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A Jealous Mother

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Denise has the tables turned when she seduces her son.
7.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/21/2022
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A Jealous Mother -- ch. 1

Kenny had no idea what to expect as he drove home. He just finished his second year at State College. Most of his friends were looking forward to going home for summer break. But not him. His dad had called him a month before and let him know that he was moving out and filing for divorce from his mother. He listened as his dad explained how things were with his mom. His dad would have left years before except for him. Now that he was in college and out of the house, his dad decided it was time to end the charade.

He wondered how his mom was taking all this. They had talked a lot on the phone since his dad moved out, and she seemed to be taking it as well as could be expected. But he knew living at home would help him see what was really going on with her. He wanted to be strong for his mom. But he really didn't know what to expect from her.

He hadn't even gotten out of his truck after pulling in the driveway before his mom was almost running out the front door to greet him. He opened the drivers door and stepped down to his mother as she waited for him with open arms. She was a striking woman with jet black hair that she kept short. Her 5'5" frame was highlighted by her ample chest.

"Oh my baby's home!" She said smiling, with tears streaming down her face. She threw her arms around his neck and held him tight.

Kenny had to bend over slightly as he wrapped his arms around his mom's back and returned the hug. He picked her up slightly as he hugged her. The first thing he noticed was that she had lost weight. She had mentioned to him on the phone that she had lost her appetite since his dad had left. Some women turn to food for comfort in stressful situations. Denise was just the opposite. She just stopped eating. "Hey mom. It's good to be home. How are you doing?"

Denise held on tight, not releasing him. "I'm doing much better now that my baby is home."

Kenny started to feel a little self-conscious as his mom held him tight, crushing her chest against him. He looked around to see if any of the neighbors were watching. Denise had been blessed with a huge chest. Something he hadn't really noticed till just the last few years. It wasn't like he didn't notice a nice big pair of tits before or like to jack-off to pics of them. But she was his mother. And he never gave her much thought before. That was before last summer when he was home after his freshman year. He was doing laundry one day and found one of her bras in the hamper. He looked at the tag on the strap, '38E'.

All Kenny could think about was to get this out of the front yard. "Hey mom, let me unload my truck and get settled in my room. Then we can get caught up on everything. I want to know how you're really doing."

Denise reluctantly released him from her hug. But took his huge hands in hers as she smiled up at him. "I'm so glad to have you home. You have no idea how much I've missed you."

"I've missed you too mom."

"Do you have a girlfriend? Someone special?"

Kenny was taken back by the question. It seemed off the wall considering all that was going on. "No one special right now. I did date a few girls this past semester."

"Well we'll talk about that more later. Let me help you get your stuff inside."

The two of them unloaded his truck, carrying it all up to his room. After they unloaded his truck Denise began making dinner as Kenny unpacked, most of it being dirty laundry, and then took a shower. About an hour later Kenny walked down to the kitchen in his sweats and carrying his duffel bag full of dirty clothes. "It is so good to be home." He said to his mom as he walked through the kitchen into the laundry room.

"Just throw that bag on the floor. I'll do those clothes in the morning. My baby is home and I'll be taking care of him."

Kenny had always hated being called 'baby' by his mom. But now was not the time to correct that. He had the feeling she could crumble with the slightest push in the wrong direction. He walked back into the kitchen and sat down at the island, watching his mom finish dinner. "So tell me how you're really doing mom."

Denise paused as she looked over her shoulder at her son. Then it was as if the flood gates were opened up. She began unloading everything she'd been holding in for not just months, but years. For the next two hours Denise told her son the whole saga of all the times his dad had cheated on her. And each time she had forgiven him because she wanted the marriage to work. Then he told her just four weeks ago that he was leaving her because he'd found someone else. She told him her story through dinner and the kitchen clean up. She finished her story as they sat on the couch in the living room, Denise nursing a glass of wine and Kenny sipping on a beer. When she finally finished, there were no tears. She had cried herself out over the last month. Now there was just this seething anger that she was going to take him for every penny she could get.

