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A Life of Slavery Pt. 07

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The punishment is revealed.
3.2k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 06/01/2022
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Mere moments felt like hours as I waited for my Queen to act. Her promise of the worst experience yet rattled around in my already shaken mind, and I couldn't possibly imagine what she had in store for me. Would it be painful, humiliating, and how could it be any tougher than what I had experienced at the hands of her, Goddess, and Goddess' husband so far? The silent moment was torture, and my Queen was almost certainly delaying on purpose and enjoying that fact.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted however, when I felt a hard tug at my leash followed by a simple command.


I began to rise to my feet to follow and obey, when a strong arm forced me back down.

"You crawl in the presence of your betters, unless you have permission to stand," my Queen spoke plainly.

I nodded and followed her on all fours, aware of the judging gaze of the other two people in the room as I crossed the cold hardwood floor. I resisted the urge to look up at my Queen's divine ass as I followed behind her, knowing that if caught I'd surely regret it. She rounded the corner out of the living room, and arrived at the basement door. Without a word, she opened it and began descending. Apprehensively, I followed, not used to crawling down stairs.

My Queen impatiently tugged on the leash, and I picked up the pace as we continued to make our way down. Eventually, my sore knees hit the soft carpeted floor of the finished basement, and we kept going, past a couch, some exercise equipment, and what looked to be a rack of some sort designed for binding someone to it. Much to my relief, we passed that by as well, and made our way through another door to a small room.

I felt the hard, cool tile of this new room against my hands and knees as my Queen switched on the lights. My eyes widened as I saw what was in front of me, and I realized I would have been better off on the rack. I tugged back at the leash.

"No, my Queen, you can't intend..." I stammered out.

My face suddenly stung, an increasingly familiar feeling, as my Queen slapped me across the cheek without mercy.

"When will you learn?" she asked. "You do not speak, you do not protest. You do what you are told without question."

I nodded, abject fear taking over my mind and body. In front of me was a box with a pink cushioned toilet seat on top, sitting next to a sink and a toilet paper dispenser. The front of the box was just wide enough to slide the head and shoulders of a person in, and a series of straps and bindings to lock the prisoner in place. A sliding flap then covered them up, sealing them in and leaving them unable to exit without someone setting them free. I trembled as I considered what was in store for me, but I wasn't left with much time.

My Queen grabbed me, forced me onto my back, laying me on the cold bathroom floor. Without a word, she dragged me into the box. Moments later, she clamped my hands to the side of the box, cold steel bindings trapping them in place. I felt her use similar cuffs on my ankles, presumably to make absolutely sure I couldn't move. She then lifted the seat and reached down into the box, placing the straps around and under my neck, just tight enough that I was unable to move, but could still breathe. I felt her reach around to the side, and my head began to lift, and then descend. She was simply confirming that the apparatus was functioning.

Without another word, she slammed the toilet seat shut, and tossed the flap over my chest, leaving me sealed in the prison. My ears rang from the impact, and a bright light suddenly came on, illuminating the inside of the box. As my hearing recovered, my deep panicked breaths echoed inside the chamber, and I frantically tried to move, but to no avail. I could see the pink toilet seat above me, closed mere inches from my face. My hands and legs were useless, and what little squirming I could do with my chest got me nowhere.

As I calmed down and began to accept my fate, I realized that my Queen had presumably left. If she was still in the bathroom, she was completely silent. Moments became minutes, and I became increasingly sure she had left me here, trapped with nothing but my thoughts in the ominous toilet box. What were they doing upstairs, and were they even still in the house? Was this really all she intended to subject me to, a basement prison with nobody to interact with?

As further time passed, my wondering moved from where everyone had gone to what they would do to me next. It seems unlikely that this contraption exists just as a humiliating prison, as relieving as that would be. The pink seat sat above me, taunting me with the possibilities of my fate. Clearly someone would sit on it at some point, and they could control my height, allowing for each access for any kind of oral pleasure they desired. But, was that really all this box was intended for?

I don't know how long I was trapped in the prison box, but eventually my frantic thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps upstairs. My Queen and Goddess were heavy, so unsurprisingly their return made a lot of noise. The erratic nature of their footsteps also suggested they may have had something to drink, but beyond that I couldn't really tell what was going on. I struggled to listen further, but my own breaths echoing in the box made it difficult to follow what was transpiring above. I think I heard chatter and laughter, but after being deprived of basic interaction for so long, it could have also just been my mind playing tricks on me.

The steps suddenly became more focused, and I heard the basement door open, and the telltale sounds of people descending. More laughter and chatter followed, and it sounded like perhaps a few more people were present in the basement than the original torturing trio. One feminine voice rung out through the chaos.

"Whew, I really need to excuse myself," the voice's owner spoke, a bit of slurring evident as she did so. More laughter followed, and the door to the bathroom swung open.

The owner of the voice continued to speak.

