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A Brother's Choice


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- Aww, let me guess you're celebrating a little something are you?

- Yes, we are

- Congratulations

- Thanks

I could hear myself saying thanks with pride in my voice. They asked if we were married, and at first I was about to say no but then I though it might be odd that we had the same last name if they need to see ID on check in, so it might be best to pretend we are. I'll have to remember to make my sister wear a pair of nice rings, shouldn't be hard she likes to wear them on parties and in particular she likes the rings she has inherited an engagement ring from our mother's side and a wedding ring from our father's side.

- When will you be arriving

- We should be there about 7 in the evening

- I presume you'd like to have dinner then?

- Yes, we'll probably be hungry

- Excellent, we'll put a sign on the table with your names. And since you're celebrating, we would like to give you a teddy bear you as a gift? It'll also make it easier to find your table.

- That sounds very thoughtful, could you make the sign read "Sister Eddy-Bea"?

- Yes, of course.

I could hear her wondering tone so I told her how it was a funny thing from when she was a kid. She had a teddy bear as a kid, but she couldn't say "Teddy Bear" yet so it became Eddy-Bea and sister comes from that she used to dress it up in baby clothes and tell everyone it was her little sister. I didn't remember it myself, but I had hear our parents tell that story many times. Of course I said that as "her parents had told me that she had a teddy...", elegantly leaving out the detail that her parents are also my parents. I could tell that the receptionist though it was the cutest thing she'd heard in quite a while, and said she would even try to see if she could have it dressed up in baby clothes.

The hotel was a a little more than half a day by car, so we were going to go there by car. As I thought it was easy to get my sister to wear the rings, I just said that since it was a luxurious hotel she'd better dress for the occasion.

- Shoot, and I was planning on wearing my punk outfit and dye my hair green

- Haha, you'd probably give the hotel staff heart attacks that way... we both laughed

- I was thinking about this or this one.

She was holding up two different dresses, both were definitely the kind she could wear and be mistaken for a movie star.

- Either would do, pack them both. We're there all weekend. I think the rings and necklaces you inherited would be a great match, and the rings should keep suitors at bay.

- Yeah, I was thinking that too. Not sure about the suitors though, you not wearing any would only make them think I'm dating someone I shouldn't.

- OK, OK, it'll wear one ring too then, but just because you're nagging about it. I said playing the role of a husband pretending to be annoyed.

- You better or it will be the couch for you, she said also with a playful tone.

I'm feeling really happy that she's her usual happy self and seems to be the most relaxed I've seen her since she started missing her period. I'm almost wondering if she's not thinking about being pregnant right now, and for a fraction of a second I worry, what if, but dismiss the though.

Tomorrow, we're going and I'm both excited and a little nervous. I haven't planned exactly how and when to tell her I'm the father and ask her, but I will do it this weekend. For some reason I'm more worried about whether she will believe that I truly love her, than her keeping our baby. She's the kind of girl that's always said that she wants babies someday, and I remember that when it was sex. ed. in school we had talked and she had said something to the effect of pro-choice doesn't mean the choice isn't to keep the baby and pro-life could be the life of the mother opposing the thought that pro-life and pro-choice are opposites. I asked her what she mean, she said that keeping should always be the starting point unless it would "like be majorly bad" (her vocabulary has since expanded some what more fitting of the lady she is ;).


The drive was rather uneventful, and traffic was good so we got there in time. As we came in to the lobby it was like stepping in to a movie, one of the staff approached us and asked if he could help me and the missus with our bags and I said that we haven't checked in yet and we only have these two bags so I can carry them myself. My sister chuckled at being called "the missus" and when the porter left to help some other guests she whispered

- I think they think we're married.

- It's the rings dear, kind of a dead give away wouldn't you say? I said suppressing a chuckle of my own, why don't you find our table in the dining room while I check us in? It should be clearly marked for us.

- Want me to order while you do that? Hungry for something special?

I didn't say "yes, you" though it was tempting.

- I think you know me enough to choose something. As she turns to walk to the dining area I added - What? no kiss good bye?

I added the last just for fun, thinking she'd just laugh it off. Instead she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and walked away. I must imagine things, but her hips seemed to sway a little extra begging for attention. I saw that one of the receptionist had a little bigger smile and she nodded to me so I walked up to her.

- Let me guess, you're "The" celebrating couple?

I recognized the voice from the phone call as the teller that I made the booking with.

- Yes, unless there's another one.

Since she had done the booking I only had to show my ID, she said that usually both need to show their ID but she saw my "wife" enter with me and she said it was obvious we belonged together and she saw the sparkle on my sister's ring finger all the way back from where she was. A helper came and brought up the bags. I thought I hear someone make an "aww, he didn't!" while filling out some paperwork and glanced up at the receptionist who confirmed hearing it to with a knowing smile saying

- Looks like a very happy lady found her table.

When I had finished and gotten the key cards and got to the table the waiter has just left taking her order. My sister was beaming with joy holding the teddy like a baby in her arms, I though my heart was going to melt for a second.

- I love you so much! she said before I had sat down fully

- How did you do that? I can't believe you remember...

