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A Demon...Or Two Just For Me Ch. 02

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Passion pie with a little bit of surprise filling.
8.2k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 08/07/2013
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(O_O wow I was not expecting that type of feedback, thank you to everyone, this story will have multiple chapters but if by the end you still want a sequel just let me know. I love to know that it was enjoyed and that the length was acceptable. As you may have noticed I had a ton of fun writing the previous chapter, this chapter will probably have less sex but I hope you enjoy it anyways.

Also a couple things, Katie is the secondary focus because I'm using her for something later in the story. Also you'll will see why they wouldn't have noticed that Violet and A.J. Had not returned right away look out for it. You will learn more about the mystery demon in this chapter Also I've decided to add a few time skips.)


Violet's POV

Two weeks flew by that included sneaking out to see each other, dates where he managed to pay for everything, great sex, really great sex, mind blowing sex then right back to great sex for a break. My parents were happy, I was hardly ever home, though today Katie wanted to spend the day with A.J. he begged me to save him but I was right next to my mom and couldn't do a thing. I watched them leave and stayed in my room exercising, mostly because I knew my mom would hound me over that chocolate doughnut I had.


J.'s POV

Katie and I were in one of the more expensive Italian restaurants and she was already pouting, I couldn't believe that had effected me once. It was cute when Violet did it, then again everything was cute when Violet was involved, except when she arched and screamed my name. The way her breasts bounced right at the perfect moment was one of the sexiest things I'd ever seen.

"I haven't spent any time with you lately." she whined.

"I've been busy." I said.

"Doing what?"

"Just work stuff, you know I get a lot of my money from stocks I have to keep an eye on them."

"Liar, I bet you were doing Violet."

My mouth went dry, not because I felt like I'd been busted, but because I had about reached my limit and once again Violet had made my cock was press against my jeans. She wasn't even her, damn that girl was good.

"Where did you get a silly idea like that?"

-Bitch is smarter than she looks, give the dog a treat.-

I held back a laugh.

"You guys always come in late and she has this ugly goofy look on her face."

I glared at her, she had some nerve insulting my woman.

"Don't you dare call me a cheat, do you have that little respect for me?"

She stiffened and I frowned.

"If you don't trust me, then maybe we need to take a beak and see other people."

-A permanent break.- Stefanos said.

"No baby I'm sorry, that was dumb, but like have you seen her with anyone? My mom is worried that the neighbors will talk badly about us if she's whoring around."

I snapped the fork in my hand.

"You don't know what she's doing, stop being so unkind to her, you would know what she was doing if you tried to talk to her."

"OK jeeze, I'll make nice, why do you even care?"

"Because she only has nice things to say about you, you should return the sentiment."

She twirled her hair around her finger.

"Like what?"

"That you're brilliant and talented and beautiful and she wishes she could be just like you."

-May she never be cursed like that.- Stefanos said.

I held back a chuckle then Katie smiled.

"Aww I had no idea I always like felt. that we had a like a connection as sisters but I was the only one who felt it, now I like know it goes both ways."

I nodded slowly.

"Speaking of goes both ways, did you know she's like bisexual?"

I choked on my coffee, Katie giggled.

"Yeah, funny right?"

I knew she hadn't had any male attention before myself and my brother but I had never thought she had let females touch her. My father was the type of incubus that went both ways literally, I remember one morning when I was younger he had upset my mother and his punishment was to use his female form all day. It was a little confusing to a demon child, who was certain he only had one mother, and see that sight. Then once I caught his scent and realized he was still technically male I got even more confused.

When I was older my father explained that when one's mate came into this world one would be able to switch between genders according to the sexual preference that stuck. My mind was stuck in the gutter as I imagined letting her toy with me in even more ways.

"So I like wanted to ask you something." She said.

I glanced at Katie.


"Don't you think we should get like married? I'll be thirty before you know it and I want a house full of kids."

I shook my head.

"I don't want to be tied down, what if we don't work out?"

She pouted again.

"You have someone else in mind?" she asked

"No, I just don't want to get married."

"You mean you don't want to get married to me."

I rolled my eyes, she burst into hysterical sobs and everyone turned to look at me, she sniffed.

