Publishing your work - stories, poems, audio, comics, etc. - on Literotica is quick and easy.
Before you submit work to Literotica, we strongly suggest you read our Content Guidelines and check out our Writer’s Resources area. You may even want to take advantage of our Volunteer Editors program.
The first step to publishing is to create a free Literotica account. Registered Literotica members can publish stories, poems, audio, comics, and artwork.
Go to your Member Control Panel located here:
Click on the “New Story” icon in the header:
After clicking the “New Story” icon, you will see a screen where you can select what type of work you want to create - Story, Audio, Artwork, Poem, Interactive Fiction, etc. Once you select the type of work you want to publish, you will be taken to the submission form.
Fill out the submission form, giving the story a good title and description, select the most appropriate category, and add plenty of relevant .
If you prefer writing a story over multiple sessions, you can use the “Save Draft” button to save the story in your Drafts Folder. You can continue working on a draft anytime you login to your Literotica control panel.
Once you’re ready to publish your work, click the “Preview&Publish” button at the bottom right of your work. That will take you to the Preview Page where you can check to make sure everything looks good before hitting the “Submit for Publication” button.
After clicking “Submit for Publication”, your work will be sent to the site moderators to be reviewed and then published. That process will usually take from 24-48 hours, but could take slightly longer if we have a long publishing queue. Please review the FAQ questions How long will it take for my story to be published on Literotica? for more information.
All of your works in the process of being reviewed before publication should show in the Pending folder - either Pending Stories, Pending Audio, Pending Poems, or Pending Artwork. If your work is not in the Pending folder, then it has not been sent to us for approval and publication. Please make sure your work is marked as Pending if you wish for it to be published.
If you have questions about publishing your work, or you are unsure about any of the steps, check our main Publishing on Literotica FAQ. You can also visit the Literotica forum to get friendly help from other published Literotica authors.