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A Company Affair Ch. 11

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Preparations are being made for change.
3.2k words

Part 10 of the 18 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 03/09/2005
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I sat there for a long time, contemplating what he said. I was happy to be out of my own home, due to the possibility of unexpected exposure. But, the unknown caused me to wonder what it really meant. I felt that I should be wary of his schemes and tried to see where it was going. The thought of breaking away from Jake's control was very important to me, but the situation needed to be considered in depth.

My mind turned to Monty and the girls. I was sure that the girls were mature enough to comprehend my situation, especially if I could just explain to them how it had happened. My love and concern for them was the strong side of me, I would resist any advance that Jake made toward them in any way, even if I were to lose Monty as a result of my sexual indiscretion. I was sure that he would allow me to live with him more to keep our family together, than to put me out because of fucking Jake

Was I so bad to have an affair like this? I think that there are many women who get caught up in their lustful desires and some man seems to always be there to lead them into deeper depravity. I felt like I was unable to resist Jake's control at this time, but I promised myself that I would search for a chance to escape from him. With great resolve I vowed that I would show Monty and the girls how strong my love for them was.

Spending quality time with both Sara and Melissa was a good way to show them my love and concern for their welfare. I felt that I could change my behavior and be a loving mother, instead of a married slut, as Jake had called me. Monty was another matter completely. He was very accepting and never really complained about our sex life. I feel that he liked it, especially if I was the aggressor. If I was not in the mood from sex, he would willingly wait until I was.

It was only at times when I was having an affair that he was not aware of, that seemed to make me more sexually active with him, as well as with my lover at the time. I have never wanted to give up Monty or my family for a roll in bed with a new lover, but I was not averse to playing with out his knowledge. Was my illicit behavior heightened by his not knowing, or was it guilt feelings that I fucked him more during my affairs, than I did at other times?

Is there a double standard that men can fuck around on their wives without consequences as opposed to the woman getting her ass kicked out of her home because of fucking or sucking another man and being found out by her husband? It seemed to be unfair to me. But, I could only hope that I could escape detection of my unfaithfulness long enough to put the "Jake Episode" behind me. Turning my thoughts to what was ahead of me, I promised myself to be very open with Monty giving him full access to my body in anything he desired.

For the rest of that day, I busied myself with the chores of the home, preparing for being gone most of tomorrow. I considered my best scenario for being gone all day was a shopping trip to the Mall. Monty and The girls were aware of my habit of window shopping all day and still coming home empty-handed.

It seemed kind of exciting to me as I thought again of Jakes instructions for tomorrow. Jake was so different than any other man I have fucked. Most of them seemed only interested in getting themselves off and leaving me to work with a softening prick. I did manage to have at least one orgasm with them, but with Jake, I was treated to several. I had to admit that he did push me pretty hard and rough, but it was that difference that made it so exciting. Just knowing that I was going to be with him tomorrow, made me wet with anticipation.

Masturbation crossed my mind, but I quickly discarded it as I wanted to be really hot for him, and also reserved any of my own orgasms for him. I knew that I could fake my orgasms with Monty tonight and really enjoy the feel of Jakes huge prick working inside of me. Gee! I had to stop thinking about it, before I lost my resistance about masturbating.

I spent the rest of the day preparing for my absence the next day. I made a casserole for the girls and I and even baked some cookies as I knew Melissa was always looking for an after-school treat. It had been a week since Sara had came home acting kind of worried about something, and somehow she had not mentioned the problem, since. I made a mental note to inquire about it, just as soon as I could.

The rest of the day passed without incident and when Sara and Melissa arrived home, I was unable to think about what Jake may have in store for me. If, the last two days I spend with him was any indication of what was to come, I was certainly in for a long, hard fucking. I know it sounds bad, but I smiled a shy smile in anticipation.

When Monty got home, I had the dinner on the table. Monty and the girls talked about their activities during the day as I listened absently. Dinner was over and as I put the left-over pot roast away and Sara loaded the dish washer and Melissa wiped the table off. When we were finished, Sara and Melissa went to their room to do their school work and Monty and I sat on the couch and watched the evening news. The girls joined us for their favorite program, and we watched EXTREME make-over together. Monty and I kissed each of the girls' good night and watched them head off for their room.

Monty put his arm around me and we walked together toward the bedroom. I knew that I couldn't refuse him if he was in the mood for sex. It wouldn't be right to refuse him just because of me being with Jake, tomorrow. I just didn't want him to fuck my pussy; I wanted to save that for Jake. As we started undressing, Monty said.

"Honey, I have had a hard day today and need to get up early for my trip tomorrow, Do you mind if we just go right to sleep?"