I said they had said they'd put a teddy on the table so we could find it more easily (intentionally neglecting it was a baby congratulation from the hotel) and I remembered hearing about the teddy. She made another aww-sound and looked like she was about to die from how thoughtful I was, she was almost tearing up a little too. I couldn't help thinking that maybe she was already feeling the hormone effects of her pregnancy. The waiter returned with a bottle of something champagne like and champagne glasses, and with the professional rhetorical question confirmed that we had ordered alcohol-free cider for the dinner looking at my sister who had made the order who nodded with a smile and thank you.

- I wasn't sure if you wanted beer or wine with the food so I ordered something alcohol free for starter.

- Thanks that's fine, it was a long drive so I'm afraid I'd just get sleepy if took a beer.

We ate and had a good time, the food was excellent and my sister was toying with the teddy in between courses and really seemed happy about it. Then it was time to call it a night and go to our room, on the way to our room she asked if we got separate rooms or not. I said that we got a suite to ourselves, not saying that I know there's only one bed for us to share. Luckily my sister didn't ask for more details, not seeming to mind.

I opened the door to our room and we got in, my sister looked around the room clearly amazed. There were several doors, one was to a walk in closet, another to a bathroom the size of a small apartment, with both a shower and a bathtub the master bedroom also behind a door of it's own. The first room had a couch big enough to sleep in, but I was really hoping we'd both share the bed tonight. On the table the strawberries and alcohol-free drink stood in an ice-bucket (I guess the hotel must have put it there not long before we left the dining hall, their service was impeccable so far). Our bags stood just inside the door.

I poured us some drink and put a strawberry in my sister's glass, she said it was a little late for champagne and I said it was non-alcoholic and she took the glass smiling. I felt proud that she was careful to make sure it wasn't alcoholic, she'll make a good mother, my sister will :)

We ate some strawberries and had drank about half the bottle when I went to the loo to take a leak, and then my sister went to do the same. I thought it looked like she had something in her hand when she went past me but didn't couldn't make out what it was. She took a little longer than just taking a leak typically takes, but I just though maybe she might be taking a dump so I figured it would take a while so I moved our bags in to the master bedroom and when I got back and was about to sit down in the couch my sister came out from the bathroom. I got really nervous since she seemed nervous, and wasn't smiling, she didn't seem angry either and she walked up standing a little bit in front of me she just stood there with her hands behind her back and took a deep breath and then pointed to her belly with one hand and then her other hand held out a stick like thing with two clear lines.


I took the stick and didn't have to look at it, it was obvious she was telling me she is pregnant. But I did any way, I was already sure but I wanted to see the positive stick. I started smiling, as I double checked the markings on the stick with the lines - one line, not pregnant, two lines pregnant. Before I could say anything she started speaking.

- You said you always be here for me...

- Yes sis, I'm here for you and...

I trailed off taking a step closer putting my arms on her hips, and was about to say "our baby" when she said it.

- Our baby... she was blushing as if it was the first time she said it out loud

- Our baby, yes sis, I'm here for you.

I think both of were kinda of in shock about how real it just became. Which is probably why the emotions came later on, now it was sort of a clinical cool somehow.

- I'm not stupid. I overheard mom and dad talking about them both having been sterilized years ago, so it only leaves you to be the only one that could have done it. It was when you got me drunk a month and a half ago right?

- Yes, I, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner...

- I've been peeing on sticks since I started missing my period, I was freaking out and panicking for a while you know.

- I'm sorry, I...

- Ssh... I know, and I want you to know that if I hadn't known only you could be the father I would have told you I was pregnant as soon as I knew. But, still I couldn't really believe it, and I was afraid that if I was wrong even though I was certain... I really like how you've done everything for me, even more so than before you made me pregnant. The day I found out I was pregnant... and you saw me at night... you really didn't think I had a nightmare did you?

- No, I was so close to telling you there and then, not to worry it's our baby and that I will be there with you all the way.

- You have no idea how much it meant for me to hear you say you'd never abandon me. I hadn't yet figured out you did it that night, I was panicking about being pregnant. I figured out that you're the father some time after that.

- Can you forgive me for making you worry?

- Did you plan this? Did you plan to tell me?

- I was gonna tell you this weekend and ask you if you will keep our baby and raise it together with with me...

- I knew it! She almost shouted but now she was smiling. I don't know why, but seeing Eddy-Bea somehow told me you had something in mind. And when I held it like a baby I thought your jaw was going to drop off, you blew your cover good - everyone in the room and their grandmother could see you looked at me like one looks at the future mother of your kids.

For some reason it sounded like she emphasized the plural "s" in kids, my head was spinning.

- So you do forgive me?

- Yes, but why did you do it this way? I'm not sure we're ready for having babies...

There she was with a plural again.

- I just knew, I mean, I love you so much and wanted nothing more than to take our relationship to the next step. I felt that no one is ever fully ready to become parents, and we were more or less like an old couple already.

- You didn't think I wanted to be awake when we made our first baby?

- I know you sis, if I admitted my love to you we'd probably become a couple but you'd be too afraid to let yourself become pregnant and you'd go on the pill.

