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A New Earth Ch. 01: The Choosing

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Fictional breeding & erotic repopulation story.
3.2k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/07/2017
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Chapter I: The Choosing

The nine men waited nervously in a large foyer. A couple of them paced, slowly, deep in thought. Finally, one of them, Matthew, spoke up. "Goodness, I'm tired of waiting. When are they going to let us in? I want to know why we're here!"

A few of the other men chuckled. Like Matthew, they wanted to know what was going on. Other than all being in their early 20's, all were from different backgrounds and had different professions. Though they regularly had contact with the scientists who made up the Restoration Society, they rarely ever had a meeting, so being summoned to one didn't make much sense.


The Restoration Society had been established a few years earlier after a small group of humans had managed to flee Earth in search of a new home. War had broken out, and with most of the land unable to support humans, a select group were put in stasis pods and were thrown out into space in several large ships, all enroute to a planet thousands of light years away. Unfortunately, in the haste to build the ships, manufacturing mistakes had occurred, causing several to veer off course and kill all on board. In addition, disaster had struck again when multiple pods stopped functioning, and many of the settlers died.

Alerted in their pods that multiple disasters had befallen all but two of the ships, two scientists, one of each gender on the two remaining ships, were awoken, and via radio contact, managed to direct their ships to the same location where the ships locked together to continue their trip. The four scientists worked feverishly to come up with a survival plan for a year before they finally arrived at New Earth. Once they arrived, they started waking up the surviving nine men and nine women, who were all that were left besides themselves. But what these 18 young adults didn't know was that they were the only ones left of the human race besides the scientists.

During the next few years, the men and women had no contact. The scientist broken them into groups, doing mental assessments, teaching cultural studies, and helping to assign each adult at least one profession, thanks to help from their interactive computers. While the 18 teens, now young adults, focused on their studies, the scientists came up with a plan to save their race. Now, all they had to do was inform all of their students as to the next step of survival.

Suddenly, the door to the meeting hall opened, and Dr. Robert Matheson called the men into the room. They filed in one by one, and looked around. They saw 12 doors. One led to another large room, though the men didn't know what it was. Another led to the scientists' lab, and the last door led to the scientist's rooms. Above each of the doors was the name of each one of the 9 men. The men looked at each other, puzzled, but no one dared ask what was going on. Dr. Robert Matheson smiled, and walked over to the door that led to the other large room. Pushing on the buzzer, he said: "Bring them in. We're ready".

A minute later, two tall woman in white coats walked in with 9 women behind them, and Dr. Rashid Abdullah came from the labs. Once everyone was in the meeting room, Dr. Rashid had everyone sit down.

"Welcome" he said. "I know most of you are wondering why you are here". Multiple people in the room nodded, wondering what he would say next.

He continued - "You are here because the time has come for our population to increase. You are the last 18 young men and women who can make this happen. However, due to the lack of people, we need to ensure that the gene pool is sufficient to sustain a population without too much inbreeding. For this reason, each of you will be mated with three others. The objective will be for each of you to have at least 2 children, preferably more, which each of your three mates. Your three mates will have a total of three mates as well, and so on. Within 6 pregnancies for each woman, we plan to have 54 new children to raise. Today, each of you will start to mate, though you will have some choices to choose from."

Dr. Rashid stopped for a moment to look on the 18 young people's faces. Not surprisingly, all 18 looked both surprised and aroused. Then he continued: "We've kept you apart, not having interaction with the other sex because we wanted to increase your sex drives. All of your fertility aspects have been boosted with vitamin supplements, dietary plans, and for the women, hormones as needed. The tension you all have been feeling has been from a large dose of stimulants given to you in your morning meal, prepping you for the mating you'll be starting today.

Men, the women are all virgins, though we have been training them in ways to be graceful, alluring, and how to stimulate themselves and their partners. Women, the men have been taught, trained and condition to know how to pleasure a woman, and be able to copulate both roughly and passionately, and to read your moods. They know how to behave, and you will not be mistreated or abused during sexual intercourse. All of them are virgins as well.

