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A Family is What You Make It Pt. 01

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My mother drops a bombshell on me.
7.6k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/21/2023
Created 09/19/2023
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I came home from the assembly for graduating seniors ready to kick back and relax and not have to worry about anything until the actual ceremony on Saturday. I was looking forward to having the whole summer off to goof off and relax before I headed off to college.

I got off the bus waving goodbye to my friends for what would probably be the last time I would ever see most of them and headed inside.

"Hey mom--"

"--the fuck he is! You gave up your right to say that a long time ago! I raised him, I took care of him, I was there for him! He's MY goddamn son!"

My mother, Janet, was pacing back and forth in the living room with her phone to her ear, and she was pissed. My mother hardly ever swore, so whoever was on the other end of the phone must have really pissed her off. She ran her hand through her platinum blonde hair and finally realized I was home, she held up a finger and turned her attention back to the phone.

"No the fuck you're not! Try it and I swear to God I'll make you regret it! No that's not all there is to it... motherfucker!"

Whoever she was yelling at must have hung up, because mom just stared at her phone and then at me, and burst into tears. I crossed the room in three long strides and hugged her. For a long moment we just stood there, my mom sobbing into my shoulder, and me wondering who pissed her off so much, and where I should hide their body if I ever found them.

Mom finally got herself under control and let go of me, grabbed some tissues to wipe her eyes, and cleared her throat. "I'm sorry you had to see that. How was the assembly?"

"It was fine, but what was that all about?" I asked, "Who was that?"

She wiped her eyes again and threw out the tissues, took my hand and led me over to the couch, "Andy, honey, there's something I need to tell you. It's not going to be easy to hear, and it's something I should have told you a long time ago."

Mom's face and tone of voice turned very serious and I got a little worried. One thing about my mother, she never lied to me. She may have simplified things when I was younger and didn't fully understand certain things, but she never lied. As I got older, I knew when she got that look on her face and that tone of voice that whatever she was telling me was important. We sat down and she took my hands in hers and looked me in the eyes.

"What is it mom? Does it have anything to do with that phone call?"

"It has everything to do with that phone call." she said, settling herself. She took a deep breath. "Andy, sweetie, I'm not really your mother."

I felt like I had been punched in the gut, a chill ran through me, like my blood had been replaced by ice, my mouth hung open and I stared off into the distance at nothing in particular. I finally turned my eyes back to my mother. The woman who had been there for the last 18 years of my life wasn't my mother?

"What?" I asked, the only thing I could think of to say, "You're not my mother? Are you saying I'm adopted?"

"Sort of. I'm actually your aunt." she said. "My older brother, James, is actually your biological father. His wife Sharon is your biological mother."

"Is that who that was on the phone?" I asked, putting two and two together.

"Yes, but let me tell you the whole story first," mom (I couldn't suddenly start thinking of her as my aunt) said. "First off, I'm so sorry for not telling you all this sooner. I wanted to, but I never knew exactly how to approach it. Just promise me you'll hear me out before you say anything."

I didn't say anything, but I nodded. Mom took a deep breath.

"Okay, so my brother, James, is two years older than me. He met Sharon a couple of years after he graduated college, about three years after that they got married. A year after that, you came along. I was thrilled to be an aunt, but even from the beginning I could tell Sharon wasn't happy to be a mother. Looking back on it now, the whole time she was pregnant with you, she seemed more depressed than happy. I can count the times I saw her smile on one hand. Most women I know are happy when motherhood is on the horizon, even if it's an unplanned pregnancy, which is what you were."

"Anyway, like I said, I was so happy I'd be an aunt, I volunteered to watch you whenever they needed a babysitter. So one day, he stops by, you were about 10 months old at the time, and asks me to watch you for a few hours. Doesn't tell me why, doesn't tell me where he's going, just hands you over to me and drives off. About 4 hours go by, and I haven't heard from him. I call him, it goes to voicemail, I text him, it goes unread. I start panicking, so I call grandma and grandpa, they start panicking as well. We start calling local hospitals to see if maybe they got into a car accident or something. Nothing. It's getting late, so I figure I can at least watch you overnight. He left me a handful of diapers, a couple changes of clothes, a couple of bottles, some food and your playpen. The next day, still nothing. But this time, when I try to call, I get a message saying his number is out of service."

