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A First Time For Everything


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Thalizar did not think he could be what Alainala was asking for but he did approach Veranon stiffly. "Come on. I'll... stay with you tonight. Can someone bring us some fresh clothing before morning? To Veranon's new habist? And bedding. The bed needs bedclothes." The young elf pressed against his brother and Thal reluctantly allowed the comforting embrace as he led Veranon back to his new home.

When they arrived at the habist, the oil lamp had dimmed and the moon was high in the midnight sky, sending shadows across the wall. Veranon limped inside and sat down in a plush chair with the blanket tightly wrapped around him. His hollow gaze was on the floor. Thal raised the lamp wick, chasing away the dark and sat in another chair. He wanted nothing less than to be anywhere else at the moment but promises made to Alainala were not idly made. If he left, she would never forgive him. "I could still kill him for you..." Thalizar offered. "For a fee, of course. Assassins do not come free." He did not intend the comment to be funny but Veranon looked up and smiled anyway. His face was badly bruised, his lip swollen. Had he fought Rennick?

"Did you really mean that I was yours and that nobody else was allowed to touch me?" Veranon asked shyly.

"I make no claims of ownership, Veranon. There is no collar or leash binding you to me. But... I don't want you hurt. I fear that your magic makes you vulnerable to becoming abused by some of them. You are no warrior. You're frail."

Veranon rushed to his feet and dropped the blanket behind him. He all but ran into Thalizar's arms and pressed his mouth against the older elf's. They struggled briefly as Thal tried to gently pry Veranon off of him. "No, Veranon! You're exhausted, vulnerable and emotionally tapped. It's been a terrible night for both of us. I'll tell you what I'll do... Let's just relax the next day or two and when you're of sound mind again, I will consider taking you... Maybe." It was the most gentle Veranon could remember Thalizar ever being to him. It was strange and nice to feel cared for.

The look on Veranon's bruised and swollen face was pathetic. There were tears in his eyes and Rennick had done horrible things to Veranon's long, soft hair. Thal brushed away the moisture on Veranon's cheeks with his thumb gently. In the dark outside, it had been impossible to see the extent of Veranon's injuries but now it was impossible not to see. There were defensive injuries on his hands and arms. Anger welled in Thalizar's heart.

His eyes moved down Veranon's tightly muscled body, noted the pale skin stretched tautly over muscles that were hard, well-defined but elegant. His body was not especially powerful but there was a grace coupled with a strength that could easily be missed by the casual observer.

This observer was missing nothing. He did not ignore the cut that slashed across Veranon's new brand at his groin, the cuts on his arms, legs and hands, the deep slash across his chest, which Veranon was working hard to mend. There was blood and skin under his fingernails as well as dozens of bruises and painful welts. His back was caked with dried blood, dried spit, teeth marks and more bruises. Hand prints were clearly visible all over his body, especially his ass.

If Thalizar had been furious before, he was now in a seething rage like nothing he'd ever known. Veranon cringed fearfully as Thal's expression remained cool while his emotions created a firestorm within him that the young elf could sense.

"Did you put up a fight, Veranon?" Thal asked stiffly.

"I did. I hit him, bit him. It is why he tied me over that branch; I was making things very hard on him. He overpowered me, though. I did knock his front tooth out and I scratched the shit out of him. He tried to stick his cock in my mouth and I started to bite down. He didn't like that." Veranon explained with a smug grin of satisfaction, arms crossed proudly.

"I see. Well... Good. Let's get you cleaned up. You smell like blood and dirt and fear... And worse. he may have pissed on you. Ugh. Let's see if this place has a functional bathroom yet, shall we?" Thal was pleased to find that the bathroom was better than functional. In the ways of the thorough elves of Alainala's unique clan, the bathroom had running water and was even furnished with a selection of soaps and shampoos. The tub, like the bed, was of human make, made of porcelain and marble. It was large enough for two, however cramped.

"In. I will not wash you, Veranon. You are a big boy. But I made your mother a promise, which I intend to keep." Veranon started to fill the tub as Thalizar continued to look him over. "I never noticed your body before, not really. You've begun to fill in. It's nice. Perhaps I could consider starting something between us... After you've rested and washed."

The young elf flushed pink and smiled shyly. Some odd, confusing emotion tugged at him, made him want nothing than the sensation of Thalizar's strong hands on his body. But his older brother was right; his body needed healing, his mind needed rest and his spirit needed peace. He couldn't help but feel himself grow hard under the weight of Thal's gaze.

