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A Change of Direction


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It didn't take long for it to become apparent that what felt good to Isabelle also felt good to Jamie. Of course this was hardly news since she knew she had brought her to orgasm with her hand that night in the car. The real test was about what happened next.

Moving her face closer as she parted the way with her fingers, Isabelle felt far less hesitation in going down on a woman than she did the first time she had done so with a man. Of course the latter had been many years and lovers ago, but as she ran her tongue deep inside the crevice of Jamie's womanhood, Isabelle liked to think the lack of restraint was more due to what she felt in her heart and not because of anything else.

That night in the car, after they were clearing themselves up with the handi-wipes in from the glove compartment, Isabelle had resisted the curiosity to sample what Jamie's orgasm had left on her fingers. She wanted her first taste of the woman she was falling in love with to be from the source. Now, with that sweet honey filling her mouth, she was hardly disappointed.

Nor was she disappointed by Jamie's reaction to her efforts as the dark haired woman mouthed words of encouragement, interwoven with cries of various intensities. Hands locked tightly against Jamie's ass, Isabelle pressed her face deep between her lover's legs, her tongue buried as far as it could possibly go.

Curiously enough, Isabelle had never even tasted her own nectar, save for the brief remnants left on a man's cock after they had made love. For some strange reason, she had always regarded the act in the same way that most men viewed tasting even their own climax. Delighting in the taste of Jamie's excitement, she now realized that it had been a definite lapse on her part.

Tongue and fingers did all they could, bringing Jamie to a state of arousal that left no doubt that she was well on the road to orgasm. That thought only encouraged Isabelle more, redoubling her efforts until the words fled Jamie, leaving only the moans of desire.

She could feel the woman in her arms begin to quake as mini- tremors raced up and down her body. Jamie could no longer articulate, but she let her satisfaction be known by actions if not words. Isabelle hardly needed the press of Jamie's hands against the back of her head, holding it tight against her sex, to encourage her. Still, it was nice to know she was exactly on the right track. Subtle changes in the feel of Jamie's body, again so similar to those she usually felt in her own, told Isabelle that she was close to her goal. Actually, she was a lot closer than she realized.

The explosion of Jamie's sex against her mouth was as unexpected as it was satisfying. As where the echoing cries that filled the room and, had there been anyone there to hear it, the adjacent one as well. Isabelle held on to Jamie as hard as she could, never pausing in her ministrations until she felt the woman in her arms begin to relax. Even then, she was reluctant to give up the prize she had so energetically sought. As she finally released her hold, one thing she was definitely sure of. The ambrosia of the goddess that she had just savored would never be far from her plate in the future.

Released from Isabelle's tight grip, Jamie found herself unsteady on her feet for the moment. So much so that she found herself leaning against the edge of the table that faced the fireplace. It took another few moments for her to find her voice.

"Madre de Dios!" Jamie said when she did find it, "you're not going to honestly stand there and tell me that was the first time that you've ever done that." Then after a pause to catch her breath added, "Not that it matters but, girl you could've warned me."

"But it was," Isabelle replied, "I swear!"

Jamie looked at her for a very long minute, deciding if she was telling the truth. Isabelle didn't know what else she could say, thinking that all her life, men had been telling her that she was a natural born cocksucker. Evidently, she wasn't too bad a pussylicker either.

"Honestly," she finally added.

"Damn," Jamie replied, in a tone that said both that she believed her and that she was happily surprised.


The last embers of the small log that had been in the fire began to fade as the two women watched the glow fade. Isabelle was still wrapped up in the glow of her triumph and content to let Jamie relax a little while before they started again. This was another difference than being with Perry, she thought. If he got his first, the odds were that it was unlikely that she was going to get a second chance and she'd usually go to sleep disappointed. She doubted that was going to be the case with Jamie but even if by some unlikely chance it turned out that way, she didn't think she'd mind. Not with the feeling of contentment still warming her inside.

Leaving her disappointed was the last thing on Jamie's mind at the moment, however. In fact, while they had laid there in each other's arms she had been rehearsing her plans for the rest of the evening in her mind. Kissing her softly, she suggested they head back into the main room and the comfort of the large bed.

