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A Doctor and his Spy Ch. 04

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One name… that’s what I should remember! Way! Way!Way!
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Estelle, smoked and looked out of her 5th floor window, at the closed down and boarded warehouse just 20 feet away from her building. Taking care of expenses with her husband's lack of steady work and her working as a maid in Motels, a bit of tar was a compromise she made to relax. And looking out for any information was her new source of additional money.

She was added to the network by her fellow maids and she had stumbled upon some useful information in one of her cleaning jobs, which yielded her a month's worth of rent money. Since then she has been keeping an eye open for any useful evidence, any cent earned was welcomed.

Just when she was about to take the last puff, she spotted a disturbance on the other side of the warehouse at the back entry, ideally fenced and locked.

She got her phone, zoomed in and started recording. The network was looking for any information on a missing person and there were people getting off a van, dragging an unconscious thin man between them. This can be useful, she thought. She zoomed in as much as she could without pixelating the video and observed, the man being dragged was thin, with swollen lips and cheeks and was wearing jeans and shirt.

Though she wasn't able to record it properly, he was obviously Latin American and in captivity. She posted the information and video on the network and called 911.

As soon as the police vehicles arrived followed by an ambulance, Estelle saw people running on foot, she called 911 and relayed them about it from her vantage point. The cops got in and there were some gunshots. After that they picked the unconscious kidnapped man and got him out.

Estelle quickly got down and went to talk to the cops and paramedics, introducing her as the caller and taking advantage to move closer to the victim, now with the paramedics.

She slyly took a video of the man, he was dirty and covered with dry blood, but his clean parts of the skin was a beautiful honey shade, and he was wearing cheap goodwill clothes, which didn't fit his thin but muscular body. It looked like they had tortured him because his face was swollen but still extremely beautiful. Estelle instantly felt sad that such a beautiful person had been beaten up. As they opened his mouth to check something, she observed and recorded that he had beautiful even teeth with his front teeth slightly bigger but aligned. He was wearing a wedding ring on his swollen left hand, which was being treated by the medics.

Estelle was pushed back by the cops now, as they paraded some of the offenders out and others were carried out on stretchers. The victim started moving his head and tried to talk.

A paramedic and a cop got closer to him and the cop relayed the message loudly to someone on his radio phone. "The victim is conscious... he is saying something." He put his ear close to his mouth and spoke to the victim loudly, "SIR! SIR! YOUR NAME?" the victim mumbled something, his lips swollen with the oxygen mask covering his mouth, making it difficult for everyone to understand.

The cop looked around confused at the words the victim mumbled. "WAY! He is saying, Way!" The paramedic explained. "What way, Sir? Which way? "FREEWAY? SUBWAY?" The cop asked loudly.

"Way! Way! Way!" Ignis repeated unconsciously... everything going on and off focus, till it got black and quiet... "Way!" He finished the sentence in his mind.... Just take me to Way!


"You will need to wait out!" The receptionist at the hospital tried her best to stop the large man pushing his way inside from the waiting area.

"Please Ma'am. Please let me through. I am a surgeon, you have my husband in the ER. The cops got him in, Ignis Castro Davis... I am Dr. Waylon Davis... his husband. Please let me through." Way didn't physically push the small middle aged woman but didn't budge either, taking one step closer with each word.

"Sir! Doctor! We will need some identification." She knew in her heart, the man was genuine, his face, the tears, swollen eyes behind his glasses, dishevelled clothes, unkempt hair and beard were proof enough. Someone as good looking as this man, to be in a state he was in, meant only one thing, he had been kept away from his loved one.

Joanna intervened, "These are his documents and marriage licence and documents of the patient. Can I talk to the investigating officer please?" She kept the folder on the reception desk, "Ma'am, please let this man go... please we are begging you!" Jo held the receptionist's hands in hers and pleaded.

As soon as the receptionist nodded, Way ran into the corridor without asking which room Ignis was in, he didn't need directions to reach his husband, they were tuned into each other.

"IGGY!" Way touched the glass partition through which he was able to see Ignis, he was battered, starved, malnourished and dehydrated but he was also alive, beautiful and in front of Way.

Way had cried so much and for so long for his Ignis, that he couldn't cry anymore. He was feeling relieved that Ignis had come back to him. It didn't matter now how long it took for him to get better, nothing in this world can now separate them, even for a second.

"Huh...hmm!" The Detective with a large moustache, cleared his throat to get Way's attention. "Hi! I am Detective Allen from El Paso Police and this is Detective Superintendent Desai from Metropolitan Toronto Police Force." Way looked at them once and went back to looking at Ignis. "Can I meet the presiding doctor? I need to understand how he is, what has happened and what treatment are being administered?" Way said, his eyes never leaving Ignis's sleeping form in the ICU.

Way looked at his husband hooked to Ventilator, monitors, EKG machine and endotracheal tubes. There were no feeding tubes hence he wasn't still assigned as critically ill but there were IV tubes... no blood. It was less than 24 hours hence critical ill diagnosis may take time, his vitals looked stable, besides fluctuating heart and pulse beat, but that could be due to PTSD.