Once Veranon was cleaned up and the blood and grime washed away, Thalizar watched as his naked brother slid under fresh sheets and laid back in the bed. His green eyes were wide as he asked, "You're going to stay, aren't you?"

"That is the plan. I promised Alainala and I will not betray her trust." The older elf laid down beside his younger half-brother awkwardly and placed his arm over the slight body. Thal realized then that he should have bathed himself but decided it could wait. The boy needed him now and he would come first this once. After Veranon was better, after he was healed, then he could become more self-absorbed, more himself, than he was now.

Veranon slept that night and then slept most of the following day. Mind healing, like any kind of healing with magic, is as taxing on the person healed as to the healer. It wasn't perfect. But healing a fractured mind could save that person from terrors within themselves, bringing peace where once there was turmoil. In addition, he used his own meager healing gifts to slowly mend his torn flesh and soothe his aching muscles.

Yawning into the dim room lit by the late afternoon sun, Veranon awoke in the bed haphazardly made, wearing a shirt and nothing else with no memory of dawning one. His body was still sore, aching, and his fingernails were fractured. Something was wrong with his hair... Where was his hair? It was short, cropped to the scalp in places! He felt his head and, mortified by what he might see, he scrambled out of the bed in search of a mirror. He found one in the bathroom and stared at himself.

It was still very long but only in places. Rennick had chopped away at his vanity and left him unsightly. He was more annoyed than dismayed. Veranon touched his scalp and coaxed the follicles to push the new growth out much faster than it would grow naturally, using his power. Soon, his hair was down to his chest, as long as he could make it grow without fully taxing his energy. Any kind of healing left him spent, especially this kind.

After mending his scalp as much as he could, dressing himself and easing the appearance of his many bruises, Veranon walked back into the sitting room wearing soft, thin trews and his night shirt, open to show his pale chest, crisis averted. He was startled to see his half brother seated in a chair, one leg thrown over the arm eating a pear. "You fixed your hair mostly, I see. Your face looks better. You should eat! There's wine, meats, fruit, cheeses... Bread. How do you feel?"

"I'm fine, thank you."

"Good. I'll be leaving soon, another day or two. Maybe tomorrow. I just wanted to ensure that you were well before I left. Rennick is dead, by the way. He was found this morning, passed in his sleep... Or not. It was hard to tell."

"Was it you?" Veranon asked, his hands clasped before him. Thalizar ignored him and sucked down the rest of his goblet's contents with a shrug. Lying to Veranon was useless so ignoring him was the only option in a situation like this.

"Did you want to find out the answer to your question concerning your sexuality, Veranon, or did you decide to leave things as they are?" Thal asked impatiently, his hand reaching for the carafe.

Veranon snatched it and poured the cool, red liquid into Thalizar's outstretched goblet. "Nothing has changed, brother-mine. But now I know I want you for different reasons, reasons having little to do with my previously confused state. Rennick proved to me that though his approach was flawed, had he asked rather than forced me, I would have happily given in, though I dislike him as a person."

Thoughtful, Thalizar shrugged and swallowed his wine in one long draw. He then held out the goblet to Veranon expectantly, his eyes on the wall. "You seem to be handling your encounter better than I assumed you would. For some reason, I thought you would be in a fetal position, weeping inconsolably. Must have been Alainala's mind healing." He paused and shook the goblet. "Veranon... My wine?"

All his life, Veranon had played a timid, submissive counterpart to Thalizar's aggressive, protective, dominant role in his life. Never had he denied his brother anything. So, when he not only failed to refill the cup but plucked it away from Thal's fingers, the older man stared at him. Then Thal suffered further abuse at his brother's hands when the pear was removed from Thal's other hand. "What the...? Veranon...!"

The younger elf smiled and swooped into Thalizar's lap, straddling it with his thighs and planted his mouth firmly over his half brother's. This time, Thal wrapped his arms around the smaller body and returned the sweetly aggressive kiss. It was the only time Veranon had ever shown this side of himself and Thal was initially split on whether or not he liked it.

He soon decided he liked it, concluding that it was a surprisingly refreshing side to Veranon that Thalizar had not anticipated. Still, the young elf needed to learn about boundaries, particularly when it came to sex.

