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A Lost Daughter Ch. 14


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Lastly was the utterly incongruous lifestyle we were living in contrast to the one I had just described to Kayla. There had been no homeschool, Sienna hadn't even lived there or even known us for more than a couple of months, and we were locked in an incredibly uninhibited incestuous threesome that had bounded over any semblance of ethical restraint weeks ago.

Still, all these challenges aside, I was utterly captivated with the possibilities of this arrangement.

I started by calling the house and luckily finding Amber in a lull between doses and more alert than I had left her. I explained the situation and she processed the information like a machine, assuring me that everything would be handled by the time we'd arrived.

I thanked whatever deity had bestowed this amazingly depraved goddess unto me and hung up after going over every detail and concern I had in a phone call that only lasted about 20 minutes.

I sighed a breath of relief and leaned back in my high-backed, leather executive's chair—even kicking my feet up on the desk. I stretched myself out a little and resisted the urge to begin daydreaming before getting a hold of myself and noticing the various forms and charts on my desk that I'd been ignoring all morning.

I forced myself to do some actual work for the last 6 hours of my shift, trying to use the possibility of a well-timed sick day to motivate me to get ahead in my responsibilities for the week. Whether I would break character and actually take the sick day was another story, but it was effective motivation at the very least.

I stepped out of the back of the store through the exit that led to the loading zone and employee smoke-break area to where most of the employees parked. It was secluded by the massive building of the store itself on one side and a line of evergreen trees on the other and was a perfect locale to meet Kayla.

She was sitting in her car with her left hand angled out the window and a cigarette between her fingers while she scrolled through her phone with her other hand inside the vehicle. She noticed me approach and smiled at me with her goofy crookedness, flicking her cigarette ash onto the pavement and rolling down her window.

"You all set?" I asked, stepping up to the side of the vehicle and peering down at her with an easy smile.

I watched as Kayla brought the half-smoked Camel to her luscious lips and pulled, hastily flicking it to the pavement after a deep no-nonsense inhale.

"Is it far?" she asked, before sending a stream of smoke trailing off into the light breeze up and away from me in an effort to be courteous. She followed this up with a wave of her hand, clearly trying to keep the smoke away from me.

"Sorry, I know it's gross," she said with a pained expression.

I smiled, mentally censoring my response before saying anything.

"Doesn't bother me, both my wife and daughter smoke like chimneys," I admitted with as much nonchalance as I could muster.

For a moment I doubted my ability to conceal my true feelings as Kayla just stared at me with a blank expression.

"Oh, okay," she replied, her dark shaped eyebrows arching in an unreadable manner.

"Anyways, you asked if it was far—not too far. About 7 or 8 miles I think," I forged ahead, pushing through any chance for this conversation to veer into discomfort.

"Okay, good, I don't have a ton of gas which is why I was asking," Kayla explained, her goofy grin having returned.

"I can lend you some money for gas until you get paid, I'll give it to you tomorrow before work," I offered casually.

"Wow, thank you so much Matt, that's... I really appreciate all this," she replied, a look of genuine appreciation covering her features.

"No problem let's head out," I replied, nodding, and heading to my car.

The drive home was a blur, and my mind raced through any and every possible scenario. I knew with absolute certainty that Amber would have everything in place in support of the ruse around our perceived 'normal family.' I also knew that both women would be utterly carnivorous for the fresh meat I was bringing home to them.

It would be a race to see who could be the first to corrupt, influence, manipulate, or simply seduce our new visitor into joining in on whatever pleasure-seeking adventure they could arrange. I both feared and anticipated this in equal measure, realizing the potential danger of this going sideways but simply incapable of restraining myself anymore. Perhaps the reckless hedonism exhibited by my two concubines was rubbing off on me.

I pulled into the driveway with Kayla's red Kia Soul behind me. I steeled my resolve and stepped out to meet her.

We walked up to the door together to receive a greeting from both Amber and Sienna who were dressed conservatively and looking remarkably clear-headed. They smiled at us in unison, a picture perfect facsimile of a typical family would have fooled anyone. I was honestly proud of them.

Everyone exchanged canned pleasantries and introductions and Amber reinforced her attempts at hospitality by taking Kayla's puffy black coat and hanging it by the door.

