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A Cow Named Alice Pt. 01


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"Alice Wayne, you came to me to be domesticated."

The one word flooded her mind with the memories repressed by the room she was in. Her vision unclouded and she realized now, certainly too late, that all the desires and fantasies which she had immersed herself in were so very real.

Alice remembered the first thing she read, the first thing she watched. The first dreams she had, the first time she looked at someone and thought, "Fuck I'd let him breed me." The first time she looked down at her chest and felt the desire, no the need to make them bigger.

She remembered the first time she tried to find another who saw her how she did, as an aspiring animal.

And she remembered, if only in dreamlike abstracts, what she had asked this man.

Her eyes had glazed over while she worked about in memory, and the man took the opportunity to flip her onto her side -- as best he could with the restraints on her legs -- and examine her breasts.

Alice came to, halfway though a mental recreation of the discussion he and she had had the night before.

"What... what're you doing?" She noticed he was reaching in a satchel at his side. The snap of a latex glove around his wrist, followed by the other informed her of what he was preparing. He pulled out a pair of syringes, and a pack of alcohol swabs. Inside the syringes was a clear fluid, illuminated pink by the lights in the room.

"Just what you want." He reached forward and swabbed her left tit, on the underside, almost where it touched her torso. With one hand, he held it up, and with the other, he moved in to make the injection. "Just what you asked for."

Alice remained perfectly still, despite some part of her screaming to grab his hand and fight back. She didn't know, per se, what was in that vial. But her best guess made her willing to accept it.

"This won't hurt nearly as much as what you'll be begging for tomorrow." He murmured as the needle went into her skin.

It didn't hurt, in fact the sensitivity of her breasts, combined with the coolness of whatever was going into them, made it feel reasonably pleasurable. After making the second injection, the man stood up and looked at her laying on the ground.

"Those are gonna make you damn hungry and more thirsty. Don't forget to eat."

Alice wasn't helpless. She could fight back, even if furtively. Yet, she felt her consciousness becoming hazy as the injections took effect. The man walked out, but she heard his voice echo around the walls as he walked out. It was tough to make out as the chemical imbalance in her body grew larger, but the word cow bounced around the walls a couple of times as the door slammed shut.

She smiled. Some of her wanted that smile to be a feeble sign of resistance, that she had withstood his first onslaught and came out whole. The rest of her was left to contend with the fact that a good deal of her psyche wanted that.

Her hands moved to remove the restraint on her neck, but nothing could be done. She wasn't sure if it was because of the chemicals and hormones flooding her body, or if it was truly inescapable.

Shocking her, however, was how loose her legs felt. Like they could just slide out of the restraints. And, sure as her sensation, they could. Her wrists were able to come off. Her fading rationality recognized the purpose of it -- a lease on her freedom. Free to move, but not to reject the conditioning. She giggled at that thought, that she would just be on all-fours roaming around the room. That thought seemed to squeeze out a good dose of the happy chemicals in her brain, far more than she would have expected.

Why did she feel so... giddy? It wasn't quite happiness, just an overall feeling of pleasure. It was fading as quickly as it had come on. It wasn't the injections, or at least not them alone. Those seemed to be working at her chest, making her breasts feel warm, sensitive, almost prickly. She settled on the substrate and tried to parse out the menagerie of conflicting emotions within her. It didn't help that she was fairly hungry and incredibly thirsty.

No matter how hard she tried to think of escape now, the fact that she had wanted this kept creeping into her mind to shut it down.

Staying here would make her an abductee, property of the abductor. No more than chattel.

She murmured out, voice still hoarse but a fair bit clearer, "But what if I want that?

She pondered that, thinking about her life before this, how much she enjoyed university, how she was ready to do good work in the world.

"But what if I don't want that?" The thought interjected. She decided to entertain it. The thought that she should just surrender to the abductor, allow herself to be molded into whatever shape he had in mind for her.

Alice shivered at that, because she knew exactly what shape he had in mind, a shape she'd long considered trying to fill herself. She knew almost exactly what that chemical was doing to her tits, and a vague idea what it was doing to her head.

Hunger panged at her, and she started to look for something to eat. The rope at her neck forbade her from getting up off of all fours. Turning around to see its source by the door, a small camera was stuck in the wall above it. Even in her slightly hazy state, she could tell it knew when she was up on her two legs. She decided to test it, and was immediately greeted by a quick, harsh tug on her neck. There would be no standing and no resisting. She coughed for a little after the failed attempt at getting up, and turned around to survey the room. She was now free to roam about it, it seemed.

She examined her leg restraints and found that they weren't, in fact, rope, but a few leather straps. They still held the original shape of her legs, but had been loosened enough to let her wiggle out. She tried to wipe some of the hay off from the base of the floor, and found an edge of something. A clean divide in the floor between where the leather straps were connected and the rest of the room.

