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18 Master Ch. 12: Midnight Snack

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The start of my dungeon slave vacation.
4.1k words

Part 12 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/02/2016
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We got off the plane, me still reeling from hard sexual use during the flight. The driver who met us whisked us into his stretch limo very quickly. Even faster than that, my Masters had me stripped and servicing them in the car. I think they were tired from the flight, too, because I sucked them all a bit, and Master Chris came in my ass again, but then they settled me down between Master Chris and Master Josh and just sort of petted me and let me doze.

When I woke up, the car was stopped. Master Chris made me kneel in front of him. He held my head tightly in his hands.

"You must not speak the whole time we are here. If you do, you will be punished, more than you're used to. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master."

"Do anything they order you to do, like it's coming from one of us. It's going to be a challenging weekend. Remember, you can stop this at any time. Even after we go in, you can stop the whole thing. Do you want to stop now?"

"No, Master."

He kissed me and laid his finger across my lips.

"All right then, no more talking, not a single word, until we're back in the car on the way back to the airport. And, obey!"

I nodded.

"Good girl."

He petted my hair and got out of the car. I waited until he snapped his fingers and then I exited after him, while the other Masters got out on the opposite side. I was still naked. I figured if Master Chris was ordering me out, it was OK for me to be naked.

It was very hot, so I wasn't sorry to be naked, though I hoped I wouldn't be kept in the direct sun for too long. I didn't have a chance to look around because as soon as I got out of the car, he ordered me to kneel. I obeyed right away, seeing he was standing by a blue velvet cushion that was clearly meant for me.

"Welcome, Mr. Matthews! Mr. Astin! Mr. Morgan! So glad you could join us for the weekend."

I heard a snap of fingers and felt someone fastening a heavy chain around my neck.

"For the weekend, her number will be 17 and everyone will refer to her as such. It keeps the confusion down when there are so many slaves around."

Looking down I could sort of see a round pendant on the heavy chain with the number 17 in my upside-down vision.

"And did you still want to allow full access for the staff?"

"Yes, feel free to use her as you see fit."

"You are most generous, Mr. Matthews, Mr. Astin, Mr. Morgan."

He did a sort of slight bow to each of them.

"Would you like to rest and freshen up a bit? You'd indicated you wouldn't join us for dinner tonight but we'll have your midnight snack ready for you, which should be at a comfortable time for you given the time difference."

"Yes, thanks, I think we'd all like to go to our rooms for a bit. What about . . .?"

"Oh, we'll take her to her cell and get her settled in. We'll bring her to you when she's ready."



The man who had greeted us snapped his fingers. Apparently, Gregory needed no additional instruction. My Masters walked away with him and left me kneeling in the sun with the man.

I felt his hand lift my chin, forcing my head up. I kept my eyes down, not daring to look him in the eyes. That seemed like the right thing to do.

"Good girl. You have no name here, but we will call you 17. Did your Masters explain the rules to you, 17?"

I wasn't sure. Master Chris had told me not to speak. He told me to obey them. I wasn't sure if there was more than that.

"Excellent, you already know not to speak. I'll go over them again just to be sure there are no misunderstandings. You are brought here as a slave to serve your Masters. Slaves here do not speak. If you speak, you will be punished. If there is something you must communicate, write a note. Do you understand?"

I nodded.

"Good. Slaves here are obedient. We do not tolerate brats. We do not tolerate delays. Lie face down on the ground."

I had been wondering if he'd test me. My Masters like to make me hold positions, so I was listening and ready. I immediately prostrated myself on the ground at his feet. The cement was hot, so I was glad his next order was to stand with my hands behind my head. I immediate got up and stood very still, arms high, legs spread, looking in the distance over his head. I felt his hands lift my breasts and stroke my ass.

"Bend over."

Still with my legs spread, I put my hands on the ground in front of me. I felt his fingers enter me from behind and pump a few times.

"Wet already. Well, you're better trained than most of the slaves we get here. Stand up. Look at me."

I got to see him for the first time. Maybe early 40s, everything very trim - hair, teeth, body - all very even and precise. Piercing blue eyes, which always made me swoon a bit. A diamond in his left ear.

