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A Golden Love Story

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A lovely encounter.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/18/2022
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The day started out with the sun shining, a cool zephyr with the temperature going to rise to the upper 80's...a perfect day here at the resort for walking around unencumbered with clothes. I really needed this weekend to myself.

After breakfast I took my towel and headed down one of the numerous trails here at the resort. There weren't many people around but the few I met seemed nice and we exchanged greetings as we passed each other.

My name is Ron and I'm a widower and 50.

Anyway, after a long time on the trail, I had to pee. I slipped into some brush, looking around to see if anyone was around and enjoyed the pee. Just as I finished, I turned around and there stood a woman, a redhead, smiling.

"Please forgive me but I had to pee."

"That's ok. I enjoyed the show. It's been awhile since I've seen such beauty."

"My name is Ron and again I'm sorry."

"My name is Eloise but everyone calls me Elly. That's ok, really and thanks for the show."

"You're welcome. I'm here for the weekend. I'm a widower."

"Me too. I'm a widow. Glad to meet you Ron. May I join you on your walk?"

"Sure, I'd like that, and again I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I often do the same thing when I'm on long walks. I kind of enjoy it."

"My wife and I used to enjoy water sports but it's different now."

"I know what you mean... it's not the same anymore for me either nowadays."

"Maybe we should do something about it."

We laughed as we continued our stroll.

As we strolled I took a closer look at Elly. I figured she was around 50, 5'7", maybe 135, nice tits that were still pretty firm, nice ass and a well trimmed red pussy.

We must have walked for almost two hours before we realized it. We made plans to meet for dinner and afterwards. We said our goodbyes and I went to my cabin.

I rested a bit and then got ready for dinner. When I arrived at the resort's restaurant, there was Elly. She looked pretty good, even dressed. She had on denim shorts and a top which clearly showed she wasn't wearing a bra.

We had a nice dinner and plenty of wine. The conversation was light and we got to know each other better. Actually, we had a few things in common and lived within driving distance from each other. We were very comfortable with each other. At one point we kind of played a cat and mouse game regarding water sports.

"So Elly, you enjoy all water sports?"

"Mostly, I do. What about yourself?"

"Definitely. I really miss them."

"Me too."

I then got bold and said, "Look, why don't we enjoy some while we're here? I'm game."

"You know Ron, I was thinking the same thing but I didn't want to be forward. I thought you might think badly of me."

"Never happen Elly. Shall we get out of here and get naked and go for a walk?"

"I thought you'd never ask. Let's go."

We got up and headed out. Just then Elly said, "Ron, why not come to my cabin to change? It's closer."


A few minutes later we were at her cabin and went inside and started undressing. In minutes we were both naked and heading out the door with our towels.

We headed to one of the trails that had some small lights on poles along the way.

By this time my cock was starting to become obvious and noticeable.

After about 30 minutes we decided to venture into some underbrush.

"My goodness Ron, it seems someone really needs to pee or is there something else I should know?"

"Actually Elly, it's both."

We laughed and Elly came closer to me and whispered in my ear, "Do you think you can cover all of me?"

"I think I can but your front for sure."

Then Elly laid down on her back and I stood over her. "Are you ready?"

"Oh God, yes."

I started spraying my pee all over her tits, stomach, pussy and legs. She was rubbing it all over herself. Then she opened her mouth and I sent a stream into her mouth before I finished.

She laid there soaking wet and lapping up whatever she could. She then got up.

She told me to kneel down in front of her which I did. She placed her pussy in front of my mouth and told me to open wide. As I did that, she started steaming her pee into my mouth and onto my body, reaching my cock and balls. Before she was done I was drenched in her pee. I then got up and we hugged each other.

"That was terrific." I said.

"God, how I missed that."

Then I said, "Elly, why not come over to my cabin. I have a huge shower and a hot tub on my deck. We can continue our fun if you like."

"You know Ron, that's the best invite I've had in a long time. I accept."

Then we walked over to my cabin, our pee quite visible to anyone who saw us. We finally arrived at my place and we immediately headed to the shower. I ran the water and in seconds it was nice and hot. Elly got in first and I followed. By now my cock was erect.

