by joifiend11
Well written and sexy. While the premise is fun, it's beyond belief that anybody who's in the hospital with his injuries would be able to do any of the thrusting described, or have anyone ride them only a day and a half after the stabbing. His stitches would definitely all pop during sex, and maybe even just from the involuntary flexing during Natalie's hand job. And he'd be way too drugged up to even perform, lol. Still, it's a fun story, and sexy so far. I'm just an asshole who spent too long working in an operating room, lol.
From Google:
"I laid awake" is incorrect because "lie" is the correct verb to use when describing the action of remaining awake without sleeping:
Correct: "She was so worried, she lay awake all night long".
Incorrect: "I laid awake".
Haha, I appreciate this feedback. I should’ve included a disclaimer about the setting stretching credulity and plausibility. :)
Appreciate you reading — I’ve got a few more parts I’m planning on posting; I’m not sure they’ll be more believable, but hopefully just as sexy!
A good catch on the grammar, thank you. (And how unfortunate to have that error be in the first sentence!)