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A Caged Boyfriend

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Caged from adoloscence, Chris is given her virginity.
2.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 01/09/2023
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Chris woke up with a start. It was night, and his cage was tight once again. Ever since he'd been caged two years ago, he occasionally woke up at night because of his dick expanding inside the cage, apparently still not used to the fact.

It was nearly morning anyway, and as Chris checked his phone, he couldn't hide his excitement. Today was the day that he met his girlfriend Jennifer after she came home from a trip.

As he opened his bedroom curtains, he breathed in the town air. Not polluted at all, unlike the city. The downside was the much smaller social circle. Chris's parents owned the one of two grocery stores in town, and Jennifer was the daughter of the local sheriff. It seemed almost inevitable that they would end up dating each other.

As he got downstairs, he looked around the living room. The small table with some apples, the bookshelf at the side, and the shiny black countertop conspicuously empty of pots and pans.

"Sweetie, we're just leaving now. Take care of yourself." His mom's voice, coming from seemingly nowhere, spooked him. As he jumped in the air, his mom came in from the front door.

He remembered now. His parents were leaving for a shopping expedition to the city.

"Mom, don't scare me like that! I'm nineteen now, of course I'll take care of myself!"

His mother seemingly ignored his whining.

"Now I hear that Jennifer's back from her trip, so you two have fun today, ok? I trust Jennifer with you."

"Yeah, yeah. Now c'mon, leave already!"

His mother went out the doorway with a laugh. Just as Chris's stomach rumbled, he heard the distant roar of their car leaving the driveway.

He passed the time well enough, reading the books lying around the house, and then playing some video games. He was at that awkward stage of life where high school had gotten over, but college was yet to start. Both he and Jenn were going to the same college however, so it wasn't like their relationship was doomed.

He finally got a call from Jenn late afternoon. "Hey, handsome!", she whispered sultrily into the phone. Chris blushed deeply. Jenn had a particular way of teasing him, and already Chris could feel his cage started to tighten up again.

He hissed into the phone, "Damn it, Jenn, you know that the cage tightens up!" Jenn dropped the sultriness. "Ah, I keep forgetting about that. Does it really hurt that bad?"

He blushed. "Well, it's not all bad... It tickles from the inside." His voice trailed off near the end.

Jenn continued, seemingly unaware of his confession. "Anyway, my shining knight in armor, my parents are out of the house today; mom left her purse at the gas station in Tallahassee, and they're probably going to stay the night there as well."

"Oh, sorry to hear that. Anyway, where should we go out today? I hear the Mexican restaurant down the street finally reopened after renovations. That could be nice."

Jenn sighed dramatically. Chris was a lovely boy, very sincere and responsible, but he could be so clueless at times!

"My parents are out. Out. Your parents are also out. Yeah, Ms. Haskell let me know that they were going out to the city today. You're my steady boyfriend of nearly two years, and I'm finally inviting you over to my house. No, we will not be getting Mexican today."

Chris was simultaneously intimidated and excited at realizing the situation. "Oh." was all he could muster.

Jenn continued, "Get your ass down to my house in an hour. Got it?" and hung up before he could reply.

Chris quickly went to the bathroom, bathed thoroughly, put on his best mouth freshener and perfume, and eagerly waited for the clock to count down.

Sex Ed. for boys was woefully inadequate at preparing them for this moment. The school nurse always told them, "The girls know what to do. You're just here to learn how to clean your cage, and the laws around the circumstances under which your cage may be removed."

Chris groaned at the memory. He hated sex ed. The nurse would keep talking about how all men were future rapists and that the chastity cages were the only thing between society and lawlessness.

Soon enough, the clock struck four, and Chris locked up the house and started walking towards Jenn's house.

His mouth felt dry, and his cage was as tight as it had ever been. He was convinced that everyone could see the bulge in his skinny denim jeans, and inwardly cursed himself at being so skinny. Chris hadn't had an ounce of muscle on him, but he wasn't fat either. He was just underweight.

As soon as he started to knock on Jenn's door, it opened. Jenn jumped on him, and nearly smothered him in her embrace. In contrast to him, Jenn was perfectly healthy, weighing roughly the same but a few inches shorter.

As the hug continued, he keenly became aware of where the excess weight had gone. Jenn's boobs smushed towards his chest, and he felt even more awkward than before.

She finally broke off the hug, and looked up at him, with her long blond hair bouncing. She smiled. "It's so good to see you after a week!" Chris was instantly put at ease. Her bright smile and grey eyes seemed to have that effect on him. He felt safe and protected when she did that.

"C'mon, follow me." As Jenn turned around, only then did Chris notice the black dress she was wearing. He hadn't seen that one before, so it must be new. He noticed how short it was.