- How could you be so sure of... she paused and though for a while... Damn, you're right, honestly I've been thinking about how it would be to be your lover for years... but, you're right, I would never have dared to take the first step, certainly not without protection...

- You've always said you want children, and I want only the best for you my love

- Wow, we're having a baby brother! My sister just blurted out almost out of context, like she just realized it. She literally threw herself over me and kissed me passionately saying I love you.

We didn't speak much more that night, other than to say things like "I love you". Needless to say, we had sex this time both of us awake and somehow everything felt normal in a sense - me and my pregnant sister having sex in a luxurious hotel finally together as a newly wed couple. That I had technically raped my sister and made her pregnant without her knowing, knowing before her that she was pregnant and not telling her until now - but right now both of us were happy I did that and kick started this next part of our lives. A part we would live together as both brother and sister, and as father and mother.

When we woke up the next morning we kissed each other good morning and we talked some about the night before and I told her that I had let the hotel think we were celebrating our baby and she made a joke about "how on earth could I know that before she told me". When we had breakfast in the dining hall we were holding hands, kissing and were just like a couple and we felt free. We went out to a near by mall and went shopping for baby things, perhaps a bit early but we wanted to do this as a couple here where we were taken for a married couple with our first born on the way. We had decided to talk about the future later that evening, and today only focus on here and now and enjoy being able to proudly speak openly and tell any one that we're having a baby. I don't think I've ever see my sister this happy before, and not again until she said hi to our first daughter and introduced her to her to me.

We were relaxing in the bathtub and talking about the future that night. We decided that we should tell our parents as soon as we have had her pregnancy confirmed by a doctor, and that either they would have to let us share bedroom or we'd make arrangements to find an apartment of our own - either way we will be living together from now on. We knew that most of our friends probably wouldn't be surprised, we weren't stupid, and some of them had already discretely confronted us individually and asked if we were more than brother and sister - which we had denied since that had been the truth. Some had said OK I believe you, and others had said yeah right, but don't worry it's your lives. One or two had even confessed they themselves had incestuous feelings, but to my knowledge none of them had acted on those feelings. If they asked now, we'd tell the truth. Luckily incest isn't illegal where we live so in that way we will not be any trouble. We decided that in time we had better find a house somewhere else where we're not known as siblings and only tell those of our friends that understand us where we're moving and why.

I promised my sister that I'd guard her if our parents wouldn't understand, but we both didn't think it would come to that. Actually, I was certain they at least wouldn't be upset hearing that we're romantically involved and have sex, though I wasn't sure how they would take her pregnancy and how we'd explain it though. Luckily my sister said that we'd simply say it happened since she wasn't on the pill, and we simply decided to keep our love child (she emphasized our and we, which made me feel proud). She went on saying that no one else would understand what I did, and that she understands and she only feels that she's a tiny bit sad she didn't get to remember her impregnation night. She feels that frankly, the only one that needs to know the truth is her - and she trusts me when I say I'm the father and that I love her. I like that she was the one that said that, and felt reassured that she was happy I've given her a baby and not mad at me for how I did it.

The reason I was so sure our parents would be ok with me and my sister having sex was that I had overheard them like a year ago. I told my sister about it:

- ...so, had just gotten home and since it was late I tried my best not to make any noise, I knew you weren't home, but mom and dad was and I didn't want to wake them. I took the back door to the washing room... (It was on the lower floor and had an inner door that was really good at shutting out noise since the washing machine and dryer were noisy beasts.)

...the inner door was closed and I could tell the dryer had been running recently, so I realized that mom or dad might still be up waiting for it to finish running. So I snuck out, still not trying to make too much noise, they might have left it running over night and gone to bed.

I headed for the kitchen to get a little water, but I heard talking in the living room (which was on the way to the kitchen). I thought I might let them know the dryer was done, but as I got closer I heard mom saying something that made me stop and stay silent.

- ...no, I think they are! Our son and daughter. I think they are sleeping together, the grown up way.

She didn't sound upset, more like her persuasive self when she's telling you something and you're not taking her word for it right away and little else that saying "yes, I believe you" would make her stop trying to get her point across. Dad, let out a sigh, he knows how she gets, we all do.

- I would have said it all in your head, but come on, even I can see they're spending more time together than we do and their out on dates with each other all the time...

- You should have seen him when I asked him if he was taking his sister our for a date again this Friday, he denied it was a date of course trying to look innocent. But I saw right through him and told him it was nice to see them getting along so well and not to forget flowers.

I remembered that, but had just just though she was being silly, teasing us for spending time together when other kids fight. I hadn't thought about flowers but brought some after that.

- I can imagine, boys are sensitive to the moms calling them out on their dates.

- You think we should talk to them?

- Let's not, just in case we're wrong.

- She's not on the pill you know, mom added as a maternal rhetorical question.

- They're old enough to responsible and they've had sex. ed. in school and we've had the sex talk with them. I'm sure they're using condoms, she might have gone to the doctor by herself to get an prescription or an IUD.

- You're right, we'll let them enjoy being teens. It's much better they get it at home or rather than hooking up with strangers and catching who knows what... Besides it's a little cute, and they do make a wonderful couple.

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