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wellingwish10 Works
1 Series
updated 09/09/2024
Please read the entirety of my editor profile, or do not message me. In your first e-mail to me, kindly attach the introductory chapter and an excerpt from the f...

I am an MFA student in creative writing with at least two years experience editing at a couple of publications.

Hello! I'm Jaso. I've been writing erotica for about 8 years now and am excited to be a part of your writing journey!

Ik heb 30 jaar lang teksten geredigeerd en ben daar dus aardig in thuis. Het lijkt me leuk om nu eens teksten met hele andere inhoud onder handen te nemen. Ik zor...

Hey! Frequent Literotica user and experienced editor that specializes in non-con, bdsm, and other taboo subjects.

Not only being a native speaker of the Dutch language but also a certified speaker of the English language I use both on a professional basis every day. I'd like ...

My skills as an editor are mostly based on my studies, as I regularly have to write essays of 20 pages or more for my masters program, which is in middle eastern ...

I'm French, reading and writing in English but not skilled enough to give any kind of useful advice in this language. However, French is my mothertongue and my j...

I am a college graduate, foreign language analyst and former government translator. I’ve spent my whole life studying words and how we put them together and I wo...

I'm very good at sentance structure and grammar, which is what I would prefer to edit. Unless you specify I will not touch your stories structure, I.E rewriting t...

Traducteur de textes érotiques anglais, je suis disposé à aider tous les auteurs sur le plan de la grammaire et de l'orthographe.

Mature Quebecois, recently starting my sixties, my first language is French. But I've mostly read english texts in the last 50 years. I try using the correct and ...

Sin6 Works
2 Series
updated 02/26/2013
Since there aren't to much Dutch stories on this site we would be willing to proof read Dutch stories, check for grammatical/spelling mistakes and help you with b...

gemlesgross16 Works
1 Series
updated 07/10/2011
I write fairly decently in English and in French but I'm certainly not a pro; more like an amateur trying to improve. Helping others will certainly help me also. ...

Hi, I made perfect grades in English. I am willing to help the authors with grammatical as well as spelling issues. I am a very good speller. I will help them...
The Literotica Editors program exists to help Literotica Authors improve their writing. Do not use this free service to edit work intended for publication outside of Literotica. It is against the rules to use this program to advertise services, products, or other websites. Doing so will result in account suspension.