"Do you think we should take a quick shower first?" Isabelle asked as they passed the bathroom.

"Nah," Jamie replied with a mischievous glint in her eye, "there's be plenty of time for that later. Besides, I think you're a lot sexier when you're hot and sweaty."

"I guess that was why you spent so much time helping me work out," Isabelle noted as she helped Jamie pull off the comforter from the bed and deposit it and the blanket beneath on the floor.

"Gee, was that the reason?" Jamie laughed as the two of them climbed on the bed.

They met in the middle, sharing yet another kiss before divesting themselves of what was left of their lingerie. Leaning Isabelle back on the bed, Jamie gently stroked her fingers across her breasts, running her middle finger across the deep valley between. She kissed each softly, taking the dark nipples in her mouth and swirling her tongue around them.

She pressed Isabelle all the way back and once more began to mark her way down her body with a trail of soft kisses and even softer licks. This time, there was no obstruction, however meager, between her and the treasure between Isabelle's thighs. Unlike herself, the redhead still had a small patch of hair, but in a whim of fancy, it had been carefully trimmed into a small heart just above her clitoris. Later she would learn that a woman in the lingerie store had suggested a place where Isabelle might have it done. Also to Isabelle's, but not Jamie's surprise, the woman had also given her a business card with her private number, just in case things didn't work out with her friend.

Planting one kiss after another on the smooth mound, her tongue just teasing the inner edge, Jamie also reached up with one hand and continued to play with Isabelle's breasts. Skilled fingers tweaked her nipples, keeping them in a constant state of hardness and sensitivity.

Hardness and sensitivity also being apt descriptions of her tongue as ever so slowly, it penetrated past the barriers of Isabelle's sex. Gently at first, then quicker and more forceful as her own, much greater experience in this area quickly became evident. Isabelle might well have a natural talent, but Jamie had been doing it since her first year of college, taking full advantage of several girlfriends desire to save themselves for the right guy, while still getting off as much as they could.

Their indiscretion once discovered by a female teacher who Jamie had been sure was going to take the matter straight to the principal if not their parents, had instead resulted in an expansion of the group of women she could practice on. Evidently the teacher, and a few friends, were also looking to get off regularly, if for different reasons than her girlfriends. With one exception, all had been married, but weren't getting satisfied by their husbands in bed. At least not when it came to cunnilingus. In some ways, Jamie had almost been as promiscuous as Isabelle had been, except that no one outside the circle had any idea of the fact and that it had stopped when she'd reached college and met Heather. Experience won out over natural talent and it wasn't long before Isabelle had her head tossed back, moans filling the air and hands gripped tightly around the sheet beneath her which she had balled up into clumps in her hand. If Jamie liked her hot and sweaty, she was certainly doing her utmost to keep her that way.

A keener observer of the female form in ecstasy, Jamie would bring Isabelle to the edge, then back off just enough to keep her from achieving climax. By the third time she had done this, Isabelle was screaming her name as she implored her to let her come. The fourth time proved the charm as, like a dam giving way to a flood, the quivers that had been racking her body exploded with intensity she had never felt before. At least not at the touch of just someone's tongue and hands. Certainly it was a climax that no man had ever given her in that way.

"Good?" Jamie asked when she was sure that Isabelle was finally finished.

"Very good," she smiled back.

"Everything you'd thought it would be?"

"And then some."

"Not missing anything?"

"What would've been missing," Isabelle asked.

"Oh nothing I guess, I just thought you might've wanted something more familiar."

"I don't understand," Isabelle replied.

"Well just in case, I had brought a little surprise in case we needed it."

"What kind of surprise?" Isabelle asked.

"What does it matter since, as you said, everything was perfect."

Isabelle had the look of wanting to ask the question again, but held her tongue. The younger woman let her dangle for a few moments more then let her off the hook.

"Well if you're that curious, it's in the vanity bag by the side of the bed," Jamie smiled.

Unable to resist her curiosity, Isabelle looked over and picked up the pink bag, undoing the zipper once she had it in her lap. Her reaction when she looked inside was one that made Jamie laugh out loud.

