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A Dark and Stormy Night


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She was still smiling when Robyn leaned over and kissed her.


A kiss unlike the countless hello, goodbye and holiday embraces that most women exchanged daily. One that, while different, was not totally unique.

Back when they were teenagers, and just starting to date boys, the girls had practiced kissing with each other. In fact, Robyn's first real kiss had been with Valerie, the memory of which now resurfaced in both their thoughts. A memory of how it had been technically correct in every way, but had lacked real passion. An omission now corrected.

A second kiss followed and this time it was Valerie who took the initiative as she felt the soft pressure of her friend's tongue against her own. How many nights over the years had she thought of this moment, never imagining that it could actually happen? How often had she been in bed with Beth and imagined what it might be like with Robyn instead? The answers no longer mattered as the sudden reality of the moment tossed any sense of caution to the wind, as she embraced that moment for however long it might last.

The night sky suddenly erupted once more as a new, even more powerful storm appeared with a thunder flash more violent than any that had preceded it. One so close that the boom of its fury followed even before the light of its birth faded, causing the windows to shake as the sky opened up once more.

"Wow, that was some kiss!" Robyn exclaimed as the after-effect of the much too close lightning strike slowly faded. "I might actually have just had an orgasm."

Valerie just smiled, knowing that her friend was exaggerating but pleased with the enthusiasm she expressed. Bringing their faces back together, she again pressed against the softness of Robyn's lips as she reached up and caressed the smaller girl's breasts through the blue nightshirt. A soft sigh spilled from the edge of the brunette's mouth as she felt the hand close against her mound.

"Wait, let me take this off." Robyn said, pulling back from Valerie as she grabbed the bottom of her top and pulled it over her head.

Gazing with admiration as Robyn's pert breasts bounced free, Valerie found it funny that even though she was the one with all the experience in this sort of thing, it was her neophyte lover who seemed the more aggressive. Proving true the old saying that there was no one more passionate than a virgin who had decided to give up her virginity.

"Now your turn." Robyn said as she tossed her nightshirt aside and gave a little tug on Valerie's.

Robyn's eyes widened as the red shirt lifted and Valerie's ample bust came into view. It could be arguably be said that, given all the times they'd been naked, or at least partially so, in each other's company, no one else had seen Valerie's bodacious boobs more times than Robyn. Yet, this time, however, it was different as she now looked at them with sexual lust. A warm flush that made her wonder if that was what guys felt the first time they saw them.

Knowing she was reacting no better than a guy, and not really caring, Robyn reached out and ran an outstretched hand across each of Valerie's breasts, rubbing the tip of her fingers against the oversized nipples. A simple touch that sent an even more powerful rush through her. She couldn't believe how warm Valerie's skin felt, it was almost as if she were running a fever.

Valerie was indeed consumed with a fever, a heat that had been simmering for years. She reached out and cupped Robyn's breasts, lowering her head as she did. Passionately, she covered them with kisses before taking one of the nipples into her mouth. Her tongue played with the hard little tip, sending shivers of delight through the smaller girl.

"Oh, that feels so nice." Robyn gushed as Valerie moved to her other breast, continuing to caressing the first breast with her hand.

Robyn couldn't help but compare Valerie's touch to that of Brian, her most steady lover, only to find that there really wasn't any comparison at all. Brian, and it could also be said of any other man that she'd been with, viewed breast play as merely a stepping stone to more urgent considerations. Valerie, however, approached it with an appreciation that had been sorely lacked.

Continuing to suckle at Robyn's breasts, Valerie reached down and rubbed her fingers against the brunette's already wet panties. Robyn responded by grabbing the edges and, ripping them in the process, pulled them down, giving her friend free access to her pussy.

An access Valerie took quick advantage of with, first one, then two fingers, deep inside Robyn's love canal. They moved in and out with loving precision, quickly bringing forth an equally loving response from the dark haired girl.

Lifting one large breast to her lips with both hands, Robyn tried to duplicate Valerie's skill with her tongue. She didn't have Valerie's experience, of course, but she had tried this on a few guys, thinking that nipples were nipples and what felt good to her should feel good to them. To her dismay, two of the three she'd tried it on had freaked out when she'd done it. Evidently, they associated having their nipples licked, or even played with, as a nearly homosexual act - even if a girl was the one doing it. The third, however, had not only not minded her sucking his nipples, he hadn't even freaked when she'd played with his ass. That was the difference, she decided, between men and boys.

Inexperienced as she might be, Robyn still put everything she had into pleasing Valerie and was rewarded by a reassuring moan, one that out a smile on her face. Valerie's fingers continued to slide in and out of Robyn, even as the brunette moved on to the blonde's other breast.

