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A Breaking of Spirit

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A story of orcish conquest.
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Editor's note: this fictional work contains scenes of completely fictional mind control, rough, reluctant, dubiously consensual, consensually non-consensual (CNC), or non-consensual sex or scenarios.


In the far northern reaches of the realm, the domain of icy winters and wild ways, Asleif and her clan of hunters and warriors fought for survival. She belonged to the Nidrbjorn lineage, a long succession of matriarchs that had led her clan - The Winterborne. For centuries she, and her mother before her, and her mother before her, and so forth for countless generations, had stood as a beacon of warrior strength and maternal resilience amidst the unforgiving tundras and alpine forests they call home.

In her role, she epitomized this legacy of strong, maternal warriors; her body was lithe and athletic, both agility and strength built up from years of hunt and battle; she was a selfless and fearless leader, the image of a kind and protective mother to all her people, even in her young age; and her body had the undeniable allure of feminine beauty and fertility, her generously endowed assets contrasted against her muscled waist and limbs. Her hair was black, which was associated with the wisdom and cunning of ravens, and her eyes were blue like the sky. In all, she was the image of the power that a woman can possess.

There are many stories of her great feats, both as a warrior and as a leader. But this story is of her defeat and the shame and humiliation that followed.

For many years, there had been a rivalry between the Winterborne, and a neighboring tribe known as the Wolf-sons. They were also a people of warriors and hunters, but they were orcs. led by a Warlord known as Gronash, their culture was harsh, based on ideals of domination, conquest, and pure strength rather than the community and fraternity that the Witnerborne embraced.

Although conflicts had previously arisen, these had been small incidents, only hints at the larger conflict that was soon to come. For, one year, as the winter was particularly cruel, and food ran scarce, the tensions between the two people who so often were forced to share hunting grounds simply could not bear any longer. With the deepest weeks of winter just over a month away, the two people descended into war.

It was a brutal affair, and it did not end with the onset of the winter. Indeed, it continued through the snowy months, and well into spring. For close to a year, the two clans were caught in warfare. Asleif would conduct precise and calculated hunts on Gronash's people, ambushing them at their weakest moments and using the human's superior stealth and numbers to their advantage. Gronash would counter with brutal raids on wolf-back, leveraging his people's superior physicality.

By this point, the feud was etched in blood. The original grievances of arguments over access to natural resources were forgotten, and now it was a matter of honor and revenge. Blood on the snow begets more blood on the snow.

In the end, it would be Gronash and his orcs that were the winners. Despite Asleif's cunning tactics and unwavering leadership, Gronash's strength and pure brutality eventually began to tip the scales in his favor. His relentless assaults forced her people to retreat from the reaches of their territory, finding safety in numbers behind walls. This was, however, a strategy doomed to fail, and Asleif knew this. Unable to venture beyond their walls, it was just a matter of time before the humans grew hungry and weak, leaving her people vulnerable to the orc horde's relentless advance. And as winter was once again approaching, she knew that Gronash wouldn't make them wait long.

She had been right. Impatient to taste his victory, and to crush the stubborn humans, he and his orc warriors descended upon Rukristed, the large town that rested at the heart of the Winterborne territory. They crashed through the palisade walls and rampaged through the streets. The clash of steel and the roar of battle echoed through the icy air as the defenders fought valiantly against the orcs. But in the end, they were overwhelmed.

The orcs pillaged and ravaged everything in their path, led by their leader. Asleif fled with her warriors to the great hall at the heart of their own, where they made their final stand. There, Gronash and Asleif finally came to blows, in a savage duel of ax against ax. Without too much difficulty, Gronash defeated Asleif and disarmed her. As the last vestiges of resistance were struck down around them, Gronash moved to seize the matriarch.

As Asleif struggled against the overwhelming might of Gronash, her defiance flickered against the tempest of his brutal strength. Despite her best efforts, she found herself outmatched by the sheer ferocity of her adversary. With a cruel laugh and a savage grip, he hoisted Asleif from the ground, her lithe form no match for his overwhelming power. Helpless against his onslaught, she was forced down over the very long table where she once held court, now defiled by the orc's vile presence.

