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A Little Halloween Magic


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He let go of her chin and crossed to a rack that he rifled through and pulled out a red dress which he held up. "And I say, when you've got it, work it. Try this on."

Ten minutes later, Rose was wrapped tightly in a deep red dress with a corset top. A black ruffle at the top of the corset didn't do much of anything to hide her cleavage and a full skirt that gathered high above the knee and went low in back to show off her legs.

Rose gulped as she looked in the mirror. She was showing more skin than she'd shown since she'd last worn a bathing suit at age twelve. "I'm not sure someone my size should wear a corset like this."

"Will you stop? That outfit looks fantastic on you!" Dottie replied.

"As the meme says," Jeffrey put in, "a curve is the loveliest distance between two points. Just make sure you put your panties on after you have the garter belt on."

Rose frowned. "Why?"

Jeffrey looked at Dottie and they giggled. Dottie whacked rose on the head with a feather boa. She was dressed like a flapper with a fringe skirt on a tank top dress, lots of beads and a skull cap hat. "Michael might get a little impatient when he sees you in that."

Rose just frowned. On the one hand, when she looked in the mirror, she almost didn't recognize herself. She looked good. She felt... beautiful.

But when she turned away from the mirror she couldn't hold onto that feeling. She felt stuffed into the dress and she knew that was because she was fat. How could he like her? She sighed. "You're wrong. There is no way he could be interested in me. This isn't me."

Jeffrey stood in front of Rose and took her by the shoulders. "Sometimes the transformations that Halloween brings, with it's costumes, help people express who they really are, and sometimes the transformations are as much internal as external. Let yourself believe."


Michael tried not to watch for Rose to come into the choir room where they were meeting for the Halloween concert. Since it was a Halloween benefit concert everyone was in costume. He was dressed as a gentleman with a western Steam-punk flair, from his hat down to his cowboy boots and the pocket watch in his vest pocket covered by a long jacket.

There were all sorts of costumes milling about the room already. He watched one person walk by in a giant rabbit costume with a fake head. How was he going to sing in that? There were several zombies. A vampire darted around falling on girls in skimpy costumes. Michael laughed as the vampire got dropped on his ass by a girl in a Karate Gi.

He stopped laughing when he turned and saw Rose come through the doorway. He felt the need to sit down abruptly. He heard a low whistle and a male voice said, "Looking good, Rose." He could picture the blush flowing up her skin and squeezed his eyes shut. Oh, God. This was not fair. The image would not leave his head.

The director arrived and had everyone sit down for some warm up vocalizing. "Okay, the band is playing, we have about fifteen minutes before we go on."

As everyone sat down, he could see Rose again, and it took his breath away. Her head was up, a smile on her red lips, her dark hair piled on her head and a little dark red hat perched on her hair at an angle.

A girl he didn't know leaned in and said something to Rose that made her grin. Her eyes seemed to flash in the light and he knew he could fall into them.

As the evening concert took place, it seemed strangely unreal to him. People walked around in costumes, some totally concealed, and everywhere he turned, there was Rose, never out of his sight for long. Even when he wasn't looking at her, she consumed his thoughts.

As she sang her solo on stage, the part of Christine, he could understand the urge of the Phantom to steal her away and hide her far beneath the opera house in his lair.

When she had sent Dottie to meet him that night instead of coming herself, he thought that was it. She wasn't interested and he should just let it go but seeing her tonight, he knew he had to give it one more try. He had to tell her exactly how he felt.

Michael followed her as the concert let out, waiting for a moment to talk to her alone, but she was never alone. People kept approaching her to tell her how wonderful she had sounded and how beautiful she looked.

At last she was standing out at the curb. There were people not far away but she was standing alone.

As Michael started forward, a car drew up. The back door opened and he saw Dottie as Rose got inside. Damn. He would just have to catch her at the party. He went to meet his own ride.


Dottie and Rose arrived at the after concert party together. It was being held at a very nice house in the country because their host's parents were away. They got drinks and milled about, chatting with people they knew from classes and those they had only met by working on the benefit concert. As soon as Michael appeared though, Dottie excused herself.

