution.

4.42 7.7k 6 20
by BJB69
Mature& more 06/10/2023
26.4k 35 4 59

Young Jamaican girl falls for middle age white man.

by BJB69
Mature 11/04/2020
4.4 23k 28 4 47

Kalisa's brother and Andy's daughter get together.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 07/20/2022
4.24 3.4k 7 12
Kayla 2 Parts
52.5k 86 7 141

Divorced black attorney and young white maintenance worker.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 07/17/2022
H 4.53 16.1k 28 7 49

Fat young black girl owned by older white man.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 03/10/2021
3.96 36.3k 58 92
by BJB69
Lesbian Sex06/10/2023
15.4k 28 34

Huge white whore dominates smaller black cop.

by BJB69
Lesbian Sex 08/21/2021
3.94 10.2k 16 18

Huge white woman dominates small black cop.

by BJB69
Lesbian Sex 07/14/2022
4.2 5.2k 12 16

Dyslexic young black man and older white woman.

by BJB69
Mature 06/05/2022
4.12 14.4k 16 4 25

Older woman's first gang bang in New Orleans.

by BJB69
Group Sex 05/11/2022
4 16.3k 20 2 32

Young woman finds adventure in the Caribbean.

by BJB69
Humor & Satire 09/08/2021
4.1 2.8k 1 3

Older white PI tamed by young black thug.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 08/24/2021
3.94 14.6k 18 2 32
Raven 4 Parts
by BJB69
Interracial Love& more 06/10/2023
60.8k 105 21 147

Ex-Marine rescues young black woman.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 07/30/2021
H 4.53 28.5k 49 14 73

Ex-Marine and young black woman continue touring the country.

by BJB69
Romance 08/02/2021
H 4.57 14k 25 6 30

Raven may have some competition for Steve.

by BJB69
Romance 08/09/2021
H 4.58 6.3k 12 17

Raven's ex-pimp and dealer find her.

H 4.63 11.9k 19 1 27

Young softball coach gang banged at conference.

by BJB69
Group Sex 08/02/2021
3.83 28.2k 30 9 50

Older white bartender and young black man.

by BJB69
Mature 08/01/2021
4.39 20.2k 19 6 41
by BJB69
Interracial Love& more 06/10/2023
148.5k 175 17 283

Ex centerfold model used by young black men.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 12/17/2020
4.35 51k 84 4 146

Ex centerfold falls further under control of young black men.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 12/18/2020
4.25 29.3k 33 4 41

Ex centerfold now completely owned by young black men.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 01/04/2021
4.43 22.8k 20 4 30

Karen turns pro and becomes a MILF for young black cocks.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 01/10/2021
4.36 19.3k 14 1 24

Ex-centerfold makes professional porn at her boys' direction.

by BJB69
Group Sex 01/20/2021
4.13 13.2k 10 1 16

Karen continues her career in porn.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 07/27/2021
4.47 12.7k 14 3 26
93.8k 193 4 310

Young black woman submits to middle age white man.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 12/31/2020
H 4.55 60.3k 113 207

Young black woman further submits to middle age white man.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 04/24/2021
4.48 14.2k 28 3 35

Young black woman's adventures with her white sex master.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 05/01/2021
H 4.52 9.2k 22 26

Young black woman's adventure with her white master.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 05/10/2021
4.48 9.9k 30 1 42

Interracial portly friends finally have sex.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 05/06/2021
4.21 18.2k 14 5 27
by BJB69
NonConsent/Reluctance& more 06/09/2023
62.1k 71 2 110

Chubby Liz discovers sex.