"There's one more rule for you. Some Masters here are very possessive of their slaves, but other Masters like their slaves to be used. Which kind of Masters do you think you have?"

I didn't need to speak; he saw in my face that I understood what he meant.

"Yes, the pendant with your number is a circle. That tells the staff that they are free to use you anytime it won't interfere with your duties to your Masters. If the pendant is a square, that means the slave is off limits to anyone unless their Master specifically orders it. So let's get started. Follow me, crawling on your hands and knees."

He turned and moved towards an open door set in a stone doorway. I hit the ground and crawled after him as fast as I could, but the paving stones were rough on my knees. We were in some sort of small office with a desk. The man unzipped his pants and pulled out an enormous, thick cock, already glistening at the tip.

"Suck all three of us."

I heard two more people enter and unzip as I knelt there, leaving me encircled by these men. This was unusual, because even though my Masters had shared me with hundreds of men over the last few months, one of them was always there watching over things. I felt abandoned and very vulnerable. I must have hesitated too long as I thought this, because I felt a smack on my ass from one of the newcomers. I set to sucking the man with the earring first, choking as he rammed his cock deep in my throat. The newcomers came up on either side of me, so I jerked their cocks as I sucked. I was very skilled at oral sex by now, and skilled at working multiple guys at once, so I got them off pretty quickly. They looked pleased as they held out their cocks for me to lick clean. I stayed on my knees, awaiting further instruction.

"Good gir. Those are the only rules, no talking and do what you're told, including fucking anyone who works here. I will warn you, though, that no matter how well trained you are, you will probably be punished for something. Stand up. Manacles!"

The newcomers, guards I guess, took heavy metal manacles off their belts and put one around each wrist and ankle. The wrist manacles were connected by a heavy chain.

"Before you go in, take a look at where your Masters have brought you. You can look around."

They took me out of the small office and showed me the building I was about to enter. No, not a building. I looked up and my jaw dropped. We were at a castle. In the middle of what I had been told by the airlines was Texas, though I hadn't seen any of it on the ride over. A huge, stone, storybook castle.

"This castle was brought over from Scotland, stone by stone. Including the dungeons. That's where you'll be staying."

He snapped his fingers again and I felt the guards pull me forward by the arms, marching me into the castle. It was hard to walk with the manacles on my ankles, and more than once they had to steady me on the rough floors. We headed down stairs and more stairs almost right away, though a maze of stone corridors. Eventually one more long stairway took us to a corridor lined with barred cells. I snuck glances to the side as they walked me down to a cell. I could see other naked women in some cells. Some were chained to the floor, some were chained to the walls, some were "free" in the cells. We stopped at cell number 17; they unlocked the door using a huge metal key from a big ring they had picked up as we entered the cell block.

They pushed me in, but not hard. I thought they might chain me up right away to the wall, but they ordered me to sit on the stone bench formed into the wall. Another man entered the cell and put a wooden tray down with some wooden bowls. After he set them down, he whipped out his dick and made me suck him, and by the time I was done with him, the guards who escorted me were recharged and wanted blowjobs before they left. I could tell there were going to be a lot of blowjobs during my stay here.

"Eat while you can. Sleep while you can. They'll be coming for you soon. There's a latrine hole in the corner. Water's in the bucket."

They left, still leaving me hobbled by chains and cuffs, but at least I was able to eat. The food was simple - bland chicken, steamed vegetables - but there was a good amount of it. It was actually a nice change for me to be totally alone, and to eat a meal without someone groping me or fingering me or even outright fucking me while I was trying to chew and swallow. Having eighteen Masters means there's almost always someone who wants a piece of me.

There were stone walls between the cells, so I couldn't see the neighbors on either side, but I could see out through the bars across the front. A tiny woman with long, straight, bleach blonde hair checked me out from the cell right across, seemingly unconcerned with the thick chain around her neck. On her right, a tall Asian woman was stretched out on her stone bench, a chain from her ankle to the wall. To the left of the blonde, a strawberry blond with short curly hair was curled up in a bed on the floor; she appeared to be unchained.