Kenny wanted to be the good son and try to build his mom back up. "Well I don't see what dad sees in any of those other women. I think you've gotten better looking since I last saw you. I know you've lost weight. You look great. You're a gorgeous woman mom." He couldn't help his eyes constantly dropping to her chest.

It was a gaze not lost by his mom. She smiled to herself seeing his struggle to keep his eyes off her breasts. She decided to change the conversation and focus on her son. "So, do you have a girlfriend?"

"You asked me that already mom." Kenny replied a little annoyed at her inquisition. "No! I don't have a steady girlfriend right now. I have dated a few girls over the last year. But none of them went beyond just a few dates."

"Well good!" She replied with a condescending tone. "You don't need those girls. They'll just use you, then cheat on you and break your heart." She took a long drink from her glass, then slid closer to her son and laid her hand on his thigh. "There's no substitute for a mother's love for her son."

Kenny knew the wine was having an effect on his mom's inhibitions. She never could hold her liquor very well. Denise was usually tipsy after just one glass. Plus she was having an effect on him he hadn't expected. He placed his hand on his mom's and tried to change the subject. "It's getting late mom. It was a long drive for me today. I'm whipped. I'm going to go to bed. We can talk more about this tomorrow."

Denise grabbed his arm as he tried to stand. "Please don't go yet baby. You just got home, and I've missed you so much."

Kenny fell back into the couch, not wanting to give his mom the idea he didn't want to spend time with her. He smiled at her. "OK mom. I guess I do have all summer to sleep." Again, it was as if his eyes had a mind of their own. He caught himself looking down at her chest again.

Denise giggled as she looked down at her chest. "Young man! Are you checking me out?"

Kenny's eyes widened, knowing he was busted. "What?! No! I mean..."

Denise giggled some more. "It's ok baby. It makes a woman feel good to know that she's being checked out. Do you really think I'm attractive?" She asked with a longing in her voice, needing his approval.

Kenny reached out and caressed her face as a wave of compassion for his mom swept over him. "I think you're a gorgeous woman. So do all the guys on my floor back at school. They're always commenting on the picture I have of you on my desk." He chuckled. "I even have to threaten them at times when they get crude."

Her eyes lit-up as she thought about all those young bucks talking about her. "Really? What were your friends saying?"

Kenny looked at her wondering what was going on in that cute head of hers. She was an attractive woman. If she hadn't been his mom, he probably would have made some crude remarks as well. But he was always able to quickly shut down any conversations that turned crude about his mom. Being 6'4" in height and playing linebacker on the schools football team helped. He had been a good athlete throughout his high school years. So much so that it had gotten him a scholarship at the university. But after two years of being on the team he'd decided to not pursue it any further. He loved the game of football. But it was too hard on the body and brain. He stayed on the team to maintain his scholarship. But he wasn't going to pursue any kind of career in it beyond graduation.

"I'm not going down this road mom. I'm not going to tell you what my friends think of you." Even as he tried to change the subject again, his eyes kept roaming back and forth between looking her in the eye and staring at her heaving chest.

"Please baby, tell me. I don't care how crude it is. It's just nice to know that some young men find me attractive. Your mom could use a little ego boost right now." She slid her hand up and down his muscular arm smiling at him. "Apparently you must find these attractive." She said teasingly as she unbuttoned a few buttons on her blouse and spread the lapels, revealing that beautiful valley between her breasts.

"Mom! What the fuck are you doing? Are you drunk?" Kenny was about to jump up off the couch when Denise grabbed his arm.

"Please baby! Don't react that way. I thought you said you found me attractive? Or were you just saying that to make me feel better?"

"No mom, I wasn't just saying that to make you feel better. It's the truth. You are an attractive woman." He decided to tell her what his friends thought of her. "Some of the guys used to refer to you as a MILF."

Denise smiled big. "I know what that is. They really thought I was a mother they'd like to fuck?"

Kenny couldn't believe where this conversation was going. "Yeah! They did! Does that make you feel better?"

"Yes baby it does. But I don't care what they think. What do you think? Do you think I'm attractive enough to fuck? Do you think I'm more attractive then some of those girls you dated?"