Michael stood in front of Rose. "Hi." He looked over her costume. "You look... fantastic."

She smiled. "Thanks. You look pretty awesome yourself."

"Make way!" a voice called.

Rose found herself pressed against the wall facing Michael as someone in a giant bear costume pushed through behind him.

Embarrassed, Rose turned her head and started to move sideways.

Michaels hand came up on the wall in front of her face and he leaned in. "Stop. Don't stop. Oh, hell." He laughed weakly.

She froze. "Sorry, did I hurt you?"

"Only in a really good way." He sobered up and stared into her eyes. "It's just not fair," he murmured.

"What's not fair?"

He looked at her in silence for a minute. He pressed more intimately against her. "That you're so beautiful."

This was the closest she'd ever been to him and it was making her very nervous. She laughed, brushing it off. "How much did you have to drink tonight? It's just the costume." She looked away. She could barely breath when she looked at him.

"Don't." he ordered sharply.

Surprised, her eyes met his again.

"Don't, don't do that. You are the most beautiful woman I know. Combine that with how sweet you are and you are the most dazzling woman in this hemisphere, on the planet, in the solar system.

She felt her face reddening. What was he trying to do? She glanced around, hoping no one else was listening.

He gently cupped her cheek, drawing her back to him. She was toe to toe with him, looking into his eyes, as he slid an arm around her waist. She sucked in air in surprise and his mouth was on hers.

This kiss was full of wanting, of desire and longing but also a little bit of worship. He truly thought she was wonderful.

When he finally came up for air, she was dazed. "What was that?"

"I think, if you let yourself believe, you'll understand."

She swallowed and this time she did tear up. This was the man she had liked for years now telling her that he felt the same way.

The press of bodies was alleviated and he looked around. "Wait here. Do not move."

Rose agreed when it became obvious he wasn't going until she did.

When Michael returned, Jerry was leaning on the wall, laughing and talking to Rose. "Do I have to remind you of a little talk we had?" Michael growled.

Jerry looked up. "Didn't know you were here, old chum. Gotta go." He flashed a smile at Rose and worked his way through the crowd to the other side of the house.

Michael took Rose's hand and led her toward the staircase.

"What was that about?" she asked.

"That's the guy I taught some manners."

"What?" Her eyes scanned the crowd. "But he was being so nice."

"Yeah, he'd like to be a whole lot nicer to you."

"What are you talking about? He insulted me, right? Called me, names, or something?"

They were in the upstairs hallway now and Michael fitted a key into a bedroom door. "Not exactly." He opened the door and pulled her inside then closed the door and locked it behind her.

There was a full moon out the window, allowing just enough light into the room for Rose to see his face. "Then what happened?"

"He was telling the rest of the locker room in vivid detail exactly what he would like to do to you."

"Do to me?" She suddenly felt a little sick. "You mean, like hurt me?"

"No, I mean like what he would do during sex with you."

That took Rose a minute to process. Jerry wanted to have sex with her? Really? That seemed so very unlikely.

Michael shrugged out of his jacket and tossed it onto a chair then kicked off his shoes. His eyes slid over her from head to toe. "As much as I like this corset on you, I really want to take it off you. What do you want?"

Her mouth opened but nothing came out. Rose looked around and realized that they were in a bedroom. "What are we doing here?"

In two steps, his arms were around her and his lips were on hers again. She held onto his shoulders as he kissed her breathless.

When he came up for air, he started backing her toward the bed and pushed her jacket off her shoulders. "I am taking your clothes off so I can prove to you how beautiful I think you are."

Rose realized she didn't have much time to adjust to this situation but suddenly she felt totally all right with that. Maybe it was the success of the solo or the admiring looks and compliments she had been receiving all evening or the fact that she had fallen for this man some time ago. She felt nervous but happy too. She looked at him and said simply, "Okay."

He smiled, that beatific smile that could melt her on the spot. He tossed her jacket across his then wrapped her in his arms and kissed her as he moved them toward the bed.

