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A New Slave for Kim

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Kim recieves the scat slave of her dreams.
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WARNING: This story focuses heavily on the consumption of human feces and urine. If reading about this type of play does not appeal to you, I suggest you do not read any further.

All characters are fictional and over the age of 18.


"Kim, there's a present in the Dungeon for you."

I set my purse down on the countertop and kissed the woman of my dreams on the cheek. "Whatever it is, thank you, Mom."

Vera wasn't really my biological Mother, she was more like the mother of my heart. Though most people would say she was an older woman who loved to fuck younger women and that I was probably with her instead of someone my own age because I wanted her money. While the vast improvement in my standard of living was nice, I loved Vera with my entire heart.

My mind raced with ideas about the gift. I had been exceptionally good for the past five months and Mom had promised a gift worthy of my behavior. I had my eye on a leather dress and she knew it. As I raced down the long hall I decided I was getting that dress.

Bursting into the dungeon, I didn't see the dress hanging on a piece of furniture, I glided over the tile floor towards the big wardrobe dedicated to my fetish gear and clothes. After inspecting every hanger, I felt disappointment creep in.

The clink of chains caused my body to turn around towards the noise. In the corner stood a nude woman about my age with golden hair that hung down to her waist.

"Well I suppose you're my present, then." I said and walked up to her until I was well within her personal space.

"I believe so. You're Mistress Vera's daughter, right?" Her voice was soft and delicate so I wondered what would happen if I broke it.

Fantasies of her screams and tears filled my mind, "I am. Who are you."

"Just a slave, Mistress."

"Oh yeah?" I began to pace around her, "Do you have a name?"

"Only what you give me."

I grazed a fingertip along her breasts and continued my circling.

"I love that idea. Was it yours or my mother's?"

"Mine, mistress, but I did mention it to Mistress Vera before offering it to you."

Cradling her chin in my hand, I examined her face. "Now what should your name be...?"

Her gaze was cool and even. Her eyes gave no indication of fear or even the slightest discomfort.

"What is it that you do, slave?" I asked and dropped my grazing fingers past her tummy.

"Um, I'm a college student, Mistress."

"I should have been more specific, I meant what do you do as my new slave."

"I'll do whatever you command, but I think Mistress Vera chose me because of my experience in toilet play and I'm a lesbian."

"Oh?" My interest piqued, I cupped her vulva in my hand and stepped in closer."You're a genuine lesbian toilet, are you?"

"I am. Mistress Dominique can vouch for my training."

"You're a second hand slave?" I removed my hand from her body.

"No Mistress, just trained, I was never owned."

"You eat shit then." I stated and wondered how much I had at the ready.

"I do, it's a personal fetish."

"Good, if you eat shit then it's important that you enjoy the experience."

"Yes, Mistress.".

"I'm sure you've heard, I enjoy toilet play quite a bit, myself." I said and returned my hand between her legs, but this time I teased her asshole while stepping close enough that her breasts pushed against mine.

"Yes, Mistress. I'm excited to have the opportunity to serve you in this way." She didn't flinch as I inserted my fingertip into her opening.

"Do you eat your own or just others?"

"Both, Mistress."

"Which tastes better to you?"

"I like my taste to most, but I love serving more."

With my moistened fingertip I pressed into her asshole.

"What's going on in here that you like it so much, are you baking chocolate cake?"

She sighed as I felt deeper into her ass. "No Mistress, it's just a result of a strict vegetarian diet."

I crouched to angle my finger deeper, "Would I be correct in assuming my mother required you to hold it for a day?"

"Yes Mistress, it's been closer to a day and a half by now."

With my free hand I pressed against her tummy. "Bear down for me, slave. Just a little."

She did as instructed and I felt a turd descend against my finger. I swirled my finger inside and inserted a second to spread her asshole.

"Am I hurting you?"

"No Mistress, not at all."

"" I focused my attention on recovering the dollop of shit on my index finger. "A shame if I broke my new toy so soon after receiving her."

Standing up I was pleased to find I had been successful in my efforts.

This is your favorite?" I asked and held it just under her nose.

"Yes, um, Mistress." She seemed frustrated and opened her mouth expectantly.

"Ah ah ah, This little morsel is for me." I said and smeared the creamy shit on my extended tongue. "Mmm!"

With my clean hand, I felt her pussy and found it drenched.

Her chains shifted.

Her eyes were focused on my lips as her shit melted on my tongue. I pressed it against the roof of my mouth to free my tongue so I could lick my lips and tease her.

Returning the shit onto the flat of my tongue I let it melt into gooey liquid and made a show of swallowing it.

I stuck out my tongue and opened my mouth to show what I had done. "Your old mistress didn't share your fetish?"

"She enjoyed shitting in my mouth, but I never expected to see a Mistress enjoy it like I do."

"I can tell thatr you like that I do." I smiled and pressed my finger against her g-spot until her knees grew weak.

"You're amazing." She panted.

"You're full of shit." I smiled, removed my hand and left her wanting. "Let's get you out of those chains, slave."

As I removed the keys from the box near the door I beared down with my intestines in hopes I could hurry the stinking mass inside of me to be ready to come out two hours before it's scheduled time. Then I felt a small patch of wet in the front of my underwear and stopped trying to force it before I wasted my piss.

After I stripped out of my skirt and underwear, I straddled one of the slave's thighs and began unlocking her chains.