Removing the hay around the edge took a good while, and all the way through it, she felt more and more intensely hungry. An unpleasureable thought danced in her head for a moment while she worked. Do Cows eat hay? Does he want me to eat the hay? Cows didn't eat hay really though, although they could. Alice was sure he'd be back with some sludge or something that he'd force her to eat, something that would further whatever changes were already going on in her body.

Even as she said that, the thought of chewing on some of the grass as a way to trick her into feeling like she was eating seemed a tiny bit appealing. Alice shook the thought and kept at her work. Something caught her eye at the corner of the edge: text scribbled on in some marker. It was white marker, making it easy to read in the dim light.


There was no clear explanation for the first half of it, and the second was something she'd already put together. Pre-Barn? Did that mean she was in some pre-made barn, or that this was for before she was put in a barn? Alice kept sliding her fingers around the shape in the middle of the room, finding that there was a loosely rectangular shape underneath where she had awoken, which seemed to give slightly when she pushed on it with all her weight.

The grass underneath her began to look even more tempting. Even if it wouldn't tide her over any, it would at least be something chewable in her mouth. And if it tasted as bad as she thought it would, she could just spit it out.

Alice looked down at a bunch she grabbed with her right hand. Eyeing it for a moment, she noticed that it seemed almost sanitized. No hints of dirt, nothing but the raw grass itself. She had lifted it up to her mouth, almost ready to put a tiny bit in, when the neck restraint pulled back and choked her. She was startled, but realized it must have noticed that she had held her hand above the ground for too long. Either that or her captor didn't want her eating the grass. She decided on the former, and tried to quickly grab some and bring it up to her face.

Despite her expectations, this flavor of the grass was shockingly sweet. Almost sugary, she felt a familiarity with it. Like the taste of saltine crackers or bread left in your mouth for a while. Swallowing it would be a difficult ordeal, and Alice laid down flat on the substrate. Her tits felt so, intensely sensitive, and she could still feel his hands gripping her nipples. The echoes of his voice calling her a cow mingled with the reverberations of his fingers on her breasts to make her shiver. Much as fear had gripped her earlier, the mix of chemicals in her and the knowledge that this was in some strange way what she wanted, she felt oddly calm. She wasn't in control, but she had been. And while she was in control, she ceded the control she would have now. And so, in a strange way, she had always controlled the situation.

While she chewed on her grass she realized her left hand had reached up to her tit and was tracing small circles around the nipple. The sensation was comforting. A softness after the storm. Alice was not sated by this, though. The same part of her that was giddy, the same part of her that wanted to fit into the mold this place set for her, that part of her wanted more.

She pinched her nipple and moaned at the feeling. They had always been sensitive, but the chemical slurry in her chest had ramped that up to eleven. Her tits had never been this heavy, this intensely pleasurable to feel. Alice squeezed her breast with her hand and bit her lip. Little fireworks lit up across her chest. She giggled at the size of them, relative to her hands. Alice walked into this with average, but perfectly attractive tits. With just a day of those injections, they had grown a fair bit. Enough to really hang and jiggle. She thought of the image of herself back up on all fours, with truly pendulous tits hanging underneath her, veiny, red from pinching and gripping, and...

The last word made her heart skip a beat as she thought it, and she brought her nipple up to check them. Leaky, she had wished them to be leaking, but the tits were dry. Alice was half disappointed, and half relieved. She had never been able to do this before, but now that they had been expanded that little bit, she bent her head down to the nipple.

It was just barely close enough to lick it. No sweetness, no wetness. Nothing. But the feeling of a tongue on her nipple rang through her and she swiped at it again. She couldn't quite get her lips on it, but the tongue was enough to get her almost immediately wet. She tapped it a few times before trying to circle it with the tip of her tongue. Her hand joined the tongue and pinched the nub. It felt incredible. The dim light of the room, the erotic hormonal dance in her system, and now this.

She arched her head forward as hard as she could, but it wasn't enough to get anything more than her tongue on the tit. Alice rolled onto her back and allowed her right hand to migrate down to her crotch. She couldn't believe herself, masturbating at a time like this. And yet, here she was, licking her tit, massaging her clit, and moaning into her own chest underneath the words, "HAPPY COWS MOO"

Those words and this sensation brought up in her mind the picture of her and dozens of others, dozens upon dozens of happy cows. All happily chewing on this sweet grass, thoughtlessly fucking and getting fucked, with big swinging tits full of milk underneath them. Cows of all shapes and colors, all mindless, nothing more than milk factories and breeding whores. And all so incredibly happy.

She rolled her tongue over her nipple at that last thought. She kept pushing herself closer to orgasm, and tried to imagine that place again. Imagining herself in the middle of it, sandwiched between two other cows, with her pussy filled by a powerful bull's cock while two suckers or mouths drained her breasts. Her arms and legs all on the ground, on all fours, like the good cow she would be.

Alice was so close now, but just couldn't mount that last hill and get herself there.

Her mind's eye pulled her back to that happy place. She was in a milking shed, grinding her hips against the bull breeding with her, she wanted to be filled, made a happy breeding cow, made the mother of her litter of calves. Made pregnant and gravid.

