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its only because i deserve you

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do not be cursed
by your own beauty
for it has come by you
in an honest way.

it has served you well
and just because
the others are blinded
doesnt mean you ever
want to be average…

because you know
diamonds never envy coal
my darling one.

and dont be proud of me
because we both know
that had i not had
the good fortune
to be intimate with you
before we ever met
i could just as easily
have been one of them…

and if i have an advantage
for once in my life
its only because i deserve you.

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jthserrajthserraabout 21 years ago
Straight and plain

and excellent poem of love. very good.

jim :)

LiarLiarabout 21 years ago

Just honest love. No need to complicate it.

AngelineAngelineabout 21 years ago
I agree with Maria

This poem is so honest and full of conviction that it glows. I've seen a few examples of this sort of poem lately--simple statements of appealing clarity. Great job, dear man. :)

Maria2394Maria2394about 21 years ago
your advantage

Steve, in my opinion, is that you feel and are not afraid to show it and this is an excellent example of your depth and ability to express!! wonderful, beautiful poem :)

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