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A Journey of Passion Ch. 02

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The Daughters: shattered dreams.
1.8k words

Part 2 of the 10 part series

Updated 10/23/2022
Created 01/20/2009
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Chapter 2: The Daughters

He lay tattered and torn, the life gone from his once vibrant body. Shelby screamed and pounded her fists into her father's chest. Seth felt numb to the pain she inflicted on him as he tried to make this nightmare go away.

His son-in-law was dead. Another man was as well. The elderly man ran a red light and plowed into Rex's car just hours ago. Both men died on impact according to the police. Rex was just twenty-five. Seth struggled with the senselessness of it all. He knew his daughter would need his support in the coming weeks and vowed to do whatever he could for her and his young grandson. Dallas was only two and now his daddy was gone.

Somehow, they'd made it through the funeral. Shelby barely spoke. Her eyes had a vacant look to them as if she too was gone. Seth took care of as many of the details as he could to make things easier for her. They moved in with him for a while so she didn't have to be around Rex's things. The sight of them tore her heart out. Seth found them a new apartment when she was ready to go on her own again.


He looked so much like Rex it hurt sometimes, she thought. Shelby watched her young son Dallas sleep as tears rolled down her cheeks. He'd asked for his daddy again before he fell asleep. How did you make a two-year old understand their father was dead? She struggled with that question.

Six months had already gone by since that horrible day. Shelby would never forget the look on her dad's face when he'd shown up at the small print shop where she worked. At the time, she didn't question why he was the first to know about the accident. It was weeks before she'd thought clear enough to ask him about it.

"Dad, why didn't the police tell me first?"

"I was doing business in the complex on that corner where the accident happened. Rescue personnel blocked the parking lot exit. Traffic would be a mess, so I decided to walk across to the sandwich shop. That's when I recognized Rex's car."

"Did you see him?"

Seth looked at his daughter and felt her pain. "No, I didn't. One of the police officers was a client of mine. He confirmed it was Rex after I expressed my concern."

"What made you so sure it was Rex?"

"I saw the armadillo bumper sticker I gave him from my trip out west."

She'd smiled at that, he noticed.

"He was crazy about those ugly things. I never did figure out what he saw in them," she said. "Thank you, Daddy. I'm glad it was you that told me and not a stranger."

"I wish I didn't have to at all, Shelby."

Now that conversation made her feel closer to her dad. She knew he worried about them and checked often. Life just didn't have any joy for her anymore. Even with Dallas around she found it difficult not to cry all the time.

She heard the doorbell and figured it was her dad. Instead, Rex's best friend Rob stood there.

"Hi Shelby," he said with a small smile.

"Rob, come in. Dallas just went to sleep."

"I wanted to see how you're doing or if you need anything."

Shelby knew Rex's death hit Rob hard, too. They'd been friends since grade school and even went to college together.

"It's so hard, Rob ..." Fresh tears fell thought she tried to hold them back.

He wanted to ease the pain, so he pulled her into his arms. Her slight frame curled into his chest as she cried. Calloused hands rubbed her back in an effort to comfort her. Her breathing changed seconds before her lips touched his.

Rob felt dizzy with desire. He'd known long ago he had to be careful around Shelby. She'd never looked at him as anything other than a friend but he lusted after her from the first time he met her. Now, his body burst into flames from a simple kiss.

"Shelby —"

"Please, Rob, I need to feel again. Help me, please?" Her plea interrupted him and made him forget everything but the way she fit against him.

She rubbed her heat over his groin and kissed him again. Her soft tongue dueled with his as her fingers worked his belt loose. Rob slipped his hands under her baggy shirt and groaned.

"God, Shelby, I want to touch you."

He watched as she stepped back and pulled the shirt over her head. Her unrestrained firm lush breasts were as tanned as the rest of her. Rob cupped each one and flicked the nipples until they peaked hard and tight. Shelby unzipped her jeans and wiggled out of them. She took his hand and slid it over her mound.

"Take me, Rob."

Her simple request was like a switch. He stripped and hauled her into his arms for a blistering kiss. They fell to the sofa where she landed on top of him. Shelby crawled over his chest and devoured his mouth with hers. He dug his hands into her hips when she rolled over his shaft with her heat. Rob lifted her over his aching member and thrust deep inside.

"Oh god, yes," she hissed. "Fuck me hard."

Pounding and stabbing, he drove her wild. They flipped positions and he slammed himself deep into her tunnel. Her legs tangled with his and she raked her nails across his back. His mouth latched onto her neck and sucked hard. A passion unlike any he'd ever experienced made him wild until he thought he would explode.

Her moans turned to agonized wails as she clamped her thighs together. A powerful orgasm crashed through her body that almost made her black out. Rob felt the way her muscles tightened on his throbbing shaft and lost it. Load after load of thick hot cum filled her depths as he sucked on her tongue.

