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A Freshman's Summer Class Ch. 01

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A college freshman spends the summer learning a new trade.
3.6k words

Part 1 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/24/2020
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A Freshman's Summer Class

Edited by HotandHollow

**All characters are of legal age for adult content.**

Chapter 1

"Phew!" I said aloud. Freshman year done at University. Just finished packing up. Sold my books back, had a shower, and all that was left was to get myself ready and dressed. Staring at myself in the mirror, I realized that my freshman year had not been great on my body. The freshman fifteen was surely packed on. I was slight of frame before, so it really didn't look that bad — weighing in at about 170 pounds really isn't terrible. I thought to myself, This is the new you, Alan...but work hard this summer and get fit for goodness sake!

I won't lie. Freshman year had not been easy for me. I'm not the most intelligent, but smart enough to get into a state school. As one of like 10,000 other freshmen, hidden in the huge classes, it had been hard to make friends. So, I relied on dorm living, communal living, to make a few friends. They were alright, and fun to hang out with, play Mario Kart, etc. No new friends like my best friend Mark, whom I grew up with and knew so well. Sadly, he hadn't followed me to university.

So, back to my reflection. A few swipes with a brush to get the longer strands out of my eyes and to smooth back my hair was all I needed. I'd definitely gotten lazy at school with upkeep. My hair hung down past my ears and to just above my shoulders. I liked it though, this new hairdo worked for me, as it was a departure from my previous close-cut fade. Alright, all done and time to make my way to the bus depot.

I was looking forward to working with Mark all summer. Lawn care and simple handyman work basically, but it kept me in shape during high school and should burn through the fifteen pounds I'd gained.

Being nineteen now, I had no idea where I would meet up with any girls, new ones at least, as I hadn't done well in high school. Didn't do well at college either, except for one time. I was lucky enough once to meet a girl who took me home to her place. It was the first time I had sex...and it lasted about two pumps. She fell asleep quickly, but not before making fun of my lack of performance and relative uselessness in bed. So, after that, I didn't look for sex at college, as even that girl wasn't much of a looker, and I was mocked for my inability to pleasure her. Lots of jerking off for me when my roommate was at class. So many bimbos with their fake tits, taking load after load from big, professional, porn cocks — always pleasuring, long lasting. Basically, everything I couldn't do in bed.

Anyways, I got on the bus, and slept for most of the ride to my hometown. My boy Mark was there to pick me up, and we headed to the suburb we'd grown up in. He was still living with his mom, which in my opinion was a smart way of saving money. He had been doing the lawn care and handyman thing all year now, making a good living for a nineteen-year-old with their own business. His sister was away at school most the time and didn't spend her summers at home. So, it was really just him and his mom. Regardless, same neighborhood, our houses were about one mile apart, or a ten-minute walk.

We chatted about nothing and everything, and made plans to get to work the next day...and to catch up during work. I got home, did all the family stuff, and crashed in my room. First things first, I jerked a load out of myself to the kind of hot porn I'd grown accustomed to: big-titted bimbos getting ravaged by fit dudes with big cocks. I'm not sure why I liked professional porn so much — I didn't stack up. It was like I was humiliating myself. Whatever, I was too tired to really think about it, so I didn't.

The next morning, I woke to Mark calling me to say he was out front with the truck. I scrambled and threw some shorts and a shirt on and ran out with an uncooked Pop Tart and a cup of coffee, my usual morning go-to.

"What's up man? Didn't I tell you 7am pickup time?" said Mark.

"I must have forgot," I said. Sorry, bro."

"Whatever man, you probably jerked yourself off to sleep and didn't think about anything but your balls being emptied. It's fine, I get it. But let's get moving on time from here on out," he said, but clearly wasn't mad. He was happier to see my reaction, and know he was right about the jerking off part. "Missing all the college girls already? Couldn't make it past your first night at home?" he asked.

"Dude, look, college wasn't 100% like high school for me, or more accurately, my dick," I started to tell him. "But it was 95% the same."

"Does that mean what I think it does? You finally got your dick wet?" he asked.

