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A Demon...Or Two Just For Me Ch. 04

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The fairy tale is coming closer to an end.
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Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 08/07/2013
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(Thanks a bunch roninbear :D)(Sorry about the wait on this one, I hit a few snags while I was working on it and since it was lacking sex I figured the story should be more interesting. What's wrong with Red Lobster? Lol. Remember like I said the charm protected the whole family, but my dearies there is a bit that you don't know.

Did I actually make Dawson suspicious? He's not a twisted character.

Also I know I've made mistakes here and there but the very small meet up with her family was not a mistake, that was on purpose, I promise I know what I'm doing. :D

Hooray for twisting more creatures..... Also there is no sex in this first half that's why it's so short.)

Violet's POV

It had been easy to cover the layer of anti-itch cream with water proof make up, it made much more sense than trying to avoid A.J. and Stefanos so they wouldn't see the charm's mark. When it was time to leave, Dawson and Micheal played the 'cute' card and said they wanted to spend some quality time with the aunt they never knew. We left without alarming anyone. We stopped at the diner we went to when we first left the mansion while we waited for the sun to go down.

"Dawson you've kept quiet long enough, tell me what we're looking for."

"OK, so you know how uncle Sebastian thought it was weird that everything was practically fine while you were trapped?"


"We sort of know why, they told us there was a book we needed to get the full story, it's hard for them to speak as you might have noticed."

By 'they' and 'them' I knew he was talking about those odd puff ball like creatures, I frowned.

"A book? Like a spell book?"

Dawson nodded.

"But with this book there is more than one. Because of what created it, the first copy was easy to find, the second one was buried."

"How do you know we aren't walking into a trap?"

"We weren't raised by humans."

I frowned.

"He means, we can smell a lie and they were telling the truth. We have to find that book and fill in the blanks on the information we know." Micheal said.

I nodded.

"Fine, but why didn't they approach everyone?"

"Simply because too many people would attract attention." Dawson said.


When it got dark we went through the forest, we stepped over fallen trunks, rocks, and puddles. When we got a bit closer to the mansion Dawson motioned for us to walk around until we got to the stables. I was glad I had worn tennis shoes, I'd almost grabbed my flats. I bumped into something hard and my first thought was that it was a tree, I looked up and saw a large blue creature. He had a single eye, a set of horns, tusks and large three fingered hands and feet. I wasn't sure what the thing was. I looked down as Micheal came back.

"Don't be scared, he's an imp. He won't hurt you."

"This is not an imp...they're smaller....aren't they?"

"Actually his father is a cyclops and he's huge, this is small for him."

The imp hybrid patted me on the head and moved out of the way, I smiled at him and Micheal grabbed my hand and tugged me toward Dawson.

We moved through the forest quickly and when we got to the stables, there were still a few lights on. We would have to wait before we moved. I looked up toward the windows and saw Penelope in her bedroom. She was walking in circles mimicking the movement of an old fashioned zombie. She stopped and moved away from the window, toward her bed I assume. That was weird.


As soon as no one close was paying attention, we hurried to the stable and walked inside. The horses were asleep. We stopped by an empty stall and Dawson pushed open the gate then brushed the hay aside revealing a simple trap door under it.

"How long has that been there?"

"A while, when they told us it was here they said you would be on your way here and we were supposed to wait for you. I think they picked you because uncle Sebastian was already watching over everyone, and they didn't want us to go alone."

I nodded and opened the hatch, Dawson went down the ladder first, then Micheal, I went last and closed the door behind us. As we went down it got colder and colder. Once we almost reached the bottom Dawson told me to stop moving. It was wet and slippery, he helped Micheal down then had me come down slowly. It was pitch black, I couldn't see a thing.

"Aunt Vi?"

"Yes Micheal?"

"Open the locket."

I reached in my shirt and opened it, the pearl was bright enough for me to see that we were in a narrow hallway. I looked down and both of their pearls added to the light. We walked away from the ladder and down the path, I reached in my pocket and pulled out a tube of lipstick I marked the walls as we walked.

I wasn't sure how long we had been walking before we stopped, I looked down and saw another trap door, Except this one was built like a large doggie door.

"Are you kidding me?"

"The book was hidden in there, they found the path and showed it to us, they aren't sure who went out of their way to hide it but we'll probably find out." Micheal said.

"Why did we have to come if they knew where it was?"

"They didn't physically come down here, they can't, some kind of field keeps them away they used a magic sprite to come see what they couldn't." Dawson explained.

"But if this person went out of their way to hide this book, wouldn't there be a guard of some kind?"

"Not anymore, when no one went looking while you weren't here the creator of the hiding spot got cocky and removed the guard." Dawson said.

I bent down and we crawled through the small door, I held back a scream when a rat ran by me.