"We're starting to get even more worried now, and on top of that I'm running out of supplies and food for you. Fortunately your grandparents went and bought me what I needed, and since they had keys they also stopped by my brother's house. All the furniture is still there, but the house is empty, all their clothes and most of their personal items are gone. So we hired a PI. It turns out he and his wife closed their bank accounts, got everything in cash and just blew town. With no paper trail, it was impossible to figure out where they went. So here I am, a 26 year old who can barely keep a houseplant alive with an infant to take care of. I sat down with your grandparents and we figured the best thing was for me to adopt you. One of your grandfather's friends is a lawyer, and he helped us go through the proper legal channels for me to adopt you. Your grandmother was a godsend, she was a huge help in helping me get everything I needed and gave me as much help as she could on how to properly raise you, I couldn't have done it without her help."

"We figured it would be easier to just say I was your mother, and we would tell you the truth when the time was right, but like I said before, I just never knew how to bring it up."

For a long moment I didn't say anything, trying to digest what she had just told me.

"So this is why all the times I asked you about my father, you said you and he were 'separated'?" I asked.

She sighed, and looked down at our hands. "Yes, I couldn't figure out any other way to explain it when you were little."

"Wait a minute," I said, "If you're really my aunt, what about Aunt Roxy?"

Roxanne was (I thought) my mother's sister who lived a couple miles up the road. She was mom's go-to babysitter, if mom ever was in a situation where she needed someone to watch me, she called on Aunt Roxy.

"She's not really your aunt," mom said, "In fact we're not related at all. Roxanne is my best friend, but we're about as close as two people can be without being related, she's like a sister to me. The number 6 figures heavily into our relationship. We were both born on the exact same day, June 6th, albeit in separate hospitals. I was born at 6:06 in the morning and she was born at 6:06 at night. We were both 6 pounds and 6 ounces. The maternity ward at both hospitals was on the 6th floor, both hospitals were exactly 60 miles away from each other, and we met when we were six years old when her family moved in across the street from us. Again, we figured to avoid confusing you, we would just call her your aunt. She's actually your godmother."

"So she knows about all this?" I asked, trying to put all the pieces together.

"Yes, she knows everything," mom said, "She's the only one besides your grandparents who knows. As far as everyone else is concerned, I'm your mother and you're my son."

"So why was he calling now, after all these years?" I asked, pointing at the phone, "Surely he knows he's facing legal trouble for abandoning me all those years ago."

"Because he knows you're graduating high school, and for some insane reason he wants to come to the graduation. I even told him he'd be in legal trouble if he showed up, but for some reason he suddenly wants to see you, and maybe try and form some relationship with you." she said, sighing, "Maybe he thinks that now that you're 18 you'd want to meet him. I don't know, I spent most of that phone call yelling at him. Again, I'm so sorry you had to find out like this. I hope you're not upset."

"I'm not upset, a little overwhelmed, but not upset." I said, "Like you said, you raised me and you took care of me. As far as I'm concerned you were and always will be my mother. That's what I've been calling you for the past 18 years, and I'm not going to stop now."

"Oh honey, you don't know how happy it makes me to hear you say that." mom said, and held out her arms for a hug. "I've always thought of myself as your mother and you as my son. So you keep calling me your mom, and I'll keep calling you my son. I love you so much, sweetie."

"I love you too, mom." I said, leaning into her arms.

One thing about mom's hugs, ever since I was little they always made me feel safe. If I had a bad dream, if I hurt myself, if I was having a bad day, or I was just in a bad mood, one of my mother's hugs would suddenly make everything better. The big bad world seemed so far away while I was wrapped in her arms. She would talk to me in a soothing tone of voice that along with listening to her slow even heartbeat always calmed me down and soothed my frazzled nerves. When I was a baby she used to sing to me which always helped me to sleep. This hug was just the same, I could hear her heartbeat, and wrapped in her arms, I knew everything was going to be alright. Finally we broke the embrace, and mom flashed me one of her million watt smiles.

"Now what does my high school graduate want for lunch?"