Stepping into the house I noticed the familiar scent of the same aromatic candles that we'd used to assuage the concerns of Sienna's parents earlier that month and detected none of the smells I'd become accustomed lingering beneath. They'd gone all out.

We all trailed to the hallway where the tour of the bathroom was conducted and various 'make yourself at home' and 'if you need anything just ask' and 'don't worry about blah blah blah' type cliches were doled out. The 'tour' ended at the couch where a big fluffy brown comforter and two queen size pillows awaited.

"Wow, this thing is bigger than my bed," Kayla exclaimed happily, rubbing her hand along the soft microfiber of the duvet.

"Yeah, it's pretty comfy, I've slept out here a few times by choice," Sienna effused, excluding the activities preceding that choice such as drinking herself into a stupor or snorting herself into a coma.

I noticed a sly wink in acknowledgment from her and appreciated the uncanny likeness to her mother in both deviousness and the gleam that flashed in her eyes.

"Awesome," Kayla said.

"So, you hungry or anything? We were gonna order some pizza I think, right?" Amber smiled, obviously trying to fast-track her way into Kayla's good graces through the power of grease, fat, and melted cheese.

"Hell yeah," Kayla answered, her tone taking on a 'no duh' tone in a playful expression of appreciation.

"Great, any special requests? Pepperoni, vegetarian, pineapple?" Amber asked, already walking toward the kitchen counter to retrieve her phone.

"Anything other than olives is fine with me," Kayla replied.

"Great, I'll call. But you probably want to get out of those work clothes, right?" Amber motioned to Kayla's white polo and black slacks.

"Yes, yes I do," she smiled, grabbing the backpack she had brought in with her and slinging it over her shoulder.

"You remember where the bathroom is, right?" Sienna motioned toward the hall.

Kayla nodded and began trotting in that direction before pausing a moment and turning back to me.

"Is it cool if I shower?" she asked meekly.

"Of course, like I said, make yourself at home. Towels should be hanging up," I replied.

"Thanks," she said through a wide smile before heading back toward the bathroom.

I listened for the click of the door before sighing in relief.

"She's hot," Sienna exclaimed, perhaps a little too loudly.

I stifled a laugh and pressed a finger to my lips in a 'shh' gesture.

She giggled and covered her mouth instinctively.

"Sorry, kind of drunk," she admitted.

Amber looked at me and shrugged guiltily.

"Both of you?" I asked, now noticing the slight glassiness of their eyes.

After which Amber joined Sienna in a giggle.

"Come on, a few cocktails at the end of the day isn't too alarming. Besides, we were planning on nodding out on heroin all night, so I'd say we're being pretty good," Amber teased.

I sighed and shook my head, but my exasperation was mostly for show—as I couldn't really tap into any real sense of frustration. They were hiding their inebriation quite well and I could hardly blame them for being unwilling to go completely sober after what their plans had originally consisted of.

My false disappointment faltered, and a smile broke out on my face, eliciting twin giggles from them in response.

"I knew you'd understand," Sienna cooed, stepping close and caressing me from my chest to my crotch.

I was tempted to caution her but ultimately decided it would be a waste of time and leaned into it. Besides, seeing her appear so innocent and unassuming was working for me. Her ordinarily wild black and purple hair was blow dried and straightened to an impressive shine and framed her face in a sleek curtain of luscious locks.

Her make-up was very understated, matching her mother with light eyeliner and a subtle application of clear lip gloss. She was wearing a simple white blouse and some dark jeans that would fit in with any crowd seamlessly and matched the chameleon-like ensemble of black yoga pants and blue tank top that Amber was wearing.

I had to give it to them—they were extremely convincing.

I enjoyed the smokey undertones of Sienna's breath as she leaned close to me and began whispering.

"You want to fuck her, don't you honey?" she breathed softly.

I nodded and locked eyes with hers, tempted to kiss her deeply.

"You want us to turn her into your little whore?" she continued, my prick reacting to her words and the resulting images in my mind with an expected surge of blood flow.

Again, I nodded. This time I tilted my head down for a quick nibble of her sumptuous lips. Enjoying the stickiness of her lip gloss.

"Mmmm, should we get her hooked on dope too?" Sienna tempted, biting her bottom lip with a smile.

I smiled this time, nodding very purposefully while enjoying another taste of her lips.

