Just an old twit reading lots, try to comment as much as I can on anything I read to the end ( most things ) , the older I get I think that I say just what I think at that moment, if you’re writing is going to effect me then I think that it,s fair that I can tell you, I find that it’s quite of a difference between the UK and the USA in how we treat kids ( under 40 ) we in the UK let them get on with it from the age of 16 Pretty much where as the USA seam to treat them as baby’s till they are 21, that’s a big difference. Love to all who post stories on here I really want to thank you all.
I only have 2 wishes now, the most important one is that I hope to die quickly and without pain, and I would love to watch a couple have sex together, not to join in but just to watch and maybe ask them to change positions, sad…..