I stopped talking at that question. Just clammed right up as all it did in my head was bring up that girl's face — laughing, mocking. Feelings of inadequacy flooded my brain...and I got hard. A fucken' boner, here, thinking about being humiliated. Great. Mark probably noticed. He was driving though, so maybe not.

He looked over when I clammed up. "Earth to starman! You there?" he asked.

"Yah...uhm, sure. Sorry man. It's just...I...I did," I responded.

"Did what? Dude, you went all quiet there for like a minute, like you saw a ghost. What the fuck?"

I said it again, "I I lost my virginity, that is. I...think I did, that is." Why did I say that last part? Shit! Being unsure if you had sex is worse than not having sex in the first place!

"OK, bud, whatever the fuck that means. So just spill it. What happened that you 'think' you're not a virgin?" he asked.

This is my boy, my best friend, so I answered him. Told him about the girl, how she probably weighed the same as me, how she was like our old babysitter, and how it just seemed like my chance. And then how I two-pump-chumped her, and the subsequent mocking I took, fully aware I was about to get more mocking.

"So that's why you spaced out? You were thinking about her, and how she laughed at your...performance? Dude, whatever, you were in there, and then you weren't. No longer a virgin. So, we won't talk about it anymore. Just FYI, I also lost my virginity this past year while you were away. And if we get high enough, perhaps I'll blabber the embarrassing parts to you, like you just did!" he laughed, basically at me.

So of course, my dick got semi-chubbed again. Shit, I thought, I got to stop with the porn.

We got to work on a handful of clients' yards, cutting the grass on all of them, cleaning up mulch beds on some, fixing random things on others.

A week or so went by, getting into a routine. We worked most days, weekends included, as our days off were typically rainy days. On those days I would hang out with Mark. We would watch TV, play video games, whatever was indoors because of the rain.

We would get high or drunk, if we could get either. Mark did tell me about his time this year. As it turns out, it was times, plural, as he'd kept going back for more, where I'd stopped completely after the mocking. He told me it was an older lady that he did work for, not married anymore, kids out of the house, who was in her forties. I didn't know what to think of that. Never really had before. But it seemed hot. He had a similar experience in that he couldn't do much the first time — basically a three-pump chump. But instead of mocking him, she'd decided to teach him to be a better lover.

I was super jealous at that. I mean, an understanding partner instead of mocking one. What luck Mark had! Anyways, so I had to know who it was. He told me it was Ms. Kelly. She lived in our neighborhood, about ten doors down from Mark. I then probably made a mistake: I asked how she taught him, what she taught him, so I could do it too. I didn't want to fuck up again with another girl.

Mark simply smiled. More of a sneer, or roguish grin. I was not worldly, and simply saw it as a mocking smile at the thought I would be so eager to be trained to pleasure women. First, I had to promise not to tell anyone else. Not a problem, I don't really know anyone else. Second, I had to keep an open mind and trust the process, as some of the activities were, "pretty out there," as he put it. Check, why not!

"That's it really. Nothing else you have to promise. It's not a fucken' cult I'm getting you into," Mark said, smiling that used car salesmen smile. "First, you got to not jerk off for a few days. No porn, man, no touching. Just try and forget you have a dick for two days. And don't lie about it — if you fail, just start over."

"Alright," I said, "I can do that. Today is Wednesday, we'll get back together after work Friday night for step two. I got this."

I know what you're thinking. Two days without fapping? Whoopity fucken' do, I can do that in my sleep. Sure, I could too, now, but at nineteen, that wasn't a given. For the sake of brevity, let's just say I was able to last forty-eight hours without touching my dick...eventually....and let's just say it was a Friday night Mark and I got back together for step two.

"Great, but I was kind of just fucking with you on the step one, man. I just wanted to see if you would do it. And you did it. So at least now I know you'll do what I say!" He laughed at me for my naivety. Again.

"Hardy har har! OK, man, let's get to it then. What's the real step one then?" I asked.

"Easy. Smoke this joint with me and we'll get started," Mark suggested. We chased it with a shot of whiskey each. We were feeling it then, life was ours! He continued, "So, the next step is to learn to edge yourself."