I had a similar bed in the corner of the cell. It reminded me of one of those big dog beds. At least it wasn't just straw on the floor, even if there wasn't a blanket or pillow. I used the latrine hole, grateful that the medieval castle thing still included a roll of toilet paper. I curled up and sort of pulled the sides of the bed over me as best I could and fell asleep.


I don't know how long I slept, but I awoke to two different guards pulling my head up by my long brown hair.

"Get up, slave. Time to serve your Master."

I was a little groggy and jet lagged, so I wasn't moving quickly. A swat on my ass with a cane woke me the rest of the way up, fast. They laughed as my face contorted with pain.

They hustled me down the corridor and up a few stairways. We ended up in a shower room that had better plumbing than I would have expected after the latrine hole. A shower head came down from the ceiling and a bar hung on chains below it. They disconnected the bar at one end from the chains and slide the bar through one of the links in the chain between my wrists, then reconnected the bar. I could tell they did this a lot. There were chains set into the floor near the drain hole, and they attached those to the manacles on my ankles, leaving my legs spread wide. Someone hoisted the bar above my head, so I was stretched up but still held to the floor by the chains. Suddenly water rained down from above. At least it was tepid, not freezing. A guard threw a bucket of soapy water on me and then two guards came at me with brushes and washing mitts, like I was a car at a car wash. They scrubbed everything, and I mean everything. The brushes weren't too harsh, but they were wielded harshly.

As I was being scrubbed, I noticed a few other women being brought in by pairs of guards and chained like I'd been chained. They didn't seem to be scrubbed as harshly as I was being scrubbed, though. I figured maybe they weren't on the "all you can eat" menu for the staff. Meanwhile my guards had reached my cunt and ass and were practically fucking me with their brushes.

"What's this tattoo on her pussy, the 18 and the chain? Isn't she 17?"

As a symbol of my slavery, I had agreed they could tattoo their mark on me, on my pubic bone.

"Yeah, I looked at her file. Can you believe it? This slut has 18 Masters!"

"Shit, how does that work?"

They looked at me. I kept my eyes averted.

"Do they all fuck you at once?"

Of course I couldn't fuck all 18 at exactly the same time, but they rode trains on me pretty much every day. Is that want they wanted to know? It wasn't like I could give them lurid details when I was forbidden to speak.


Another cane stroke to my but, this one so hard I couldn't breath for a minute.

"I asked you if they all fuck you at once, slave. Answer me!"

I nodded vigorously.

"So you're used to double penetration? Triple penetration?"

I nodded again.

They unchained my ankles but hauled me up a bit higher, so I was barely touching the ground with my toes. One of them came at me from the rear, pushing in hard and fast. As soon as he was in deep, the other guard entered me from the front. They rocked me back and forth, groping my ass and tits.

"Oh, yeah, your holes are used to this, aren't they, slut?"

I nodded quickly.

"Do you like this? Were you feeling lonely going so many hours with cocks in you?"

I nodded again. Maybe not lonely, but it was a rather long break compared to a typical day.

The guard in back spasmed and came, clutching my hair as he did. The guard in front pulled me off the floor and onto him. He was strong and was able to bounce me, hard, as he drove his cock into me. He came after a few minutes of that.

After that, they went back to scrubbing me. I felt like I was missing a thin layer of skin as they deluged me again to rinse me off.

Next they brought out some sort of hose with a nozzle at the end and put the nozzle into my cunt. They didn't put a scrub brush in me, but the back guard used his hand to make sure the water completely cleaned out my vagina. The front guard lowered the bar until I had enough slack that he could push me into a squat. I felt something metallic force itself into my ass and start filling me with water. OK, I was used to enemas. Some of my Masters really got off on them and could torment me for hours with them. The guards were simply doing a thorough cleaning. The towels they used to dry me were soft, but wielded like sandpaper.

Clean and dry, my wrists were chained behind me and I was pushed into another room. This one was very un-dungeon like; it reminded me of a dressing room for a play. There were stools with mirrors and good lighting. Some of the other slaves from the shower room were having their hair and makeup done. They were mostly done, but I guess my shower rape had slowed down my preparations a bit. I didn't get seriously molested again as they got me ready, but the stylists and makeup artists pinched and groped me anytime they weren't busy doing something else.