"Yeah, I ended up going to a party with a few folks I met at the bar," it continued. "They're really fun, and they had some interesting plans for the evening that I absolutely had to check out."

Whoever this was, she must have been on the phone. The door shut behind her as she approached the box. Moments later, she lifted the seat, and I was able to look up at her. She was reasonably large, not quite the size of my Queen, but certainly not skinny either. From my angle, I could see she was wearing a gray pencil skirt, which obscured her olive colored skin. My brief view was interrupted however, as she lifted her skirt, dropped her black lace underwear, and sat on the soft toilet seat. She didn't even seem to notice or care that there was a person inside the box!

Moments later, an aroma of alcohol and sweat filled the box. This woman, whoever she was, must have really been drinking. Perhaps that's why this odd setup didn't seem to phase her. She squirmed a bit to get comfortable, and the interior lighting of the box gave me a clear view of her hairy asshole and vagina. Something about this whole situation was extremely humiliating, and the woman simply kept talking on the phone.

"Yeah, there's some hot guys here, and honestly some pretty attractive ladies too," it continued. "I think I'm going to get laid tonight, it should be a good one."

I blushed. Just how many people were over here, and were they all in the basement with just this devious box as a bathroom? What would that mean for me? I was suddenly beginning to understand what my Queen had meant about this next punishment. As if in sync with my thoughts, I noticed the woman's asshole briefly expand, followed by a quick poot noise, and a blast of hot air on my face.

"Hang on," the voice spoke, and the woman slid forward, and glared down at me between her soft thighs.

"Aren't you supposed to be absorbing these with your mouth? What kind of useless toilet are you? Do I need to tell your owner?" she questioned, clearly annoyed.

I shook my head, knowing what fate would befall me if my Queen heard of any failing.

"Good," she continued, and yanked on one of the side handles, locking my face up closer to her asshole. "Wrap those lips around my cute little hole and do your job then."

I nodded, and cupped my lips. I could still taste and smell the foul air, likely made worse by whatever she had to drink at the bar. Her conversation continued, mostly focusing on one guy in particular whose cock she really wanted to suck. I couldn't help but be envious, thinking of the pleasure that was awaiting him while my mouth was cupped around a hairy stranger's asshole. As if reminding me, a louder fart burst from the woman's asshole, filling my mouth with the awful taste. My eyes watered and I did my best to swallow, not wanting to upset the woman further.

I felt the woman sigh briefly, and another blast of air, this time silent, hot, and maybe slightly damp, filled my mouth. I let out a quiet gag as I did my best to swallow it, this time clearly tasting the alcohol flavor. I began to quietly sob a bit, realizing I had no way to stop any of this from happening, and I was truly at this stranger's mercy. As I choked down the fumes, I felt the collar around my neck slide me slightly forward, and suddenly my mouth was pressed against the woman's hairy pussy.

I didn't even have enough time to process what was happening as the hot salty stream shot onto my tongue. Instinctively I began to swallow, knowing that an overflow would certainly get me in trouble. Unlike the piss I drank earlier, this was far bitter and the taste was close to that of salty ocean water. This woman was clearly dehydrated from her drinks earlier. Still, her bladder was full enough, and the powerful firehose nearly overwhelmed me as I suffered through gulp after gulp.

I still couldn't stop thinking about the real men having fun outside the bathroom while I was left to this suffering, and the humiliation and envy I felt was nearly overwhelming. What had I agreed to here? Before long, as if it was any consolation, the stream subsided and I did my duty in licking the woman clean. She reached over to the toilet paper, wiped herself clean, and tossed it into the box with me, perhaps as one final humiliation. Moments later, the toilet lid slammed shut and I was left in the now-stinky box to contemplate my existence once again.

I didn't have long though, heavy steps made their way into the bathroom once again. The seat rose, and this time a fit young man towered above me. He wore a button-up t-shirt and a pair of tight jeans, and his five o-clock shadow gave him an almost sophisticated look about him. Without skipping a beat, he unbuckled his belt and began to loosen his jeans.

"Sorry bud," he began, and he almost sounded sincere. "You know how it is. I really want to give it to this beautiful chick out there, but I don't want to prematurely end things, if you know what I mean. Gotta take care of the easy nut first real quick, and this is the only bathroom down here."

I looked up at him, confused. What did he mean by "the easy one?" My question, unfortunately, was soon answered. He finished opening his jeans, and his rock-hard throbbing cock emerged. He must have been having a lot of fun out there already, as he was clearly ready to go. He reached down and stuck a finger in my mouth, rubbed it around, and used my saliva to lube his cock up a bit before he began to go to town on himself.

I could do nothing but stare up at the rock-hard cock being stroked above me, glistening and throbbing as precum began to dribble out and onto my face. I struggled to try to exit the inevitable blast zone, but there was nothing I could do. His balls slapped against his pants as his jerking increased in intensity, and I embraced for the next of many humiliating moments I'd face tonight.

