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A Dragon's Tail Ch. 01-03

Story Info
Discovery, A Helping Hand, The Briefing.
6.2k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 04/29/2011
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DISCLAIMERS: Any person involved in a sexual act is above the age of 18. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious, and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story contains some supernatural events, but is not intended to disrespect any religion.

This story also has fictitious members of the Imperial family of Japan. Presently, there are two unmarried princes in the royal family, ages 6 and 62. My characters are not the same ages as existing members of the royal family. I have made up two unmarried brothers, ages 18 and 26, whose mother is now a widow, or dowager princess. There are presently no dowager princesses in the royal family, either. I am hoping that I have treated the royal family, even my fictitious members, with respect.

As for sex, there is little in this one. It has some graphic descriptions, because the main character goes through an involuntary Transgendering from a man to a woman. I am posting it here because I am not sure how it would go over on a non-sexual literature posting site. The story is meant to be open ended, so that the character can be used in many additional stories.

Chapter 1- Discovery

4:18 AM Sunday November 14th ,2010, CIA Headquarters, Langley Virginia, USA

It's the night shift at the Homeland Security Division of the Central Intelligence Agency. The Vigilant Centurian War Room has over one hundred desks, but only a dozen have anyone at them. There are a few agents in the office milling around on assorted tasks, but, in general, it's a quiet night. Three agents are eating their lunch and talking about the Redskins Game. An alarm goes off on one computer, and the Bill puts down his sandwich and looks at the screen.

"What's up Bill?"

"We've gotten an image hit of some sort. OK Paul, it's your turn to guess."

Paul smiles and holds his sandwich to his head. "I see.....I see a Senator on an airport surveillance camera, probably entering Honolulu."

Bill operates the touch screen, "Nope, some girl's picture. This is weird, it's from Japan. I though this system was only set up to track VIPs and potential terrorists entering and exiting the United States."

"Is she hot?"

"No, it's just a little girl. She's doesn't have a real name, she just some code name, FY412. It looks like some sort photo from a news tabloid" Bob stands up, "Does anyone read Japanese?"

Diane's monitor goes off. Diane touches her screen. "Paul, you're such a pig. Why does everything for you come down to how hot the woman is? OK, I just go a second hit, code name FY412. It appears to be something about the kidnapping of a Prince."

Several other monitors start beeping in the office. And different images of the same girl start popping up on each monitor. Several other agents stop what they are doing and start to respond to the screens.

Paul turns to his monitor. "Do we even know who to contact on this one?"

The officer of the watch is at one of the monitors. He picks of the phone and dials a number, "Hello, this is Carl Simmons at the CIA. We've just had a hit on your science experiment from thirty years ago. Robert Hennski appears to be in Japan. Are we going to pick him up?.....I see. I'll assemble the intelligence team, but we'll need at least three ground teams at once, do we have any extraction transport near Japan right now?... Good!... I'd like Janice come in to brief the intelligence team, is she still in Nevada?... She's here in Washington?... Great! Activate her and get her over here. I'll have my team ready for her in two hours."

"OK, LISTEN UP EVERYONE! I'm going to need five of you to volunteer to go with me to Japan for a while. Our target is an American, and we want him alive. We might get lucky and this may be over in two days, but I am expecting this is going to be a two month assignment. This means that I would rather have single volunteers, that won't be thinking about their loved ones over Christmas and New Years. If you don't speak Japanese, we will assign you a translator at the base. You will be doing field work, along with tracking and gathering intelligence, and I will expect you to make contact with our target. This is Area 51 stuff, so don't expect to be able to talk about this mission after you get home. We will have a briefing in two hours, and boarding a plane in three, so make up your minds quickly on this one.

Diane looks up, "It's just a little girl, is she dangerous?"

Carl smiles back at Diane, "If you consider a living, breathing, thermonuclear device dangerous, Yes."

Diane looks puzzled, "Wait a minute, HELLO! This is Homeland Security, and I thought our task here was to keep bombs AWAY from our soil. HEY, anyone for leaving this problem in Japan, please raise your hand."

"It doesn't matter Diane. We have orders, we're going." The Carl walks away towards his office to prepare.

Diane stands up, "Look, it's a little girl. Are you saying that if this child throws a tantrum, she can detonate herself, and take out a city? Does this sound like someone we want to recover? Does it?"