However, you may be wondering how this training has taken place, since, from the looks on your face, you have no memory of this training. This training was given to you by hypnosis, and was put in the recesses of your brains so that you wouldn't be aware of it until the appropriate time. Now, is the time for you to unleash your sexual drive and choose your first mate. I will speak the words for each of you, one at a time. Please stay seated until all have been taken care of. Dr. Park and Dr. Mumbala will utter the anti-hypnosis words for each woman while Dr. Robert and I will utter the anti-hypnosis words for each of you."

Several minutes later, the men were aching to rub their bodies against the women, and the women wanted to tear to their clothes off. The pheromone level in the room was almost unbearable, and it made the scientists want to copulate themselves, though they would save that for later. The scientist's themselves would breed among themselves, procreating when they could.

The first to choose his first mate was Matthew. Dr. Roberts said, "You may go to the first woman you want to mate with, but she must not be of Caucasian descent since you are. If she accepts you, she will take you by the hand and lead you to the couch. Once you get to the couch, undress her. She will do the same to you. While you will not mate entirely in public, you will need to stimulate and then enter her at least once to remove her virginity, at which time you may go to your assigned space and continue to mate."

Matthew got up first, and with a smile on his faced, walked over to a gorgeous Egyptian women named Sameedha. He bowed to her, and kissed her hand. "Will you be my first?" Sameedha looked at him up and down, rubbed her hand down his arms, and then went to his crotch. Matthew gasped as she latched onto his cock, feeling his length and girth. She then stood up on her toes, flicked her tongue on his upper lip, and gasped when he took her mouth is his. After a moment, she pulled away, and said: "I will take you as my first as well." She took his hand and they walked together to the couch. Barely before they had sat down her shift was off, and she was clawing at his shirt and pants. Matthew's pants were so tight, he could barely stand it, but he knew that Sameedha must undress him. Fortunately, she was just as extremely horny, and a moment later, he was naked, his cock having burst out of his underwear. The women all gasped the site, some stroking themselves, unable to stand the site, and wishing desperately that it was their turn. The men just grinned, some touching themselves through their pants, and hoping their name would be called next.

Matthew lowered Sameeda onto her back, and started kissing her inner thighs. He worked his way up to her navel, then her nipples, lingering for a moment to suck on each one. He then kissed her neck, making Sameedha grasp and begin to beg for his cock to be in her. Matthew took his right pointer finger and slowly pushed it into her, causing her to buck against him. Her passage was so wet, and so hot. He then put a second, and then a third finger, and after she'd adjusted, he asked: "Are you ready?"

Sameedha nodded, breathless and unable to say any words. Matthew lowered his mouth to hers, and while kissing her, entered her slowly, shifting her pussy around his 9-inch cock. He suddenly released her mouth, both of them gasping at the same time from the feel of the penetration. "She's so tight" he thought. "I must possess her again - NOW". All of a sudden she winced, and then he held her briefly while the pain subsided. She smiled at him, and he started fucking her again.

Enraptured by the view, the doctors suddenly came to their senses. "Matthew!"

Matthew looked up suddenly, and looked up at Dr. Rashid. "Yes sir?"

"Take her to your room and continue. Enjoy yourselves repeatedly. We'd like you to couple several times at least for the time being, and then you can rest." Matthew looked down at Sameedha and grinned. She gave him a sexy smirk, wrapped her arms around his neck, and said "Don't pull out. Don't ever pull out."

He gently leaned back, with Sameedha still impaled upon his cock, and slowly rose up, carrying her with her legs wrapped around his back. He went to the door and said "Open", and after walking through the door, the door shut automatically. He vaguely heard Dr. Rashid call the next name, but was too busy kissing Sameedha, as if his life depended on it, to care.

He was rather surprised at the size of the room. The bed was large, at least a king size, with luxurious sheets and a bedspread on it. There were other furnishings as well, some which looked like they were good for playing with sexual positions. "I like the look of this" he thought. Suddently, Sameedha was nibbling on the lobe of his ear, and it drove him over the edge. He practically ran over to the bed, lowered Sameedha to it, and begin pumping his cock into her repeatedly. Sameedha clawed at his back as she moaned and arched her body closer to him. She cried out his name as their bodies matched with thrusts and parries. All of all of a sudden, Sameedha started jerking and screamed his name. He felt her pussy clench hard onto his cock, and at that moment, he couldn't hold his seed. It roared after him, spurting deep inside her and coating her womb. He collapsed, and keeping his cock within her, rolled her on top of him.