After giving Robyn time to satisfy her fascination with her large breasts, Valerie guided her to the throw carpet in the center of the living room and spread out her legs. Robyn smiled in anticipation of what was coming and wondered at the same time how good her girlfriend might be compared to the boyfriend that had gone there before.

It didn't take long for Robyn to find that the answer was, very good. The skillful tongue that had so gracefully caressed her breasts now did the same to her most sensitive of places. Robyn couldn't help but cry out with delight as she felt the slick appendage slide in and out, making her grateful that the nearest neighbor was a half mile away.

The clock on the wall ticked away as wave after wave of sweet heaven spread across Robyn's body. She closed her eyes and let herself become lost in ecstasy. Loud moans had given way to soft cries, the latter inspiring Valerie even more as untold nights' dreams became reality. The honey drew that covered her tongue was to her like the nectar of the gods.

"I've got to try this too," Robyn called out as, shifting their bodies, she put Valerie and herself into a position where they could both please each other at the same time.

She'd never done this before, not even with a guy, but she'd seen it once in an old 8mm porno film that one of the girls had found in her father's garage. If anything, she thought, splitting Valerie's attention would at least divert it from her lack of ability.

The scent of Valerie's womanhood filled Robyn, making her just a bit lightheaded. She parted the lips of her friend's pussy with her fingers, pausing just a moment to take in her first real look at a woman's sex. Oh, she'd seen her own, of course; she didn't know any girl who hadn't at least once taken a mirror and tried to see what it looked like. A few even used a polaroid camera, but adventurous as she could be at times, Robyn couldn't imagine herself ever being that daring.

She decided the best course of action was the one she'd followed the first time she'd gone down on a guy - just take a breath and go right in. It was, Robyn decided, tantalizingly tangy. Closing her eyes, she compared it to what she knew she herself tasted like. Yes, she had once slipped a finger she'd brought herself to orgasm with into her mouth, just to see what it was like. She believed a lot of girls probably did, even if they'd never admit to it. In fact, Robyn actually found the taste a lot more pleasant than the first and only time that she'd let Brian come in her mouth.

With Valerie still driving her crazy with the rapid and varied motions of her tongue, Robyn strived to return the favor. Eager to help her do so, the larger girl pressed her pulsating mound harder against her lover's face, even as she mashed her own mouth into Robyn's virgin pussy - at least virginal by sapphic standards. Valerie was driven by the idea that this would be Robyn's first orgasm by another woman. A woman who had loved her for so long and had dreamed of this night.

It soon became a game of dueling tongues as each tried to outdo the other. Valerie obviously had the experience, but Robyn was driven by an enthusiasm that just wouldn't quit.

They rolled back and forth, their heads buried between each other's legs. Nothing else mattered except the climax that each was driving the other to.

A thin film of sweat covered both girls as their hearts began to race. Never had either of them felt so excited. Valerie felt that she should be crying out how much she loved Robyn, but she couldn't bear to tear herself away from the luscious banquet she was feasting on, even for a moment.

Robyn, on the other hand, couldn't help but let out moan after moan as her lover's skillful tongue reached up and into the core of her sexuality. No guy had ever brought her to such an ecstatic state. Fast as the waves of passion were now rippling through her supple form, she knew she was on the verge of a memorable climax.

So powerful were the ripples causing her flesh to quiver and quake, she was having a hard time trying to keep up with Valerie. She just couldn't concentrate on what she was doing. Finally, she just gave up and surrendered to the fire of Val's desire.

Valerie felt the absence of her lover's tongue but she didn't mind it a bit. She was overjoyed to have had her try as hard as she did. It had been more than she could've imagined. She slid a free hand down between her own legs and began massaging her saturated mound, taking up where Robyn left off. She was determined that they climax together, even if she had to bring the both of them off herself.

It didn't take long at all. It was almost impossible to tell which of them exploded first. Valerie felt Robyn's body stiffen in her arms, then a loud gasp filled her lips. A second later, she felt her own body erupt as well.

At that moment, as if a sign from the heavens that they had fulfilled their destiny, the night sky erupted in a final flash of luminance, followed seconds later by a roaring thunderclap. A detonation so powerful it caused the walls of the cabin to shake. It was the last burst of a tempest which had finally blown itself out.

Like the storm, both girls had expended the last of their energy in that final explosive moment. Robyn collapsed against Valerie, resting against her rapidly cooling flesh. Exhausted as well, Valerie gently stroked Robyn's hair. In a soft, weak, voice she spoke.

"I love you, Robyn."

Still catching her breath, Robyn couldn't summon up the strength to answer. Instead she leaned over and kissed Valerie's breast. The meaning of the non-verbal message was all too clear.