The weight of defeat pressed upon her as Gronash pinned her with relentless force, her struggles futile against his iron grip. All around her, her proudest warriors were dead and beaten, valorous roars being shared among the orcs. Behind them loomed Asleif's throne, a testament to her once-unassailable authority, now rendered hollow in the face of Gronash's conquest.

She laid on her stomach, bent over the edge of the short side of the table. Her feet barely touched the ground, unable to find solid footing to mount a resistance. Behind her stood Gronash, his hands on her wrists, firmly planting them to the table. The hard oak she laid on offered no respite from the ache that Gronash's grasp caused her.

She spat vile venom at him with her words. "Destroy my town, defeat my people, but you will never break us!" She said, a daring challenge. Gronash simply laughed. He already had his price, and he had conquered her land and her people. Now, with her lying beneath him, there was only one last conquest for him to engage in.

With one hand on the back of her head, his course fingers entangled in her hair, he pressed her face into the hard table. The other hand roamed free over her body, racing along the hour-glass contour of her waist and hip. For the moment, her body was kept safe within thick furs and plate armor. But these were the illusion of safety, and Gronash wasted no time in removing them. One clasp at a time, the metal armor fell off her body, each with a fateful clank that echoed in the large hall. The fur coat she wore was cut up with a sharp knife, and soon all she wore were some linen trousers and a linen shirt.

With each article of clothing removed, Asleif attempted to revolt. She scratched at Gronash's arm, but his thick, leathery skin was almost impervious to such weak attacks. Whenever she would try to squirm away, he would place a hand on her hip and force her to remain in place. Her every movement was a silent plea for mercy in the face of his relentless advance. But her struggles were in vain, her strength no match for the overpowering might of her conqueror.

And then, as the last of her armor fell away, Asleif lay exposed and vulnerable beneath Gronash's predatory gaze. His eyes fixated on her ass, and he greedily drank in the sight of her alluring proportions. Her voluptuous curves were laid bare before him, a tantalizing blend of strength and femininity that stirred a primal hunger within him. His free hand slipped in under her shirt and felt her mid-section.

Her stomach was slim and muscled, but not quite hard. A soft layer of skin laid over her warrior muscles. His hand then slid across her waist, tracing the curvature of her hip, to her behind. With a satisfied groan, a guttural sound of approval, he grasped the hem of her pants and pulled them down. They landed in a poll around her feet, caught by her ankles. Her legs kicked uselessly, pinned between Gronash's firm body and the table she was laid out across.

With an eager hand, Gronash reveled in revealing the full expanse of her luscious form. His breath caught in his throat as he beheld the contrast between the soft, feminine allure of her ample hips, thighs, and voluptuous ass, set against the backdrop of her slim, muscled waist.

Desire surged through his body, his manhood twitching at the sight beneath him, and the physical sensation of her soft, squishy flesh under his hand. At the twitch of his cock, a primal growl escaped his lips. By every second, raw, primal urges were taking Gronash over, and he was more than happy to surrender to those urges.

Knowing what was to come, Asleif struggled with grim determination. She fought against the crushing weight of his hold, but try as she might, she could not break free from the iron shackles that was his grip. As Grommash's dominance asserted itself over her, Sejuani felt a bitter mix of anger and shame course through her veins. Though her spirit remained unbroken for the moment, the knowledge of her defeat weighed heavily upon her soul. Her thoughts were with her people, whom she knew was being abused by orcs, just as she was in that moment.

Just then, Gronash spoke. "Asleif," he commanded, his voice carrying the weight of his conquest, "you have proven to be a formidable leader, a worthy adversary on the battlefield. But the time for games and battles has passed. Now, it is time for you to learn your true place." His voice was deep, coming like a rumble from within his chest.

With callous indifference, he continued; "You may have commanded your warriors and ruled over your people with strength and cunning, but it was not enough. And now, I will remind you of something..."

Gronash's hand, rough and possessive, traced the curve of Asleif's left ass cheek, his touch a violation that sent shivers of revulsion down her spine. With a sickening sense of entitlement, he groped and fondled her body as if she were nothing more than a prized trophy to be admired and enjoyed at his leisure. And then, he punctuated his touch with a rough slap to her ass.

