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A Blushing Lesson

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Her stepfather wouldn't spank her bare bottom... would he?
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This wasn't happening. It couldn't be happening.

He couldn't really have meant what he said.

Yes, he'd threatened it many times...

But he hadn't really meant it, right?

Her stepfather wasn't really coming up the stairs in a few minutes to spank her, was he?

And he certainly wasn't coming upstairs in a few minutes to spank her bare bottom...


Her best efforts to convince herself aside, the butterflies in her tummy were unlike anything she'd ever felt before.

Because deep down, she wasn't sure she was right...

Well, it was worse than that really.

She was sure she wasn't right.

Maybe, just maybe, he was bluffing about baring her bottom, but she didn't think he was bluffing about spanking her.

And she didn't think he was bluffing about using his belt either...

That was why her pants were already in a pile on the floor.

She'd been told to go upstairs and wait on her bed with her bottom bare, but maybe meeting him halfway was enough?

Or maybe it would mean a much more embarrassing spanking, just like he'd warned her downstairs a few minutes ago...

She slid her fingers into the waistband of her panties and tried to will herself to pull them down, but she couldn't.

Then she heard the footsteps on the stairs. His footsteps.

She panicked.

Not a "you didn't study for the test" panic.

Not a "spilled something on your clothes while at the mall with friends" panic.

A real panic, or at least the most real panic a suburban eighteen-year-old like her was ever likely to feel.

She pulled her panties down... then pulled them back up...

She couldn't leave them down. She just couldn't.

She couldn't let her stepfather... her tall, strong, hardworking stepfather... see her bare bottom.

She left her panties in place, clinging to hope but knowing in her heart they would be coming down soon.

The door opened.

"I see that once again you haven't done as you were told, young lady."

His voice was not angry or even the slightest bit mean.

It was calm, deep, and if anything, almost weary.

That made her blush harder than any scolding could have on its own.

He wasn't looking forward to spanking her. He wasn't even looking forward to baring her bottom.

Had she wanted him to look forward to it? Of course not...

Not that way... she didn't think of him that way.

But maybe she'd wanted him to think of her that way for just a moment?

Either way, his tone made it clear he wasn't.

It also made it clear her panties were coming down.

Somehow that was so much worse.

They wouldn't be coming down because he wanted to see her bare bottom.

They would be coming down because she had been so naughty she needed to have her bare bottom put on display for her stepfather.

"I'm sorry..." she started.

"You are always sorry, young lady, when you pull stunts like this. But today is going to be different."

"Please, please I promise nothing like this will ever happen again..."

"When I let you borrow the car to go to the mall with your friends, young lady, you told me you would be back in time for me to take your mother to the airport, and I said I wanted your phone on the whole time. Instead, I ended up calling an Uber for your mom at the last minute, she nearly missed her flight, and you didn't pick up your phone the whole time."

Nothing about that could really be disputed, so she just said "I'm sorry..." again.

"What did I tell you would happen if you broke my trust again with the car, young lady?"

"Please, daddy, my phone ran out of battery and I lost track of time..."

"Answer me, young lady, unless you need to spend some time in the corner to think about your answer."

The threat shocked her. It somehow made her feel littler and naughtier than even the coming spanking itself.

"You said... you said you would sp... oh please daddy, not that."

He just stood there, waiting for her answer.

"You said you would... spank me."

"How did you say I would spank you, young lady?"

"...with your belt... on my..."

Her eyes pleaded with him. His told her his patience was running out.

"...on my b... my bare bottom."

"You were told to wait for me with your bottom already bare, weren't you young lady?"

"Yes, but daddy please, I'm eighteen, please let me keep my panties up."

"A spanking would be much less embarrassing for you with your panties up, wouldn't it young lady?

"Yes, yes daddy, please let me leave them up."

"That is exactly why they will be coming down, young lady."

She wanted to beg, to convince him somehow, but no words would form.

"Now pull them down, young lady, as you were told."

She didn't want to pull them down, but it was almost the exact opposite of when she'd tried to pull them down earlier.

Then she had been frozen and couldn't make her fingers move.

Now it was as if they moved on their own, compelled by the deep, stern voice of the man looming over her.