Later that night after dinner and we had gone to bed, even though we hadn't talked about my birth parents again, the conversation we had earlier was still on my mind and I tossed and turned for about an hour. Finally, frustrated that I couldn't fall asleep, I knew one other thing besides my mother's hugs that could help me relax. "Shaking hands with big Sam and the twins" as one of my friends called it. To put it bluntly, I needed to jerk off.

Now, to be clear, I wasn't a virgin. My girlfriend, Helen and I had been dating since we were sixteen, we had a few hot and heavy make out sessions, but nothing beyond that. It wasn't until earlier this year, after we both turned 18 (our birthdays were a month apart) that we first had sex. She was being raised by a single father and he was always going out of town on business trips leaving her in the care of relatives, but now that Helen was a teenager, he felt it was safe to leave her home alone for the couple of days he'd be gone. I would tell my mother I was going to hang out with the guys, and make a beeline to Helen's house where our hot and heavy make out sessions eventually lead to sex. We didn't always have time to get together of course, so we'd only slept together 5 times at this point.

As I pulled my dick out, I started my mental replay of the first time I saw her body, the feel of her tits in my hands and the warmth of her pussy as I entered her for the first time. After that, images of the five times we fucked kind of melted together. We'd only fucked in the missionary position and doggy style so there wasn't much variation in what we did, and we never lasted more than 10-15 minutes. But in my fantasies we tried various positions, and could go for hours (well by the time I blew my load in reality we had been going at it for hours in my head). Just as I was really getting into it, I heard a soft knock at my bedroom door.

"Andy?" mom asked as she cracked the door open. I didn't realize right away, because in my head it was Helen moaning my name. "Andy, I -- oh!"

She flicked the light on, and that snapped me out of my fantasy. My eyes flew open and I saw mom standing in the doorway, my stiff prick still in my hand.

"MOM!" I yelled, quickly covering myself up. "Jeez, give me a minute!"

She turned away from me as I pulled my shorts up under the covers and tried to compose myself.

"Is it safe?" she asked, "I'm sorry honey, but I can't sleep, and I guess you couldn't either."

She was wearing a long blue nightshirt I had bought her a couple of years ago for her birthday. I had accidentally gotten her an extra large so it went all the way down to her knees.

"Yeah, it's safe." I said, "And yeah, you're right, I couldn't sleep."

Mom finally turned around and came over and sat on the edge of the bed as I sat up.

"I really wish I had found some way to tell you about your father before." she said, causally side stepping around the fact that she just caught me spanking the monkey. "But I could never find the words. I must have practiced a hundred times in my head, and it always came out perfect and rational sounding when you weren't in front of me, but every time I looked at you and wanted to tell you, I just couldn't. I was so afraid of hurting you and seeing that in your eyes, or what you'd think of me and your grandparents for keeping that from you. I was worried the time would never come and you'd go your whole life never knowing the truth."

"It must have been hard for you to keep that secret for so long," I said, "But I understand. That's a lot to drop on somebody no matter how old they are."

"I even asked grandma if she'd help me, but she said the same thing every time I asked, 'You have to tell him yourself, Janet'. She said it would be better coming from me." she sighed and took my hand in hers. "When he called me today, all the anger I felt 18 years ago just resurfaced and I exploded. When you came home I had just been yelling and cursing, and you know me, I hardly ever curse, but at that moment, hearing that man's voice again, I unloaded every swear word I could think of, and I'm pretty sure I invented a few new ones too."

We sat there for a moment listening to the muted sounds of crickets chirping outside.

"You know, I'm going to tell you something I've only ever told your grandparents and Aunt Roxy," mom finally said, "My brother leaving you with me was kind of like a blessing in disguise because I can't have children."

"Really?" I asked, "You can't get pregnant?"

She shook her head, "No."

"Why not?"

"Well without going into too much detail, let's just say I'm infertile and leave it at that," mom said, "So in an odd way, my brother did me a favor. Of course, he could have just asked me to take you in and I would have accepted in a heartbeat. I took all the hate I felt for him and turned it into love for you. I tried my best to be a good mother to you, and I think I did a pretty damn good job considering the fact that I pretty much had the job dropped in my lap."