As he entered Jenn's room, he smiled at her bookshelf. It contained all the memorabilia and souvenirs she had collected traveling across the country with her parents. It sported a new figure - a small paperweight in the shape of an airplane. No doubt from her recent trip.

All further thoughts were cut off when Jenn pulled on his arm, causing him to fall on the bed. Chris looked at Jenn, who was suddenly very close. Her breath washed over him and tickled his nose.

"This would normally be the point where we start watching an old tasteless movie, and start getting our flirt on. Unfortunately, I'm worried that you would actually watch the whole movie and enjoy it, so I'm going to cut to the chase. Ok?"

She leaned in and whispered the last part in Chris's ear. He was intimidated, but tried not to show it. He instead leaned in and kissed Jenn on the lips.

Her eyes widened in surprise as the kiss continued. Once he was content with the feeling of her lips on his, he pulled away, and grinned. "Yeah, I think that's ok."

Jenn grinned back.

"It seems my boyfriend has finally found a spine. Will he now undress me?"

Chris's tightened beyond what he thought possible. All his bravado fled him as the reality of the situation dawned on him. He stuttered, "Y... yeah."

Jenn just held up her arms, clearly enjoying the situation. She did feel a bit of pity for him. Her sex ed. classes meant she knew how little the boys knew about sex, and it was only right for Chris to be so nervous. She decided to comfort him a little.

"Don't worry, I know what to do. You'll be a wonderful partner."

As Chris lifted her dress from her shoulders, her words calmed him somewhat and allowed him to enjoy the situation as well.

First, Jenn's toned stomach came into view. Then her white lace bra was exposed. As Chris laid the dress aside on the bed, she wordlessly wiggled upwards and raised her legs.

Chris removed her leggings, seeing Jenn's panties for the first time. They were plain white, not too fancy. As the leggings traveled down her legs, he saw her pearly white thighs and then legs.

Chris paused, unsure of whether he should try removing the rest. Jenn sat up, and giggled. "Your turn now." Chris fumbled with his belt buckle, and quickly tore off his shirt and dropped his pants. His white underwear appeared to have a damp spot. His cage must be leaking again.

"Oh, you're so wet for me! I love you," she squealed. While Jenn and he had already said the three magic words to each other, hearing them in this context heightened his arousal even further. His nipples were stuff and blood pounded in his head.

"Now let's see your little one."

Jenn reached out and pulled down his underwear. Suddenly, his government-mandated chastity cage was in full display. It circled around the base of his penis, with bars reaching out to join at the tip. His "little one", as Jenn put it, was currently straining against the bars and leaking precum.

Jenn crawled forward, her face level with his cage. She looked up and made eye contact. Then, she leaned forward very slowly, and planted a little kiss on the metal cap at the tip, where the bars met.

Chris could have fainted from the arousal he was experiencing. It felt so confusing! He wanted to thrust forward, but that didn't make sense. He wanted to hug Jennifer and never let go.

Unaware of his inner crisis, Jenn sat up again, and patted the bed beside her. Chris sat down, exceedingly conscious of her only being in her bra and panties, and him being entirely naked, with only a cage around his privates.

Jenn whispered in his ear. "I'm going to take off my panties now, and then we'll have sex. Now, get on your knees and put your head near my crotch."

Chris hastily obeyed. Jenn took off her panties, and just like that, Chris was face-to-face with her... pussy? That was the term that the boys used when talking about female anatomy, even though the school nurse had called it the vulva during sex ed.

It looked delicate, with her thin lips lightly protruding from her base, and the hood up top looking enlarged and swollen. Fuzzy blond hair, trimmed short, surrounded it.

Jenn's voice came from above.

"Now I'm going to press your head to it, and you are going to lick it. Makes sense?"

Chris nervously nodded, continuing to stare at her vulva. Jenn mounted both her legs over his shoulders, and the world suddenly closed in to just him, his tongue, and her pussy.

He felt the warmth of her thighs surrounding his warm ears, and leaned forward. He took an experimental lick. It was wet, with a taste he could only describe as slightly salty. Jenn gave encouragement from above. "That's good! Lick all around for now, and when I give you the signal, focus on the clitoris, ok?"

Chris did indeed know where the clitoris was, having paid attention in sex ed.

He began to lick long strokes, up and down. Jenn stayed silent, and he started to fall in a deep trance as his jaw started to ache. Suddenly, Jenn breathily called out, "You're doing great! I'm close, so start licking the clit!"

He quickly switched over, and Jenn's thighs began to shake around him. She moaned, and Chris nearly squirted in his cage. Nevertheless, he continued on, and as a moment of inspiration struck him, he sucked on her clit for a bit.

Jenn's moan became louder, and then her thighs tightened around head. She shuddered one more time, and then gently laid her hands on the top of Chris's head and pushed him away from her. Chris looked up to see Jenn's grey eyes looking at him.