"What the hell does that mean?" I inquired. I had never heard of edging before. If you didn't notice, I'm kind of a prude, and besides, porn had been working for me so far. I didn't realize it was actually what made me not good at real sex, since the real deal was like sensory overload for me.

"Basically, you watch porn, and jerk yourself off. And right when you're about to cum, you stop. You don't cum, man. And then you start up again, and keep doing that over and over and over," Mark explained.

I didn't know what to say. I was certain there was no way I could do that and not cum. It was the whole point, wasn't it, to get your rocks off? But I had promised to keep an open mind, and I did want to learn how to be good at sex, so I said fine, I would do that, but for how long?

"Well, this time you have to go for more than a couple days, man. You're going to be constantly teasing yourself, teaching your cock to last longer before blowing its top. I did all this, but I had Ms. Kelly helping me, obviously. She would do the edging for me. So, I had that advantage. Here, take this USB stick with some porn on it. Oh, and put your headphones on when you do it," he told me, followed by some instructions for if I get too far. I was to smack my balls if necessary. I laughed at that one, assuming it was a joke.

Either way, still high and armed with a USB stick of shameful acts of sex, I walked home to begin my training to last longer in the sack. I said hi to the parents, took a shower, went right to my room, and plugged in the drive. I put my headset on and clicked on the folder. It was all set up with folder names letting me know which ones to watch first. There was a document explaining that if I make it through the first folder without blowing my load, I could move on to the next folder's contents. Folders were in numerical order to let me know which ones to do, so I went to folder one and clicked the mp4 file that was in it. It was a one-hour video, with some weird comfort music playing, while clips of porn played on the screen.

Each clip was like thirty to sixty seconds long. It was weird, I couldn't really get into each couple because it was so short. It was odd. Basically, the clips were mostly of a couple making out and maybe fucking, and then the last ten seconds of each clip was the cumshot from the scene. I had no problem just stroking my dick...and stroking...and stroking...and stop stop stop! Wow, that was close!

Needless to say, I didn't make it to the end of the video. I maybe made it twenty minutes, and I had to pull my hand away like fifteen times. I blew my load during one of the on-screen climaxes. My dick spasmed just like the one on the screen. I moaned just like the guy on screen, shooting my load into my hand. I thought that was pretty good. So I went to sleep.

The next day Mark told me how that was basically to be expected. I'd just spent two days without touching myself and then did the edging program for the first time — I was destined to fail. He added that maybe I should relax more, meaning I should drink or smoke some weed before doing the program, as it may help. He also said if I couldn't get through the first folder within a week, he would think of something.

So after a few more nights of failure, Mark gave me another tip: to stroke it differently. To not just pump it up and down, but try leaving my underwear on, and point my dick down by force, stroking it to the music. So I did that. My underwear were a little rough on my cock, and it was a weird, but new, sensation to stroke it down my leg instead of up toward my belly. It worked, especially at the thirty-minute mark when the video was basically just a slow drum beating and the videos started changing a bit.

Longer and longer were the portions of dicks getting pumped and sucked, and the cum shots started taking up almost half the video time. Barely seeing the girls...just their hands, their tits, their mouths, their asses...all rubbing, sucking, worshiping the cocks to completion. I stayed hard through it all, pumping to the music like Mark said, and I made it all the way to fifty minutes before shooting a huge load in my pants. The left leg of my underwear was soaked in cum and precum. I couldn't believe how much precum I made spew forth. It drove me wild thinking about it.

With my mind all wound up thinking about all my precum and the size of my load, I stripped naked and fired the video back up from the start. I was hard so quickly. I wanted to edge again. I craved getting there and holding off. And I craved the changes in the videos, as they let me know that I'd been at it a while and how good I was doing. I knew as long as I pumped to the music, and as long as I kept seeing more and longer scenes full of cocks and cum, I was doing it right, I was doing good, I was being a good boy, I was learning to pleasure women better.