"We're going, and that's final!"

Diane made one last effort, "Can we at least wait around ten years or so, at least until she at least passes through puberty?"

Carl didn't answer; he just went into his office and called his wife.

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

An Undisclosed location in Nevada

All three transports were fully loaded with equipment, and two of the transports were kept fuel ready at any time in the hangar. Only one of the three was ever allowed to be out of service to maintenance and flight testing. The FY Scientists and Technicians and the pilots were driven to the hangar, walked onto two of the fully prepped transports, and took off.

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

Yukosuka Naval Base, Kanagawa Prefecture.

The order was given for first assignment. The six man crew of the U.S.S Greywhale made their way to the floating dock. The submersible reconnaissance submarine already had it's four banks of HTS superconducting capacitors charged and ready for an eight week mission. The crew consisted of a captain, the helmsman, a communications officer, an engineer, and two navy seals. It had additional room for two additional specialists.

The mission was clear; without detection, make all haste north, to the coastline near Misawa Air Base and Naval Station. You will pick up a passenger, and depart. The articulated submarine submerged and launched. With its 22 inches of rubber like material, designed of absorb radar, the submarine was never detected on any instrument. The sonar listening devices did log a large mammal leaving the harbor.

Chapter 2 -- A Helping Hand

Two hours later, (8:36PM Japan Time), somewhere in the Aomori Prefecture, Northern Japan (Assume talking is being done in Japanese)

There is a high pitched voice that's trying to contact me. It's muffled, and hard to make out.

Tap, tap, tap! "Lady! If you can hear me, please open the door! Yoo-hoo! Mademoiselle! Fraulein, Kounnen Sie heraushőren mich? Mädchen!" The tapping continued. "Senora! ¿Puede usted oir me? Abir la puerta!"

There is a light in my face, but I can see only patches of red, I start to move my head and cough.

This can't be happening! I have to find my son! He's only eighteen years old and he needs me! I move my hand to my face. I can't see! How can I find my son if I can't see!

Tap, tap! "Hello! You're car slid off the road. Do you speak Japanese? Do you understand me?"

It's been over three days. I must find my son! I can't be in a car accident!

Tap, tap! "You're moving! That's good! Can you hear me? Mademoiselle, Parlez-vous Français? Deutch?"

I raise my hand. "Yes, I can hear you, but I can't see!" I start to cry. How did this happen?

"Oh, you speak Japanese, that's good! You've had an accident. Your car slid off the road. You almost went into the river, but a tree branch stopped your car. I trying to help you, can you open the door?"

I slide my hand along the door, but I can not find the unlock button. "I don't know where it is, I can't see!"

The light goes away from my face, and everything is black. It must be nighttime, and the sun has set. I hear silence, but then the voice from outside the car spoke again. "I can't see where it is either, but your keys have a remote control on them, can you press it?

I reach down and find my keychain. I first press the trunk release, but then manage to unlock the car. The next thing I hear is the passenger door opening. The car moves a little as the figure enters the car. The voice is clearer now, and it's very high pitched.

"Hello, my name is Ahiko, I live close to here, and I'm going to try and get you out."

I turned to look and could not twist my body. I'm stuck! I'm trapped! I'm going to die here and never find my son. Why did I let him go? He's too young to go on a retreat! He's only eighteen years old!... Calm down! She's trying to help! How can she help me?

"Can you call for an ambulance?"

"No, we're in a canyon, there is no reception here. Why were you on this road anyway? I'm the only one within eight kilometers. Did the 'Road Closed' the sign fall down again?" I feel a hand touch my hand, it's cold and very tiny.

"I guess so. I was trying to find someone and got lost. Little girl, why don't you get your father or mother? I don't think you're big enough to help me." I'm fucked! I'm really fucked myself this time! Why is this happening? How is this little girl going to help me?

She is crawling below me at my feet. "Hold on, I can almost reach the seat control."

Please, Oh Please! Help me get out of this! I need to find my son! I then hear the motors controlling the seat. She eases the seat back and tilts the back down. She then unbuckles the seat belt. I'm able to move...a little.

"I'm the only one around here. I have a wheelchair with me. If we can get you into it, I can push you to my home, treat your wounds, and then get help. I have some water, and I've kept it inside my coat so that it's warm. I want you to close your eyes. Do you give me permission to wash the blood away from your eyes so that you can see?"