The shower turning off brought me back to semi-reality and I knew that we would need to resume the charade again soon—despite how aroused I was.

Sienna winked at me and gave me one final lingering kiss, slipping her tongue briefly into my mouth before stepping back and preparing herself for another round of 'make-believe.'

Once Kayla was out of the shower, we all met and chatted at the kitchen table. It was easy to see how much she liked Sienna right away. They joked with each other and made constant eye-contact, the connection was immediate and undeniable. I thanked my lucky stars that she was so naturally likeable and tried not to let my mind wander to where that likability would lead our dear Kayla in the future.

Before long the pizza had arrived and we'd each eaten our fill. Despite her earlier enthusiasm, Kayla ate like a bird—barely getting one and half pieces into it before finishing. It turned out that none of us had a particularly strong appetite, and most of the pizza was placed into the fridge uneaten.

I figured that both Amber and Sienna were likely feeling the effects of meth, which they'd no doubt smoked in an effort to reverse the effects of the heroin once they realized they'd need to appear alert and 'normal.' For me, my nerves were far too frayed and my excitement far too high for me to feel very hungry. I longed to be in a room alone with Amber as Sienna had revved me up and then let me stew. I needed a release.

Unfortunately, Sienna would have to sleep in her 'own room' while Kayla was there to keep up appearances, but I was sure we would find some way of getting at one another throughout the week.

As the night began to wind down, I noticed Kayla grow a bit quiet and fidgety. I knew something was on her mind and wondered what it could be.

"Is something on your mind?" I asked warmly.

She smiled sheepishly and nodded, taking a deep breath, and sighing audibly.

"So, what's the rule with smoking here?" she asked, biting her bottom lip.

"Oh! I should've gone over that! You must be going nuts! Smoke whenever and wherever you want. No rules, smoke away hon," Amber encouraged.

"In fact, I'm in desperate need of one myself," she admitted, walking over to her purse on the counter and extracting her pack of Newport 100's.

She quickly lit up and tossed the pack and lighter to Sienna, who did the same with expert fluidity. Frankly, I was surprised they'd held out so long. Perhaps it was something they'd planned, or perhaps they'd just gotten preoccupied—either way it seemed to have calmed Kayla a bit and she walked over and extracted her own pack of Camel Crush regulars from her jacket pocket.

In a few moments all three women were seated with me at the kitchen table smoking intently. I did my best to appear unconcerned, but I couldn't help sneaking a few glances around the table at the various 'smoke shows' happening in every direction. I felt the crotch of my slacks strain around the growing erection within and knew I'd have to sit and 'cool down' before standing up or risk outing myself to Kayla.

This was the first time I really got to see how Kayla smoked, and I took note of all of it. Her drag was not cheek-hollowing, but it was powerful, her thick mouth pursing around the filter suggestively. She exhibited no snap or open mouth technique, inhaling slowly and deeply in one steady motion instead of the almost violently sharp inhalations of Amber and Sienna. Her exhales were nice and thick, and she pursed her lips down and to the left to blow the smoke in a lazy stream.

I longed to interrupt that exhale with a deep kiss, but that would only happen if everything worked out perfectly and I tried not to attach myself to any level of certainty in its eventuality.

After each woman had sufficiently bathed their lungs in nicotine and tar, they resumed chatting about this and that. I had a hard time focusing on anything that was being discussed, however, and instead let my hungry gaze dart from one sexy, smoking woman to the next. I'm not sure if Kayla was aware of any of my glances but if she was, she was being courteously tolerant of them.

As Kayla stubbed out her cigarette in the green glass ashtray that Amber had placed at the center of the table, she seemed to steel herself for another request. I was not the only one to notice and both Sienna and Amber looked to Kayla to see what she would say.

"So, I have one more question, and it's about smoking," she started, sending my heart pounding.

Did she notice me? Was she aware of the smoking fetish? I was awash in anxiety as I awaited her to continue.

"When I asked about the smoking rules, I didn't mean just cigarettes," she concluded, raising her eyes to the rest of us with a goofy grin.

Of course!

"Oh, I see what you're getting at. Yeah, go ahead. We don't have any problems with weed," I said assuredly.

Kayla's brows shot up in surprise.