Feeling his temperature rise and his body swell in anticipation, Thal pushed Veranon back with both hands firm against the younger elf's arms. "Before you jump into your little seduction attempt, there are some rules. The first rule is that once you accept, there is no changing your mind. You become mine. Second, if you want this from me, you do what I say, as I say, no questions, no arguments, no balking. I teach, you learn. Period. Third, if at any point you displease me, I reserve the right to end it and never make the attempt again. Finally, this remains between us unless I decide otherwise. We are doing this only because I am curious and no other reason. You are pretty, brother-mine, and a virgin but that is the extent of my desire for you. Are we clear?"

Veranon nodded his head eagerly, sensing with satisfaction that Thalizar's interest in him went far deeper than even the older brother could fathom and remained perched on Thalizar's lap, his face bright with expectation. The older elf reached up and curled his long fingers against the back of Veranon's head then grasped a handful of the young elf's fine red-gold locks. He pulled him against his mouth in an open-mouthed kiss that wasn't painful but made Veranon wince with its intensity. Their tongues entwined, Thalizar roughly probing the younger elf's open orifice. He bit and nipped at Veranon's lips, which the young empath tried to emulate but struggled in the technique.

Then the kiss abruptly ended, taking Veranon by surprise as he was roughly shoved back again. "Did I displease you? I-"

"Shut up, Veranon, and take your clothes off. Stand still for me until I tell you to move. When I instruct you to do so, you will find me lubrication, do you understand?"

"Ah, doesn't it make more sense to fetch lubrication now, brother-mine? While I am clothed? Since I may have to seek it from elsewhere? I can assure you that I have none here."

Thalizar frowned and gestured towards the bathroom with his chin. "Your suppliers were thorough when they prepared your habist. I would check the cabinet under the basin... when I tell you to do so. Remove your clothes, Veranon. Now. And do not open your mouth again unless otherwise instructed or this is finished."

When Veranon reached for his shirt, Thalizar smacked his hand away and barked, "Stop! Don't remove your clothing like you're preparing for a bath! Slowly, tease me with your movements. Inch the shirt off your body, touch yourself. Seduce me!" Not that Thalizar especially wanted the show, still, if Veranon wanted to learn this was the best way. Besides, he enjoyed giving the young elf orders and seeing how he complied. Or of he could comply. It was his opinion that Veranon would not give up his virginity to him after the tasks Thalizar planned to put him through. It made him grin as he watched the shirt flutter to the floor after a particularly clumsy attempt at sensuality. At least he was entertaining.

Swaying his hips to a music only Veranon could hear, the young elf ran his hands over his body, the smile on his face showing that he was slowly beginning to relax, that he was having fun even. His delicate hands moved down his torso and slid along the sides of his growing erection. Thalizar felt his disinterest fade as he watched and he shifted in his chair for a more comfortable position. Perhaps Veranon was not as pathetic as he thought!

He wondered what compelled Veranon to turn around and present his small, tight ass as he continued to sway his body with a dancer's grace. The black-haired assassin then wondered when and how he'd become so hypnotized by the increasingly erotic movements of the younger elf's body despite his attempts to avoid it. He licked his lips as Veranon's pants slid down his thighs with his ass up in the air and his fine, virgin hole puckered and inviting him. The younger Krae's tight, small balls moved rhythmically between his thighs as he bent over so that his chin rested against his knees, granting Thal an extraordinary view of Veranon's naked backside. It was delicious to behold. He reached out and fingered the small, tight opening, his cock fully erect. It was too much, the temptation to take Veranon then and there almost overpowering him.

"Stop!" he said with more desperation than he intended. He wondered if he was addressing Veranon or himself, so lost in Veranon's body he'd become. "Undress me. Slowly. Make me want to take you. Convince me that I need to fuck you." Not that he needed much convincing at this point. Still, he needed to see how driven the younger brother was.

Veranon grinned, his eyes twinkled brightly with humor as he noted the large bulge in Thalizar's pants. The boy was learning quickly how to convey with his eyes what his mouth was forbidden to express. Frowning, Thalizar snapped, "My cock will take any man! You need to convince my mind, Veranon." The young elf smiled and stretched, his fingers running down his shaft in a long, languid caress. He was not especially long or thick but there was an elegant beauty to his cock that Thalizar found attractive. The head was proportional to the shaft and had a nice weight and curve he found appealing. There was a heavy bit of foreskin, which the young elf seemed shyly aware of as he rolled back the skin to expose the mushroom-shaped glans. It was pink, slightly glossy with a full rim ripe for licking.