Rose felt her legs hit the side of the mattress.

"Sit," Michael said.

She sat and he withdrew the hat pin holding the hat on then the pins that held her hair in place. The thick dark locks tumbled around her fair shoulders. Michael plunged his fingers into her hair and dragged her head back as his mouth descended.

Rose felt simultaneously as if she were drowning and being saved, as his tongue plunged into her mouth and his lips caressed hers.

He pulled back and asked thickly, "How do I get this thing off you?" His hand dragged over the laces then spanned the sides of her waist and squeezed.

She smiled and stood, moving away from him, then turned and looked back over her shoulder. "It's a fake, there's a hidden zipper."

He saw it now and reached up to flick the tab free and draw it down.

She clutched the front to her chest in time to keep the dress from falling to the floor and turned back to him. "I, I haven't, I mean, I've only had one other... partner."

He looked into her eyes. "We don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with. There's lots of ways to give and receive pleasure."

She hesitated then nodded and lowered the dress, feeling the cool air of the room chill her warm flesh.

Michael dropped to his knees in front of her and held the dress as she put one hand on his shoulder and stepped out of it. He leaned forward and pressed his face to her panties and inhaled, then rubbed his cheek against the silken material and reached up to draw them down her legs.

The gentle scrape of the elastic down her legs made her tremble. Rose watched him, her breathing deeper and her pussy aching for his fingers. She couldn't decide what she wanted more, to be pressed against him, kiss him again, or to have his face pressed against her again. Everything he did felt delicious.

Michael looked over her garter belt and stockings, his fingers slid delicately over her covered legs, making her skin tingle. "You can keep these on, for now." He stood and wrapped his arms around her, and brushed his mouth against hers, again and again.

Something thumped against the bedroom door just once. Rose started. She put a hand on Michael's chest. She listened for a minute. "Maybe, maybe we shouldn't be doing this here. I mean, there's a house full of people downstairs, a party going on."

"Which is why I had to get the key from our host. Don't worry, no one is coming in." He leaned in to kiss her again but she drew back.

"What if people hear us?"

"Then they can be very jealous, but it's unlikely. As you said, there's a party going on and it's very loud."

Michael kissed her again, pulling her back against his body and she forgot her reservations. She was so hungry for him. The rough feel of his clothes against her bare skin, delicately chafing her nipples, was exquisite. The pressure of his lips on hers was intoxicating and the feel of his hands roaming her flesh, squeezing and caressing, was setting her on fire.

Rose wanted to touch him, the way he was touching her. She fumbled a little with the buttons on his vest and then his shirt, pushed both off his shoulders, tugging them down off his hands so they fell to the floor. He unbuckled his belt and opened his pants. Rose slid her hands into the side of his pants, pushing them down.

Michael kicked the pants out of the way and pulled her back to him, kissed her, then pulled back and looked at her. "Do you trust me?"

She nodded.

"Lie down on the bed, on your front."

Hesitantly she did as directed and felt his hands begin at her shoulders, caressing, kneading and stroking. She felt the weight of him join her on the bed and he straddled the back of her thighs, his still covered cock rubbing up against her ass as he leaned forward to stroke and massage her back and arms.

If I were a cat, I'd purr. The gentle kneading and caressing was delightful but she was surprised at how exciting it felt to have his hard cock bumping against her round buttocks, how arousing. She rolled her hips, rubbing her pussy against the mattress. She was getting wet, her pussy lips swelling.

"I've wanted to put my hands all over you for a very long time now," he murmured.

He worked his way down over her body and when he finally let her turn over, the flush of his face and the straining erection in his briefs let her know how aroused he was. Somehow that told her as much as anything had tonight. He really wants me as much as I want him.

Michael lay down next to her on the bed, his left leg bent at the knee,and his thigh over hers. His left arm reached across her, his hand slid up her body and cupped her bare breast as his tongue flicked out to taste her neck.

She gasped as his thumb flicked across her nipple. "I want to hear more of those gasps and a whole lot more moans." Michael slid down her body and shifted over between her legs, pushing them apart.