As his open palm struck her soft flesh, a wave coursed through her. The voluptuous, pillowy cheek rippled, and then the sharp pain. But it was more the humiliation of the action than the pain, the way he toyed with her the way a beast might toy with it's caught prey.

As he placed his hand on her hip, digging his fingers into it, he finished his sentence: "Let me remind you that, before me, you are nothing but a woman." He pushes himself up against her, and a gasp leaves her lips. Before she could ever truly process the meaning of his words, the feeling of his hard crotch pushing against her womanhood shocked her.

She was yet a virgin, having focused all of her time on leading her people and honing her skills. And for all of her skills and strengths, she was naive and untrained in the affairs of lust and flesh. So the sensation of Gronash's hard and massive manhood pressing against her, even through layers of fabric, welled up within her. The pressure caused, to her surprise, a feeling of pleasure in her womanhood, a gentle warmth - An almost comfortable feeling. Of course, this pleasure was soon subverted by her instinctual revulsion at the act.

The husky arousal in Gronash's voice was palpable as he continued "I will humble your spirit with my manhood, you little human girl." At this point, Gronash pulled down Asleif's plain panties as well, leaving her fully exposed to him. The chill in the air clung to her slightly wet, quivering lips, the cold as vivid a sensation as the intense fear and shame that churned in her stomach. Vitriol and spite had since long been extinguished, the spark of defense sputtering out and leaving her alone.

"If you ever dare to defy me again," he snarled, his grip tightening on her flesh, "let the seed I plant within your womb today serve as a reminder of your place as a woman."

His words hung heavy in the air, a vile decree that sought to crush her spirit with the weight of his tyranny. And beneath that weight, her heart sank like a stone.. The truth that he intended to reduce her, a proud and powerful woman, to nothing more than a breeding mare against her will, shook her to her very core.

The thought of being forced to carry the offspring of her oppressor, to submit to his desires and whims without choice or consent, filled her with a profound sense of revulsion and despair. It was a betrayal of everything she stood for, a cruel mockery of her autonomy and agency as a matriarch for her people

But for Gronash, the thought made him brim with lust. Her supple breasts, her rounded hips, the delicate curve of her waist--all of it seemed to beckon to him, inviting his touch and his possession. And in the eyes of Gronash, a true warlord that cared little for the humanity of his conquests, she was nothing more than a means to an end, a tight pussy to be savored and a fertile womb to be conquered.

He undoes his pants, revealing his immense and throbbing manhood. Orcs were already more physically domineering than humans, but even among orcs Gronash was well-endowed. And in that moment, his swollen member stood as a symbol of his power to conquer and subjugate the defeated matriarch. And for her it was a stark reminder of her role as a woman, to be enjoyed and admired by a powerful, to be dominated and taken at their whim.

With trembling anticipation, she braced herself as Gronash allowed his throbbing member to rest against the curve of her ass, its immense length and girth pressing against her, a tangible reminder of his dominance and her vulnerability.

The sensation was overwhelming, the weight of his manhood bearing down upon her like a mountain, filling her with a strange mix of fear and curiosity. She could feel every pulsating vein, every ridge and contour of his flesh. At that moment, Asleif's body betrayed her with an intense, physical arousal. Though she may have been untouched and inexperienced, the primal instincts of her femininity stirred within her, responding to the potent presence of Gronash's virility.

As Gronash stood behind her, her body instinctively braced itself for the impending conquest, even as her mind recoiled in terror at the thought of the intrusion to come. With every nerve on edge, she dug her nails into the hardwood of the table, seeking to anchor herself against the overwhelming tide of sensation crashing over her.

With deliberate slowness, Grommash teased her, dragging his throbbing manhood along the contours of her ass, each tantalizing touch sending shivers of revulsion down her spine. Downward he traced until he reached the quivering folds of her womanhood, where he pressed the tip of his member against her, relishing in the warmth and moistness of a tight pussy. The head throbbed as it poked at her most intimate of places, excited to claim her.