When we came to the other side there was a small ledge Dawson peeked out and sighed.

"What is it?"

"Looks like a water pipe busted, we're going to have to go through water to get to where we're going."

We slid in the water. I was glad that the sewer pipes and the drinking and bathing water pipes were separate. The water was icy but at least it was only water that we were swimming through. We walked down the narrow path that was even worse than the original hallway we'd started in.


After an almost endless maze we found a room that looked more like a hole in a cave wall. Micheal climbed through and bent down to dig out the dirt, after all of this they simply buried it. The average treasure hunter would have been severely disappointed. After some time he unearthed a tattered book that looked as though it had lost the luster that would have marked it as something special. We all stood in a circle to cast light over the pages, it was hard to make out most of the words but up on close inspection I saw that it was set up like an encyclopedia.

I didn't get to scan the pages much before I heard cursing coming closer, we jumped through the hole and looked for another hole to climb through. The book glowed, I pulled my companions close to me and the world completely and quite literally melted around us. I didn't know who had been making their way toward us but clearly they were not happy to know that the maze had been discovered.


I opened my eyes and screamed as I came face to face with the smaller puff ball creature, I sighed.

"Sorry.....but maybe you should stand further back when greeting someone."

It made a noise like it was giggling.


I frowned.

"Is it getting harder for you to speak?"


I sighed and glanced around, we were sitting in a cave behind a waterfall I saw the male walk over he smiled at me.

"Where are we?"

"De...mon." the male said.

I cocked my head.

"We're in the demon realm."

He nodded, I got up and walked toward the waterfall peeking through I saw Micheal and Dawson sitting by the small natural pond, we were in a large meadow filled with daisies; the sun was bright. The scene belonged on a greeting card, or a refrigerator magnet. It was beautiful.

I joined them and looked at the book, it couldn't be the same one. The cover was a work of art. It was purple and the binding and border were silver, golden vines made the title and slid around the book; front and back.

"Is this the same book?"

"Yes, it changed because it was in the human realm, when we appeared here it glowed and returned to it's original state." Dawson said.

We opened the book and the female creature came over and turned the pages, she stopped in the C section. I looked over the page.

"Cursed doppelganger?"

She nodded, I looked at Micheal.

"What's a doppelganger?"

"The traditional doppelganger is sort of like a demon, they find a stronger creature they like and stun them so they can switch bodies. Even thought the soul is different they take everything even a copy of their memories so they can completely take over their lives. If they decide they never want a new body they have to kill the original."

I made a face and glanced at the page.

"A cursed doppelganger is much like a crazed fallen angel, they don't think rationally, they become crazed if they take over a person with lots of money and power. They are simple minded creatures to begin with. At this point even though the souls are in different bodies they are not connected, so if they decide they want a family they have a different route to take. The doppelgangers generally do this in couples to begin with, so the two souls can have physical sex but if only a soul is created they have to pick existing children to force the switch on.

They get a little crazier as time goes on, and doppelgangers are violent creatures, normally this would trigger that the family or servants depending on the situation that they are not safe. Doppelgangers evolved and found Lytharies, a special potion that is brewed in small doses. It was originally created to keep non-human patients calm during surgeries where they would lose a limb. It has also been used in surgery for humans, various strengths have been made so it works for everyone no matter their size or strength.

The stronger the dose the stronger the affects, a large dose that could affect a dragon sized individual combined with someone more human sized can make the patient forgetful, drugged, they don't question anything, and do whatever they are told among other things. This makes it easier to make the soul switch. After the baby containing the soul of the original child is born it is destroyed and they live out their lives how they see fit.

Cursed doppelgangers are not easy to read. Despite their normal natures they become even worse when someone finds out their secret. It is advised to proceed with caution if you have found that your relative or otherwise has been replaced. In order to remove the doppelganger you must find their original bodies and bring them together. A non-

human soul will always attach to it's rightful body no matter how badly the doppelganger may want to keep their stolen bodies. Be warned that sometimes the victim loses themselves and you may have to remind them of who they are, it is a case by case basis."

I swallowed.

"So what do we do? They could be anywhere."

Micheal and Dawson were clueless.

The female bounced to get my attention.

"Do you know where they are?"

She nodded and ran in a small circle like a dog would if chasing it's own tail, she stopped and her eyes were wide and solid white. A castle appeared in the white, it faded and a set of steps appeared, they faded and finally a simple wooden door appeared through the small window I could see a pair of aging demons. His hair was now white and thin the eyes seemed lost but I recognized the demon who had helped me so long ago. The image faded and her eyes returned to normal. Dawson cocked his head.

"Are those demons who we're looking for?"

I nodded, it had to be them.