"I....I'm sorry everyone....he just said he doesn't love me and the kids anymore."

My gaze narrowed, that bitch.

"No I did not, Katie you're delusional."

"And why don't you call me babe anymore, am I too fat? I lose whatever weight you want just like I already did."

The gasps in the room were loud, I was ready to leave her there then the waiter came over and she worked her tears on him.

I don't think I've ever been more humiliated.


Violet's POV

When I came downstairs I saw Katie clinging to A.J. our mother called me to come closer.

"Violet your sister has some big news." She said.


"I'm getting married!" She squealed.

I glanced at A.J. the poor thing looked tired and frustrated.

"Oh that's great."

"Can't you be more excited? Just because you'll be an old maid forever doesn't mean Katie has to suffer." our mother snapped.

"Yeah come bounce around and show her how happy you are, jealousy is an ugly color." dad added.

I rolled my eyes.

"When's the wedding?"

"In a week." Katie answered.

J. frowned.

"No it isn't, I have a big family and it has to be worked around their schedule."

"But babe we can have two weddings, I want it in a week so Violet can be there." Katie argued.

"We don't need two weddings, we can wait until next Summer."

I cocked my head.

"Well when you pick a date let me know." I said.

"But baby I want the wedding in a week, you like always give me what I want." Katie whined.

"Vi, we need to go."

"Where do you have to go with her?" Katie asked.

"To pick up that new present for you." I lied.

She cocked her head.

"What new present?"

"I can't spoil the surprise."

I walked past her taking A.J. with me, we got in his car and he sped off.


J.'s POV

We ended up at another mall with an almost empty gas tank before my temper was calmed, I reached in her wallet and threw all of her money and two credit cards in the glove compartment then we got out to go inside.

"Don't we have to get gas?"

"There's gas station right over there we can get it later."


She grabbed my arm and tugged me into dress shop, I raised an eyebrow as she took a pink baby doll style dress off the rack. I waited for her outside the dressing room, she didn't own very much pink but the color suited her. When she stepped out my cock hardened. The dress ended at her thigh and the center ribbon that rested under her breasts was black. It had straps and she only needed them to keep the dress from sliding down, neither of her breasts seemed to like it and were trying to pop out.

"What do you think? I've always wanted a dress like this."

I didn't answer I got up and pushed her back into the dressing room, she blushed.

"In here?"

"...Well we can do it out there but I don't think that the cashier would be very happy."

She smiled and started taking the dress off and I stopped her.

"You'll ruin it." she mumbled.

"I'll get you another one."

"That's not the point, and you know it."

I hiked up her dress but she backed away and dropped to her knees.

"You know I can't be quiet."

I smirked and watched her pull my cock out of my pants.

"And I can?"

She smirked and stroked it I loved the feel of her hands on me, anywhere really, they were nice and dainty smooth to the touch. I bit back a groan as she massaged the length of my cock and ran her tongue over the slit. I slipped my hand in her hair as she took my head into her mouth. With every move her tongue made on my cock I was having a harder and harder time staying quiet. I arched as she began to deep throat, she went faster and faster before I felt her hands on my sac.

I gave in and moaned, I simply used my powers to mute the sound she started to go faster hearing me cry out. With most men they fear being kicked out of bed and sent to sleep on the couch, with me however I have to fear that pissing her off will lead to a loss of her above amazing mouth.

I tensed and started shooting my load down her throat, all my frustration at her idiot family was swallowed and licked away. Breathing heavy I pulled her up and kissed her, her natural sweet taste overpowered my own. Not that I would have minded, as long as her mouth was left on me.


She changed back into her regular clothes and I bought the dress, it looked like it was made for her and I couldn't wait for her to decide to wear it.

"So where to next?"

I smiled at her.

"Anywhere I guess..."

She paused.

"Wait don't you have to pick something up for Katie?" she asked.

"Maybe, I'll get her some earrings or something."

We walked to a jewelry store and I found some cheap pearl earrings, I was ready to go before I felt my brother nudging me.


-She keeps looking at the diamond heart necklace like she wants it.- He said.

I glanced over and watched her slyly checking it out, the heart shaped diamond cluster had a ruby center and was hanging from a silver chain. I smiled and told the owner I wanted the necklace too Violet frowned.