She pulled them down, not quickly but not slowly either, until her bottom was fully bare.

Somehow the way she pulled them down was the worst of both worlds.

Instead of pulling them down in the room alone, with maybe a shred of nonchalance and dignity, she instead was pulling them down after begging to keep them up, with him watching, and with her barely having conscious control of her fingers.

But it was worse than that, even.

Though she barely felt in control of her fingers, she still felt the waistband slide over every inch of her bottom.

It was a matter of a second, maybe less, but it felt like a hundred years as she was revealed bit by bit.

Now the cool air was wafting over her bottom.

Her bare bottom.

It hit her like a sledgehammer.

This was real.

Her bottom was bare in front of her stepfather.

She was eighteen years old, just home from the mall, and she was about to have her bare bottom spanked.

Then she heard him unbuckle his belt.

"We will start with you lying over the bed where you are, young lady, but you won't be able to stay in position long."

That meant it was going to sting. Really sting. This wasn't just going to be about embarrassment alone.

"Once you start having trouble staying in position, young lady, you will be going over my knee."

That was bad enough.

She would remember forever what he said next, though.

"If you had obeyed me and had your panties down when I came upstairs, you would have gotten to keep them where they are, bunched around your hips in the back so only your bottom is bare. But you didn't obey, did you young lady?"

"No... but daddy..."

She didn't even know what was coming next and yet she wanted to beg anyway.

"Since you didn't pull your panties down on your own when you had the chance, young lady, before you go over my knee I will be pulling them down the rest of the way for you."

She couldn't really say for sure which part of that hit first.

Was it the fact that her stepfather would be pulling down her panties for her like a naughty little girl?

Or was it the fact that he'd said "before you go over my knee"?

The first part was shameful but the second was beyond thinking about if he meant it the way she feared.

He couldn't really mean before she went over his knee, right?

That would mean while she was standing in front of him.

That would mean him pulling down her panties from the front.

That would mean him seeing...

He couldn't have meant it like that.

But she knew he had.

He just left it alone, saying nothing else about it for the moment.

That made it worse.

She could tell herself he hadn't meant it the way she feared and that was why he didn't follow up on it.

But that wasn't why he didn't follow up on it and she knew it.

He didn't follow up on it because he heard her shocked intake of breath, saw her blush crimson, and knew she understood.

He didn't follow up because there was no need to follow up.

He knew that she knew that in a few minutes her bottom would be burning and her pussy would be bare in front of him.

Oh My God!

Oh My God!

This time it wasn't a sledgehammer that hit her.

It was a freight train.

Her pussy wouldn't just be bare.

It would be bare!

She had shaved just this morning.

What she'd felt earlier wasn't panic.

This was panic.

This was beyond panic.

"It's time we got this over with, young lady."

His voice cut through her panic, but only for a moment. Her panic resumed. Even the whoosh of air didn't dispel it.

The sting of that first lash, though, made her forget everything else.

She didn't cry out. She clung to the tiniest shred of dignity.

Then the next lash landed and she did cry out.

It burned like liquid fire, slashing an arc across both cheeks, just below the first stroke.

Then another and another fell before he paused for just a moment.

"I'm sorry, young lady, but you didn't leave me any other choice."

She took the brief respite to try to regain control of herself.

Maybe if she took the belting well enough he would have to let her take the whole punishment like this.

If she could just stay in position until he felt she'd been spanked as much as was fair, that would be that.

She wouldn't have to go over his knee then.

She wouldn't have to stand in front of him to have her panties pulled down.

To have the front of her panties pulled down.

Pulled down over her...

The panic returned at the same time the next stroke landed and this time the shocking sting didn't even slightly dispel the panic, it only amplified it. She was lying to herself and she knew it. She could take at the most a few more with the belt.

It didn't matter how desperately she wanted to avoid it. It wasn't up to her. Her body would decide for her.

In a few short moments, this infernal sting would build and she wouldn't be able to stay in position.

Then her panties would be coming the rest of the way down.

No, that wasn't right.

They wouldn't be just coming down.

Her stepfather... her tall, handsome stepfather... would be pulling them down.

While she stood in front of him.

It wouldn't even matter if he tried not to look.

Of course he would see.