3.99 24.2k 27 1 40

I continue my slutty ways with my new job.

by BJB69
Erotic Couplings 03/22/2020
4.4 12k 16 1 18

Liz tries to retire.

by BJB69
Group Sex 03/23/2020
4.36 12.8k 11 16

Liz enjoys her life after being the fraternity slut.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 04/18/2021
4.39 13k 17 36

White nurse becomes village breeder.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 03/15/2021
3.95 35.7k 36 64
by BJB69
Interracial Love& more 06/10/2023
132.1k 179 10 290

Divorced black librarian falls for young thug.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 01/09/2021
4.35 38.1k 78 6 138

Older black librarian falls for young white man.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 01/20/2021
4.38 26.3k 33 1 47

Older black librarian falls for young white man.

by BJB69
Mature 02/02/2021
4.44 27.3k 22 1 35

Older black librarian falls for younger white man.

by BJB69
Romance 02/05/2021
H 4.52 9.1k 13 18

Black librarian's white friend seduced by her own nephew.

by BJB69
Incest/Taboo 03/07/2021
4.41 14.3k 18 29

Librarian falls further for her nephew and his friend.

by BJB69
Incest/Taboo 03/12/2021
4.3 16.8k 15 2 23
by BJB69
Mature& more 06/10/2023
148.7k 180 5 269

Wealthy older white woman discovers young Jamaican stud.

by BJB69
Mature 12/10/2020
4.23 49.8k 77 122

Marco shares his older white woman with his resort co-worker.

by BJB69
Mature 12/20/2020
4.02 21.8k 21 3 30

Marco takes complete control of wealthy white woman.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 01/05/2021
4.02 19.6k 23 2 29

Marco complete domination of Jill.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 01/10/2021
4.48 18.2k 21 29

Marco owns Mother and daughter.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 01/20/2021
4.05 20.9k 17 27

Jill and Carol settle permanently in Jamaica.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 03/05/2021
4.23 18.2k 21 32
Abigail 4 Parts
by BJB69
Interracial Love& more 06/10/2023
115.3k 125 6 177

Young black man rescues older white woman.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 06/04/2020
H 4.51 53.6k 65 2 99

White woman falls for young black man.

by BJB69
Mature 06/08/2020
H 4.52 25.6k 21 3 29

White woman falls for young black man.

by BJB69
Romance 06/19/2020
4.43 13.7k 16 1 19

White professional woman submits to young black man.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 02/01/2021
4.15 22.1k 23 30

Young black woman gives herself completely to older white man.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 01/20/2021
H 4.53 40.5k 67 5 120

Young black woman becomes slut to older white men.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 01/10/2021
4.28 31.8k 52 4 86

Young white girl submits to two older black women.

by BJB69
Lesbian Sex 01/08/2021
4.25 19.6k 30 2 47
59.3k 94 170

Mature black woman and young white racist redneck.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 12/20/2020
4.4 36.9k 58 115

Mature black woman wants to be owned by young redneck.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 01/05/2021
4.43 22.3k 36 55
by BJB69
Group Sex& more 06/09/2023
137k 87 12 148

Young woman gets taken advantage of by older men.

by BJB69
Group Sex 03/05/2020
4.34 57.1k 50 3 86

Young woman gets taken advantage of by older men.

by BJB69
Mature 03/06/2020
4.45 29.8k 12 4 20

Younger woman gets taken advantage of by older men.

by BJB69
Group Sex 03/07/2020
4.27 20.8k 8 3 15

Young woman gets taken advantage of by older men.

by BJB69
Mature 06/08/2020
4.37 16.2k 6 2 11

Younger woman continues to be taken advantage of.

by BJB69
Group Sex 12/31/2020
4.24 13k 11 16
by BJB69
Interracial Love& more 06/10/2023
34k 44 5 69

Older white woman helps young boys open a new business.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 10/28/2020
4.35 23.5k 34 5 56

We meet Kelly's daughter.

by BJB69
Group Sex 12/06/2020
4.38 10.4k 10 13

Small black woman falls for younger big white man.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 12/06/2020
H 4.67 62k 129 215
Paula 2 Parts
by BJB69
Interracial Love& more 06/10/2023
38.2k 54 3 96

Older professional black woman given to rednecks by husband.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 11/03/2020
4.15 23.3k 33 2 63

Older professional black woman returns to white redneck bar.

by BJB69
Group Sex 11/20/2020
4.15 14.8k 21 1 33
by BJB69
Group Sex06/09/2023
41.4k 53 3 86

Stephanie gets gang bang by circus midgets.

