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12 Cams, 3 Teens 2 Milfs & 1 Wife Ch. 03: Intimacies Grow


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My head popped in and Jane moaned. I started to steadily push into her, as inch by inch my dick was swallowed by her ass. Soon I was balls deep in her and I was already sweating from the way my cock was being squeezed by the muscle.

As I slowly started to pull out, Jane told me, "Fuck my ass. I want to be your ass to mouth whore. Bang my ass like I'm your little cum dumpster."

Hearing those words drove all thoughts of taking this slow from my mind. I began to fuck her ass so hard my stomach was slapping her ass. She was being slammed so hard that her arms couldn't hold her up, so her torso collapsed onto the couch, the arm crushing her tits.

My hands were on her hips pulling her into me as my hips made powerful thrusts, burying my dick in her on each stroke. She was so tight and I was so turned on that I didn't last long and I blasted my cum into her pretty little shithole.

As soon as she'd milked the last drops of cum from my dick with her sphincter, she slid her body off my dick and dropped to her knees, sucking my dick into her mouth, giving it a very thorough tongue bath, making sure it was as clean as it was before we went into our love nest. Once I was clean, she let my dick fall from her mouth and remained on her knees. "Does Master wish anything else?" she asked, slipping back into her Jeannie persona.

I didn't think I could get it up again, even with Viagra and a splint. I shook my head and pulled her to her feet. Wrapping my arms around her, I held our naked bodies together and just caressed her head, knowing this would be our last time together for a while. I wanted to savor every moment.

After an eternity we broke apart and pulled on our clothes. We didn't speak but we held hands as I walked Jane to her bedroom. We stopped at her door, and I suddenly felt like a high school freshman on a first date. I kissed her and she kissed me back. After we broke the kiss we looked into each other's eyes and Jane opened her bedroom door and stepped inside. As she closed the door, she kissed her finger and placed it on my lips. I stood there long after she shut her door, wondering why life had to be so complicated.

Heading to my man cave I once again saved the footage of the poolhouse sending it to my cloud. Checking the rest of the cameras live I didn't see anything interesting, so I shut down the view and went to bed.

( ¥ ) ( ¥ ) ( ¥ )

I left the house early the next morning. Everyone was still asleep. It was the first day of filming and I wanted to get to the shop early to make sure that nothing was screwed up by all the crew, directors, or producers. The list went on and on of people that would have complete access to my shop for the foreseeable future. Today was supposed to be an easy day. We were only recording stuff to be used in the opening credits, closing credits, and some promo spots. This would allow my guys and the show's crew to work out angles and positions to avoid obstructing each other.

I arrived at the shop at 7 am and the craft service folks were already there setting up food service in a shed that the production company had me build for this purpose. I wanted to bill them for it, but they agreed to let me keep it if I only charged them 50% of the cost. I designed it to be an overflow workshop and storage building once the show finished its run. It only cost me a few hundred dollars so I couldn't complain too much, besides my crew and I got to eat for free as long as we were making this show. Not a bad deal I reminded myself.

Opening up the shop, I checked for incoming orders and found one for some yard furniture, which was our bread and butter. It was a simple matter of attaching the backs to the seats with a few screws and some glue and the order would be ready. I put the work order into my new apprentice's inbox since he didn't have anything pressing to do.

The other order was a request for a quote for a custom, built-in, entertainment center. I would have to go to the home, take some measurements, find out what components they had, their design ideas, and what their décor was like. I made a note to call the contact person later that day. Seeing the address on the order form, I realized that it was the same person who'd ordered the yard furniture. I made a note to rush prep on the furniture so that I could deliver it when I went to take measurements.

My employees began to arrive and clean up their work areas, getting rid of any sawdust that wasn't sucked up by the shop's vacuum system, breaking out the new aprons with the company logo on them as well as new safety glasses and other equipment. Before filming began, the producers had a meeting with everyone in my shop, going over a few things that we could and couldn't do on TV and certain things the camera crew might do to get visually interesting shots.

All in all, the day went a lot smoother than I expected and we got a lot of work done, even though we had to explain what we were doing to the audience. The producers were happy and told me that, 'in a day or two they would have some rough cuts to show me.' While they were packing up their gear, I left for the day.

The rest of the week flew by. I got the go-ahead on the entertainment center once I had drawn up the plans, even the girls seemed to enjoy learning about our products, what woods were used, and the properties.

( ¥ ) ( ¥ ) ( ¥ )

Friday night I picked Rikki up from the airport. We collected pizza and wine on the way to Jane's place, since she was with the girls, getting ready to move. When we arrived, we all found seats among the boxes and ate in silence. We were all tired from the long week and we had a long day ahead of us tomorrow.

When we finished eating, I was about to make a garbage run with all the trash when Lizzy said, "Wait, daddy, Claire, and I have been waiting until mom got back. We want to ask you guys something."

She looked very nervous and I instantly thought that she was about to tell us she was a lesbian and in love with Claire. Jane and I were prepared for this, Rikki wasn't. I was about to ask if this had to be done now since we were all tired, but when I opened my mouth Lizzy shot me a look that said shut the hell up, and I did.

Claire stood up and looked at the three adults nervously. Mr. Houlihan,..." for some reason she had never taken to calling me uncle Denny, "You always say I'm like a daughter to you, you've taken me to many father-daughter dances, and other things. You're the closest thing I've ever had to a father..."