After a bit of visual teasing, Veranon lowered his body and plucked at Thalizar's shirt, nibbling the buttons open one at a time. In between each nibble, he tasted the pale skin beneath and used his fingertips to tease the exposed flesh as he worked. Periodically, he would kiss Thalizar's lips, biting and sucking at them, using his tongue to playfully ignite fires Thalizar struggled to keep at a low smolder. Where had he learned these things? The boy was gaining a distinct edge, Thalizar decided with a frown. He needed to change the momentum before he embarrassed himself by ejaculating into his pants, something he'd never done nor ever would do. The young elf was talented, for certain, and instinctive in his pleasure-giving.

Before he could make his command or move himself, Veranon did something completely unexpected. Now that Thal's shirt lay on the chair, off his body, Veranon had begun his assault on the tight pants. They were open but rather than pulling them off as Thalizar expected he would, the younger elf was leaning over his crotch, perched up on his knees with his hands grasping Thalizar's thighs. His mouth was open and he was biting the bulge in Thalizar's pants! Biting it lengthwise and using his teeth through the tight leather to create the most delicious sensations. It was too much.

"Enough! No more... Stop! Stay on your knees."

Thalizar rose to his feet and pulled away his pants. He grinned wickedly. He still intended to bend Veranon over and fuck him but first, a challenge, a delay, to both extend his arousal and teach Veranon a thing about pleasuring men, something the picky young elf was not likely to enjoy. He bent over the chair, making himself comfortable, his ass high and right in Veranon's youthful face. "Lick my asshole, Veranon. Use your tongue to circle the hole, lap at it, tease it, all while using your fingers to probe it and stroke my balls. Be creative. Make it feel good."

There was anticipated silence and no action as the stunned, nay, mortified young forest healer likely sat on his knees with wide eyes. Doubtless Veranon would give up the game now that Thalizar had cheated. Ah well... It was fun while the boy was into it. He smiled with a sense of victory as Veranon hesitated. "You have permission to speak, Veranon. What's wrong?"

Veranon wasted no time as he began his panicked reply. "You SHIT out of that hole, you ass! You want me to lick it? Put my fingers inside it? Are you crazy?" The boy was practically sputtering as Thalizar listened.

"Are you saying, then, that we are finished here?" asked Thal smugly. "That you are incapable of pleasing a man? Because if that's the case, perhaps a woman is more your type. Men like ass, Brother-mine, which makes ass the ultimate test. They like it licked, and fucked and they like fucking it in return. It's not always neat and tidy and smelling like roses. It's dirty sex, plain and simple. If you don't like it, I'll fuck you and be done with this. I don't have time for your whining."

"I do but-but..."

"Lick it or we're finished," Thalizar ordered. For Veranon, as picky as he was and as new at this as he was, Thalizar knew the request was outrageous but he wanted to discourage Veranon from trying anything like this again. Teach him a lesson. Make him go elsewhere for his pleasures. Let him find a nice... The wet touch of tongue was so tentative that Thalizar didn't realize what he was feeling at first. The second one, a bit firmer and unmistakable, was bolder and teased the rim of Thalizar's well-plowed hole. For his amusement, the assassin passed gas right in Veranon's face and his left ass cheek received a well deserved slap that stung for several moments after the hand moved away. The tongue, however, remained in place. Both the erotically-charged swipe and Veranon's boldness impressed Thalizar greatly so he settled in to enjoy.

Not only did Veranon continue teasing and wiggling the firm tip of his tongue around Thal's dark opening, he plunged his fingers deep inside, sending waves of pleasure down Thalizar's spine. The boy applied pressure to the gland within his anus at the back of his cock, using his empathy (most likely) to perceive what was pleasing Thal the most. Indeed, the pleasure mounted the more and more Veranon played, even using his entire tongue to lick around, over and under Thalizar's sensitive hole. He even sucked his balls from behind, something few men in Thalizar's experience had done in life. The pleasure was exquisite. When Veranon pulled Thalizar's long, hard cock between his legs to suck from behind, the assassin called a halt, gasping as he pulled away and stood. There was no time for Veranon to fetch lubrication.

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