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Click hereAbigail made her way down the winding alleyways, mind still lingering on her day with Keiko. She smiled a bit to herself, remembering the heat and teeth and the tightness of Keiko's arms... Wait, where was she? "Oh no... Not again!" Abigail spun, lost now in unfamiliar alleyways. A quick check of her phone revealed it to be dead, how did she forget to charge it? A loud whine and a little stomp of frustration were all she could get out before a voice came from behind her.
"Hey there, pretty thing. Are you lost?" The voice sounded like the fancy chocolate milk Sable gave her as a treat, deep and rich and warm. Abigail didn't turn, frozen, but she could almost feel the heat behind her.
"N-no..." It sounded too much like Keiko, her tone, the ownership she put into every word. It made her warm, her chest growing hot and her clothes uncomfortable.
"Really? You look pretty lost." A hand went to her side, reaching into her pocket. "It's okay little thing, I'll protect you... For a price." Abigail's core shuddered, and without thinking she leaned back against the voice.
"O-okay. That sounds n-nice." Her hand went down to her long skirt, slipping the elastic down until it fell to her ankles. The voice moved, almost making her fall back.
"What the hell are you doing?"
Abigail froze, panic taking over. "Y-y-you were g-gonna t-take me home a-after w-we-" Hands reached to her shoulders and spun her around, letting Abigail put a face to the voice. The woman was only slightly taller than her, shorter than Keiko, her face was angular which with her piercing gaze made Abigail feel like she was being sized up as a snack.
"No, I wanted your -money-." A hand held up her empty wallet, which was tossed onto the skirt on the ground. Abigail's head started to swim a little. She was just so -horny- in a way only Keiko was mean enough to leave her, always making her wet and needy and then watching her squirm before sending her home. It wasn't her fault!
"W-well I don't h-have any... I g-guess I'll have to pay you a-another way?" She gave a doe-eyed look, biting her lip, trying desperately to flirt with the strange woman she just met.
The would-be mugger stared blankly for another moment, before clearing her throat. A soft smile came across her. Abigail gave a shy smile back as the woman leaned forward until Abigail could smell her, and she smelled like fresh leather mixed with apples. "My my, aren't you cute? Alright then, if you're sure." A hand went around to the back of her thigh, lifting it. Abigail gave an undignified squeak and buried her face into the chest of her vicious attacker. "Now, normally I'd split any of my 'earnings' between me and my crew." Another hand came up to play with her hair, pushing her further into the offered chest. "But I might be able to keep your payment all to myself. Whatcha say, eager little morsel?"
Abigail sighs, face pressed so firmly she can hardly breathe. She imagines the hands all around her, touching her, holding her down as they bite and finger and lick her. Oh no... Her legs squirm as she nods, arms hugging her soon-to-be tormentor. "Th-that doesn't s-seem fair."
"Thatta girl." Abigail gives a louder, even less dignified squeak as she's lifted, made to straddle the woman's hips as she's effortlessly carried away.
"W-what's your name?"
"Name? Call me Luna." There was a soft growl as teeth grazed her neck. "Until I'm inside you, then I don't think you'll be able to talk at all."
Abigail's head swam as they headed deeper into the alley, where several voices murmured until Luna came to a stop. "Ladies lay down a mattress. Someone wanted to make an 'alternate payment'. You all are gonna be nice, no scratchin' her up." Abigail buries herself further, feeling the eyes on her back and ass. There are murmurs and scoffs, but she can hear the mattress get tossed on the ground and footsteps as everyone moved to see what Luna brought. "Don't worry pretty thing, it's clean... well, pretty clean."
"She won't be when we're done!" Someone Abigail can't see shouts, startling her as she feels hands descend. Luna holds her tight against her as someone traces her ass with a fingernail, before grabbing a handful of flesh to lightly squeeze.
"She's pretty soft, you sure she can handle us? Maybe we toss her back, ya?" Abigail whines, throwing a hand toward the voice.
"She can handle it, she's tough." There was pride in that voice, like she'd done good. It made Abigail squirm on the matress.
Abigail raises her head, whispering to Luna before looking around at the others sheepishly. They're all large women, with the same presence as Luna. Abigail counts six in total, including Luna. "Oi, listen up. She said she doesn't want any of you in her ass! If we want her to come back I expect good behavior." Abigail tenses as another hand reaches to squeeze her chest, earning them a whimper as she's kneaded like dough. More hands descend, nails teasing along her sides and thighs. She squirms and swings her arms but her wrists are grabbed and her arms are held around Luna's shoulders.
Her heat grew as static screams in her brain, so many hands and nails and it was so hot she could feel their breath all over her as the room spun. They called her all sorts of things, pretty and soft and cute and slutty and wet is she wet she can't think straight. They always avoid her cunt like some unspoken order, always touching and teasing and melting her in Luna's arms except she isn't she feels the mattress on her back and they aren't talking anymore and-
"Hey, hey Abigail?"
"I think we fried her." The voice had a hint of panic.
"We didn't fry her!" Luna huffed, giving a frustrated growl to speaker.
