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A Almost Perfect Awakening Ch. 09

Story Info
Daughter sees what she wants in the stable.
1.8k words

Part 6 of the 49 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 10/07/2002
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* * * WARNING * * *

All the actors in this script are of legal age, but may portray maturing young adults. This is a work of adult fiction and contains descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adults. If you're under the age of consent where you reside, delete this file immediately. If it is illegal to obtain adult literature where you reside, delete this file immediately. If it's entirely legal for you to read sexually explicit material, I hope you enjoy my story!

FOREWORD issued a challenge to its volunteer writer's to create stories for as many categories as possible. The following chapter is part of a novel length story relating a journey of awakenings, discovery and growth involving a number of people. For your entertainment, and mine, I'll be submitting chapters into at least 17 different story categories. I don't believe anything like this has been tried here before.

New chapter(s) will be submitted almost daily. By clicking on a blue Wm_Sexspear, you'll be taken to my Profile; at the bottom of the page you'll find a list of all the currently available chapters. THIS SHOULD MAKE IT EASY TO READ THEM ALL, IN SEQUENCE, WHICH IS HEARTILY SUGGESTED so the reader can follow the story line, character development, and catch the inside jokes.

I can promise those readers who are familiar with my work that you'll find a ton of very erotic reading that will appeal a wide variety of tastes, even though I intentionally attempted to have at least one turn on for anyone visiting Literotica. This saga features mostly caring, even romantic sex, but it'll occasionally flirt mildly with a "fetish" so a given chapter will genuinely qualify for that category. Many of these chapters could go into many different categories.

For example, in Chapter 1 there's a small amount of male-male sex because a number of ladies have said it turns them on to picture two guys, just like the idea of girl-girl sex is arousing to many males. Yet Chapter 1's purpose is to supply important background regarding the heterosexual development of 2 young men, so I'd expect a totally hetero reader to relate to and enjoy this chapter.

Chapters 2~4 features voyeurism by 2 inexperienced young males and exhibitionism by a female, but also includes experimental lesbianism between sister's. So, don't judge my book by its multitude of covers. If you enjoy sex, there should be something [actually a lot of somethings] in it for everyone. LOL

Final example, Chapter 50 will be under Mind Control. Unlike many entries in this category, it fits in there because circumstances allow a female to have her every sexual whim acted out by 4 other people.

Fan mail, well-intentioned questions, and constructive criticism are welcome; I do my best to respond when an e-mail address is supplied. Hate mail is now instantly deleted without being read, so why waste your time and mine - life is too short.

Thank you. W_S

This story is protected by (c) copyright and may not be duplicated, reprinted, copied or placed on any Internet Website without permission of the author. All rights reserved.

* * * * *

Chapter 9 - Daughter Sees What She Wants In The Stable

Ten days after going to the Drive In, Beth had come home early from school. She only had to go a half-day. Better still she had tomorrow off thanks to a state teacher conference. When Beth got unexpected time off, she liked to spend some of it with her horse, Blaze.

Beth had brushed Blaze for 20 minutes. Now she was intently untangling his main. Her reverie was disturbed by her Dad's old pickup backing into the small stable with a load of hay from the big barn. As he climbed out of the cab, then onto the bed to unload, Beth looked up over Blaze's back. She started to holler out a greeting, but stopped. A couple years ago Beth would've been at his side in a flash. She adored her Dad; Beth normally spent every minute she could hanging around him when their busy schedules permitted.

She loved him, and always knew he loved her back. He'd tease her, but never in a mean way; he was invariably fun to be with. Whenever she was sad, Dad was good for a hug or a smile. Next thing she knew, she'd be feeling better.

Beth could ask him tough questions; he'd always try to give her honest answers. Not ducking her curious nature was perhaps his most endearing quality. She hated the way her mother too often just answered "Because!" dismissing Beth.

But now wasn't a couple years ago. Now was this very moment; an older Beth hesitated. Yes, she saw her father preparing to unload the hay; she also saw a handsome, muscular man who was only wearing a somewhat tight pair of jeans. It was a warm, humid day. His exposed skin had a sweaty sheen. Young Beth was unconsciously stunned to recognize that her Dad was a very good-looking man. He'd never been a man to her before today, just her Dad.

Beth froze. She was absorbing how he looked as he picked up the heavy bales, then tossed them into a pile in an empty stall. It struck home just how beautiful he looked to her as he bent and lifted. Beth was getting aroused watching his muscles flex. She felt a few pangs of guilt, but "damn his tush looked sexy."