Plus why would he pull them down from the front if he wasn't going to look?

Oh My God!

That hadn't really hit her before.

He wasn't just going to maybe sort of see her pussy.

He was going to look at her pussy.

And not that way.

It would somehow be better if it was that way.

But he wouldn't be looking at her pussy that way. Her stepfather would be looking at her pussy because she had been so naughty that he felt the only way to get through to her was to pull her panties down with her standing in front of him.

He would be looking at her bare pussy to teach her a lesson.

Not just her bare pussy. Her bare pussy.

The panic rose and she begged.

Not like before.

She begged.

"I'm sorry, young lady, but you've had this coming for a long while."

The belt kept falling and the panic kept rising.

Then suddenly she broke, flinging her hands back to protect her bottom.

He redirected the belt in midair so it struck the bed harmlessly rather than hitting her hands.

He wanted this to sting but not hurt her.

That made it worse.

So, so much worse.

He cared enough to do that.

He cared enough to do all of this.

He cared enough to do what he was going to do in just a moment.

"It's time, little girl."

Not young lady.

Little girl.

Not in a demeaning way.

In a voice filled with weary sadness.

She had wondered for a moment earlier if she would be able to bring herself to stand in front of him at all.

Would she run? Make him drag her?

But it was like she dragged herself. No conscious thought was required.

He didn't even have to tell her. He just sat down on the side of the bed and she found herself standing on front of him.

"I wish I didn't have to do this, little girl, but we both know that I do."

That was the worst hit of all.

Because she did know.

She knew full well that her panties needed to be pulled down the rest of the way.

Not over his knee where she could hide from him.

Just like this.

Her panties needed to be pulled down just like this so he could look at her there.

Then she felt his fingertips at the waistband of her panties. The waistband which was already well below its normal position since her panties had been pulled down in the back to bare her for her spanking.

Would he pause to let what was coming sink in or would he just pull them down quickly?

"Look at me while I pull down your panties, little girl."

There was no lust in his voice.

Only that same weariness.

She looked at him, doing her best to hold his gaze.

She wanted this over, but she also needed it to be shameful.

Shameful enough that she wouldn't ever be naughty enough to earn that weary tone again.

Holding her gaze, he pulled her panties down.

From the front.

It wasn't as bad as she'd feared.

It was worse.

So, so much worse.

Her pussy was bare in front of her stepfather.

Her pussy was bare in front of her stepfather!

Then he did what she'd known all along he would do.

He looked down.

Looked there.

Looked at her bare pussy. Her bare pussy.

Not a quick look that said he was nervous or afraid to do what needed to be done.

Not an excessively long look that said he was ogling her.

A look just long enough to let her feel his gaze and fully absorb what was happening.

Why her pussy was bare. Why her stepfather was looking at it.

Her pussy was bare and her stepfather was looking at it because she had been naughty.

It was every bit as shameful as he clearly intended.

He didn't mention the fact that she was shaved bare.

He didn't need to mention it.

He knew she knew exactly what he was seeing.

Then, as calmly as he'd pulled her panties down, he pulled her over his knee.

"I want this to be the last time I have to do this, little girl. The first, last, and only time."

Then his big, calloused hand fell on her already red, stinging bottom.

It hurt so much more than the belt.

Maybe that was because her bottom was already sore?

No, that wasn't it. She knew instinctively what the difference was.

Earlier he'd been spanking her.

Now he was punishing her.

He didn't pause or slow down as her yelps turned into full throated cries and then finally into wracking sobs.

He didn't stop until she was as sorry as she had known in her heart she would be when this was over.

As sorry as she deserved to be.

He didn't stop until she'd been spanked like a very, very naughty girl with a very, very firm stepfather who cared enough to pull her panties down, look at her very, very bare pussy, and then spank her very, very bare bottom until it was bright, bright red.

When he finally stopped, there was no more lecturing.

No more looking at her bare bottom or her bare pussy and letting her know he was looking.

He just pulled her panties back up and set her in his lap and let her cry into his shoulder as long as she wanted.

That was a long time.

Then he sat her on the bed, kissed her forehead, and told her goodnight.

He never mentioned that day again. Neither did she. There was nothing that needed to be said.

But everything was different and they both knew it.

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