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A Man is What He Hides

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Seeking revenge a wronged husband heads down a dark path.
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A slow rain fell outside his kitchen window as Josh Adams dried the last of the wet dishes with a towel placing them away in the cupboard above his head. He was trying to get their house cleaned up a bit before his wife, Polly, arrived from the airport. They had been apart the last two weeks while Polly attended a business conference with her boss and some members from her department.

He and Polly worked for the same company Genesis Software, as a matter of fact, they had met there seven years earlier. Josh was the Vice President of Research and Development while Polly worked in the finance department reporting to Josh's colleague, Aaron Stuart. He would have loved to have Polly working in his department, but it wouldn't have been appropriate to have a wife reporting to her husband. The truth was he had some misgivings about Polly working in Aaron's group. Aaron had a reputation for being quite the ladies man in the company and had nearly been called out on the carpet by human resources on a few occasions for his lewd behavior around the women who worked for him. His wife swore that Aaron had never been anything but professional in his dealings with her, but that didn't make Josh feel any better about things. It didn't help that Aaron was a very good looking guy, muscular, and dark-haired with a movie stars features like a young Mel Gibson he cut quite the figure around the office.

That was not to say that Josh wasn't a decent looking man in his own right. He still jogged every day, and hit the gym as often as his schedule allowed. The area around his middle was slightly pudgier than in his college days, but he still had his hair sitting in thick blond waves on his head, and he would sometimes catch women checking him out in the hallways. All in all, he was holding up reasonably well for an executive in his late thirties.

The damp rag he had been using to wipe down the kitchen made a soft noise as it hit the bottom of the laundry hamper. His eyes were drawn momentarily to the bathroom mirror, and he stopped to straighten his hair which had a habit of turning into a tangled mess whenever he was bent over working on the house cleaning. Josh's bright, blue eyes smiled back at him from his reflection. He was looking forward to seeing his wife again.

A chirping sound from the alarm panel in the bedroom signaled that the front door had opened, and Josh headed up the hallway to find his wife standing in the entryway sliding the handle of her carry on bag back into its recessed holding space. She looked up at the sound of his footsteps and smiled.

"Hey, stranger!"

They came together in a hug, Josh pulling Polly's trim body against his feeling her perky breasts pressing to his broad chest. She was a good head shorter than her husband's six-foot frame, and the red hair on top of her head tickled his chin. They shared a soft kiss, Polly's warm, light pink lips brushing across her husbands before melting to his in a sweet embrace. When they pulled away, Josh brushed an errant strand of Polly's hair back away from her small, round face. Her green eyes were somewhat larger than seemed right for her, and they gave her a bit of an owlish aspect as she stared up at him. Josh leaned down and added a kiss to her broad forehead enjoying the softness of her fair skin.

"I missed you. The house was far too quiet while you were gone."

"It's good to be home," she said pulling him back into a tight hug that seemed to Josh to be almost desperate in its intensity.

"Is everything o.k.?"

Polly hesitated for a moment, "Yes...Of course, It was just a long trip, and I'm a little tired.

"I see. Well, we can hit the hay early tonight so you can catch up on your sleep."

He helped Polly by picking up her bag, and carrying it to the bedroom. She followed on his heels, placing her purse on the dresser, and laying her cell phone beside it.

"I really need a shower right now. I feel grungy after that plane ride."

"Maybe I could join you?" offered Josh with a seductive smile.

"I would love to share a shower with you, sweetie, but not right now. I need to wind down first."

Josh tried to hide his disappointment as his wife vanished into the bathroom shutting the door. He shrugged finally and went back to the kitchen to set a pot of tea on the stove. The sound of water running soon signaled that Polly was in the shower. The tea kettle settled on top of the glowing burner, and Josh opened the cupboard puzzling over what flavor Polly would prefer after her long trip. He narrowed it down to a couple of possibilities and decided to leave it to her as to which she would like.

The shower was still running when he entered the bedroom. He started to knock on the door and ask her for a preference in tea when his attention was grabbed by the chiming of her cell phone indicating a message had been received. Ordinarily, Josh Adams was not a nosey person, and he certainly had no reason to distrust his wife of four years, but he was standing so close to the dresser he couldn't help but glance down at the sound. The words that hovered briefly on the screen made him pause, and wrinkle his brow.