Her Dad was only 18 when he'd married her Mom. The 39-year old farmer worked very hard on his place, he didn't sport an ounce of flab as a result. Beth understood that of the men she did see at Church, or in the county's one Podunk "town", that her father was maybe the best looking man in the area.

Fate can very, very cruel. Yet sometimes it can be kind. Beth was starting to drool. It made her feel guilty again, but her pussy was moistening as she watched him. The thought "God, I'd like to see him naked!" flashed through her head. At almost that instant, the bale he was lifting to his chest to pitch broke open, causing a cloud of irritating hay bits to spill down his front.

Stepping off the truck so he could pull the loose flakes into a barn cart, an "Oh, fer chrizz sakes!" escaped his lips. Hay had gotten into his pants causing him to feel itchy as hell. He headed towards the only bench in the small stable.

As her father headed her way, Beth slipped under Blaze's neck so she could hide behind the solid, stall door. She didn't feel like trying to explain why she hadn't said "Hi", ["or why your panties are soaked" the little voice in her head teased.] Beth peaked between the spaced 2"x 8"'s of the stall wall to see what her Dad was doing.

Be careful what you ask for, you might get it is how the saying goes. Her father unsnapped his jeans, then lowered the zipper. Pulling at his jeans, he had to wiggle a bit because they'd gotten sweat-soaked, sticking to him. Finally they gave way, sliding down to his knees. Beth clearly saw her Dad's dangling dick and swinging balls. He sat down to remove his boots. At last he could remove his pants and underwear.

Her father stood, giving her another great view of everything. He tried to shake the hay bits out of his clothing. The violent shaking sent his penis prancing and balls bouncing in every possible direction. Beth felt light-headed.

Giving up on his clothes for the moment, he began picking hay off his body and out of his pubic hair. Hay bits still stuck to his penis despite the earlier shaking. To Beth's utter amazement, he grabbed his penis with one hand and began cleaning it of debris; almost instantly a full-blown erection arose form the dead!

Beth heard him mutter; "Oh shit." He simply stood there a few moments. Finally, he closed his eyes, then began to slowly stoke himself. All too soon to suit Beth, he opened his eyes, muttering "Oh hell, what am I going to do with you!" He released his cock; bent over to pick up his cloths, then walked to the nearby hydrant. Beth had almost fainted; when he'd bent over, she'd had a perfect view of his ass. She'd seen his balls and cock hanging between his legs. As he'd walked to the hydrant his erection had waved back and forth while pointing above the horizon.

Beth continued staring as her father hosed off himself and his clothing to completely rid himself of the irritating slivers. She was able to study his body from head to toe. "God, he's a hunk." Her pussy didn't care in the least that the hunk was her Dad, it was pumping lubricants as though trying to put out a fire.

He finally directed the cold water directly onto his proud erection until it softened somewhat. Using his hands to squeegee himself off, he struggled back into his wet pants. Beth could still see his semi-hard manhood lying across his groin. Even then, it still looked big and thick to the hormone ravaged teenager.

While her Dad was tossing the last few bales, Beth crouched behind the door. Her eyes were closed as she strove to burn every minute detail related to seeing her first naked man into her brain. With no classes tomorrow at Junior college, Lynn was going to spend the night in Beth's room. Boy was she going to have something to share tonight.

Hearing the truck pull away, Beth thought about running to her room so she could masturbate. No, she was so horny that it felt good to stay aroused. She decided, with difficulty, to wait until she could get off with Lynn beside her tonight. If she waited, it would feel extra intense when she finally came.

Beth muddled through the rest of the day in a hormone-induced daze. She never really saw Dad's face very often as she daydreamed. Mostly Beth saw a long, thick penis waving in the air wherever she looked.

That evening felt especially surreal to her as well. Every time she saw her father, her eyes would drop to his crotch. "I know what's in there!" would flash through her head as she envisioned his genitals as if she had X-ray vision. Beth spent most of the evening blushing.

Lynn knew something was preoccupying Beth. She tried to find out what, but all she'd get was an evil grin from Beth followed by, "You'll find out when we're in bed tonight."

* * * *

Please vote if you enjoyed my story. This saga continues with Chapter 10.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
the story was great ch9 father having sex with daughter. i wish it was me having sex with my daughter.

I love the story of the father and daughter having sex

It turn me on

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

wish you would've written more about the encounter with your stepdaughter........can i be your stepdaughter too?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

Would have liked to have read more about the horse.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Hidden Pleasure

Beth's hiding reminds me of an occassion with my stepdaughter where she caught me in our shed in the back. You can only imagine what it led too.

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