"Can you take us to where the prison is?"

"Alre....ady th...ere."

I glanced at the larger male who raised his arm and pointed to the top of the castle in the distance.

"I see..."

"Hey look at this aunt Vi."

I glanced over at Micheal who held the book up on a specific page.

"Anglori? What are those?"

The female nudged me I smiled.

"Oh that's what you are, what's it say Micheal?"

"Anglori are the angels of the smaller demons like imps and gremlins. Instead of being dangerous, short tempered and destructive they're incredibly friendly and will help any high ranking non human who wins their favor. They are incredibly loyal and because they do not speak and fairly difficult to detect they are often used as spies. There are special charms used that can keep them away from specific locations, but only someone who has done wrong would want to keep them out.

How you win their favor depends on the individual, the most common way would be to offer names. If you've done something right they'll accept it."

"They aren't supposed to be speaking? Why do these two speak then?" Dawson said.

"Grandma could have easily put a charm on them." Micheal said.

I glanced at them.

"How can you speak? Did my mother or father do something to you?"

"Cast....spe...ll." the man said.

"Make ea....sier to" the female said.

"Ha...rd does not....spe..ak." the male added.

I smiled and nodded.

"What are your names?"

"You'" they said in unison.

I scratched my head, when I glanced at my watch I cursed.


"Your aunt and uncle are going to kill me for this, you should go back where it's safe."

"We aren't letting you go alone." Dawson said stubbornly.

"And why not?"

"You're pregnant, never been here, and you haven't really mastered any of your powers." Micheal said.

I suppose he still had a point but I didn't want them to be in danger, the male nudged me when I looked at him he tapped what would be his throat. I stroked the pendant.


"See? It's fine." Dawson said.

"I guess."

"We should hurry, time passes a little slower here, but we'll be in trouble if we're trapped in the forest at night. We at least need to find a store or something to sit in." Micheal said.

I nodded.

"Fine fine."

I reached in my pocket and pulled out my phone, I had splurged and gotten the water proof one. Unfortunately, it wasn't working, Micheal told me simple human technology didn't work here. I guess even though I created the phone I had done it with the human design in mind. I tried to make another one, I at least had to tell someone where we were.


.A.J.'s POV

I looked up as Claudia appeared in the doorway of my bedroom.

"Sebastian found Vi's truck by the mansion but he can't find her or the boys anywhere."

I dropped the book I was holding, I knew we would have to go to the mansion and find them......

(Yes I know you hate cliff hangers, and I bet some of you won't like that there isn't much left to this story, I have some ideas so if you're disappointed about the lack of sex I'll make it up to you.)

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Please finish.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Depressing to see this was from 2013 and there is no part 5. Cliffhanger was an understatement.

StormyRidgeStormyRidgealmost 3 years ago

I really love this series, yet please tell me you have nearly finished the next one. I'm on tether hooks waiting

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Great story keep it up we miss u!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
So about 5 years... still waiting

This seems like a great story without a ending its like eating a hamburger with out a drink ur semi satisfied but just want something more

wifeslaveslutwifeslaveslutalmost 7 years ago

When are you going to finish this series?

poreyb1999poreyb1999over 7 years ago

So cliff hangers can be a good thing, they build up tension but to leave a cliffhanger for almost 4 year's, that's bad. So here's a question I would like to ask, are you dead?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Please continue

The title says it all

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Little confusing at this point but I have loved it so farmer hope things start to make sense soon. When is the next part coming out?

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Loved this story up to this point. But this has gotten too weird and confusing to keep up with. I'm out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Really liked this story can't wait to read more

wolfgirl08wolfgirl08over 8 years ago

When is the next chapter coming out?

I read this in one day and cannot wait for the next one.

Please post something soon....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Please continue with the storie.

barbette_sgbarbette_sgover 9 years ago

I'm not disappointed with the lack of sex in the story. What I'm disappointed about is that yer not continuing:(

I hope you get back and finish the story. I really wanna know what happens to Vi and the baby and the boys and everything else. Please continue. Thanks :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Hi umm just started reading this series yesterday and I'm already done. I'm like upset now that there isn't another one so PLEASE KEEP WRITING! I need this in my life :( I loved your stories like, so much, I almost cried. They were so good they didn't even need sex in them (don't get me wrong it's a good thing to have). You should SERIOUSLY consider becoming a writer. But before that please finish this series so I can STOP OBSESSING WITH THIS !!! Just a few cool tips for ya (: thanks X3

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I see on your lists you've wrote 4 other stories since you posted this one.. A YEAR AGO when are you going to finish it?? :(

CandyKDCandyKDabout 10 years ago

Patiently waiting

Very enjoyable read

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Love this story

Please, Please, Please finish this story; it's so good.

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