He knelt on the bed between her thighs and licked his lips, stroking his fingertips up the inside of her thighs. Her arousal was evident from the spicy sweet smell. He leaned in and slid his tongue up her slit, licking and exploring the folds of her labia.

She moaned, her fingers clutched the bedspread to either side. She was so wet already. He pushed a finger into her core. She gasped and lifted her hips to meet his mouth.

Encouraged, he ran his tongue around and around her protruding button, flicked his tongue over it and slid a second finger into her juicy cunt.

She whimpered and he held still. "Are you okay?" he asked softly.

"Oh, yes," she sighed.

Michael grinned and then blew on her sex, enjoying the noises she made with less concern and more enthusiasm.

Her pussy contracted around his fingers as her legs stiffened. "Oh!"

Michael withdrew his fingers and moved up her body as her orgasm subsided, kissing over her softly rounded belly, pausing to pay homage to her full breasts by sucking and licking at her taut nipples. Finally, he covered her body with his own, grinding his hips against hers as he covered her mouth with his, thrusting his tongue into her wet mouth and exploring her smooth teeth and soft tongue.

She moaned into his mouth as he grasped her hips and rubbed the underside of his cock against her wet pussy.

He let go of her mouth. "What do you want?" he whispered, still grinding his hard cock against her sex. "Tell me what you want."

"I want you in me," she sighed.

He kissed her lips then her jaw. "Your wish is my command."

She made a sound of protest as he left her but he was back quickly, foil wrapper already torn open and tossed aside. He knelt between her legs and rolled the condom on then covered her body once again with his and pulled her legs up around his hips as he slid into her.

Rose moaned at the wonderful fullness of his cock inside her. She moved against him, arching up open and take him deeper.

"Oh, God, yes," he groaned in reply. "I don't know how long I'm going to be able to last, baby. You've got me so far gone already."

Rose simply slid her fingers into his hair and pulled his mouth to hers as she leaned up. Their tongues tangled together and apart. She didn't want to think, she just wanted to feel, feel his cock fucking her, the weight of his body on hers.

Her heat grasped and sucked, pulling at his cock as he slowly pulled it out. Then he slammed his cock home into her pussy. She cried out with pleasure and he growled in reply. "God, you feel so good."

He picked up the pace, faster and faster, until he was rhythmically driving it in like a piston. He paused to get up on his knees, pulled her hips up and then continued with the pace, sliding a thumb around and in against her clit to rub her.

Her moans and cries urged him onward as she pressed the side of her face into the bed, her eyes squeezed tight. "Look at me," he commanded gently.

She opened her eyes and looked at him. They clung together as he moved in her. Her mouth opened in a wordless moan as her body arched against him and he let go, his own body shuddering with release.

He braced himself over her, letting the waves subside then, after a minute, he reached down and grasped the edge of the condom to withdraw and lay down next to her, wrapping an arm around her.

After they both had their breath back, he leaned over and pressed his lips to hers. "Now, do you believe me?"

She laughed. "I believed you before or this," she looked down at their naked bodies, "would not have happened."

He smiled at the confidence in her voice and they rested together, at last.

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Privates1stClassPrivates1stClassover 10 years ago
The beginning of a romantic relationship

Sometimes you don't see it coming. It's been there all along, but then it hits you like a freight train. Wow, how could you have missed all the signs?

Good story, and good luck on the Halloween contest.

patientleepatientleeover 10 years ago
I loved this.

I suspect that even the perfect 10's are insecure about something though. Very sweet story.

AngelPoetAngelPoetover 10 years ago

Thank for a beautiful love story that is more character driven rather than sex driven! Great job!

TittyBear69TittyBear69over 10 years ago
Well done, delighted he finally got his girl. Or is that the girl finally got her guy?

Thank you MagicaPractica,

Your story is one of the first romantic stories that I have read. Since that is what I like to write, you give me hope that readers will be interested in my stories as well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Very good story

Many young women have inferiority complex about something. Often they don't recognize their strengths. It is good that it worked out for Rose. This story may be helpful to others in similar situations.

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