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Click hereBlizzard beats
at a window pane
watching snow
build up
around the edges
lack of
anything better to do
little nose
against the glass
watching the cold
thinking back
of chilly days
can't play
there are
cold ways
Child knows
against the cold
his mind's
windows of pain
will always be
a blizzard
his parents fleed
will he be
in a blizzard?
Wrap my arms
around him
wipe icicle tears
he knows love
and smiles at me
but doesn't understand
not having
his mommy
and daddy
neither do I~
so aunt and uncle
are now mom and dad
but one day
he'll go into the world
wanting answers
for I can't answer
the chilling question
or understand
cold hearts
two nose's
against the glass
when will
this blizzard pass?
[i]dedicated to khristian, CJ and
A beautiful rendering clothed in Pathos and an under tone of sadness. A little child living with an Uncle and Aunt tries to understand in a child's way ~ his missing parents. A Deep Heartfelt Poem.
I felt like I was there. Cold and many questions unanswered. Then someone came and took me in....still questions, no answers. This is what I got from your poem. It tugged. Very heartfelt. If you can take me with you, you deserve a great mark :-)