Sameedha couldn't believe how hot the inside of her felt after their first joining. Matthew looked exhausted but rather proud of himself after their fucking. But Sameedha wanted more. She needed more, and she started to ride his still hard cock. She watched as Matthew winced for a little while from the sensitivity of it, and then smirked when his eyes locked with hers, and his hands gripped her hips, grinding his cock inside her.

His eyes wandered to her breasts, bouncing wildly as rode his cock harder and harder. The pressure was building again. Already. Sameedha could barely believe it. "How could he feel so good?" she wondered, and "Will my second and third be this good?" She didn't think it could be possible that she could be this aroused in the future, but the thought that each mate she would take could satisfy her to this extend made her loins even hotter.

Sameedha bounced up and down on Matthew harder, wanting to feel her release, and him within her again. "Fuck me!" she tried to scream, but it came out more like a wail because Matthew suddenly scooted their bodies up and turned them so his heels were against the railing. He lifted his legs up and Sameedha started screaming from the pleasure of their breeding as he fucked her like a jack hammer. He said, "You are my mate, and I will fuck you. I will fuck you so hard that you have my babies. I will fuck you so so hard that you want no other cock but mine. You are my mate. You are my first, and you will remember that."

Sameedha was being fucked so hard, she didn't notice that Matthew had lowered her body towards his. A quick jolt of pleasure and pain gripped her as she notcied that Matthew had caught her right nipple in his mouth and was sucking and nibbling on it. The sensation was overwhelming, and she felt her core melting, about to explode. Much more of his attention, and she would be butter. Just as she thought he was done playing with her nipple, he took the other one in his mouth and repeated the process. That was all it took. Sameedha cried out in ectasy, and tightened her womb against his cock, causing him to come again, deep inside of her while crying out her name.

Sameedha collapsed on top of him, and that was the last she remembered for the next couple of hours.

Matthew woke up slowly, hearing someone call his name. He opened his eyes, slightly started to see Dr. Park standing next to the bed eyeing him and his sleeping beauty next to him.

"Did you enjoy yourself, Matthew?" She asked?

"I supposed I did, Dr. Park. I must confess, after mating twice, I was feeling a bit tired, but the nap has freshened me up a bit. I don't suppose you're wanting me to fuck you are you?"

Dr. Park blushed slightly and shook her head. "No, but I would like to see you have intercorse with Sameedha again though. We need you to impregnate her as soon as possible so that we can continue with the mating program. Once you've made her pregnant, you may sleep with whomever you like until the birth of the children. At that point, you will choose again, and Sameedha will become someone's second, just a you will be becomes someone's second. The period of time in between impregnation and birth should be an illuminating time for you, since you'll be able to have sex with all of the women that are possible mates. It'll give you an insight into your next mate."

"So after the first pregnancy, I have to impregnate two others before I can impregnate her again?"

"Correct", said Dr. Park as she nodded her head. "It's the way it must be, though you'll be able to fuck her when you like when she's pregnant with your baby and those of the others."

"Good. I like taking her. I like the feel of her, the taste of her, the smell of her. She will carry my seed well, I think." Matthew said. He smiled at the thought of her with a large belly, carry his child. He turned baack towards Dr. Park and asked "Would you like me to breed you as well?"

Dr. Park shook her head and laughed. "Maybe another time, my dear boy, I will have you show me your skill. But not until I am with child. It is unlikely you and I will conceive together. I will be bred by Dr. Rashid and Dr. Robert. However, after the noises Sameedha make, I believe I will enjoy your attentions later on."

Matthew winked at Dr. Park, and then gently woke up Sameedha. She moaned a little and then flopped her arm on top of him, closing it tightly to pull him closer. "I need you, Sameedha", Matthew whispered. "I want to pleasure you and impregnate you. Will you allow me to have you again so soon?"

Sameedha slowly opened opened up one eye, squinted at him, and asked "Do you plan to take Dr. Park as well? She looks like she could use the attention too."