"Oh, Not at all, dear! I understand the stress your new job puts on you. Just so you know I am always here for you." I replied.

"I love you, sweetheart!" He smiled at me, reaching to cup my tits in his hands as I leaned forward to kiss his lips.

"And, I love you too!" I replied, swinging my tits from side to side as he twisted the nipples.

"You had better watch that!" he teased, "I may change my mind and fuck you good"

"Well, How about if we wait until Thursday night. You and I both will be in the mood, then. Besides, I'd like to shower tonight as I want to go shopping tomorrow while you are gone." I smiled at him. "I might even buy a frilly nightie to wear."

"Sure, you do that! But it won't make you look any better than you do now." He grinned, leering at my nakedness. I turned and walked into the bathroom as Monty slid under the covers. I stood before the mirror, contemplating my naked body. My tits had drooped a bit, but I still had all my curves in the right places. My ass was full and round and matched my smooth thighs. My pussy hair was getting stubbly as it had been a full week since Jake had shaved it.

I got the bottle of depilatory cream and spread it liberally over my legs, thighs, and pussy, being careful to not get any of it inside my cunt. A quick smear under my arms completed that portion. Now, I just needed to wait for the cream to do its job. The cooling sensation on my labia caused a tingle to run upward from my clit to my stomach, reminding me of how hard and rough Jake had fucked and sucked my poor pussy. Monty had never been that rough with me and Jake's larger prick seemed to stretch my pussy wider as well as deeper.

As I waited for the cream to work, I thought back to that night of the company event and what it had lead to. The possible exposure of my affair with Jake was something I didn't take lightly, but the lure of the pure lust made me want to continue with Jake. I was sure that in a short time Jake would turn his attention to a younger woman and I could return unscathed to Monty and my girls.

I stepped into the shower and washed away the depilatory cream, leaving my legs, underarms, and pussy smooth and bare. After my shower, I dried myself and applied my body lotion. I was amazed at my reaction to my own hands as I rubbed my tits, ass, and legs with the lotion. My nipples got erect as I rubbed the lotion on my labia; my clit tingled as my fingers brushed against it. Was a woman's body that sensitive to the touch or was I anticipating tomorrow?

I slipped my gown over my head and smoothed it over my body. I returned to the bedroom and saw Monty sleeping peacefully. I slid in beside him and lay there for several long minutes, listening to his slow, regular breathing. It was sure different from mine and Jakes breathing as he fucked and sucked me all over the house. At least, I was not going to have to fuck him in our marriage bed, but I did wonder what I would be called upon to do tomorrow. As sleep drifted over me, I realized that I had lifted my gown and my fingers were softly and slowly rubbing my bare pussy.

The clock radio awoke us a bit earlier as Monty had to get on the road. I slipped on my robe and prepared our coffee as he showered and got ready. Like a good wife, I packed his overnight case, putting in a change of clothes for him. We sipped at our coffee and made idle talk until it was time for him to leave. He put his arms around me and squeezed me tight against him. We kissed long and gently, telling each other of our love. As he headed out to the car, his bag in his hand, He waved bye and said, "Kiss the girls for me and I will see you tomorrow night." Then he drove away.

It was still too early to get the girls up, so I sipped another cup of coffee and scanned the paper. I was noting a few places where they were having sales so I could mention them if the girls should ask me where I went shopping at. Later, after I had called the girls and they were getting ready for school, I went into my bathroom and fixed my hair and put on my make-up. It seemed strange to be planning on going out without anything on except my robe. By the time I was through, I could hear the girls in the kitchen and I kissed each of them good morning and then another kiss from their daddy. I fixed their breakfast and sat quietly as they ate.

"Gee, Mom! You sure look nice today. What do you have planned? Going somewhere?" Melissa asked.

"Maybe. I replied, "I was looking in the paper and Macy's and Nordstrom's are having some sales on and I thought I would go down and look around."

"Sounds like fun!" Sara laughed, "I wish I could go with you."

My heart jumped and a flush stained my cheeks as I realized the implication of what she said. Stammering a bit, I replied, "Maybe this week-end, honey. You shouldn't miss any school this close to your mid-term exams."

"I know, Mom. But my grades are really good."

"Yes, they are sweetheart and your Daddy and I are very proud of you. You pick the day and we will definitely go shopping."

"Ok, Mom. It's a deal!" Sara replied, happily. And minutes later she and Melissa were kissing me goodbye and out the door to school.

I watched them until they were out of my sight, thinking about what Sara had said about going with me. Good thing that she didn't know where I was going. She was filling out so fast. I wondered what her viewpoint on sex was. In time, I thought, we will have that discussion about sex and boys. But I had an appointment to keep.