Cockheads, unbearably stressed with their skin so taught, then bam! Cum, cum, and more cum shooting, blasting forth. Sometimes in the hands that were jerking them, sometimes in the mouths that were sucking them, sometimes on the lower backs above the asses that were hot-dogging them. Before I knew it, I made it through the hour-long video. It ended with a super cheesy video edit that just said, "Good boy! Don't cum! Come back tomorrow and learn more!" It was hilarious how badly it had been edited in. With the humor of it breaking up my sexual tension, I decided to listen and not push it.

Being nude for act two, I saw that my leg and chair were covered in precum this time. How the fuck did I still have so much inside me after the first hour? It was amazing, and I loved the site of it all, the mess I made. And I had a weird thought — I wanted to taste it. No one had to one would know...but I didn't. I was pretty worn out at that point, so I cleaned it up and went to bed.

The next morning, I told Mark all about my victory. He laughed at how excited I was, and he reminded me why I'm doing this, and not to get, well, cocky. He reminded me of my two-pump night, embarrassing me slightly, so naturally I got a little chub rock. I didn't try to cover it up, it was barely noticeable, and I was just not embarrassed about my dick showing slightly in my shorts anymore. Yeah, that's a bit weird, but whatever.

Folder two was not all that different than folder one. It was about an hour long as well, but this time, during the parts that had women in them, the women either had their clothes or lingerie on the whole time, or their nipples and pussies were censored mosaicly. It was weird as fuck, to be honest. Either way, I reminded myself why I was doing it, so I continued. The music was different this time. I thought I could hear some whispering in the background, but maybe not. It was unintelligible, so maybe it was some media file compression issue.

For some reason, I just couldn't do it that night. With video two, I came in about fifteen minutes, right as a juicy cock exploded in the ass crack that was hot dogging it. The cock was all wet and slimy with precum and lube, and I just couldn't take the imagery overload to my brain. I was humping my ass into my chair while jerking my dick, and I came. Hard. It blasted up on my chest, and a single squirt actually hit my chin. Without even thinking, my tongue flicked out and dipped into the cum that was on my chin. While my hand still pumped the last of the cum from my cock, I got my first taste of cum. My own cum.

I snapped out of the post-climax euphoria quickly. The salty, bitter taste on my tongue was too much for me to ignore and I immediately shut it all down, cleaned up, and climbed into bed, trying to forget about tasting my own cum. Trying and failing. I laid in bed, but my mind was consumed with the thought of what I had done. I felt guilty for some reason, embarrassment started creeping in...and my dick got hard again. It was two in the morning, I had to get some sleep...I got up, put the headphones on, and fired up folder two's video again.

I was getting through it alright, stroking to the rhythm, eyes glued to the screen, really tired and not totally focusing on anything in particular...just stroking my dick. At some point, the same video from before came back on. I immediately thought of how it had made me cum so hard, and how I'd tasted my cum — and then how embarrassed it made me feel — and my dick immediately swelled up, precum all over it from edging, and I came again, blasting into my hand this time. I didn't want to shoot it on my chin again, as I'm pretty sure I would do the same thing!

What the hell was I thinking? I didn't want to taste it verify its make sure it tasted ok for a girl to taste it, right? With the video still playing and the weird audio in my headphones, I didn't even notice when my hand moved up to my mouth and I was dipping my tongue into my hand's bounty of cum. It wasn't a lot, but there I was, eating my own cum, out of my hand this time.

To my eternal embarrassment, I didn't stop till my hand was clean. This time I fell asleep after, a few tears rolling down my face. What the fuck did I do? What the fuck is wrong with me?

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liz33ndliz33ndalmost 4 years ago

nicely written, i am loving this. Brain train. feel the need, Cum is fun, taste is great, savor the flavor.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
so very hot

I wish I was the kid home from college going through this

TrstxxxTrstxxxabout 4 years ago
A journey begins

Love your story. Excited to read the series and discover where this leads him.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Loved this

Will be looking for more from you. I really loved this one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Good work

Very nice set up. Looking forward to see where it's going.

SuckergurlSuckergurlover 4 years ago

Chapter two is a must soon

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