"Oh shit, I think she's coming too!"
Luna's face appears above her, knit in concern. "Hey there, you alright?"
Abigail managed a nod, grabbing one of Luna's hands and bringing it to her face. "C-can I get some w-water?" She barely finished before a bottle was in her hand from one of the others. Other hands helped her drink, some of the water dribbling out of the corner of her mouth. Once she was satisfied she sighed heavily, nuzzling Luna's hand. "C-can we keep going?" Luna smiled softly, her nails running across Abigail's scalp as she stroked her hair.
"If you're sure. You seemed to enjoy that. We won't be so gentle this time, are you ready?" Abigail nods lightly, and her arms are immediately pinned above her head. Her panties were ripped away, and her ankles were grabbed and lifted in a display of teamwork that maked her heart race with a mix of fear and arousal. What did she just agree to?
Abigail squeaks pitifully as her panties rip, pulled off by unseen hands before Luna sits on her stomach and pins her arms above her head. "We're gonna eat you alive, little thing. Gonna mark you all over like a little -whore-." Abigail squeezed her eyes shut as Luna descended, biting along her collar and neck.
"N-notta, not a wh-" Her words died in her throat as her legs were spread, fingers tracing her lips and teasing her thighs and killing any attempt to form words. Her mind felt distant, a slight spark of thought just enough to hear the women calling her "loud" and "pretty" and "wet" as someone pinched her tits through the shirt with long nails, gently bringing her from the brink and causing her to writhe under Luna's teeth.
Abigail taps the wrist holding her urgently, and Luna immediately removes her teeth. "Hello there, what's up?" Luna's tongue ran over her lips, her eyes hungry and feral as she looked down to Abigail. Abigail opened her mouth, lowering her tongue and her eyes pleaded. Her tormentor only chuckled, slipping a thumb into her mouth and turning her head to the side. "Suck." Abigail follows her orders, sucking as hard as she could as more hands descended. Her shirt was ripped away next, hands massaging any part of her stomach not covered by Luna's rear and thighs as her nipples were teased. Someone further down found her clit, coaxing the little nub out and making Abigail kick and squirm and try to buck her hips.
Her ankles were firmly but gently spread as hands tore every possible sensation they could. Abigail sucked desperately on Luna's thumb, wrists pinned with a single hand. She was so close already, they were going to -make- her cum, turn her stomach to liquid and turn her brain to mush. She'd never been so excited to be torn apart in her life.
It didn't take long. It's so much, so many hands and so many teeth and they were all watching and it maked her so warm and weak and floaty. They tell her how wet she is, she can hear some of them masturbating while they wait their turn, she's just meat to them and she sucks as hard as she can to try to keep sane. Finally, violently, she cums. Held and pinned her limbs strain as she twists. They coo around her, and Abigail can't even pick out Luna among the voices.
Hands pat and rub her, leaving her sensitive pussy alone for a moment before Luna stands. "There we go, such a good girl. I think it's time we claim you properly." Luna strips, her massive muscular chest reminding her of Keikos, just smaller. Then she unbuttons her pants, then steps out of her panties. Abigail has to remember how to breathe, and struggles. Abigail hadn't seen a cock before, not in the flesh, but she can't imagine Luna is on the smaller side. It's hard and throbbing and she can't help but imagine the jeans were agonizing. Luna smiles, lowering herself and slipping between Abigail's legs. "Now, I told you we'd all fuck you, didn't I? We're going to stretch you out, are you ready?"
Abigail nodded urgently, chest tight trying to relax. It'll probably fit, but god she's gonna be so -full- and stretched and she's almost foaming at the mouth. "No no, I want to hear you say it."
"P-please! Lunaaaaa!" Abigail whined, thrusting her hips to the cheers of the others.
"Please what?" Luna grinned and Abigail struggled harder it wasn't fair!
"F-fuck me p-please! N-need it!" Abigail was crying, the heat in her pussy painful and burning now.
Luna leaned forward, lining herself up with Abigial's dripping lips. "Good girl."
Luna's head rested beside Abigail's, her taller frame bent over her almost like a shield. Abigail could hear her heavy breathing in her ear, her hot breath on her shoulder. One hand rested in her hair while she could -feel- the other one, the thumb guiding the rod towards her dripping need. Abigail whined with a mix of need and fear. Every fiber of her core -needed- to be filled but she wasn't sure if she could take it! A hand belonging to someone else stuffed two fingers into her mouth while two more stroked beside her clit, making her buck and gag and moan as her mouth was fucked. She drooled around them, her face almost certainly a mess by now before Luna even made it in.
Abigail could feel the head press against her, could hear voices around her telling her about how ruined she'd be and how good she was doing but Luna was silent, a strange growling coming from her as she pushed forward. Abigail half-moaned and half-screamed as she could feel Luna's back move to pull her hips forward, using her forearm as an anchor while she slowly inched her way forward. It didn't hurt but it was -so much- and her insides felt like they were being ground away. Abigail might've made words but she couldn't hear them, the arms holding her gently stroked her limbs as she was -fucked- deeper than Keiko had ever dared.