"We understand you are engaged to Mr. Castro." Detective Allen read from his file.

"Hmm... ya... we are married in a private ceremony... Where is the Doctor? Is there a GP attached to this case or do we have a specialist? I need to see his medical case files? Was he conscious when they brought him in? Was there any internal bleeding or indication of any organ damage? What test were done... I need the CBC, MRI, X-Ray reports... I am happy to get an authorization from my hospital and I have submitted my licence documents at the reception." Way kept looking at Ignis, the steady monitoring stats bringing a relief to him.

"We needed to check some facts, before you talk to the doctor." Detective Superintendent Desai interrupted.

"No! I need to check how my husband is! My lawyer and my brother are waiting out with all the documents and whatever information you need. I need to get in touch with the doctor now!" Way looked at them, his physical status, his intelligence, his authority and a bit of his unhinged love and animalistic loss, projecting off him. It made both of them step back, they called an officer to allow Jo and Bru in for a discussion and another to take Way to the doctor assigned to Ignis.


The kidnappers had beaten Ignis repeatedly but not very badly. The initial diagnosis of the laceration indicated, he was beaten up just enough to hurt or pass-out but with restraint, ensuring not to cause internal or lasting damage, looked like it was more to stop him from either escaping or fighting his captors or both. There were rope burns on his ankles and wrists. Marks on the back of his neck when the gold chain must have been ripped off him and a burn mark on his chest. He didn't have any broken bones, lasting injuries or sexual trauma. He was been kidnapped and transported someplace, kept in check and docile but alive and unharmed.

Large amounts of sedatives were found in his blood and urine, he was malnourished and severely dehydrated. Marks around his neck and lips indicated they tried to force feed him.

Every word in the report, made Way extremely angry, he envisioned every torture they had put his Ignis through vividly, making his blood boil.

Before coming to meet Ignis, he had met Bru and Joanna. "I want them!" He said, looking into Joanna's bloodshot angry eyes.

"You fucking bet! Those assholes who got caught were just hired help, we will get the fucker who did it and ensure revenge... not justice... revenge!" She said slowly, savouring each word.

"Like Igs would say, Esos hijos de puta pagarán!" Bru said through clenched teeth, his nose flaring.


"Iggy!" Way said softly, back in scrubs, mask and gloves for his man, just like he liked him. "Iggy! Look I am dressed in scrubs..." he kissed Ignis's swollen cheek gently. "Look Baby! I am here! We are together now!" He kissed his forehead again and again.


As Ignis sat in traffic getting late for his birthday dinner date, he couldn't stop smiling. This was his first birthday with Way. After their breakup and reconciliation, they had become inseparable. Ignis always had a crush on Way... who wouldn't but he knew him as a big sexy muscular jock with a huge dick. His first time was painful but after Way, all his sexual partners felt pale and small. Way had set a baseline for Ignis and the search was exhausting and disappointing.

When Ignis saw him for the first time at Bru's office after six years, Way had changed. He didn't look like a football star now, he looked like someone you settle down with. He was wearing a white button down shirt, light dusting of coppery hair peeking out from the top two buttons left undone and blue jeans hiding what Ignis wanted then and now, the gun metal glasses on blue eyes were still the sexiest part of him, buzz cut red hair, clean shaven and no accessory, not even a watch.

Ignis fell head over heels again but to a new Way, this one... the prodigal and youngest surgeon. He was still tall and muscular but more cut than bulk, he had trimmed down, and looked more... the word that came to Ignis was... Huggable.

That was then and this is now, Ignis thought and smiled. They were now steady and committed, Way was different as a boyfriend, loving, caring, dedicated but still horny as hell. His Beautiful, Loving, Horny, Loco, Gringo.

His car panel rang and displayed 'Dr. Sexy Boyfriend', he picked it from the button on his steering wheel. "What's Up Doc?"

"Are you angry with me?" A worried Way's deep throaty voice filling the small car.

"Nope! I am in love with you!" Ignis smiled and made kissing noises.

"Then why did you pick up like this and not call me Spanish names?" Way chucked, "What was it 10 minutes back when I called...huhh"

"Pirata enojado... my one eyed angry pirate." Ignis laughed with Way. "Right now I am so hot for you... can't wait to take your name repeatedly."

"What are you wearing?" Way asked, which was odd because he never did, as for him everything looked good on Ignis. He would swoon over him even if he was wearing black garbage bags.

"A new Andrew Christian Scarlet Mesh Jock under I know you don't care jeans and you care a fuck shirt." Ignis laughed.

"I care many fucks! Hmmm... explain the jock thing to me... I need to approve." Way sat on the stairs of the waterfront restaurant, not caring about the expensive beige suit he was wearing.

"To start with, its full name is Scarlet Mesh Bubble Butt Jock, almost naked." Ignis smiled ear to ear, showing off his sexy teeth, which he knew if Way was here, would have hidden it with his mouth.

"Hmm! Interesting... gives no clue on what it would be like... But it is still getting me really hard... I would like to share my compliments with their marketing team." Way adjusted his hard 8 incher, in his white CK and beige suit pants.