"Oh my God!" Isabelle exclaimed, then reached into the bag and took out the surprise.

There in her hand was an anatomically correct replica of a man's cock and balls, complete right down to the veins on the side. It wasn't so much the appearance that had given Isabelle pause as much as the size.

"Who'd they get to pose for this, John Holmes?" she said as she held it up to examine both it and the harness it was connected to.

"Who?" Jamie asked.

"Never mind, he was before your time," Isabelle explained. "Actually he was pretty much before my time too, but most of the adult films we saw back in high school were a little old."

"Okay, if you say so," Jamie laughed.

"You really wouldn't have minded if we used this?" Isabelle asked, remembering the similar toys she had seen at Femme Views and how they had been demonstrated on the DVD.

"I wouldn't have brought it if I did," Jamie replied, "but seeing as you said we didn't need it."

A look of disappointment flashed across Isabelle's face, one that was quickly put away for fear that it might offend Jamie.

"Oh I can't do this to you any longer," Jamie laughed. "Of course we're going to use it. I'd do anything I had to do to make my sweet baby happy."

With that, Jamie took the strap-on from Isabelle and proceeded to put it on. From the ease with which she adjusted the various belts, it was clear to the older redhead that it wasn't the first time she had ever put one on.

"Now, baby," Jamie grinned, "I want you to just lie back and see what it's like to be really fucked by someone who also knows how it feels."

The look on Isabelle's face was that of eager anticipation.

Before tossing the vanity bag off the bed, Jamie took a small bottle of clear liquid out of it. She squirted a generous amount of it into her hand, then smeared it all over the head of her cock.

"I know you're wet enough," she said as she capped the bottle and dropped it on the dresser, "but it doesn't hurt to add a little something to make it easier."

Taking account of the size of the rubber cock, and mentally comparing it to just about every man who had gone where it was about to go, Isabelle was hardly going to complain about a little more lubricant.

Laying back on the bed, Isabelle spread her legs as Jamie moved between them. Cock in hand, Jamie pressed the head against the opening of Isabelle's pussy and ran it up and down, spreading the glob of gel on it across and into the passage. Then, with a slow, deliberate move, she pressed forward and into Isabelle.

"Oh wow," Isabelle gasped as she felt the largeness fill her, even though it was only halfway inside. It wasn't uncomfortable as she had feared, just slightly overwhelming.

"Just relax," Jamie said as she slowly eased the cockhead in and out of Isabelle, letting her get more used to its dimensions. "Remember, I know what you're feeling and I'd never hurt you."

"But?" Isabelle started to say, but then paused, the memory of Jamie having told her that she had always been into women coming to mind.

"I just said that I'd never been with a man," Jamie smiled as she eased her temporary manhood deeper into Isabelle, "not that I'd never been fucked. This toy was one of the things I kept when Heather and I split up our belongings."

That mystery solved, Jamie began to slip into Isabelle with an ever increasing pace, the full length of her toy now disappearing within her. Isabelle's amazement that she actually could handle it all soon vanished, to be replaced by the familiar and not so familiar feelings its thrusts were producing in her.

Jamie braced herself with outstretched arms, continuing to pick up the tempo of her actions, even as Isabelle felt her body beginning to respond to each push forward with one of her own to meet it. Her hands came up to Jamie's body, closing around her breasts to hold her steady. That the cock inside her was made of rubber mattered little, as she now only saw it as a connection between the two of them, one that was producing ever increasing waves of pleasure for both of them.

Lifting Isabelle's legs, Jamie tossed them over her shoulder, gripping them by the ankles as she nearly doubled the force of her fucking. An increase that was not only appreciated but loudly encouraged by Isabelle. The tiny shivers that been rippling across her body were quickly growing into large tremors, centering in the core of her being.

"Deeper, harder!" she heard herself cry out.

A challenge Jamie was quite willing to take on as Isabelle lifted her legs off her shoulders and brought them high over her own head, holding them in place with outstretched arms. Jamie arched back and began even deeper penetrations, pulling nearly all the way out before driving forward once more with all the force she could bring to bear.

Back and forth they rocked, racing down the road to orgasm as the base of her toy rubbed against her own clit as well. One great advantage she had over a man was that the artificial nature of her cock precluded any premature climax that might leave Isabelle unsatisfied.