I started washing Elly's back moving my hands all the way down to her ass. I managed to slip my hand between her cheecks as she spread her legs. Then she turned around and we were face to face with my cock pressing into her. She looked at me then down at my cock.

"Hmmm. What are we going to do about that Ron?"

"That's up to you Elly. You caused it."

We laughed as she slipped her hand around it's shaft.

"Oh God Ron, that feels so nice in my hand. It's been a long time."

Then her hand moved to my balls as she played with them. "That feels good Elly."

I continued, "It's been a long time since they've enjoyed a woman's touch."

As Elly played with my cock and balls she whispered to me, "I think this enough foreplay, let's fuck."

I looked at her and smiled. We got out of the shower and dried each other off then headed to my bedroom. We wasted no time in getting on the bed.

Immediately we started hugging and feeling each other up, my cock pressing up against her naked body.

"Fuck me now Ron. I'm want your cock in me."

"In seconds she was on her back, her legs spread a bit. I mounted her and my cock easily found her slit and in seconds was pushing into her treasure until it was all the way in her cunt.

I started fucking her slowly at first...

"Fuck me harder Ron."

I did as I was told and fucked her harder and faster. In minutes I told her I was going to cum.

"Cum in me Ron...shoot your cum into my cunt."

A few more thrusts and I exploded and shot my cum into her...she bucked her hips and then had orgasm after orgasm until she finally stopped. My limp cock slipped out of her cunt and we both rested, my cum oozing out of her.

"Thank you Ron. That was terrific."

"Elly, you were amazing. It's been a long time for me. Why don't you spend the night here?"

"I'd like that Ron. Let me go and get a few things and I'll be right back. Better yet, come with me."

We got up and walked over to her place. I waited as she packed a few things and then we headed back to my place.

As soon as we got inside, we continued where we left off...hugging and kissing.

"Elly, want to try the hot tub?"

"Sure do."

We went into the deck and slipped in the hot tub and continued our lovemaking.

"Sit up on the edge Ron."

I got up and sat on the edge and Elly came over to me and started sucking my cock and balls. "Ron, tomorrow I am going to give you a haircut."

"Ok, but I'm going to have to give you one too."

We laughed and then she continued her sucking.

"I'm going to cum Elly."

She sucked harder and then my cock shot my cum into her mouth and I watched as she swallowed it all. Then, I said, "Keep your mouth open...I'll washi it down."

Then I filled her mouth with my golden liquid so much that it spilled out her mouth onto her tits. When I finished, she kissed me, sharing some of my pee with me.

"Your turn now Ron."

I helped Elly to the edge of the hot tub and she sat in front of me, her legs spread with her trimmed red hair facing me. I spread her lips and started eating her. Soon, she began moaning under her breadth...then the got louder..."Oh God Ron... don't stop... don't stop." By now I was sucking on her clit and suddenly she squirted all over my face and into my mouth, having orgasm after orgasm. Then she let loose with a flow of her golden liquid into mouth and on my face, which lasted awhile before she stopped. I pulled her off the edge and we hugged and kissed.

We spent about an hour in the hot tub before we headed back inside.l

It was really late and we just went to bed with our arms wrapped around each other. My cock pressed up against her slit, but not for long...I could feel her pushing my cock I to her cunt as she pulled my body closer to her and that's how we fell asleep.

We woke up as the sun lit up the bedroom. Our bodies were still pressed together with my limp cock by her slit. As soon as our eyes opened, we continued where we left off, never missing a beat. She mounted me and in seconds she was riding my cock, her tits bouncing up and down.

It didn't take us long before we both exploded, my cum into her cunt and her having multiple orgasms.

Finally, we decided to get up and shower... Before we even turned the water on, Elly told me to get down and then she gave me a golden shower. As soon as she finished, she got down and I stood over her and gave her a golden shower. Then we both washed up, making sure we enjoyed each other's body before we finished.

After our shower, we went to breakfast.

As we were eating I said, "Well Elly, you are an amazing woman. This has been the best time I've had in a long time. Thank you."

"Ron, aren't we here for another day? You make it sound like our fun is over. We still have things to do unless you don't want to."

"Oh heavens no, I want to spend every second we can together. In fact Elly, I like you a lot and it's not just about the great sex. I really like you."