Kenny knew he should get out of there. But the longer he sat there, the more fixated he became on her cleavage and the more he felt his cock stirring to life. 'What the fuck am I becoming?' His brain screamed. Not allowing her to persuade him any further, he jumped up off the couch and looked down at her. "I'm going to my room mom. I think we both need a good night sleep." He turned and walked upstairs to his room, closing the door behind him.

Kenny was sitting up in bed watching TV, wearing just his gym shorts. His brain spinning with what had just happened in the exchange between him and his mom. The more he thought about it, the more he stopped seeing Denise as his mom, seeing her as an attractive sexual creature instead. "This is fucked up!" He kept mumbling to himself, trying to calm himself down. But the more he thought about it, the harder his cock got.

A couple of the girls he'd dated at school had been blessed with big tits. He seemed to be attracted to that anatomical feature more than anything else. He'd joked with some of his teammates that if they stood ten different girls in front of him, he'd always pick the one with the biggest tits. If she happened to be pretty, well that was just a plus.

Now he was being forced to deal with his mom. She had huge tits. She was extremely attractive. And she seemed to be coming onto him, her own son. "Fuck! Three strikes! I am fucking OUT!"

There was a soft knock at his door. "Kenny! Are you still awake baby?" Denise asked softly.

Kenny took a deep breath. 'Now what?' He thought to himself. "Yeah mom! Just watching some TV. Come on in!"

Denise opened the door, stepped inside, then closed it behind her as though she was trying to hide what she was trying to do. Seduce her son. She had showered. She was wearing her knee length bathrobe, tied tight at the waist. "I just wanted to apologize baby for making you feel uncomfortable." She walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge, facing her son. She kept one foot on the floor, curling her other leg in front of her. "I guess since your father left I've been feeling a little insecure. A woman starts wondering if any man finds her attractive. I guess that's the reason I asked you about the girls you've dated." She hung her head. "I guess I was just trying to hang onto the only other man in my life."

Kenny knew he shouldn't, but he couldn't help himself as he leaned forward and put his arms around his mom. "Mom, you're a gorgeous woman. I have to confess. If you weren't my mom, I'd see you the same way my friends see you."

Denise pulled away and smiled at him. "You mean you see me as a MILF too?"

Kenny felt his better judgment and resistance waning. He cupped her face with his hand, resigned to telling her what she needed to hear. "Yes mom. You are a real MILF."

She laid her hand on his bare chest. "Oh baby. That makes me so happy. Do you think I'm more attractive than the girls you've dated at school?"

Kenny sighed as he started to wonder just how fucked up his mother was. "Yes mom. You're much more attractive than they are."

"I'll bet none of them had a full-figured mature woman's body." She said sarcastically as she stuck out her chest.

Kenny felt himself getting irritated with her now. She was playing with fire and he was getting tired of it. 'Let's see how she responds' he thought. "Most of them no." Which was a lie. "But Jenny was the exception. She had a nice set of tits."

Denise bristled at the thought of taking second place to some young thing. "Were they as big as mine?" She asked, sticking her chest out even further.

Kenny had told her the truth about Jenny. They had dated a couple of times. And one of the things Jenny liked was having her tits played with. Kenny smiled as he remembered the evenings Jenny had spent in his dorm room. He'd take his time and prime her pump by playing with her tits for hours. Their evenings together ending only after he'd driven her through multiple orgasms and Jenny draining his cock a couple times.

"I don't know if Jenny's were as big as yours or not. I'd have to see yours to see how they compare."

Denise didn't hesitate as she loosened the knot on her robe. Then opened it, exposing her naked body. "Well? Were they as big as these?" She asked irritated that she was competing with some female she'd never met.

Kenny sat there in stunned silence, staring at what was probably the nicest pair of tits he'd ever laid eyes on in person. He'd seen plenty of tits between the girls he'd dated and the porn he'd watched. But now he was staring at a pair that were just an arms length away. His lust kicked into overdrive. This was no longer his mother sitting next to him. This was a big titted bitch he wanted to have fun with.

HIs cock was now starting to think for him. "I think yours are definitely bigger." His excitement level climbing off the charts as his eyes darted back and forth between her naked tits and the bush between her legs. "But hers were really soft and firm. And she loved it when I took my time with them. She loved that because they were really sensitive."