"No don't, it's too expensive."

"Remember our little conversation about the yacht?"

She blushed, I smirked and took the necklace before helping her put it on the owner cooed.

"Oh you two young people look so cute together can I get a picture for my favorite couple customer scrapbook?" she asked.

Before Violet could decline I pulled her against me and kissed her cheek, the woman giggled and snapped the picture. We left the store and walked to the food court.


We turned and I frowned seeing a blond asshole running toward us, what's worst is the fact that Violet seemed to recognize him and and even gave him a hug.

"Violet you look great."

"Thanks James, so do you."

I glared at the jock, I really wanted him to get away from her, she glanced at me.

"Oh James this is my boyfriend A.J."

Hearing her staking a claim on me pulled the reigns on my frustration, I shook his hand.

"I'm glad to see you dating someone, I always worry about you." James said.

"Yeah well you know, don't do that, I'm just fine."

She smiled at him and he ended up joining us for lunch, apparently they had known each other in highschool and she had pretended to be his girlfriend to stop the rumors about his apparent homosexuality. I could smell that he was lying when he said he was gay, that didn't matter to me as long as he kept his distance from my woman. I wondered if he pretended to be gay so he could befriend women faster and then "experiment" to test his sexuality. Human men are strange, if you want to be with a woman then court her and do so, no reason to play such stupid games.

I shook my head.

"Oh and before I forget, happy birthday for the past couple of years." James said.

She smiled.

"This girl is a genius, she was taking college level classes when we were in highschool, she graduated Valedictorian and now you're almost done with college right?" he added.

She rolled her eyes.

"I'm no genius, I just study, and yes I'm almost done."

He smiled and nodded, I decided I didn't like him but didn't say anything about it.


Violet's POV

When we parted ways I couldn't help but reach up and stroke the little heart resting on my chest, he glanced over and smiled softly. I knew I was blushing which was sort of funny considering how carefree I was where his body was concerned. When we stopped for gas I sighed and glanced out the window. He got back in and started the car then glanced at me.

"Something wrong babe?" he asked.

"No not at all, I was just thinking I've turned into a slut."

He burst out laughing, I swear he was using his dimples against me.

"Vi, did you hear yourself just now? How can you be a slut? You're so innocent it's a wonder I've seen you naked so many times."

I started laughing mostly because it was weird that that simple sentence could make me feel better. He placed his hand on my thigh.

"But if you ever decide to sluttify yourself feel free to do so in the middle of Denny's, I just love my pancakes with a side of blow job."

I laughed harder.

"So you're saying initiating public sex would make me a slut?"

"No, I'm saying putting on a show in a family restaurant would make you a slut, but I'd still love you."

He turned back to the street and I just stared at him, I wondered if he realized how he phrased that. I shook my head, he didn't love me, that was silly we barely knew each other though I admit I felt safer with him than with any other male in existence. I stared at my lap, then looked up as he headed toward his home. I looked over at him and just stared, he looked at me then turned his attention back to the road.

"Something on my face?"

I shook my head and turned to look out the window.

All too soon we were pulling into the driveway I followed him in and we ended up on the couch. I couldn't understand what I was feeling, it was like I was just realizing how empty my life had been without him. Was that too strong after only a couple of weeks? Should I be feeling less? I shook my head then jumped seeing his face was right in front of mine I blushed.

"Yes?" I asked.

"What's wrong? You went silent and your face is all red."

"No it's nothing, I'm fine."

He stared at me I could tell from the way he gazed at me that he didn't believe me but I smiled anyways.

-Back away a bit, I don't like the way she's feeling uneasy around you.-

I frowned, when he moved back then rubbed my ears, I was sure I had just heard another voice. I was going to tell myself that it was the television even though the voice had clearly spoken to A.J. I kissed his cheek.

"Hey Alexion?"


"How about I strip for you? Then rub your back?"

I loved watching that blush appear on his face it's cute when a man gets flustered, and to think he calls me innocent.


"I'll take that as a yes, be right back!"