"You did," I said, hugging her, "Like I said earlier, as far as I'm concerned you're my mother, and that's what you'll always be to me. I love you mom."

"I love you too, sweetie," she said, "Now, let's see what we can do about getting some sleep, it's nearly midnight, and I still have to go to work tomorrow."

She threw my blanket back and reached for my shorts.

"Um, mom... what are you doing?" I asked.

"Shh, sweetie," she said, using that soothing tone of voice when she was trying to calm me down, gently pushing her finger against my lips. "I'm going to help you relax. Just lay down and let me see what we're working with here."

Despite the awkward situation I found myself getting hard. Mom undid the tie on my shorts and pushed them down, freeing my rapidly growing erection. I wanted to keep sitting up, but she took her hand from my lips and gently pushed me back until I was lying down.

"Oh my," mom said, "Very impressive honey."

I had never bothered to try and measure my cock when it was hard, but mom obviously liked what she saw, considering the last time she had seen me naked I was probably around 3 or 4.


"I said shush," she said, again, "It's my job as your mother to take care of you, and you obviously need this taken care of, so let me do my job of taking care of my precious boy."

Mom wrapped her warm soft hand around my now fully erect cock and slowly started jerking me off. She was so much more gentle than I was, as I usually just furiously stroked myself until I came. But she was taking her time.

"You just lay here and relax," she said, gently stroking my face like she did when she was comforting me, "Let me take care of everything."

She took her hand off my cock and spit into her hand and used that as lube and sped up her pace just a little, I moaned quietly and closed my eyes as she continued to masturbate me. She stroked me from the base of my cock, all the way up to the head, teased the head of my cock with her fingers, making my cock throb and jump in her hands, before slowly stroking back down to the bottom. She would stop and tease the spot on the bottom of my cock just under the head, making me moan again, before again running her hand down the entire length of my shaft.

"Such a nice thick cock," she cooed as she moved her other hand from my face to my chest, she pushed up my t-shirt and gently ran her nails down my chest, stopping just short of my groin. She started moving her nails back and forth across my abdomen, just above my pubic hair. "Have you had sex with your girlfriend yet?"

I was so lost in what she was doing, I didn't realize she had asked me a question. She suddenly stopped and gave my cock a gentle squeeze.

"Andrew, I asked you a question, if you want me to continue, answer me." she said, "Have you fucked Helen yet, or am I the first woman to touch you?"

"We fucked a few times," I managed to say.

Mom resumed stroking my cock. "So all those times you told me you were going out with the guys, you were running off to fuck your girlfriend?"

"Not every time," I moaned, "Just a few."

"You lied to me?" she asked, but not like she was upset, there was a playful tone in her voice, like the idea turned her on.

"Just a few times." I was struggling to speak as her hand felt so good.

I reached out and pushed up the bottom of her nightshirt and put my hand on her thigh. She quickly grabbed my hand and placed it on the bed. "Uh-uh, not yet." she said. "I want you to think about all the times you snuck off to fuck her. Imagine my hand is her pussy, and you're fucking her."

She sped up her movements on my cock, and used her other hand to push my shorts further down and ran her hand back up my thigh and started gently massaging my balls. I moved my hips and started fucking my mother's hand.

"That's it baby," mom said, "Shove this hard thick tool of yours in that sweet teenage pussy. Fuck her good and hard for me, show me what you can do with this gorgeous cock of yours."

This was a side of my mother I had never seen before, not only was she cursing more than ever, but she was also far from the sweet loving woman who had raised me. Now she was a sultry voiced temptress stroking my cock, talking dirty, intent on bringing me to orgasm. And because I knew it was my mother's hand on my dick, and I could hear her voice, it wasn't Helen I was thinking of. It was mom I was seeing in my mind's eye, and I was fucking her.

"Oh god, mom," I moaned, "I'm gonna cum!"

"Yes, that's it baby," she moaned, "Cum for me. Cum for your mommy!"

Hearing her call herself mommy caused me to lose it.

"Holy shit, mom... FUCK!"

I grunted and my hips bucked as my cock exploded in what at that moment was the most intense orgasm I ever had.

"Oh yes baby!" mom exclaimed, "That's it! Cum for me Andy! Don't hold back, give me all you've got!"


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