I have just decided to stop coming to this website. I have lost faith in it. I came here for a long time before I decided to try my hand at being an author. Although I found it challenging and exciting at first, I have quickly realized that the readers are not intelligent. I welcomed comments and I got them. People can't read a description or a category title and know what a story is about; then they are surprised and shocked by the story subject matter. People don't seem to realize that these stories are fiction, which is disturbing because that must mean that there are alot of people actually doing some of the things I've read about.
In parting(although judging from my feedback, it is unlikely anyone will read this) I will say that I enjoy writing and reading and I will continue to do both. Just not here. I would also like to say that this is fiction. FICTION. I was never one of those people that actually make me sick to my stomach. I was never a rapist or incestuous or even promiscuous. It frightens me that there are so many of all of those descriptions of people on this site. I have come to realize that to seemingly most of the readers on this site, there is no such thing as fiction.