by BJB69
Group Sex 02/29/2020
4.46 29.8k 46 3 71

Stephanie and the little fuckers convert her friend Kathy.

by BJB69
Group Sex 11/19/2020
4.47 11.6k 7 15
by BJB69
Mature& more 06/10/2023
63.7k 66 16 132

Older professional black MILF falls for young white man.

by BJB69
Mature 11/11/2020
4.35 53.1k 58 11 111

Professional black woman wants to experiment with bondage.

by BJB69
BDSM 11/19/2020
4.44 10.5k 8 5 21

Older black woman chased by young white man.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 10/29/2020
H 4.54 27.1k 51 8 84

Young college girl falls for older man's cock.

by BJB69
Mature 10/29/2020
3.69 25.3k 17 4 27
Quasimodo 4 Parts
by BJB69
Group Sex& more 06/10/2023
25.3k 18 1 43

Popular girl gets her comeuppance.

by BJB69
Group Sex 08/05/2020
4.22 11.7k 12 1 29

Debbie's comeuppance turns to pleasure.

by BJB69
Erotic Couplings 08/09/2020
4.43 5.6k 2 5

Popular girl falls for her abuser.

by BJB69
Erotic Couplings 09/03/2020
4.44 4.6k 2 5

Debbie is mine.

by BJB69
Non-Erotic 09/08/2020
4.43 3.2k 2 4
Rebecca 2 Parts
by BJB69
NonConsent/Reluctance& more 06/10/2023
31k 46 68

A new cop in town.

4.11 22.5k 25 38

Rednecks save black police chief.

by BJB69
Group Sex 09/06/2020
4.46 8.5k 21 30

Wife makes a big mistake.

by BJB69
Group Sex 08/10/2020
3.24 27k 17 27
Maggie 2 Parts
by BJB69
66.6k 85 4 117

Middle age white divorcee picked up by two young black men.

by BJB69
Mature 07/02/2020
4.33 42k 61 4 86

Middle age white divorcee owned by two young black men.

by BJB69
Mature 07/30/2020
4.14 24.5k 24 31
Mattie 4 Parts
by BJB69
Interracial Love& more 06/10/2023
47k 60 5 82

Promiscuous Private Investigator.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 06/14/2020
4.43 20.1k 30 2 43

Promiscuous Private Investigator.

by BJB69
Anal 06/17/2020
4.34 11.6k 9 2 13

Promiscuous Private Investigator.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 06/22/2020
4.38 8.4k 9 1 10

Promiscuous Private Investigator.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 06/25/2020
4.34 6.9k 12 16

Woman cuckolds man.

by BJB69
Erotic Couplings 06/21/2020
3.33 14.1k 14 15
Bobbie 8 Parts
by BJB69
Interracial Love& more 06/10/2023
209.4k 200 21 339

Popular and bossy girl becomes black cock slut.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 04/23/2020
4.42 69.3k 119 8 203

Popular girl continues her descent into being a slut.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 04/26/2020
4.39 34.2k 24 6 35

Popular girl becomes a complete submissive slut.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 04/28/2020
4.34 24.6k 21 1 29

Bobbie continues her descent.

by BJB69
BDSM 05/01/2020
4.45 15.5k 6 16

Bobbie gives herself completely to Mr. Taylor.

by BJB69
Group Sex 05/02/2020
4.35 16.1k 6 1 12

Bobbie continues on the fast track to depravity.

by BJB69
BDSM 06/06/2020
4.44 13.3k 5 1 11

Bobbie continues her descent into depravity.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 06/17/2020
4.29 14.3k 6 4 11

Bobbie reaches the pit of her depravity.

by BJB69
Interracial Love 06/21/2020
4.43 21.7k 13 22
Amy 2 Parts
by BJB69
Group Sex06/10/2023
25.3k 20 1 37

Young woman corrects the error of her ways.

by BJB69
Group Sex 05/23/2020
4.17 14.6k 15 28

Leon and Doug take control of their once hated nemesis Amy.

by BJB69
Group Sex 06/03/2020
4.17 10.7k 5 1 9

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