After a few seconds, Luna hilted herself, their hips touching as she sighed in relief. Abigail could feel her pulse inside and she knew Luna could feel her clenching around her. Finally, she spoke, holding still as Abigail's body adjusted. "Wasn't sure I could hold-" Luna bit down on her shoulder with a growl, the suddenness of it making Abigail squeak around the fingers even as another hand gently stroked Luna's hair until she released. "Damn it, you're fucking amazing you know that? A menace. I'm glad I got to you first, the other girls won't be so gentle." Gentle! She barely survived that! Abigail shivered in excitement, groaning as her insides jostled and sent lightning into her core.
Luna pulled back and it felt like Abigail's guts were going to come with her, the feeling of being so -full- and then emptied as she was pistoned into. She didn't moan herself as much as they were ripped from her, moans and pats and babblings as her brain tried to comprehend something so big inside her. She lost herself as Luna thrust and pulled, and thrust again as she established a rhythm. The hands kept going, touching every inch until Abigail's vision doubled, and refused to focus. She came again, hard, a shuddering whimpering biting affair that had the woman with her fingers in her mouth holding her jaw open with two hands. God, she sounded like an animal, held open in every way, and pounded into the springs.
Time ceased to mean anything to her, floating until Luna grunted and pressed and held herself deep in Abigail before she felt a warmth fill her. Abigail whimpered as she felt cum drop out of her, Luna's softening cock pulling out as one of the girls stroked her hair. "Damn girl, you're a mess." It sounded so caring and mocking at the same time, and Abigail sighed as her jaw was allowed to close and the hands holding her relaxed. Se didn't have long though, because Luna reappeared to lay next to Abigail, her thighs wrapping around one of hers to hold her open while she laid across her arm.
"Alright, who's next? I got her nice and loosened up." Abigail moaned as Luna met her eyes, the feeling of being passed around enough to make her light-headed.
There were what sounded like growling and hushed angry words, but Luna turned her head into her chest and held her there while she stroked her arm. "Don't worry, you just made them so -eager-. Everyone wants their turn. You're doing great." After a few moments, someone kneeled between her legs. She could feel them line up to her still leaking hole before Luna cleared her throat. "Oi, don't you think you should introduce yourself?"
There was a chuckle, and a hand squeezed her hip. "Oh, right, sorry boss. Hey there cutie, I'm Red. You're a bit buried there but I'm the one with the red hair who was playing with your clitty." Red chuckled, before gently pressing forward. Abigail's hands wrapped in the fabric of Luna's shirt, her moans and whines muffled as her sore hole was stretched again. This one hurt, but once Red got going the pain quickly got pushed back. Red was slower than Luna, but she made up for it with a desire to grind Abigail's g-spot raw. Her hands went to her free hip, lifting her ass slightly to let her strike the spot that make Abigail see stars.
Abigail came twice, one after the other, sobbing and making a mess of Luna's shirt. She felt Luna's nails along her scalp, shushing her and telling her how -good- she was even as Abigail felt herself lose the ability to clench. Red tore another orgasm out of her before she seized Abigail's chin and invaded her mouth just as she hilted herself and filled her. Abigail could feel the wetness under her ass, and once Red pulled out she tapped urgently. "A-a-all d-done." She turned, shivering against Luna who threw her arms around her.
"All done, there ya go. You did great." Abigail heard someone start to whine, but a look from Luna silenced any complaints.
"She still has a mouth!" Abigail nuzzled into Luna's chest despite the jeers. They didn't seem mean, more teasing than anything else. It also helped that Luna's growl shook her, lulling her into a near-sleep. "So do you! Sounds like Sage is volunteering girls, go get 'er!"
"Hey wait!" Any further protests were lost in a rumble as the pounding of feet and what Abigail could only assume was a pent-up orgy started as Luna moved from beside her.
"Damn, got 'em all worked up, didn't you? That's okay, Sage can pick up the slack." Luna stopped to nuzzle her neck before someone- Red? -draped her jacket over her. Oh no, her clothes!
Abigail went to move but realized quickly that without the pleasure all that was left was a deep -soreness- that tore a groan out of her before she stopped trying to move. "Let's get you home. Red grabbed your wallet, you just get to sleep and I'll keep ye safe." Abigail murmured something, maybe, probably, before closing her eyes. Luna was so warm, her stride like being rocked to sleep... Abigail lasted far shorter in her arms than she had on the mattress.
I fucking love that you've taken a fundamentally un-serious premise and tried to inject it with some thought and conscience. It's silly in a good way :)
A note of feedback though - trans womens' sexual/anatomical function varies a TON from one girl to the next, and very few of us work just like how you've written the two trans characters here - only having PIV sex, perfect 'male-typical' erectile and ejaculatory function, dom and top sexual preferences. Don't get me wrong, I love a woman who ticks all those boxes, but it seems like a missed opportunity to recognise how diverse we as gay trans women are.
all the best ;)
Horrible.Not at all what lesbian sex should be.Just a feeble excuse for a gang rape.