Matthew grinned at Sameedha, and whispered "You read my mind. I think she needs it too, but since I can't have her right now, and I really want you, I want to take you right now. Maybe we can make her jealous?"

Sameedha's response was all he needed to when she reached down, grabbed his cock and felt how hard it was. "Take me like an animal, Matthew. Please take me. Deposit your sperm inside me. I want your baby".

Without a second thought, Matthew positioned Sameedha on her hands and knees, and lined his cock up with her entrance. To tease her, he rubbed his cock along her slit, looking at Dr. Park when he did it. He slowly teased Sameedha, pushing his cock in a little, and then removing it. Sameedha pushed back, trying to take it in, but Matthew couldn't get enough of how hot Dr. Park looked. Her face flushed as she sat down, reached below her skirt and started fingering herself. Matthew knew at that point he'd gotten to her.

"Take me, damn it!" begged Sameedha "before your teasing kills me!"

That was all Matthew needed to hear. He grabbed onto his hips and shoved his cock deep inside her pussy. Sameedha seemed to be moaning louder than normal, and it egged him on, because he knew she was enjoying this position and didn't want him to stop. He was fucking her so hard, he could here his balls slapping together, faster and faster while Sameedha cried out for more. Matthew changed the position of one of his hands to her shoulder and fucked her even harder. "I think I like this situation a lot" Matthew thought. "Women who want me, who let me fuck them, and will let me fuck them before I'm supposed to, maybe, if I can rile her up enough".

He glanced over at Dr. Park who was watching him fuck Sameedha rigorously. He could tell she was ready to come - her face was flushed, and she was moving her fingers at an impressive pace. But he had to wait a moment before he could help her at all. He turned his focus back on Sameedha, speeding up his temp to match the groans coming from Dr. Park.

"I'm cuming, Matthew! I'm cuming! Cum inside me!" Sameedha begged.

Matthew laughed and replied: "I'll be happy to oblige you!" With two more strokes, he pumped her womb full of his sperm again,and tilted her body up so that it could roll towards her ovaries. His cock came out with a large pop, and he took a towel by the side of the bed, and wiped himself off. Then he turned himself towards Dr. Park. "Now it's your turn, Dr. Park." he said with a slightly evil grin.

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AuthorMommyAuthorMommyover 4 years agoAuthor

I am white, btw. And this is not meant to be a racist story by any means. In order to re-establish a healthy population genetically, there is supposed to be a mix of genetic material. This is enviously a work of fiction, and since you think I'm racist, it may be worth noting that I come from a mixed raced family, which I am very proud of, despite me not being mixed. I don't see color. So why do you? It's fiction from a genetics point of view. Geez.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Racist trash.

‘ she must not be of Caucasian descent since you are.’ Get the fuck out of here with your anti-European, anti-White racist garbage. Take your race-mixing propaganda and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Yes, Racism. Really.

"Anonymous if you dont understand the need for genetic diversity in a repopulation event, perhaps you are not quite ready for adult content. Maybe something with a stork would be more your speed."

I understand the concept of needing genetic diversity just fine. That doesn't mean reproduction with the same race/ethnicity should be totally disallowed in a repopulation scenario. It's not like two people of the same ethnicity would produce three-eyed offspring, and that's what this story makes it sound like. So yes, I'm calling racism.

If you think it's not racism, perhaps you should learn reading comprehension and rethink the scenario. Obviously he's going to have to breed with multiple women, but none of them, or at least not the first one, can be the same ethnic group as him? Where's the rationale?

Apocalypse182Apocalypse182about 5 years ago
Racism? Really?

Anonymous if you dont understand the need for genetic diversity in a repopulation event, perhaps you are not quite ready for adult content. Maybe something with a stork would be more your speed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Why the racism?

"You may go to the first woman you want to mate with, but she must not be of Caucasian descent since you are."

But why though? What's the basis behind this? What, is breeding with someone of the same race considered incest these days? Or is it just the author's hatred towards whites that brought about this line of dialogue? It's not like breeding with your own kind will cause genetic defects. Subtle interracial propaganda like this is annoying.

redvelvetrose213redvelvetrose213over 6 years ago
Please update!!

I already love this series. Cant wait to see more!!

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