I went into the bathroom and took off my terry-cloth robe. Hanging it on the back of the door, I went to my closet and took another robe off the hanger. It was a smooth satin material, thin and almost transparent. I slipped it on and went back into the bathroom to check its fit. Satisfied that it was covering me enough, I pulled the front together over my tits and tied the belt snuggly around my waist. It hung down to mid-thigh and the smooth material hugged my ass and thighs, as well as showing the imprints of my nipples.

I figured that I would be alright if I didn't have to get out of the car for any reason. I made my way to the garage and got in my car. I was just opening the door and I realized that I had forgotten my vibe and dildo. Jake had been explicit about what he wanted. I got out of the car and returned to my bedroom, opened the top drawer and reached for my dildo and vibe. I hurried back to the car and laid them in the seat next to me. I did notice that my robe was spreading open each time that I sat down, showing my legs and thighs clear up to my crotch. I tried to pull it together, but it kept falling apart.

As I drove to the address Jake had given me, I contemplated what lay ahead of me. I was positive that it would involve sex in as many different positions as Jake could think of. That didn't bother me, because I had experienced them all anyway, either with Monty or someone else. One thing that bothered me was that I knew nothing about Jake and he knew everything about me. He had quizzed me about my sex life, before marriage and after. There was little that I had kept from him. I was thinking that I might possibly find a weak spot in his personal life that I could use against him in the same way he was controlling me.

I was brought back to reality by the loud, short blast of a truck horn. I looked to my right and through the truck window I saw a face grinning at me, his finger pointing downward into my car. I looked down and quickly understood his interest. There in plain sight on the passenger seat lay my natural colored dildo and the shiny white vibe. A quick glance at my exposed legs told me that most all of my assets were available to his leering eyes. Embarrassed, I pressed the accelerator down and pulled away from him, knowing that another man had enjoyed looking at my body.

A couple of mile farther on, I found the exit from the freeway and started winding through a residential area. There were modest homes all around and about 15 minutes later, I found the street I was looking for. Following the house numbers, I made my way to small house set back off the street. It looked deserted as I parked in the driveway and looked around. There seemed to be no one about. I got out of the car, checking once again the address was correct, and at that moment, the door opened and there was Jake with his arrogant smile.

"Did you bring everything I told you to?" He asked.

"Yes, Jake. I did." Leaning back into the car to retrieve the two items, I held them up so he could see them.

"Very good, my married slut. But aren't you forgetting something?" He asked.

Puzzled, I asked, "What?"

"The robe! Take off the robe and leave it in the car." He commanded.

But, Jake!" I pleaded, "Someone may see me."

"That shouldn't bother a slut whore like you." He laughed, "But the longer you stand there, the more likely someone will see you."

Understanding the wisdom of his words, I quickly untied the belt and let the robe slide off my shoulders. The cool morning air caused my nipples to crinkle and stand out from the dark areolas like pencil erasers. Tossing my robe back into the car, I picked up my dildo and vibe and headed for the house on the run. My breasts were swinging and giggling wildly as I rushed for the door. I could only imagine the sight I was presenting to anyone watching. Jake blocked the door for several long moments, barring my way and laughing as I struggled to get past him.

I stood silently before him as he closed the door and turned, gazing at my naked body.

"Well, well! So, my married slut has returned for more of my hard cock! I guess you were afraid that I might run out of steam before you were satisfied, so you brought your toys?"

"No, Jake! I brought them because you told me to." I answered. "I have a lot to lose here and want to satisfy you. I do appreciate you finding a place for us, rather that at my home."

"Very good, slut! Why don't you come over here and show me how much you appreciate it." He smiled at me.

Knowing what was expected of me I tossed my toys on the sofa and went to him. He was still fully dressed, but I could see the outline of his large cock pressing against the material of his pants. Jake grabbed me and kissed me hard on the lips, squashing my breasts against his chest and squeezing my ass-cheeks in both hands. The bulge of his prick pressed into my stomach as I put my arms around his neck, opening my mouth to his searching tongue. Even thought I felt guilty about it, I felt my body reacting to his kisses and touch.

Jake kissed me, his tongue reaching deep in my mouth, wiggling and probing against my own. Then his hand came up to caress my tits, pulling and twisting the erect nipples, roughly. Slowly, almost tenderly, he began kissing me about the ears, neck, and shoulders. I sighed softly and pushed my bare pussy tight against the solid outline of his prick. Right or wrong, the desire was building in my stomach, drawing the moisture from my cunt, wetting the lips in preparation for what was to come.