"It's supposed to help me flaunt my desires ravenously and they have guaranteed it will make my man fall in love with my package." Ignis touched himself over his fly button white jeans.

"And what if the man is already in love with you and everything you are packing?" Way asked, now pressing his knees together to hide what Ignis was doing for him with just words.

"My waistband makes me look slimmer and I have my dick in a built-in almost naked pouch and I feel like I am not wearing anything. So when I am this hard for you or when you are done with me... it guarantees that there will be no sticking, squashing, sweating, chafing or readjusting." Ignis lost the humour now, he was too turned on.

"I am never done with you... but lots of readjustment is happening at this end." Way whispered, as he tried to sit into a position which would not get him arrested for indecent exposure through two layers of clothes.

"It is supposed to create an enjoyable and unique experience, with see and lick through a mesh pouch for my dick and nothing on my butt." Ignis whispered back.

"What do you want me to do to you?" Way got up and started walking towards his parked car.

"I want you to take me to the washroom first." Ignis instructed in a low voice, "Then you unbutton my jeans and push it to my knees."

"Hmm... hmmm... and do I get to kiss you?" Way said leaning on his car now.

"Nope! Your lips will eat my clean and flavoured hole... you will eat me till I can't take it anymore and the mesh is soaking wet with my pre-cum." Ignis inched forward in the traffic.

"And then I get to lick the mesh and my man's dick?" Way whispered as he took off his jacket and placed it on top of his car.

"No! you will now take your dick out of that sexy beige suit pants, I gifted you, through the open fly keeping everything else on and ram all eight inches into me roughly... you will lick the side of my face and hold my hands behind my back with your large hand and with the other pinch my nipples, as you take me from behind roughly... savagely... like an animal... like I am your sex toy." Ignis moaned as he could feel his jeans getting a wet spot though the mesh underwear.

"But I may not be able to be rough with you like that... What if I hurt you with my big troll-like body? And why am I not allowed to touch your dick?" Way was now gathering sweat in his underarms, his dick was painfully hard and he was worried the light coloured pants were not such a good idea for pre-cum spots.

"You will cum in me... deep and push the butt plug into me that I am carrying, making me keep your cum in me all night. Then you will turn me around and wet my mouth with your spit before licking it off my tongue. You will push me down and make me suck your dick, make me taste your cum and my juices on it... you will grab the back of my head and not let me move till I take you to the root and my throat aches." Ignis felt the sweat drip down from his neck to his back, slowly making a trail to his butt crack, as he turned left for the exit to the waterfront.

"But I will not be able to make you do such things... I am unable to use you like that... will you be angry if I am not able to do it." Way was turned on beyond his peak, more turned on than when he had seen Ignis in the blue silk panties. But he was still worried that he may not be able to fulfil Ignis's fantasies, he was not sure he would be able to be so rough with someone he now loved more than himself, more than life.

"Remember this command Doc! Quiero que me folles duro!" Ignis said quietly but firmly. "Whenever I say it, you will unleash your muscular power on me... you will be my beast... my bull... you will fuck me till my knees quack and you will have to carry me because I wouldn't be able to stand. You will fuck me so hard, that I will have to think twice before using the washroom and you will have to hold me when I pee. You will fuck me like the fucking animal I know you are under that beautiful body and the strength with which you lift 200 Lbs, you ensure that I remember only one name... nothing else matters... you will remind me who loves me like no one else. You will leave a gaping hole behind once you are done with me... repeatedly reminding me who I belong to. You will breed deep that I should remember that there is no one else but you.... Who can fuck me like I want to? One name... that's what I should remember and chant as I limp all day... Way... Way... Way."

There was a long silence between the two lovers... Ignis was sweating now, his pants felt wet with the precum, his hands wet on the wheel. He parked his car opposite Way's SUV and spotted Way standing next to it, his phone in one hand and holding his jacket over his pants.

Way looked at Ignis's car and smiled, "Baby! Rain check on the dinner plan tonight! I have cum in these pants." He took the jacket off for a second to show Ignis the large wet spot from the bottom of the fly all the way to the left thigh. Way shrugged and smiled again. "I have got your jeans with me... it was for after we were done with the sex in the men's room but looks like you need it now." Ignis got off the car and Way ran to him and hugged him, smelling his hair and kissing him all over his face and neck.

"Hmm! Fuck I love you!" Ignis kissed Way's lips.

"Tell me again... what will you say when you limp tomorrow morning." Way looked at Ignis and smiled, still holding on to him.

"Way... Way... Way..." Ignis moaned and started giggling showing off his sexy bunny smile, before Way claimed his mouth.


Ignis' eyes moved under his shut eyelids, his breathing evened out as Way spoke with him quietly, reminding him of their special memories. "Iggy! Baby! Talk to me sweetie... repeat my name... Way! Way! You remember that baby?" He ran his fingers through his long hair.

'It is Way, he is here with me. I will be okay now!' Ignis comprehended in his sleep and rested, repeating Way! Way! in his mind, like counting sheeps.

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