It was impossible for either girl to tell how long they just laid there. Neither was aware of anything but the beating of their hearts and the cloud of euphoria they found themselves floating in. Occasionally, one would stroke or lightly kiss the other.

Gently, the excitement of the night, coupled with the cool breeze that had come up in the wake of the storm, lured both of them into a dream-filled slumber. There, the image of their love was replayed again and again.


Sunlight had long filled the cabin as the two girls slept on. Still naked, they had become entwined during the night. It was only when the sound of a car coming up the driveway filled the room that Robyn's eyes slowly opened.

She smiled as she felt the warmth of Valerie's skin against her cheek. Her lover's breasts had served as her pillow. The new sound of a car door slamming and voices outside caused her eyes to now pop open and she jerked her head upward.

"Easy, Bobby," said the woman's voice from outside the window. "The doctor said you have to take it easy on that ankle for a few days."

"Oh shit!" Robyn said, reacting to Mrs. Carter's voice as she tried to shake Valerie awake.

"Just give me five more minutes," Valerie said in response to her girlfriend's shaking.

"Val, your mother's back," Robyn said urgently, "and in less than half that time she's going to walk in here and find the two of us naked"

"Oh shit!" Valerie said as she repeated Robyn's reaction.

Both girls scrambled for their nightshirts and quickly pulled them on. There was no time for anything else as they heard the front door open.

"Honey, we're home," Mae Carter called out as she stepped inside the cabin.

The tall woman paused as she saw the two nightshirt-clad girls. She was surprised to find them still not dressed at ten-thirty.

"Hi mom," Valerie said, still wiping the sleep out of her eyes.

"Good morning, Mrs. Carter," Robyn added, not in much better shape.

"Good morning indeed," Mae replied as she turned her attention to Robyn for a moment, then back to her daughter. "I would've expected the two of you would've been up hours ago."

"Well, we kind of stayed up pretty late last night," Valerie started to explain, "the storm and all..."

"And we got to talking," Robyn cut in. "Catching up, so to speak. After all, wasn't that why we came up here?"

"I see." Mae mused, more a decade of dealing with the two young women before her making her fairly certain that she wasn't getting the whole story.

"Hey mom, look what I found," Bobby called out from behind all of them.

Mae turned around and saw her son holding up two obviously used wine glasses and a clearly empty wine bottle. A rather expensive one.

"The storm, huh?" Mae said as she gave the girls a hard stare.

"Well..." Valerie replied, the ambiguity in her voice telling Mae that she knew they had been busted.

"It's my fault, Mrs. Carter," Robyn interjected. "I opened the wine. I was a little scared of the storm and I thought it might help calm me down."

"A whole bottle's worth of calm?" Mae asked.

"I guess I was a little scared too," Valerie confessed.

Mae though about it for a minute as her expression remained stern. Then, it slowly began to soften.

"Well, it was a bad storm," she began, "and the two of you are of legal age. So, I'm willing to overlook it this time as long as you both understand that alcohol should never be used as a crutch."

"Yes, mother," Valerie quickly said.

"You don't have to worry about that, Mrs. Carter," Robyn added, "I'm positive that we'll never need alcohol again to get us through the night. Not as long as we have each other to depend on."

"Good, now get some clothes on," Mae smiled. "I've got a car full of groceries outside and they're not going to unload themselves. I'll start breakfast while you bring them in."

Her attention already on the kitchen and the mess she would probably find there, Mae missed the smiles and meaningful looks the two girls silently exchanged. Yet, even had she noticed them, there wasn't a chance in the world she would guess the meaning behind them. Or understand how their relationship had changed - on a dark and stormy night.


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UncertainTUncertainT9 months ago

Outstanding. I imagine that it is very difficult for two people who have developed apart to come back to the simplicity of their earlier love. On the other hand what the hell do I know.

VincepetroneVincepetrone10 months ago

Ahhhhh yes . “ It was a dark and stormy night” The beginning of Snoopy’s story. I think he would be happy that you finished the tale. LOL. Lovely story line. Pleasure to read . Looking forward to reading your portfolio.

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyabout 2 years ago

Everlasting love ..... Hopefully, after a long get together ..... Marvelous


clearcreekclearcreekabout 2 years ago

well written. just last night we had lightning and thunder, which i always enjoy. 5

O2O2over 2 years ago

Another nice one.

DickSimpsonDickSimpsonover 2 years ago

Good story Ms. Lytton.

B0bbyshaft0B0bbyshaft0over 2 years ago

Brilliant exposition of a long relationship and the sexual act described by a woman was truly riveting.

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