And then, he moved his hand from her head but she remained laying as she was. The defiance snuffed out, she braced herself for what is to come rather than try to fight it. Gronash placed one hand on her hip, holding her firmly in place, the other grasping the base of his manhood. The entire chamber seems to fall silent as he finally begins to insert himself into her. A moment dripping with anticipation, both of their breaths caught in their throat.

And then, a wave of pain ripped through her body, overwhelming her senses and drowning out all thought. The sensation was raw and brutal, a visceral reminder of her helplessness in the face of his overpowering dominance. Asleif's nails dug deeper into the wood of the table, her knuckles white with the force of her grip as she fought to anchor herself against the onslaught of sensation. Every inch of her being screamed in protest, her body wracked with a mixture of pain and revulsion at the violation being forced upon her.

her body coils and tenses up at the feeling of violation and pain. The fullness she feels as he penetrates her is unlike anything she has experienced, a mixture of intense pain and purely physical pleasure at her nerves being stimulated. The pain by far exceeds the pleasure though, as Grommash's sheer girth stretches her out to her limit.

The sheer size of Grommash's manhood was a cruel reminder of her own vulnerability, his physical dominance over her made all too apparent by the impossibility of accommodating his massive member. She could not take his size, but indeed, he would make her take it.

As her body tensed in resistance, Sejuani's vaginal walls constricted around Grommash, a desperate attempt to push him out and reclaim a semblance of control. But the sensation only seemed to fuel his pleasure, his grunts of satisfaction echoing through the desecrated halls as he forced her to accommodate him with exceeding force.

He pushed in, forcing her to accommodate him as much as she could, until after a few inches he simply could not manage anymore. With a grunt, angered at her body's resistance, he withdrew until just the tip remained inside of her. And then he thrust with exceeding force. The thrust sent a tremor through her body, a sharp lightning bolt of pain that surged through her body, igniting every nerve. She gritted her teeth, every ounce of her willpower required to bear with it. Gronash, on the other hand, relished in the pleasure. With the thrust, he managed another half-inch or so into her. Again he withdrew, and again he pushed into her. And again, and again, and again. Each thrust of his manhood was like a battering ram crashing down on her, and she simply could not stop him.

By the end of it, as Gronash's tip kissed her cervix, a lone tear of pain and shame trickled down Asleif's cheek. Her breath was shaky, her entire body shivering. Gronash, with no concern for this, gripped her hips with both hands and began to properly mate with her.

As Grommash settled into his relentless rhythm, each powerful stroke driving him deep within Sejuani's quivering depths, a wave of overwhelming sensation crashed over her. With each thrust, his cock smashed into her cervix, sending sharp bolts of pain radiating through her body, overwhelming her senses and threatening to consume her.

Shame and dismay had settled over her mind like a fog. For her body, the sensation of being taken was palpable, her body doing its best to simply accept and accommodate Grommash. It's as if her body had realized her defeat and had accepted the consequences while her mind still clung to illusions of pride and honor.

At first, she had screamed and reviled him. Words of anger and hatred streamed out of her mouth as he fucked her and groped her body. He let his hands roam all over her, her muscled thighs covered in jiggly fat, her voluptuous ass, and her wide hips and narrow waist. And at each point, her body conformed to his touch, and he left behind bruises from his greedy grasping and spanking.

As the ordeal wore on, the pain dulled into a subtle ache, a constant reminder of her suffering even as Gronash's pleasure mounted, growing more intense with each passing moment. Her screams turned into yelps of pain, mixed with soft exhales and moans of pleasure. Gronash himself groaned and growled loudly. His cock burned with pleasure, the tip of his manhood already throbbing with lust, and the more it burned the more ferociously he took her, relishing in the feeling. And so, as Gronash's pleasure surged, his pace quickened, each thrust becoming faster and more frenzied than the last. The slow, deliberate strokes gave way to a relentless onslaught of shallow thrusts, driven by an insatiable greed that seemed to consume him entirely.

The sudden change in rhythm jolted Asleif from her fog of dissociation, reigniting both the pain and pleasure that coursed through her body. With each rapid thrust, her senses were overwhelmed, the agony of his relentless assault mingling with the intoxicating rush of pleasure that threatened to consume her. Her body, understanding her place and purpose, had already surrendered to Gronash.


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