Someone stuck his head into the room and said they were ready for us. We were hauled up and led into a large room with four carts. The surface of the cart was mostly flat except for two wedge shapes jutting up, with a v-shaped section taken out of one end by the wedges. Our arms were unchained and then one by one they lifted us onto the carts. Our legs were braced on the wedges, leaving our pussies exposed and pushed right up to the point of the V. Our ankles were chained at the base of the wedges and an extra strap went around our thighs, locking our sex into place. Our wrists were chained over our heads, spread as wide as possible, and a strap went over our chests, just under our breasts, locking our tits into place. Another strap went over our foreheads, locking our heads into place. We were totally immobilized.

They wheeled us into a noisy room, the kitchen, which was the most modern room we'd seen yet. As soon as we were brought in, we were surrounded by a small army of chefs. Small bowls and plates were set on various parts of our body - our stomachs, our shoulders, between our tits. Other dishes were placed around us on the surface of the cart. In just a few minutes, we were transformed into living buffet tables.

"Don't breathe heavily" we were warned.

And they still weren't done. Another chef came by and drizzled chocolate sauce in what I guessed was an artistic pattern over the parts of our bodies that weren't already covered with dishes. Someone else piped dollops of something - cream? - on our tits. I felt fingers probing inside me and felt something, some things, small and round and cold, slipped into my cunt before my labia were covered in cream. I think the whole thing was done in less than five minutes before they wheeled us away.

Again we were cautioned to keep perfectly still and silent, no matter what happened. The threat of that fucking cane was obvious.

I was the first one pushed into a large hall with a fireplace at one end. All I could see was the ceiling, which was high and made of stone.

"Ah, there she is."

My three Masers clustered around me, looking down on my bound and laden body.

"Holy shit, you weren't kidding that this was something we had to see to believe!" said Master Josh.

"Gentlemen, enjoy your Midnight Snack. If you would like us to clean her up for your further use, please don't hesitate to ask."

"Of course, thank you!"

The cart wheels locked into place and I heard a button click and felt my platform lower to something like a table height. My Masters began sampling the various dishes distributed on my naked body. I couldn't really see what they were eating because they usually picked something up and then sat back in overstuffed easy chairs to eat. It smelled good, and a few times one Master would dip his fingers into a dish and then put them in my mouth for me to suck clean.

As they finished each bowl or plate, a naked woman wearing a rope harness swooped in and carried the empty serving dishes away, until I was left with only the dessert sauces and creams and fruit. The button clicked and the platform went higher, bringing me to a convenient height for Master Chris and Master Tom to lean over and suck the cream off my tits. They also lapped at the chocolate sauce a bit. Master Josh went for the cream on my pussy, licking the trail of it to my cunt. His tongue probed inside me, flicking out one of the things that had been inserted. He chewed and swallowed and sighed happily.

"What are they?" asked Master Chris.

"Best grapes ever!" said Master Josh.

He probed me again, sucking the grapes out of me and enjoying each one tremendously. When it seemed they were all gone, he put his fingers in and searched around, like a kid making sure he got the last of his favorite treat out of the jar.

"Well, that was fun!" said Master Tom.

"Yeah, this place is fucking amazing. Just wait until tomorrow!" said Master Chris.

"Well, I'm beat tonight. I'm ready for bed. What do we do about her?" asked Master Josh.

Just as he finished his question, the man who had presented me was at my side.

"Would you gentlemen like her cleaned up and brought to your rooms or should we send her back to the dungeon?"

"Oh, I love how that sounds," laughed Master Chris. "To the dungeon with her! We'll see you in the morning, 17."

They each caressed my face or hair or tit and left me in the care of the waiter/guard. Care. Right.

The other parties were also breaking up. Two women were wheeled off in one direction, one was wheeled in a different direction, and I was taken to the kitchen.

"Dessert's here!" shouted my guard.

The wheels locked in place again. The height of the table was adjusted again, and a line of men formed by the foot of my platform. Without another word, a man unzipped, walked into the V between my legs and started fucking me. When he came, the rest of the men cheered. He pulled out, bringing his used condom with him, which he deposited on my belly. As soon as he was gone, another positioned himself between my thighs and plunged in.


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