Neither spoke as they came down from the myriad of feelings in them. Shelby wondered if she'd betrayed Rex but knew he'd understand. Rob sent a silent message to his deceased friend. He vowed to do all he could to see that Shelby was happy in the future. Somehow, he knew Rex was okay with what they'd done.


"Yes Shelby."

"Thank you."

He smiled and kissed her. "Thank you, Shelby."

Shelby looked to the heavens and swore Rex was smiling at her. Maybe things would be all right after all, she decided as Rob stirred inside her.


Nicole was twenty-three and Gabriela's only child. The two were quite close since Nicole's father divorced Gabriela and moved away. He'd since married several more times and seemed to have forgotten his daughter. Regardless, Nicole was happy with her life. She finally started college after working a few years first to decide what she wanted to do.

Then she met David. He was a sales representative for a local insurance firm and a few years older than Nicole was. They met when one of Nicole's friends began working at the same company and Nicole went there to meet her for lunch. David was waiting for the elevator and saw Nicole when she got out. He watched where she went and asked her girlfriend about her later. The hint of a better position in the company netted him Nicole's telephone number.

Nicole felt flattered to have the attention of such a charming man. His clothing was all the latest style, he drove the right car, and he opened doors for her. David was perfect. It only took a few weeks for Nicole to fall in love with him.

Gabriela and Nicole had always been close but David was jealous of that. He encouraged Nicole to share everything with him on the premise it would strengthen their relationship. Her love for the young man blinded her to his many faults and soon she followed whatever he said.

Gabriela worried as any mother would but Nicole promised her she was happy. David stood at her side and smiled but Gabriela felt the evil in him as soon as she met him. She could only hope that her daughter didn't get hurt and be there for her if she did.

David's proposal surprised Gabriela in a sense. She didn't think he would bother since it was what Nicole wanted. Yet, claiming what he felt was his fit with his jealous ways too. Then he convinced her to drop out of college. He said it would give her more time to plan the perfect wedding for them. Nicole believed him and left school.

They moved into a more expensive apartment. David had a good job and could afford it, she told her mom. Nicole didn't think twice about putting her name on the lease. The wedding plans were going along well but Gabriela wasn't included as most mothers of the bride would be. She offered several times, but David refused to let her help.

Nicole didn't see any of her friends anymore. David had made sure of that. His controlling ways even included a new hairstyle and wardrobe for Nicole. Yet, she only saw that he was making her a better person. She loved him so much she wouldn't believe anything bad about him.

They chose invitations and Nicole had a dress. She'd asked David's sister to stand up with her since she didn't see any of her old friends anymore. They'd met with the caterer and David chose a menu. Gabriela left messages for Nicole but her daughter never called her back. She became suspicious that David heard them first and erased every one but couldn't prove it. Her dislike for the man grew daily but Nicole wouldn't listen to any of her mother's concerns.

Then disaster struck. The early December wedding was less than two months away when David left. He first told Nicole he'd been playing with her and that she was useless. He had a real woman that he'd been seeing the entire time he was with Nicole. She was a coworker of his, older, with money, and better in bed than Nicole was. He sneered at her tears and called her names before driving away.

Left in shock, Nicole had to deal with canceling all the wedding plans. Gabriela helped as much as she could while she longed to take the pain away from her daughter. David ran up bills in Nicole's name that she didn't know anything about. Gabriela worked with the creditors to pay them off herself.

Nicole moved into a tiny efficiency apartment and found a new job. She and Gabriela became closer again. Yet her mother could see the hurt lingering in her daughter's eyes and tried to find ways to ease the pain. That's why she agreed to it when Nicole brought up the dating service.

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chytownchytownabout 11 years ago

For sharing.

DG HearDG Hearabout 16 years ago
Good story

How many chapters in all? I'm not real big on chapter stories and sometime read them after a few are posted. Got me kid of hooked on this one.


_Lynn__Lynn_about 16 years agoAuthor
My mistake ...

in posting the chapters without giving them designated numbers.

I already have that request in to correct the issue.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

Okay. No clue was provided as to why there are two apparently unrelated vignettes posted, but I was willing to wait for some sort of logical connection to appear. If there was going to be a "Ch.02", it would have been nice to have been given a "Ch.01" designation. And then, in the second vignette, the storytelling just stops. It does not end; it stops. Did "page 2" just get lost in the ether? Regardless, the whole posting is similar to a song with a no ending chord.

-- KK in Texas

DesertPirateDesertPirateabout 16 years ago

Nice lead in to the rest of the story. A good background is important to help a story develop and you did it right. All the main characters have had major troubles, now it's time for something to go right.

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