I shake my head. "Honey, I think you may be too little to help me. Can you go for help?"

"It's eight kilometers to the telephone at the train depot. It will take me two hours to get there. I want to make sure you're OK before I go for help. Do you give me permission to wash the blood away from your eyes?"

"Sure, go ahead." I then feel her move my head and place a towel around my neck. I feel warm water on my face and then another towel blotting my skin. She places the towel in my hand.

"Ok, go ahead and open them." I try opening my eyes and blink. There is a bright light in my face, but then she points the flashlight at her own face. "Can you see me?"

She is about nine years old, but she seems quite in control of herself. Even though her coat is splashed in my blood, she starts checking for vital signs just like a professional doctor. She places her hand at me neck to feel a pulse, holds my head and flashes the flashlight back in my eye for a pupil response, and taps the palms of my hands. She then feels down my body for any additional wounds. If I was her age, I would have been frightened and crying if I had tried to do what she was doing, but she is fully composed. She has a calming effect on me. I'm OK. I'm going to be OK. She's going to get some help, and then I will find my son.

"Yes, I can see you. Little girl, you're being very brave." I try to move again, and a sharp pain runs up my leg. "Aaaaagh! I'm hurt!" My foot is throbbing.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry....Wait...I wasn't touching that leg. Is it broken? Are you OK?"

"No, I'm not OK! I'm hurt, and cold, and I'm lost!" I start crying again.

"Please lady! This is very hard for me. I want to help you! I can try to get you out, but I need your help." There is a pause and the girl backs away. "Do you need a hug? Can I give you a hug?"

I stop and look at my rescuer and try to compose myself. She has pulled out a doll and is holding it tightly to her chest with one hand, and her other hand is on my shoulder. I can feel her little hand trembling as she tries to calm me down.

I take a deep breath, and slowly breathe out. "Sure honey, but be careful."

She puts her doll back into her coat, and gently reaches over and caresses my body. Once again, I feel calmer. I bring my arms around and hug her back. "OK, what you we do next?"

"Stay still, I'm going to make sure your feet are free to move. " She disappears and I feel her moving around at my feet. I can feel her gently move my feet, especially the sore one.

I try not to wince when she touches me. I know she's trying her best not to hurt me. Just moving the seat back has made me more comfortable. I look forward and around to survey the damage. A large, low lying tree branch had struck the windshield. The airbags had deployed, but my head had smashed into the cut glass. There is blood in the cracks of the windshield. I can't make out anything outside the car other than the wheelchair that is near the passenger door. It's dark and cold, and there's snow on the ground.

The girl pops back up. "OK, I think you're free. Can you help me slide you over and out the passenger side?"

We move my body onto the passenger seat. She then crawls below and moves my feet off the floor and onto the driver's seat. She then crawls back around and positions the wheelchair at the door and pulls me into the wheelchair. The child then unlocks the wheels.

"I want you to slowly back away while I hold your legs." It doesn't work, the wheelchair is on a slope, and I cannot pull it back. She ends up going behind me and helps me pull back by tugging on the handles of the wheelchair. We stop backing away when I am about a half a meter away from the car. She then locks the wheels and positions the leg supports for my legs. She returns to the back of the wheelchair and we pull free from the car, my legs drop onto the leg supports and I cry out in pain.

The girl starts to panic. "Aaaagh! I sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm trying my best! I really am! Please don't be mad at me! I'm sorry! It won't happen again! I promise!" She pulls out her doll again and clutches it.

It takes me about ten seconds to catch my breath. "It's OK, you're being a very brave girl, and I appreciate how careful you have been. What did you say your name was?"

She looks at me and tries to compose herself. The girl looks very worried. She then looks up and stares at the sky for a while, and nods. She turns back to me, and I hear her voice tremble as she speaks. "My name is Ahiko. Are you sure you're OK?"

"Thank You, Ahiko. You are not very big, but you have to be the most caring rescuer I could ever wish for. I really don't know I what shape I'm in, but I'm very cold."

Ahiko beamed at being complemented, and gave her doll a big hug.