In both her mind's eye she mooed, she mooed so deeply and desperately that it echoed through her whole body. And she came, collapsing onto her forearms and almost sobbing at the shattering power of the orgasm that washed over her.

Alice sat there in the dim room and teared up. As the sounds of her own mooing reverberated through the room, she felt the sting of defeat. For a few moments, the clarity of orgasm allowed her to realize what she was becoming. The taste of the grass in her mouth lingered, and it was no longer sweet.

She looked across the room at the words "Good Cows Moo"

Was that all she was to be? A good, dumb cow. She knew that insatiably horny part of her wanted it. She knew that part of her well enough to recognize that it had been ready to surrender everything in exchange for the promise of being a cow. Big tits, milk, and being bred forever. All it would cost her was everything.

And in the fading moments of lucidity, it shook her deeply to realize that even now, in these moments of awareness, that was a hard bargain, but one she was willing to engage. Just as the chemicals only served to enhance what was already present on her chest, they could only enhance feelings already present in her mind.

Just as those abstract, advanced thoughts danced through her head, she felt a pang of hunger. It was far more intense than before, and she looked around her for something to eat. To her surprise, across the room, by the door, was a trough of sorts, right below the camera, and just above where the rope entered the wall.

She went over to it, her legs still shaking a little, and realized it was full of water on one side, and a cereal of sorts on the other.

Alice lowered raised her hand up to grab some of the cereal, but was immediately pulled down towards the trough by her neck. The tug was slight, gentle, and much less harsh than the sudden jolts from before. But the message was clear.

Cows do not eat with their hands.

Alice knew there was no other way she would be fed here, besides the non-nutritious grass substrate. She lowered her lips to the trough and bit into a mouthful of the grain. It was even better tasting than the grass. It had a rich, but still faintly sweet, almost umami taste. The lucidity had faded from her mind as she relentlessly dug into the feast beneath her. After a few bites she moved herself over to the other side and sucked up some of the water. It felt cool and fresh. She felt it flowing through her body, rejuvenating and reinvigorating her.

As she switched back to the other trough, the feeling of being filled up with good, filling food gave her a feeling she never had before. Its not common in our modern world for one to go long without eating, but the sensation of a feast after a fast, especially one as draining as what Alice had been put through, is almost erotic. She savored the taste of each morsel and grain. Despite herself, she almost mooed again, eager to finish the entire meal put forth for her.

The happiness of being fed was incredible, but the faint lucidity in the back of her mind almost begged her to stop her feasting. It knew that this meal was full of the same kinds of chemicals in the injections, full of nutrients built to modify and fatten her. To turn her into the happy cow half of her was eager to become.

Alice, however, ignored that voice of reason, and continued eating. She was joyful, full, and almost sated. One the trough was cleared, she took a few deep swigs of water and marched on all fours to her place in the middle of the room.

She sat down to enjoy the feeling of fullness, holding her belly and her tits again, but was interrupted by the sudden realization that she had to pee. Quite badly, in fact.

Alice got up and looked around. Much of the middle of the room was covered in that substrate, save a small corner between the happy cow and obedient cow walls. That corner was clean concrete, with a small drain in the middle. A few sealed metal circles on the walls indicated that there may have, at some point, have been plumbing there. Her half-cowed mind, sated and ready to sleep, felt that that was as good a place as any. She waddled over, but arriving there hesitated.

Lucidity was able to take ahold of her while her neediness faded slightly. Was she really about to do this? Was she really going to surrender this far, regress this steeply, so quickly?

But it wasn't as if she had any other options. She wouldn't be able to hold indefinitely, and this would serve as one narrow angle of agency she could exact. She could choose to go now, here, and away from the rest of the room. She wouldn't have anything really to clean herself with -- the grass would only hurt, and probably wouldn't even do a good job of it.

She swallowed her pride and a thin stream fell down into the drain, picking up and growing as she forced more out. A few seconds passed, and it was over. She sighed, and was about to go back to her resting place by the leather straps, when a click and hiss from the wall behind her caught her attention. One of the circles had snapped open, revealing a small nozzle inside. It jutted out briefly, and a camera on the wall above it guided it to her ass. It sprayed a gentle gush of warm water at her, washing her off in a matter of seconds. Just as soon as it had emerged, it retracted, and sealed shut.

Before she could so much as question the change, the vents on the ceiling began to rumble and warm, dry wind flowed into the room. She would need to remain upright on all fours while she dried off, but the sensation of warm water drying was moderately pleasurable.

Alice eventually returned to her place in the middle of the room. She was tired, exhausted from the tribulations of her first few hours of this place. She didn't know how long this ordeal had been. Perhaps it had only been a short time, stretched out by discomfort. Or perhaps it had been nearly a full day. Regardless, she curled up on the floor, holding her tits and belly for warmth, and slowly drifted off into sleep.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I didn’t count how many times you used it but please find another word besides SUBSTRATE.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Holy shit this is perfect in every possible way

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