I got up and grabbed one of my shopping bags and darted upstairs, this particular bag was filled with items he hadn't seen me purchase. I had simply waited for him to go to the restroom then I slipped in a store after making sure James wouldn't mention it. I had the numbers on my cards memorized so it wasn't like I needed them on hand. I couldn't wait to surprise him.


J.'s POV

I waited for Violet to come back down for thirty minutes before I heard her tell me to turn on the stereo. I did so then turned around to I look toward the top of the steps and just about came in my pants from the sight alone. I didn't know how she slipped a purchase by me but I had no complaints, she was wearing a pink sheer half robe that was a bit above her mid thigh, it covered wrap like dress that came to her knees. Literally, the dress appeared to be like a bow, she was the present and I was about to be the happiest boy on Christmas day.

She also wore white fishnet stockings and pink and white heels that were tied up to her knees with silk ribbons. She pressed her finger to my lips before I could speak and told me to sit down. I sat on the couch and watched her kick the magazines off the coffee table before climbing up on top of it. I was glad I hadn't gone with the glass top, she rocked her hips in time with the music before placing her left hand on her thigh and sliding it up slowly to untie the sash.

Slowly she let the robe fall and turned, the back of the dress clung so perfectly it left little to the imagination. Even though I was already rock hard for her I wanted to watch her entire routine. The innocent part of her was cute, but it was so erotic to see her lose her modesty over and over again just in front of me; my brother too of course but for now she was still in the dark about him. Though from his speechless attitude I could tell he didn't really mind in the current situation.

After rocking a bit more she dropped to her knees and bent over to pull the tie off of her dress. That single tie had held the whole thing in place and the string of ribbon fell, I gulped. Her stockings, were connected to a black garter belt and she was wearing a tight bra. If you could call it that, it was really just a black and white string.

In her bent over position I saw that it was a thong that covered her pussy, when she moved to sit up I saw that the string was attached to hearts that covered the nipples. A large heart also covered her beautiful pussy lips. She slowly climbed off the table then pressed one knee between my legs before she leaned close to whisper in my ear.

"Lay down."

At that moment I was quiet and obedient, I moved to lie on my stomach and bit back a moan as my erection pressed against the couch cushions.


Violet's POV

I sat on his butt and made sure to purposely put my weight on it knowing he would be pushed against the couch. I bent over him and grabbed his shirt to push it up I cocked my head, I had never gotten a good look at his bare back and this close I could see the faint outline of a tattoo. Gothic angel wings, I traced the outline and he arched a bit I smirked and pressed hard on his back as I worked on his muscles. It wasn't long before he started moaning, I had never met anyone who had such a sensitive back.

It was fun to use it against him though, I massaged up his spine making sure to apply extra pressure by the tattoo. I looked up and saw that he was gripping the couch and his moaning was slowly becoming panting. I bent over him and rubbed his shoulders while I bit on his neck. I was sure I heard a whimper, giggling I sat back up and returned to stroking his back.

I was a little embarrassed to admit to myself but the sounds of his pleasure were making my pussy twitch in response. Soon though he moved under me as if I weighed nothing so I was straddling his waist instead. I stared at his eyes they certainly hadn't been that color when I started. He reached up and pulled me down for a passionate, head spinning kiss that made me forget the little details. He reached between us to unzip his pants and pulled out his cock.

When he pressed it against my "panties" I could feel that it was leaking pre cum, I moaned and pressed against it.

"If you're done torturing me, I'd like to fuck you now." he said.

Normally I would have laughed but his voice was thick with passion and it made me moan. I felt every inch when he shoved his cock inside, I could feel it twitching as he held back his orgasm. I moaned his name and clenched my walls around him he moved his hips and I was bouncing up and down as he fucked me quickly. I moaned louder and pinched my nipples before I groaned. I had been sensitive there most of my post-puberty life but it seemed like it was an even more sensitive area now.

"Oh fuck me harder!"

He moved and soon my ass was sitting on the back of the couch and my back was pressed against the wall. He pounded in my pussy and I raised my legs to wrap around his waist, he kissed me deeply and our tongues fought for dominance. It wasn't long before we shared a powerful orgasm, we slipped and fell off the couch. He said he was fine before I could get off of him and held me in place but I had a feeling I'd only be resting for a minute or so.

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