"That was wonderful. Better than I had ever imagined."

Chris felt a stirring of pride which was interrupted by a painful twinge in his cage. Jenn noticed him wince.

"Ah, you're feeling aroused as well? I have something that might help."

As Jenn turned around, he noticed how sweaty the both of them had gotten. Somehow she looked even hotter than she normally did with the sweat glistening on her athletic frame, staining her white bra.

Chris climbed up back on the bed while she searched her nightstand.

"Won't you take off your bra, too?" He timidly asked.

Jenn looked at him in surprise, then grinned saucily. "Lover boy here wants to play with my tits? That's fine, I am his girlfriend after all."

She took his hand, turned around, and put it on the bra straps.

"Undo this and I'm all yours."

Chris fumbled with the complicated hooks for a solid thirty seconds as Jenn's frame shifted below his hands. Finally, he got them free. The bra fell forward, and Chris was left staring at her back, with a hint of her boobs peeking out.

Jenn didn't turn around, and instead seized both of his hands and pulled him closer. He avoided her blond hair, and as his cage started to push into her backside, she guided his hands to her breasts.

His breath caught in his throat. He must've been leaking like a broken faucet. As Chris breathed in the scent of her hair, his fingertips felt a soft and pillowy sensation. Jenn guided his hands around the two hemispheres, and he encountered two hard nubs in between.

"Those are my nipples," Jenn breathed.

Caught in the sensuousness of the moment, Chris just nodded, his view still obscured by her back and blond hair.

She finally lifted his hands and turned around. Chris finally saw Jenn naked, and it was a glorious sight.

"Now that you've seen my tits, would you like my virginity too?" Having said that, Jenn shyly turned around to digging in her nightstand again. Chris said nothing as he watched her ass jiggle around on the bed.

Jenn finally found what she was looking for, and handed Chris a strap-on dildo.

"I've been hiding this from Mom for four months now, and haven't used it yet. I was saving it for you."

Chris looked at the object blankly.

"I won't be getting out of my cage?" Jenn giggled. "No, silly! I could only remove your cage if we were married, and that too at an authorized breeding center. Are you that eager to marry me?"

Chris nearly said "Yes!", but stopped at the last moment. Jenn was right, he had learned all this stuff in sex ed already. He focused on tying the strap-on around his waist, pushing down his caged penis and instead putting on an erect dark blue dildo.

Jenn laid down on the bed, and beckoned Chris to approach.

"Put it in gently, ok? There won't be any bleeding since I broke my hymen while riding a bicycle, but it's my first time."

Jenn smiled shyly at Chris and reached out to grab his hand. Chris just breathed out and slowly crept forward. Jenn's other hand guided the dildo into her vagina, and Chris gently thrust forward, conscious of the little metallic clink his cage made. As he gently thrust in and out, his cage continued clinking. It felt like he was going to go crazy from the arousal.

Jenn had her eyes closed, presumably focused on the dildo driving deep inside her, but all Chris could think about was her sweaty form being penetrated while his penis leaked away in its cage, clinking with the metal harness of the dildo displacing it.

Jenn moaned at him, "You can go faster now."

And so Chris started thrusting rapidly, and Jenn's eyes opened and she moaned in sync. Her hands found their way on Chris's shoulders, and dug into his skin as she grew closer to climax. It was as if a switch had been turned on somewhere in Jenn's brain, and she was determined to make the best of the dildo she had attached to her boyfriend. Her perky breasts swung in rhythm, and her swollen nipples stood out in sharp relief.

As Jenn suddenly clenched and let out her loudest moan yet, something snapped inside Chris's cage, and it suddenly felt like he was peeing. Chris started to pull away, but Jenn's hands steadfastly held onto him. "No, not yet!" Jenn exclaimed.

As he looked down, he could see his penis leaking thick cum out of his cage. As his thrusting slowed, Jenn too came out her orgasmic bliss to see the cum dripping down on the sheets.

She wryly smiled. "You came? That's great! Most boys apparently can't cum without a vibrator or anal stimulation. I'm glad you enjoyed that as well."

As Chris looked down on the cum now staining the sheets, he couldn't help but wonder whether that was really a proper orgasm for men.

As he glanced over at Jenn, he decided he really didn't care much, as long as his beautiful girlfriend stayed happy.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Keep going! ❤️

someonesGoodBoysomeonesGoodBoyabout 1 year ago

Good stuff. I prefer slower burns with more character development but this was solid. Thanks for sharing! GL with more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I don't get it. Writing is good. Character dynamics works.

But u just have to use some fucked up femn*zi world as a setting

98991532129899153212over 1 year ago

I never want to see a cage, up close, let alone wear one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story! I was expecting them to get caught, and he'd be in trouble. I'm also curious what the penalty would be for a male to be caught not wearing their cage.

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A Caged Man Series Info

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