Denise's intentions when she walked into her son's room was to seduce him. Now she wasn't sure who was seducing who. It had been years since her husband had taken his time with her tits, playing with them till she was begging him to satisfy her. She could feel her own arousal growing. "Would you like to touch them?" Her shaking voice betrayed her arousal.

Kenny reached out with his left hand and caressed her tit flesh with the tips of his fingers, swirling around each globe, circling the right one several times before doing the same with the left one.

Denise closed her eyes and without thinking moaned her approval of his touch. "Oh baby! That feels so good."

Kenny grew more confident with each moan from his mother. He began caressing them with both hands. He remembered all the things that Jenny liked having done to her tits. He fondled them for several minutes before cupping them and lifting them to feel their weight and firmness, at the same time flicking her nipples with his thumbs. Her nipples were soon sticking out like two pencil erasers.

Denise opened her eyes and gave her son a devilish smile. "You naughty boy. You know how to make your mom feel good. Is this what you did with Jenny?"

Kenny returned her grin. "This and a whole lot more. Would you like me to show you all that I did to Jenny?"

Denise had to know. "Am I bigger than her? Prettier than her?"

Kenny wondered about his mom's emotional and mental state. But at this point his conscience was in the head of his cock. This was a sensuous woman in need of attention. He was going to give her all the attention she needed, till he got what he needed. He leaned forward and wrapped one arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his body. His other hand squeezing and massaging one of her tits. He kissed her tenderly on the lips, lingering till he got the response he wanted.

"Your tits are much bigger than hers. And you're much prettier than her." He paused. "No. I take that back. You're drop dead gorgeous. I've never said that to any girl before."

Denise smiled at him as she draped her arms around his neck. "My baby knows how to make his mom feel good. I would love to have my baby show me all that he did to that little girl."

Kenny slipped his mom's robe off her shoulders. He cupped both her tits again and squeezed them like he enjoyed doing with Jenny. "You sure you want me to take you the way I took Jenny?"

Denise got a hurt look on her face. "Don't mention her anymore baby. Can we just pretend I'm your girlfriend?"

'This is really fucked up' was the first thought that came to mind. But by this point Kenny's lust was in full command of his mind and body. "Sure mom!" He said as he wrapped his arms around her, then rolled her over his body onto the bed, on her back. With her left arm pinned under his body, Kenny grabbed her right wrist and held it next to her head as he kissed her with a passion that was overtaking both of them.

Denise moaned as sensations and feelings she hadn't felt in years overtook her. Her own son was making her feel things that she thought she'd never feel again.

Kenny worked his way down her neck, kissing and nibbling on her flesh as he descended to his goal. He lifted one of her tits as he dipped his head. He lightly caressed her distended nipple with his lips and tongue, sending shockwaves through Denise's body.

Denise sobbed softly. "Oh baby! What are you doing to me?" It felt like an electric shock traveling from her tit to her pussy. Denise began to writhe under his body as he drove it towards her first orgasm.

Kenny took great pride in being able to pleasure a woman till she was begging him to stop. Then he thought it would be to his advantage to see how far his mother would go, while in her state of need. He pulled off her body, sat up and slid up the bed till he was sitting against the headboard of the bed.

Denise rolled over with the look of a woman who's been left unfulfilled. "Oh baby! Don't stop now! That felt so good! You can't leave your mom like this!"

Kenny grinned at her. "How badly do you need it mom?"

"Don't tease me baby! You know I need it bad." The longing in her voice was evident.

"Show me how badly you need it." He said as his eyes dropped to the bulge in his boxer briefs.

Denise stared at the bulge in his shorts. She knew if she pulled his shorts down, there would be no turning back. She hesitated. Then crawled up the bed till she was kneeling between his legs. She slipped her fingers inside the band of his shorts and pulled them down and off his legs. His seven inches of manhood lay hard and swollen on his pelvis. She stared at it for several seconds before looking up at her son. She took it in her left hand and stroked it gently as she cupped his balls with the other hand.

"OH fuck! Yeah!" Kenny moaned.


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