"I'm pretty sure I can get Aaron to delete the footage as he promised. Try not to worry about it. I'm so sorry this happened. - Ashley"

Ashley Wilkins was a friend, and colleague of Polly's in the finance department. A tall brunette with a stripper's body, she had a reputation that was almost as unsavory as Aaron's. There were rumors that she had attained her current position by some very judicious flirting, and application of her feminine wiles. Polly had always taken up for her and swore that all the gossip was exaggerated, but in Josh's opinion where there was smoke, there was often a fire to be found.

"Footage? What is she talking about?" wondered Josh to himself as the message faded from the screen.

The bathroom door popped open, and Polly emerged with her wet hair wrapped in a towel. She had put on a bright red robe that covered her damp, naked body.

"Were you making tea?" she asked indicating the two boxes Josh had in either hand.

"What? Oh...Yes, I was going to ask you which flavor you preferred?"

"I think I will go with the Earl Grey."

"Right...Earl Grey...O.K."

Josh left the room still thinking about the strange message on his wife's phone. He finished making the tea and carried the steaming mugs to the dining room table where his wife joined him wearing some cotton pants, and a t-shirt with her short, red hair slicked back on her head.

"Thanks for the tea it's just what I needed."

"Sure. So, did anything interesting happen on your trip?"

"Just the usual boring conferences, and training sessions. The world of accounting doesn't lend itself to a lot of excitement."

"You get to spend any time with Ashley while you were there?"

He thought his wife seemed slow to answer, and her hand shook almost imperceptibly as she sat her cup down.

"Um...No, not really we weren't on the same track at the conference."

"I see. Well, I hope at least that dog Aaron Stuart kept his hands to himself."

His wife had a stronger reaction at the mention of Aaron's name with her eyes momentarily taking on a haunted look.

"Aaron? I hardly saw him either," she said hastily.

Josh wanted to probe further, but his wife complained of a headache and said that she was going to rest for a while. When he checked on her an hour later, she was sound asleep in bed. Returning to the living room he sat on the couch, and absently began to flip through channels on his T.V., but his mind was miles away from the programs on the screen. In all the years he had known Polly she had never lied to him, but he was sure that she was keeping something from him now. Something had happened on her trip, and it had to do with video footage that was in Aaron Stuart's possession, presumably on his cell phone.

The T.V. gave a very brief electronic beeping as it shut down, and Josh sat the remote aside standing up to pace the room. When he had been a kid, he had watched his parent's marriage fall apart when his mother had been caught cheating on his father with one of her co-workers. The divorce had left an indelible impression on the younger Adams making him distrustful of women in general, and it had taken many years for him to reach a point where he felt comfortable sharing his life with one. Polly had always seemed different than the many others he had dated along the way. She had been very shy when they met, and it had taken him months to convince her to come out on a date with him. Their relationship had progressed slowly, and it had been after nearly four months of dating before things had finally gotten physical.

Polly was the kind of woman who wasn't even comfortable seeing herself naked, and often commented that she wished she could shower with the lights off. It would be entirely out of character for her to do anything like having an affair. Still, there was the question of this footage that Ashely had referred too. Josh began to realize that he would never know peace again until he had gotten to the bottom of what was going on.


The next day at work Josh found it almost impossible to concentrate on his meetings. By the time lunch rolled around he was behind, but the message on his wife's phone, and her behavior since returning nagged at him. Unable to take not knowing any longer he went to visit his good friend, Pete Mitchell, who worked in the companies information technology section. He found Pete, as usual, sitting with his feet on his desk reading some thick looking technical manual.

"Pete! How are things?'

"Oh...Josh...So the big wig comes a slumming with the little guys, huh? Things are o.k. down here. How are things up in the ivory towers?"

"Not nearly so grand as you might think."

"I bet the executive washroom is nicer than the employee bathrooms."

"All right, you might have me there we do have those gold-plated toilets to sit on."

"Fuck! I knew it! I bet that makes lifting the lid a bitch though."

"Ha! All kidding aside, Pete, I need to ask you a favor."

"Anything, Josh. What can I do for you?"

"First, let me ask you this. Hypothetically, if I needed to get some info off a cell phone that didn't belong to me could you do it?"

Pete raised an eyebrow, "You want me to hack someones private cell phone? Anyone, I know?"