The let loose a soft moan, and suddenly a hot rope of white cum shot from his cock and landed squarely on my nose. Another hit my forehead, and another right on my eye. Further shots hit my mouth, my chin, and some in my hair. The man, finally done, took his stick hand and rubbed it on my chest.

"Whew," he breathed. "Now I can really give it to her for a while. Thanks bud!"

The toilet seat slammed shut yet again, and I was left there shuddering at what just happened to me. All of the things a party toilet would normally see, I was going to suffer through tonight. I felt the cum uncomfortably sliding down my face, into my mouth, nostrils, and eyes. I struggled, but there was nothing I could do. I swallowed what I could, but the rest began to solidify on my face, where it would likely eventually dry and crust. I let out another sob, thoroughly disgusted with myself and humiliated.

The party continued to rage on outside the room, and I could hear idle chatter turn into what I assume was essentially an orgy. My envy increased as I lay there in misery. As always, my thoughts were again interrupted, this time as a couple entered the room. I could hear the sounds of making out and groping as they stumbled towards the box. A clumsy hand lifted the seat, and I was greeted by a fat, hairy ass and some drooping balls.

"I want to suck your cock so bad," one feminine voice whispered to the man whose body was now assaulting my senses.

"Mmmm," he moaned in reply. "Do it while I get my ass licked."

I groaned, hopefully not loud enough for them to hear. Moments later, the contraption had forced me into the hairy, and quite frankly smelly, ass. The man's balls then rested on my chin, and I began to reluctantly lick, the sweaty, but familiar, taste of ass filling my mouth. I could hear the woman outside the box begin to suck his cock, and he started to moan in pleasure and writhe above me. I continued to lick, doing my best despite the absolute depravity of the situation.

The couple writhed above me as I pleasured the man, my tongue now probing the depths of his tight hole. They paid me no mind as the blowjob intensified, the spit and precum now leaking down onto my face as I did my unfortunate duty. The man let out one final moan, and the intense sucking suddenly stopped.

"I want you to fuck me," the woman moaned.

The man grunted in agreement, and suddenly the hairy ass was no longer pressed against me. I took the brief moment to suck in some fresh air, before the thin woman took his place. She leaned back on the toilet, and as he was about to enter her, she moaned again.

"No, not there. Fuck my ass!" she demanded.

The man excitedly complied, and his wet cock slid into the asshole not even an inch from my face. He tenderly split her, and she let out a deep contented sigh. My face, thanks to my prison, was literally flush against her asshole and his cock, not exactly a pleasant place to be.

"Lick," the man demanded, as he slid his cock partway out of her ass.

I cringed, knowing that a cock that had gone that deep couldn't possibly be clean, but I obeyed. The taste of ass juices, cum, and who knows what else filled my mouth as I flattened my tongue against the unknown man's shaft. He began to gently thrust in and out of her asshole, my flattened tongue providing almost a pleasurably guide to each thrust. The taste worsened, and my jaw ached, but I knew I couldn't stop.

The tender entry quickly gave way to aggressive thrusting as the woman moaned out in pleasure.

"Oh yes! Pound my tight asshole right on top of this pathetic slave's face! Make him taste my ass and your cock!" she practically yelled, almost certain to be heard by the other guests outside, if they even cared at this point.

The man, spurred on by this, thrust harder and faster, the writhing flesh above me growing sweatier and wetter by the moment. My tongue was now entirely covered in the cocktail of juices supplied by the couple, and my face was becoming wet with them as well. All I wanted was for this humiliation to end so I could be left alone with my miserable thoughts in the box, but the couple just kept going. The man's balls slapped my chin with each humiliating thrust, and the light in the box made sure I had a decent view of this as well.

Suddenly, the man thrust hard and deep, and the woman cried out as he moaned. The both, perhaps miraculously, appeared to be cumming at the same time. Before long, the dual orgasm ended and the man slowly slid himself out of the woman's hole. She leaned back a bit, and he began to wipe his dirty cock clean on my tongue. Not wanting to get into trouble, I did my job and gagged my way through sucking it clean.

I breathed a sigh of relief when the now glistening soft cock exited my view, but it was premature. The woman slid on top of me, and pressed her asshole against my mouth. Moments later, a hot blast of cum and what was likely gas filled my mouth. The taste was so potent and the sheer concept so humiliating that it took all of my willpower to not gag and retch on the spot. The initial blast was followed by a slow drip of the man's seed, gravity aiding it in its journey to its final resting place, my stomach. As the drip slowly subsided, I did my best to lap the rest up dutifully, and the man and the woman exited the room unceremoniously.

I was again left to my thoughts. The earlier cum was now dried on my face, and my mouth tasted of semen, farts, piss, and who knows what else. I let out a deep, distressed sigh. My torment was likely only beginning.

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