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A Better Master

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A Master's plan for improvement.
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How many times over the years had He made use of my ass, either with His own thick cock or with one of the anal toys in the collection? i could never begin to count, but i would guess that it would be over one hundred times during the first two years of marriage, plus perhaps another fifty times while dating and while engaged.

Without question, He loved filling my ass. Just the thought of something entering where typically things only exit made that single act thrilling. The natural tightness of the sphincter and the required time and care in pressing it open to slip something past it to snake deep into my bowels required far more intimacy than if He were to slide into my mouth or into my pussy. Anal play or anal sex inherently forced things to progress slowly so that my body would not be damaged. And while i certainly enjoyed feeling so full of Him in such a forbidden place in the body, while i took great pride and received great psychological pleasure in yielding even this to His control and His usage, i suspected that, at least physically, His pleasure was likely greater.

So i was extremely surprised when one evening, as i sat in His lap and luxuriated in how He was touching me both through and around my scant clothing, He made a request of me:

"Would you be willing to top Me for an evening?"

i blinked several times as i tried to convince myself that i had just indeed heard my Master request the unthinkable. "Um... sure?"

"Specifically, would you be willing to take My ass?"

Instantly, i thought of the first time He had used the anal beads with me. He had taken His time, explaining things to me, thoroughly lubing both me and the beads, sliding them into me slowly and with great care, then gently using the beads to make love to my ass while His free hand gently rubbed my clitoris. i had already known that He had gained some experience with anal play with a college girlfriend, so inherently He had given me the benefit of that experience, so why He suddenly wanted me to do to Him what He had done to me so often was almost baffling.

"Why, Sir?" i finally asked.

He smiled. "Because I realized earlier today that perhaps I could make such experiences for you even better if I had a true understanding of what it's like to be the one being filled," He admitted.

That made sense. Friends at the club who were switches or who had previously been submissives before becoming Dominants had mentioned on more than a few occasions that being on the receiving end of activities had helped to hone the skills for being on the giving end of activities. Yet my Master had never previously made any indications of wanting to switch roles, not even temporarily.

Then again, there is an apt cliché for this situation: There's a first time for everything.

"Sure," i responded more affirmatively. "And after this, perhaps i can be a better sub for You, Sir."


That Saturday evening, i took the phone off the hook and turned off both cell phones. i filled the bedroom with as many of the scented tea light candles as i could find, the mix of fruity scents combining with the dim light to create a loving, romantic atmosphere. Since i knew it was one of His favorite soundtracks, i had copied the Koyaanisqatsi playlist to my iPod and brought the small device into the bedroom along with the small speakers so that He could hear some soothing music during His first time being on the receiving end of anal play.

The beads were ready. The box of anal lube shooters was also on the bed, along with a small towel for cleaning any messes with the lube, although there had rarely been any such messes after having switched to using the lube shooters. The large pillows were stacked one atop the other on the bed to hopefully make Him more comfortable as He lost His anal virginity.

As He showered, i changed into a cute frilly black-and-pink panty and added a sheer black camisole before adding a hint of make-up and a touch of perfume. Then i waited semi-patiently, hoping that this would all go according to plan, that He would truly enjoy the forthcoming experience.

When my Master finally emerged from the bathroom, He was naked, His skin and His hair still slightly damp, His body soft in the embrace. The lingering scent of the new soap He had recently begun using aroused me, and i had to remind myself that this was not about me, as usual, but about Him, only this time, this was not about His pleasure or His sadistic whims, but about His anal experience.

Whenever at home, unless there were non-kinky visitors or i was showering, i always wore a think black leather collar, the visible symbol of my submission to Him. Stepping back from the embrace, i turned my back to Him and lifted my hair, and He took the hint, unbuckling the collar and handing it to me as i turned to face Him, essentially a passing of the baton to release me from my service to Him for this short period. Then i had Him turn around so i could buckle the collar around His neck, completing the transition of roles.

It felt strange to be in a position of power, even though that power would only be temporary and fairly limited. It felt even stranger to be about to play yet be wearing clothing -- even if just scant, sexy lingerie -- while He wore nothing but the collar. Although He was temporarily the submissive, He was still "He" with an upper-case "H" in my mind, and i was still "i" with a lower-case "i."

From the expression in His eyes, it was clear that He did not truly know how to be submissive. That was not at all surprising, since submission was definitely not in His nature. i simply smiled reassuringly and placed a gentle kiss to His chest, directly over the heart, then hooked a finger through the small O-ring of the dainty collar and guided Him to the bed.

"Up on the bed," i instructed, "on Your knees with Your head on the pillows."