I was puzzled at where this was going and looked at Jane. I could tell she was even more puzzled than I was. Claire swallowed hard and looked at me, "If it's okay with you, mom and Mrs. Houlihan, I would...can I...willyoubemydad?" she asked, rushing the last few words so it took me a moment to realize what she dad asked.

Looking first at Jane, then at Rikki, I realized that this one was all on me. They were going to let me decide on this. "Well Claire, I've considered you to be my daughter for many years now. As long as it's okay with your mom, you can call me dad."

She shook her head. "No. I don't want to call you dad. I want you to be my dad." She held out a piece of paper, her hands shaking. I took it, looking at her face to see what was going on. Glancing at it, I realized that it was an application for adoption. Claire had already filled it in and signed it as the legal guardian since she was 18.

Without a word, I handed it to Jane who read it over then looked at Claire. Her face was emotionless, but I could tell she was hurting. "You don't want to be my daughter anymore..."

"NONONONO, Mom no! You are and always will be my mom, but I want a dad, a real legal dad," Claire said, hugging her mom. "We already have different last names, since you gave me the sperm donor's name before he left you. I want the name of a dad I love. One who has raised me, been there for me..." Wordlessly I took the form from Jane and signed my name in the proper place. It took a while before we all could take control of our emotions after that.

As we got ready to leave, Lizzy stopped us in the door. "Wait, this means that Claire is legally my sister. If she's my sister, shouldn't mom be her mom too?"

"Jane is Claire's mom. She always will be..." I said, trying to stop Jane's feelings from being hurt again.

"No, I want to call her mom too! Is it okay if I call both of you mom?" Claire asked, looking at her mom.

Jane was looking at us to see how we were reacting to this sudden turn of events. "If Claire gets to share my dad and have two moms, then I should get two moms too. Right, mom?" Lizzy asked, looking at Rikki.

Jane, Rikki, and I glanced at each other marveling at her logic. Finally, I spoke up for all of us. "Claire, Lizzy you are now and always will be my daughters and you have two moms." We all shared a group hug as Lizzy said, "This is so cool. Some kids have two moms or two dads, no one I know has two moms and a dad all living together."

That's when it struck me. I could use this situation as a starting point to get Rikki to share with Jane. After getting home that night, I was up until the wee hours of the morning researching Polygamy and the phenomenon known as sister wives.

When I went to bed, Rikki was asleep. I tossed and turned the rest of the night trying to figure out how to convince Rikki that since we were sharing our daughter with Jane and she was sharing her daughter with us, the next logical step was to share the husband as well. Just as I was starting to fall asleep, the alarm went off. "It's moving day," Rikki shouted at me as she jumped out of bed and pulled on her moving clothes.

I got up and took a cold shower. On the drive to Jane's, I bought a couple of bottles of 5-hour energy so I wouldn't crash and die while driving the truck. This move went a lot smoother than the last one so I didn't get the chance to throw anyone into the pool and see my sexy family in wet tee shirts.

I have to admit, I was more than a little disappointed.


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Ok so far interesting. Lite incest for the discription. I don't see alot of ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME spots.

I think my biggest problem other than spelling errors is the over use of some words. Cunt scank slut take away from what this could become. Most women would not use those words describing themselves, i like what you have going i do recommend some tweeks

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Say what?

I agree that the next door bdsm scene with his girls is non-sensical without any plot explanation.

Also, if you have a tongue that can reach and rub a woman’s g-spot, please post a picture, here and elsewhere. I’m sure it would get you more action than a dick-pic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Why get my hopes up?

You use the harem tag, and then there's obvious members of the harem(more than half of it) doing it with some guy. Why tf not just have him the MC instead, no thanks, there's a reason i filter by harem and this ain't it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Turn here, no turn here!

Some of the turns were evident prior to actually being told, whereas others just came out of nowhere. What a gift to be able to weave an extremely interesting story to go with the exotic aspect of this situation. Just can't stop reading. Looking forward to more interesting chapters to come.

JJTW77JJTW77over 4 years ago
Still intrigued

Developing different but I’m still interested to see where this goes. I’m liking it.

Scorpio1952Scorpio1952over 4 years ago
My brutal opinion about you story so far

Your story showed promise in chapter 1, but started to become less so in chapter 2 become quite ridiculous in that on the second day knowing her both Lizzy and Claire would be out on the pool deck with Emily in the open having a three way lesbian tryst. What is even a harder item to believe is that on just the third day of knowing Emily that Claire and Lizzy would be over at her house naked tied up and having sex with a man that they never met before totally unbelievable. Now lets talk about Rikki you go into all this BS detail about everything else but you never mention what her job is and why she might have to travel to meet with a client and has to leave in a hurry sometimes, my only guess would be that's she is the company punch bug and whore being sent to keep the clients happy. Hopefully chapter four will be and improvement .

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
amazing story so far

great job with the story. I just hope you don't cuckhold the husband.

3forsexanytime3forsexanytimeover 4 years ago
Great story

I am looking forward to seeing the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

The girls ropes and BDSM stuff is completely out of place to start off any kind of relationship with new friends and neighbors. Such a huge jump in the deep end and doesnt make any sense why denny is so non chalant about it.

bucco40bucco40over 4 years ago
Going Places

I like where this is going. A little faster pace to get there would be good.

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