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gizzmo301gizzmo301over 19 years ago
can't help

Can't help how that even though this is fiction you can say their is a double standadr. As meny or more men are divorced for cheating. Current polls show cheating on a spouse to be about 50% and it is the same for both male and female. You made the wife out to be a submissive slut to Jake with no thought of children or husband so how are you going to finish this

gizzmo301gizzmo301over 19 years ago
can't help

Can't help how that even though this is fiction you can say their is a double standadr. As meny or more men are divorced for cheating. Current polls show cheating on a spouse to be about 50% and it is the same for both male and female. You made the wife out to be a submissive slut to Jake with no thought of children or husband so how are you going to finish this

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Its Amazing

Its amazing to see the emotions your stories build up in people. A simple ficticious sex story seems to effect some of the readers so severly that it is almost scary. I guess it proves your writing is not only good, but great. I do wonder about those that continually hope for and wish that you'd write about the heroines daughters being violated and getting pregnant. It sounds like some of your readers really have deep seated sexual hang-ups - and they try to sound like you're the perverse one.

Keep up the good work! You're certainly stimulating the weird-o's out out there.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Does anyone

really think that before giving up Jake's big cock and her submissive tendencies, this worthless bitch would think twice before tying both of her daughters to the bed posts and helping Jake guide his cock into both of them?

She has shown no remorse whatsoever for her behavior and as the ptory gets longer and longer, the story plot gets no better except that it does reveal what a no good narcissist cunt that she is.

Now this chapter reveals that she feels like what she is doing is OK and well justified just in case at sometime in her marriage, her husband might have looked at another woman.

Now she starts to withhold sex from her husband and is very relieved that she didn't have to fuck him before her date with Jake.

Like the other poster said, she is going to keep going in a downward spiral until she reaches the point of no return. This woman has no worth as a wife and mother. Her only attribute as a member of the human race is a cum dump for Jake and whoever else he arranges for her to be with.

Her husband is about as stupid a man as I ever read about on literotica.

Most stories of this type where a housewife/mother is blackmailed into being a sex slave, she does it to keep the blackmailer silent. This woman is doing it for the thrill of it. She cares not for anyone or anything except having orgasms and pleasing Jake.

Maybe a good thing will come about this family and somebody or something will kill her.

Breast cancer or an auto accident would be more than a just demise for her.

The last thing that I wish to see is her benefactor John and her two daughters don't have to hear of her trashy behavior.

You can't really blame Jake. He is lower than shit but she is the one that looks forward to each new encounter with him.

I'm ready to see Jake fuck her daughters and maybe knock both of them up.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
i agree with the for real

sad that she thinks its a double standard ... she is fucking her family over big time ... make jake pay ... and let john have the kids

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Are you for real?

This story is "non_consent, reluctant"? Now this "loving mother and wife" has been having affairs throughout her loving marriage? She is a liar and cheater who had sex in her daughter's room. She is pissing on her own family and justifies it now by saying that there is a double standard. When does she get caught and pay for her cheating and whoring?

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
A shame not felt yet

A glimmer of talent wasted on dribble through 11 chapters. Soon to be much worse as soon as she can work it out. Gangbangs a certainty, underage daughters as well, hubby self cuckolding as certain as the black cocks are.

When do you stop disrespecting yourself and start another story that has some reality - some plausibility - some possibility of entertainment excluding the purposeless sick jaded perversions?

It seems you are very base and soridly sick but struggling with how to vent it. Hopefully there are no children in your home or that you are not a teacher.

Hopefully you seek some help soon to deal with your problems.

This is supposed to be fun but you are making it pitifully lurid and depraved causing nearly everyone to turn away.

Please think about it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
i hope we don't believe what we write

this as you write this fanasy, as we all know is fanasy right.i for one isn't buying what you are writing.you are going all over the map and story is getting away from what it start out as a wife lead astray.she has turned into a whore and that other excuses about hubby and childred is b/s. she no what she doing and enjoying it.where she is a man or woman somebody is fucking over their family in this story and it in't the hubby.i have no pity for jake he is lower that whale shit and she is getting close herself.in her mind she making excuses for her fucking up now,but there is one thing she is coming is a whoreslut for another man that not her husband.she put her family in danger aids and stds.

sherlock40sherlock40over 19 years ago
Now it's "The Jake Episode?"

And what double standard is the wife talking about. There are just as many divorces from wives who find their man cheating as there are vice-versa. And if you think this site reflects real-life in anyway, then the ratio of wives fucking around far exceeds men. And then, when the husband cheats, it usually ends up with a wife-fucking-every-male-in-sight over the top revenge story.

For those of you who are still reading this story and rant and rave every time the comment section comes up, just remember-vote one and leave.

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