"Are you sure? I can smoke in my car or whatever, I just didn't want you guys to think I was trying to hide it or anything," she explained.

"No, no, trust me, it's not a big deal, really," I continued, trying to make her feel as comfortable as possible.

"Wow, that's awesome. I was kinda worried because I'm a biiit of a stoner," she joked, stretching out the word 'bit' to indicate that she was anything but.

"Same," Sienna added with a sly smile.

In truth, Sienna hadn't really smoked much weed at all. She'd gone straight to the harder stuff thanks to the encouragement and direction of Amber. But she would have no trouble deceiving Kayla into believing otherwise, her lungs of steel and the display with the blunt at Kevin's the other day assured me of that. I was fairly confident that if it could be smoked, both Amber and Sienna were DNA encoded to be able to smoke it with ease.

"Nice," Kayla replied, smiling widely at Sienna.

"Well, you ready for bed, hon?" I asked Amber, the load of cum brewing in my ball sack yearning painfully for release.

Her face wore a momentary look of surprise before being replaced with a knowing smile.

"Of course, honey," she cooed.

"Okay, we're heading to bed but feel free to stay up and watch TV or whatever you want and I'll see you in the morning," I said, standing up slowly and being relieved at finding no visible tent in my pants.

"Okay, thanks again Matt, I really appreciate you letting me crash here and everything," Kayla added, standing up with me and smiling broadly.

"Is it okay if I like, give you a hug? Or would that be weird?" she added, her awkward smile in full force.

"No, that's fine," I responded instinctively, not wanting to create any sense of unease between us.

"Okay, cool, I just, I'm just so thankful, really you have no idea," she gushed, stepping the few feet over to me and extending her arms.

I met her in kind and wrapped her diminutive frame in my embrace, absentmindedly rubbing my hands on her back warmly. She laid her head on my lower chest, her ear and cheek pressed against me in a tighter manner than I was expecting. I did my best not to notice the smell of cigarettes in her hair, or her perky B-cups pressed against my belly, or the curve of her cute little ass that was visible from my vantage.

Finally, she released her hold on me and I did the same, allowing us to part slowly. She smiled up at me once more, this time less goofy and awkward and more warmly. I didn't want to read into it too much, but she certainly seemed a bit flirtatious, which was not unusual for teen girls. I smiled back and hoped I was right. I definitely wanted to fuck the shit out of her and if she was one of the many young women who'd harbored a crush on me through the years that would be much easier to accomplish.

"See you tomorrow," she almost whispered.

I smiled and nodded.

"Sleep well," I offered, stepping lightly to her side and off toward the bedroom where Amber was no doubt waiting to accept my seed.

But there was one more obstacle in my path to sexual salvation.

Sienna stood somewhat stiffly in the middle of the living room, staring at me with a smile and a tinge of something else I didn't quite recognize.

I made my way to her and wasted no time in wrapping her up in my arms, knowing that a father hugging his daughter was nothing I needed to worry about in terms of appearances.

"Goodnight sweety, have fun and sleep well," I murmured into her soft hair.

"Don't forget who your soulmates are," she whispered softly into my chest, out of earshot of anyone else.

I realized in that moment that the other emotion I was seeing in her was jealousy, a variable I was not currently prepared to process.

"Don't worry, baby," I cooed softly, kissing the top of her head.

We let each other go and exchanged a final 'I love you' and I headed back to Amber.

Upon opening the door, I was greeted by the sight of Amber's outstretched arm being searched for a viable vein to plunge the barrel full of heroin into that she clutched in her right hand. I began disrobing immediately, kicking my slacks and underwear across the room, and tossing my shirt and tank top vaguely in the direction of the closet.

I watched Amber plunge the needle into her inner elbow and release the tourniquet as I stood nude in the center of the room and stroked my cock in eager anticipation. She pressed the barrel smoothly and filled her veins with the mind-numbing contents of her rediscovered chemical passion. She seemed to sink back into the pillow on which she had been propped up against while carefully removing the pin from her arm and dipping it into a little dixie cup on the side table next to the bed.

She filled the empty barrel with the water in the dixie cup and squeezed it back out again, now sure that she'd cleaned it. Bringing the crook of her inner elbow to her mouth she stretched out her tongue to the pinprick of blood that remained as a testament to her recent intravenous adventure but paused before licking it.

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