"I imagine you would need the physical device, so you're going to find out anyway. It's Aaron Stuarts."

"Shit! You want me to hack a V.P.'s cell phone? I could get in some deep trouble if I get caught."

"I thought you told me once you were an ace hacker before you came to work here?. Besides, if there is any heat for this, I will take it, but if we are careful, I don't imagine he will ever know."

"What kind of info are you looking for?"

"Any video that was shot in the last fifteen days."

Pete rubbed his jaw in thought, "I can do it, but like you said I need the phone. How do you plan to get it from him without his finding out about it?"

"Leave that to me. Trust me he won't be aware anything is amiss."

Getting Aaron's cell phone was easier than Pete Mitchell realized. Josh knew from experience that Aaron always forgot his phone. He had left it in meeting rooms on many occasions, and more than once in the executive restroom. It wouldn't be difficult to lift it from a conference room table, and then leave it in the bathroom later. Aaron would undoubtedly assume he had just forgotten it. This was exactly what Josh did later that day. While chatting with Aaron about some future financing issues he casually placed his notebook on top of Aaron's phone and slipped it under his arm when he walked away.

Pete was true to his word and hacked the phone with ease copying all the recent video to a compact disk that he gave over to Josh later that day.

"Did you look at any of the footage?" asked Josh trying to sound casual.

"Just the very start to make sure it came across all right. It looked like an office function or something. Anyway, I figure it isn't any of my business what you're looking for just keep my name out of it if the shit hits the fan."

"I owe you one, Pete."

"I know you do, a nice big favor you can be sure!"

Josh ditched Aaron's phone on the counter in the executive restroom where he was assured someone would find it, and turn it in. Returning to his office, he sat behind his desk twirling the compact disk between his fingers while the sun made little rainbows on its surface. For some reason, he was reluctant to put it in his computer perhaps fearing what the contents would tell him about his wife's activities during her trip. The need to know the truth battled with his conscious, but he finally placed the disk into the cd-rom drive listening to it spin up. The file menu opened on his screen. There were only two videos on the phone from the relevant period one video considerably shorter than the other one. They had both been shot on the same evening the second to last day his wife had been gone. The first video took place about three hours after the second. Josh clicked on the first video.

The monitor in front of him sprang to life with the playback from Aaron's phone filling the screen. It was evident right off that Aaron wasn't the one doing the filming since he was in the video standing near a window in what appeared to be a hotel suite.

"Hey, boss! It's time to get this party started," called a voice from behind the camera. Josh recognized the voice as belonging to David August, Aaron's executive assistant for the last several years. Aaron gave a thumbs up to the camera before turning to address the room. David followed his bosses gaze, and the camera picked up the faces of about a dozen other people in the room. Josh didn't see anyone he knew right off, and he guessed they were attendees from other companies. He did see his wife, and Ashely standing together in the background each holding a glass of wine. His wife appeared nervous with her arms crossed, and her face looking anxious. Polly had never been comfortable at parties, and she needed a lot of coaxing to get her out of her shell.

"It has been a long couple of weeks I think for everyone here, but we have all learned some valuable information, and made new friends. Since this is our last night here, I am happy to host this little soirée as a parting gift to both my colleagues and the new acquaintances that have enriched our experiences at the conference. Let the games begin!"

Aaron raised a toast to the room, and everyone took a drink. The video panned around after that catching a blur of faces. Josh noticed his wife in the background of several frames, but she seemed her usual self a bit withdrawn from the action. At one point it looked like Ashely was talking to her indicating the door as if telling her it was o.k. to go, but then Aaron swept in to speak to them both, and the camera panned away. The footage ended shortly after with nothing unusual to show for itself.

Josh's hand shook as he clicked on the second video. The moment the screen opened, it was clear that the atmosphere of the party had changed. The lights were dimmed down, and it looked like there were fewer people there now than had been in the room previously. There was music playing in the background loud enough to muffle most of the conversations going on. Aaron had taken a seat on a couch that ran along one wall, and David was filming him at an angle to catch both Aaron and a bit of the rest of the room. A small group of people was gathered opposite Aaron, and as the music increased in tempo, they parted like the Red Sea to allow another person to move past them. Josh leaned closer to the computer screen not entirely sure he believed what he was seeing.