Beads of sweat ran down both their backs as Jamie and Isabelle again changed position, with Jamie now laying atop the redhead as the latter wrapped her legs around the former's ass, holding them together. Their mouths were now close enough to kiss and they did so again and again, even as their breasts mashed together in a slippery mess. They had achieved an almost perfect symmetry, each of their motions bringing joy to the other.

Soon they were close enough to the edge for both of them to feel it and Isabelle suddenly decided to take a more active role in bringing them over that edge. Reversing their positions, she climbed on top of Jamie and began riding her just as she would a man. With one hand massaging the younger woman's breasts, she reached back with the other and slipped her fingers under the top of the hardness, stroking her clit for a few minutes, just long enough to bring her past the point of no return.

Then, with an unexpected swiftness, she grabbed Jamie's arms, pressing them down against the bed, their fingers interlocked. Still riding her cock with wanton abandon, Isabelle brought her mouth down to Jamie's and kissed her fiercely. Their sudden embrace was enough to hurdle the short distance still beyond.

The bodyquake which had begun deep inside with Isabelle soon reverberated inside Jamie as well, their bodies pressing tightly together as two became one. Each wave of delight that they shared was more forceful than the last, washing against the periphery until finally the surge was enough to shatter the shoals, flooding both bodies with the rapids of their orgasms.


"Was that better?" Jamie said later as they rested side by side on the now soaked sheets.

Isabelle looked over at her, her hand reaching out as she ran her fingers up and down Jamie's permanently erect cock.

"Not better," Isabelle replied after giving it a playful tug, "just different."

"Which do you prefer?" Jamie asked. "Not that it matters, I'm just curious."

"What I prefer," Isabelle answered, "is the person whose brought me so much pleasure, not how she did it."

"Good answer," Jamie smiled.

"Now can I ask you a question?" Isabelle countered.

"Of course."

"Are you going to let me try wearing this too?"

"I was actually kind of counting on that," Jamie laughed as she reached to undo the clasps that held the harness together.

By the time they'd finally finished some two hours later, they definitely needed a change of linen, along with that long delayed shower. Neither one, however, seemed to really mind. The weekend, like the life together they would begin once they returned home, had only just begun.


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wheelmancharleewheelmancharlee6 months ago

Wonderful story! Nice lengthy buildup. Got to know the ladies and the climatic ending. I loved it! Thank you for sharing!!!

S9808S9808almost 2 years ago

What a good story, full of emotion, love and feeling. I might just have to try another story. a good five star rating.

DessertmanDessertmanabout 2 years ago

I am greatly impressed by your story telling skills. However there is room for improvement as others have pointed out, so I won't repeat them.

I have commented elsewhere regarding my love of lesbian eroticism.

Nicole2023Nicole2023over 2 years ago

Nice story would have love to see how the nosy body handle isabelle coming out

GaiusPetroniusGaiusPetroniusover 2 years ago

You are plainly a very fine writer, verging on superior. In the spirit of constructive criticism (which you claim to welcome), let me offer two bits of feedback.

A prior commentator voiced her view that your prose sometimes lapses into the turgid. I agree. Consider: "Each wave of delight that they shared was more forceful than the last, washing against the periphery until finally the surge was enough to shatter the shoals, flooding both bodies with the rapids of their orgasms." I give you credit for not mixing metaphors, but you've extended your aquatic metaphor beyond the breaking point. In the end it came across to me as a self-parody.

Frojm the standpoint of the nuts-and-bolts mechanics of your craftsmanship, you would improve your chances of entering the first rank of authors if you spent an hour or two giving yourself a tutorial on the difference between transitive and intransitive verbs. "Lie" (lie/lay/lain) and "rise" (rise/rose/risen) are intransitive. "Lay" (lay/laid/laid) and "raise" (raise/raised/raised) are transitive, If there is a direct object, a transitive verb is called for. "I laid my head on the pillow." "Mom laid down the law." "I raised my left arm." If no direct object is in the picture, it's intrasitive. "We lay down on the bed." "She rose from the bath."

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