I look around, but there's not much to see. The sun had gone down and the crescent moon is starting to set. I can hear the river, and the white snow is helping me make out what is land and where the river starts. A few more meters and I would have been into the river. I looked back at the car and saw that the tree branch was what stopped the car. The airbags had done their job, and it was not me that struck the windshield. It was more that the tree branch had pushed the windshield into me. I realize that I was very lucky. The scars on my face would have to be a reminder, that nature had done this in exchange for my life.

I pushed on the wheels of the wheelchair, as she tugged at the handles, and we slowly make our way back to the road. She then walked back down the hill to the car, closes the door, and went to the trunk to close it. She looks through the trunk and grabs a blanket and returned back to the road. She tucked the blanket around me and handed me the flashlight. We turn and she pushes me through the snow. Ahiko sings a folk song as she pushes me along, one for sewing rice seedlings in the springtime. It's a traditional Shinto song that I was taught as a child.

I know Ahiko is trying to lighten the mood, but I am in no mood to smile. I am ready to hang the Master Swordsman. Why did he drag my son to a Kendo retreat in one of the northern prefectures of Japan in November? Why would he come up here? I remember what he said, "It would allow the boys to work on their skills and to concentrate." I imagine kicking him in the rear. Concentrate on that! My car is a wreck! I am cold, sore, and bleeding, and the only thing that is keeping me from screaming right now is this little girl is trying her best to help me out.

As she pushes me along, Ahiko stops singing and asks me if I know any French. "Oui, Mademoiselle!"

She changes the tune.

"Frère Jacques, Frère Jacques, Dormez vous? Dormez vous? Sonnez les matines, Sonnez les matines, Din, din, don! Din, din, don!"

There is something a bit odd about this girl. I am being pushed through the snow in a wheelchair, and she is singing a French nursery song. She is trying to distract me and lighten the mood, but it's not going to work! When she hits the 'Din, din, don' part, she holds on the handles of the wheelchair, kicks her feet to the side, and clicks her heels together, as if she is a bell clapper, striking the bell. I smile, my mood improves a bit, and I join in singing with her. Snow falls as I point the flashlight forward along this empty stretch of road. Large snowflakes seem to burst onto view, and then disappear, as they pass through the beam of the flashlight. It feels like we are the only two left in the world. The walls of the canyon repeat voices back at us, as we make our way along the road.

Chapter 3 -- The Briefing

At the same time as the rescue, The CIA briefing room, Langley Virginia, USA:

Carl Simmons and the five agents are sitting quietly, each with a laptop case and carry on bag at their feet. An elderly lady slowly walks to the front of the room. She is in her early sixties, and limping a bit. She inserts a thumb drive into the computer system, and starts her presentation.

"Good Morning, gentlemen. My name is Janice Williams. Our target is FY412, also known as Robert Hennski. Robert is an American citizen, born in 1943, and served six years as an army ranger during the Vietnam war from 1966 to 1971. His last known location was in Vietnam in 1983, where he was using the old Viet Cong tunnel systems to avoid being found.

Click. The front page of a Japanese Tabloid Magazine appears.

"This is the photo from a tabloid in Japan. We don't know how old the photo is, but it is defiantly Robert. My guess from the photo is that he may have taken a female name by now, but we are not sure of this. He is 68 years old, but should appear as a ten year old girl. He can probably pass for male of female, depending on his clothing and hairstyle."

Click. A photo of the same person appears.

"This is a photo taken of him 29 years ago. As you can see, he has probably not aged in thirty years. He can still die from a bullet to the head, but without a similar instantly fatal event, he should be considered immortal. He has not triggered our detectors, so our guess is that he has either found a cave, or formed one by melting the rocks. We have a post office box in the Aomori prefecture in northern Japan, and a title, 'Angel of the Mountain'. The 'Angel of the Mountain' seems to confirm the habitat will be either a natural or manmade cave."

One of the agents chimed in, "Excuse me, but did you just say 'formed a cave by melting the rocks'?"

"Yes." Janice turns to the agent and faces him without changing expression. Janice holds up her right hand and removes her glove. Her hand is missing her pinky and ring fingers. What's left of the hand and arm is covered with burn scars. "When he wants to, Robert can generate a field around his body that exceeds 5000F. I want you to know that I don't blame Robert for this, and you should not either. What happened that day was an accident, but I believe that Robert blames himself for the loss of life. Robert ran away and disappeared that day, and we tracked him around the world, but we lost him in Vietnam. This is the first chance we've had to contact him in over thirty years."


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