He complied readily -- seemingly too readily -- and made Himself truly vulnerable to me for the first time in His kinky life. The only other time i had ever experienced such power over Him -- or anyone else -- was when He had proposed to me, as for the man making the marriage proposal, there is always the possibility that the woman will either put off the decision or instantly reject the proposal.

i mounted the bed as well and knelt behind Him, gently touching Him everywhere except for His hanging sex. The touches did the trick, soothing Him and calming Him while also slowly arousing Him and causing His manhood to grow. When i at last began to fondle Him between His thighs, His breath caught audibly, and i could feel the tremors of lust radiating outward from His groin. The lengthening continued, and the desire began to anoint my fingertips, and He gave Himself over to the pleasure, soft breaths escaping past His lips.

Maybe He remembered and maybe not, but i was doing with Him essentially the very same thing He had done with me for my initial foray into anal play. Then, it had helped to settle me, to ease my concerns and help dispel my nervousness. i hoped that what i was doing by following His example was beneficial to Him and especially to His state of mind.

"Stroke Yourself." He reached back underneath Himself and began to stroke slowly, another visible shudder running the length of His spine and slightly changing the tone of His breathing.

While He pleasured Himself, i turned my attention to the items beside me on the bed. i tried to be as quiet as possible as i opened the box of anal lube shooters and extricated a shooter from one of the six wrapped packages. With a twist, the tab at the open end came off quite easily, and i returned my focus to Him.

"Hands away," i insisted, and He reluctantly complied. This was a deviation from what He had done with me, but i felt it was important so that He would better feel the lube being applied to Him.

A soft "Ah!" came from Him as the first of the lube was added between His lower cheeks. With a smile on my lips, i kept applying the lube, slowly squeezing the larger end of the shooter, using the tip to spread the lube as i felt was needed.

"How does it feel?" i asked quietly as the Koyaanisqatsi soundtrack continued to provide a calming backdrop.

"Cool..." He was right, for this particular lube did indeed feel cool whenever He initially applied it to me. As i set the empty lube shooter aside, i gently squeezed His male anatomy, making Him moan softly, and that sound made me smile anew.

i made no attempt to keep things quiet as i opened another wrapped package to gain access to a second lube shooter. This time, i applied approximately half of the lube to a lengthy string of silicone anal beads, then pressed the small tip of the shooter through His tight sphincter and deposited the remaining lube directly inside Him, and given the way His breath caught and His hands curled against the comforter, the coolness took on a new meaning for Him.

Setting the second empty lube shooter aside, i positioned the string of beads, the smallest one pressed directly against His anal opening. After a short hesitation for dramatic and psychological effect, i gently pressed forward, the first four beads slipping very easily into His tight and well-lubricated passage. He inhaled deeply and loudly at the intrusion, His fingers curling into the comforter, and i smiled, remembering that my own reaction to my initial anal penetration had not been quite so quiet.

"Six more," i informed Him, and slowly pressed forward. Given that each successive bead was slightly larger, i knew i would need to pause after pressing each of them into His bowels, and as i slowly worked the string of beads into Him, He vocalized the sensations in a way which melted my heart, and it was clear that He was beginning to understand what He did to me every time He pressed an anal plug into me or took His pleasure from my tight passage.

With all ten beads embedded within Him, i wiped my hands on the towel, then reached underneath Him, fondling and stroking His male anatomy once again.

"Good?" i whispered, and He only nodded, His mind almost certainly quite busy with processing what was happening to Him and how it was making Him feel. i kept playing between His thighs as my free hand reached forward for His, and He grasped my hand firmly, grounding Himself mentally.

Only when He finally released my hand did i retract mine. Grasping the ring at the end of the string of silicone beads, i pulled carefully, gently, and when the largest of the beads finally emerged from His bowels, He shuddered significantly with a loud gasp, His hearty sex bobbing beneath Him.

"Lean back on Your heels." Slowly, He rose, the long string of beads touching new places inside Him. When He finally leaned back against my chest, i wrapped my arms around Him, hugging Him from behind, bonding with Him in a most unique way. He reached back to stroke my thighs, but i could sense His mind truly digesting what was happening to Him, coming to grips with the foreign object in such a forbidden place.

"How does it feel to be penetrated for the very first time?" i asked softly over the music. It took Him a long time to finally respond:


That was all the response i needed, and with that, i slid my hands down His front, ultimately gently kneading His testicles and stroking Him once again.

"Don't hold anything back," i instructed Him. "Whenever You're ready, i want You to cum all over the pillows."

In time, He did, and His orgasm was powerful and copious, His voice drowning out the music.


In bed that night, as my Master spooned with me, He and i spoke about the experience. In general, He truly understood, but perhaps more importantly, He said, He could become a better Master to me. "And for that," He summarized, "this evening was very beneficial."

"i'm glad, Master," i admitted honestly, and as i held His hand to my heart, i looked forward to discovering how His experience that evening would help me to feel more submissive to Him.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

This would be worth a follow up. A dom shouldn't do want they haven't had done, or as close as possible. I wouldn't be with one who wouldn't.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I, too, wish the was more desription from him during and after the event. I am a strong believer that doms should experience whatever they deliver to others. Thank you for this much.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

Though this story started out very descriptively, the ending left a lot to be desired. It just stopped, rather than allowing the situation to play out.

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