Elly smiled and said, "Ron, I like you a lot as doesn't hurt that you're a good fuck either."

We both laughed and enjoyed our meal. After breakfast, we headed back to my place to get ready for our walk when Elly said, "Before we go anywhere sir, there is a matter of a haircut...did you forget?"

I laughed and told her I didn't. She told me to go into the bathroom and get ready. She brought out her shaving utensils and after awhile she shaved me completely smooth with nary a scratch.

"There, that's better Ron. No more hair in my mouth." We laughed and I told her it was her turn.

I took her shaving gear and in minutes her red pubic hair was history. I put some aside and told her I was going to keep them as a remembrance. She laughed.

We lotioned our shaved areas up and then we headed outside, smiling and hugging and kissing like a pair of lovebirds.

As we walked we talked about where we go from here. She kept laughing and I asked her what was so funny. She said, "Forgive me but your cock and balls look so much bigger than before. I really like your new look, especially as your cock moves when you walk."

I turned a beet red and replied, "So, you only like me for my cock and balls?" As I laughed.

"Heavens no. I like the whole package."

We hugged and held hands as we strolled.

After a long walk, we wound up by the pool and decided to take the sun and then a dip in the pool.

Elly got a lot of attention and rightly so. She is a stunning looking woman. At one point she had four guys all around her.

Eventually, we left and had a few laughs about our pool experience.

After a long day outside, we headed to my cabin. We wasted no time in getting to the bedroom. In seconds my cock was deep inside her cunt.

"God Ron, don't stop... don't stop."

I kept fucking her as we kissed then she said, "Fuck my ass...cum in my ass."

I pulled my cock out as she got on all fours. I used her own juices to lube her ass and my cock and pressed my hard cock against her hole and slowly pushed it in. After a few minutes, my cock was firmly seated in her ass. I started fucking her ass as she pushed back, meeting my thrusts until I told her I was going to cum...with one last push, I shot my cum into her ass as she was fingering herself and squirting all over the bed, letting out screams of pleasure until we both were spent. With my cock still in her ass, I let out a stream of pee into her ass. She jumped a bit as my liquid flowed out of her ass and down to her now smooth pussy and inner thighs. I finally eased my cock out of her ass as my pee dripped out.

"Mmmm. That was a nice surprise. You're such a bad man..."

We rested awhile then headed to the shower where we both have each other a golden shower and complete body washes. Once we finished, we went out on the deck and talked while we soaked up the sun.

"Elly, you are truly an amazing woman. I know we just met but I want to tell you that I have fallen in love with you and it's not just the sex. We have a lot of things in common and I like you as a person. You're funny, pretty, smart, and I like being with you. I'm a pretty good judge of people and I trust my instincts. I want to be with you always."

"Ron, that's such a nice thing to say. I feel the same about you. You're great in bed, and you're a real nice guy, a guy who I like being with. Your not a phony, and that means a lot to me. I like being with you. And, in the short time here, I feel that we do have a lot in common, besides the sex. I love you too and I would like to continue our relationship once we leave this place."

"I feel the same way let's do it."


"No, silly... let's move in together to see how it goes and if we click and are comfortable with each other, we could take it to the next level. Look, we aren't kids. We are mature adults who like each other so let see how it works out."

"You know Ron, we aren't kids anymore. We do like each other, the sex is great and we respect each other but there is more...maybe it's because we have gone down that path before and personally, I never thought I'd find happiness again but boy was I wrong. I would be very honored to see how far we can go...together...I'm hoping it will be what I think we both want and need at this stage of our lives."

We smiled and hugged and Elly said, "Whose house do we start with?"

"I'll leave that decision up to you. I am fine with whatever you decide."

"Smart man. I think this is going to work out fine. Now, let's go have dinner so we can come back here and fuck like rabbits."

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Buster2UBuster2Uover 1 year ago

At 50 our m/c starts over. Heck when I hit 30 I felt life was over and that I'd never fall in love again. LOL. Great Story, Great Writing. I love a happy ending. 5 Stars for writer!

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefover 1 year ago

It's always nice when you find someone that shares your interests and hobbies, lol.

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