The figure in the dim light grew clear, and it was very obviously Polly though any resemblance to the shy, demure woman he was married to ended with the physical likeness. This woman was dancing, hell, not just dancing she was by all appearances performing a lap dance. Polly had her arms over her head and was shaking her ass in circles in time to the music while turning slowly in place. When she came around to face the camera, Josh noted that her pink blouse was unbuttoned half-way down, and he could see her small, perky breasts encased in her bra peeking out from between the open halves of cloth. Her face was transfixed in a look Josh had only seen when she was nearing orgasm. A lost in the moment look with her eyes glassy and shining with lust. She moved closer to Aaron who was looking on appreciatively. The gray skirt Polly was wearing jerked with her movements as her hips shimmied from side to side.

"Go, Polly! Man you are smoking girl!" came David's voice from behind the camera.

Aaron crooked a finger at her, and Polly danced even closer turning to put her ass right in Aaron's face as she bent over, and shook it. His hands reached out to grasp her hips pulling her into his lap. Polly fell backward her body coming to rest against Aaron's muscular chest with the back of her head dropping onto his shoulder. Her face rotated toward his, and immediately the two of them fell into a hot looking French kiss their tongues slipping back, and forth.

Josh very nearly stopped the video. He could feel the bile coming up in the back of his throat at the sight of his wife trading passionate kisses with the man he despised, but he ultimately fought it back down. Aaron was whispering something in his wife's ear that he couldn't hear, and in response, she climbed up out of his lap dancing again just in front of his knees. While Aaron looked on, and Josh tried to keep down his lunch, his wife removed her shirt and reaching back slowly slipped off her bra letting the straps slide down her arms, but holding the cups in place. She did another turn wiggling her hips and making her ass quake. Once she came around to face Aaron again, she dropped her bra to the ground and leaned back shaking her shoulders so that her small pale skinned breasts bounced for his amusement. He reached out once again grabbing at Polly's hands and pulling her back into his lap. Their mouths met in another deep, French kiss before Aaron leaned down, and sucked one of Polly's hard pink nipples into his mouth. Josh winced at the look of pleasure on his wife's face when she bit her lower lip and seemed to gasp while Aaron suckled at her tit. When he pulled his head back her nipple had changed to a fiery looking cherry red knot denoting just how aroused she was by what was happening. He moved in on her other tit, and quickly brought them both to an excited state licking, and sucking until her nipples shined. The whole time this was going on Polly was rubbing against his crotch with her hips, and as soon as he released her breasts, she slid down onto the floor and started to loosed his belt.

If Josh had felt ill before he felt even worse now. His wife unbuckled Aaron's belt, and he helped by unzipping his pants raising up to lower them part way down his thighs. He reached into the hole in his boxers and pulled out what to Josh looked like a hairy elephants trunk. For all his faults Josh had to give credit to Aaron for one thing the man had a freaking huge dick. The massive, fat prick between his legs stood up ramrod straight, and Polly went down on it without hesitation. Josh looked on incredulous at the enthusiasm with which his wife attacked Aaron's cock her pink lips stretching almost obscenely to fit around the thick, purple head. Her mouth moved up and down while her hands worked his flesh in tandem. Aaron grimaced and slipped his hands into Polly's hair guiding her head.

"Shit!" moaned Aaron, "Damn, Polly! You can suck cock, baby!"

Polly's head picked up speed. Her saliva was dripping down his thick penis while she sucked him harder, and deeper into her throat. Josh had never seen his wife so turned on. The look on Aaron's face made it clear he wasn't going to last much longer, but he had plans for more than just a blow job. Without warning, he lifted Polly's head from his crotch and grabbed her around the waist hoisting her back into his lap. His hands slipped under her skirt, and when they reappeared her panties were on his fingers. He slipped them off onto the floor and pushed Polly's legs apart while lifting her up onto his mammoth love gun. Josh almost hated himself, but he couldn't take his eyes off the screen at the spectacle that was unfolding before him. He couldn't quite believe that anything that big could fit in his wife's tiny pussy, but he was quickly proved wrong. Her pussy lips pulled back further than seemed possible as they engulfed the thick head of Aaron's penis. Slowly, inch by inch, Aaron slid her down onto his huge fuck cannon. Polly had her head back her face a mask of pain, and sexual need. David had brought the camera close enough to pick up Polly's voice over the music, and she moaned and grunted into the microphone.

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