"This must be a relief, these are among the heaviest chains we keep in our home dungeon." I said and rocked my hips to make sure she could feel my pussy against her skin.

"It feels good to move again, thank you, Mistress."

Running my fingers through her hair I studied her face and wondered what turn of events led her into what many considered the worst fetish of all. She could easily pass for an innocent young woman unaware of the depravity someone like myself delighted in.

"Oh." the slave breathed as I released my bladder on her leg.

"Get on your knees. I instructed.

The slave obeyed with enthusiasm, dropping to the tile without a thought to protect her knees against the hard floor. She didn't even pause after I gave the order, she simply obeyed without question or thought. I smiled down at her as my piss splashed against her face. I was starting to like this one.

"You should be drinking my pee right now." I suggested softly.

"I can't see, I got splashed." She replied through the sheet of urine running down her face.

"I think you mean to say, please help me." I said and clutched the hair nearest to her scalp and forcefully pressed her mouth to the source of the stream.

The slave needed no instruction, With her hands folded on her thighs, she adjusted her position until she was looking up at me and drinking my piss.

"You look so beautiful." I smiled and noticed my stream weakening.

She of course said nothing but responded with a light touch to my ankle.

When my pee came to a stop the slave straightened her posture and began to take deep, heaving audible breaths of air.

"Are you okay?" I asked and mentally prepared for the worst.

"I- I- I... Held... my... brea- breath."

"That's very impressive, I like your dedication." I said and wondered how long I was peeing for and how much of that time she wasn't breathing.

"Mistress? If I may." She was panting, but seemed to have her breath back. "I taught myself to keep my throat open so I don't have to worry about making a mess if drinking directly."

"So my pee was just going down your esophagus without a need to swallow it?"

"Yes, Mistress. Like water down the sink drain."

"And your trainer taught you that?" I eased myself down onto the wet tile to see her face to face.

"No, Mistress. I taught myself. With water at first and eventually my piss."

"You taught yourself? Isn't it a Dominant's duty to do the training?"

"Respectfully, I don't believe it is. It's my job to be capable of doing anything you want. Willingness to serve isn't enough, to be chosen I have to be able first and willing second. I figure Dommes choose subs the way anyone picks out a new house. If you want a big kitchen, you're only looking at houses with big kitchens. If a Domme likes Toilet play, a sub that desires her ought to be good at toilet play."

"And you're my house with a big kitchen?"

"No, Mistress. I'm the septic tank."

I giggled and reached for her waist, "The bed has rubber sheets. Come on."

She was on her feet instantly and I wondered if her ideas of being capable included secretly having an athlete's body under her soft skin.

"I want you to go first." I said and leaned into her until she was under me on the bed, "I need a minute before I'm ready to feed you."

"Yes Mistress, I can do it on the bed or if you have a plate."

"I want it in here." I rolled her body on top of mine and kissed her on the mouth.

"Mistress, I- I'm not sure I could disrespect you in that way."

"When I pissed down your throat, did you feel disrespected or humiliated?"

"No, I felt good. Like, good about myself. I feel Amazing. And very horny."

"You have the fetish, and so do I. Like you, playing in filth fills me with confidence and makes me feel sexy. I love that part of being myself is an ability and enjoyment of something that excludes Ninety-nine percent of humanity. You, and anyone else for that matter, simply can not humiliate me with something I enjoy."

"I get it. Me too." She admitted.

"Good, now quit humping me and squat."

I studied her asshole with my eyes, it was everything I loved about that part of a woman's body.

While I waited, I explored her hole. On the tip of my tongue, each wrinkle felt magnified in size. Considering the location, she was exceptionally clean. I tasted no cleaning products and no flecks of dried shit, nothing to muddy the flavor of the gift I was about to receive.

The slave sighed and I felt urine trickle on my skin.

"Don't hold back." I said and spread her ass with my hands.

More pee caught my attention and when my eyes returned to her hole, I found the pointed end of her shit aimed right at me.

I wrapped my lips around it, forgot my body and existed solely to experience the sensation of her shit gliding along my lips and into my mouth. Like the morsel I ate before, her shit was perfectly creamy and the flavor overwhelmed my tongue. When I gagged from the feeling of it against the back of my throat, I turned my head to let it drop to the bed and lunged at her asshole for more. I reached under her and between my legs as gently as I could to avoid disturbing her own hand frantically working away. My kiss was met with another turd that I teased with the tip of my tongue until there was enough to suck on and pull into my mouth. I felt the heft of her shit in my mouth and noticed this log was very close to the same size as the first.

I guided the next one into my mouth and observed it too was the same size.

"Stop shitting." I ordered.

The slave stood and turned to face me, "Is there a problem, Mistress?"

"Let's leave some in the oven for later." I didn't know if I would be able to push my own shit out, but if I couldn't I'd rather have her ass full and ready than be out of fresh shit and I knew I would want to eat her ass out later, which would only be fun if it was filled with more filth.

"Was I good enough?" She asked staring at the pile next to where my head had been.

"You're asking because I didn't swallow it all?"

She mumbled something and seemed to curl up into herself like a Daisy at night. I mouthed the word Daisy to myself.

"I was saving it so we could share."

She said nothing.

I picked up one of the turds, held it between our faces and said, "Do you want this?"

She at least nodded once but her posture did not change.

"I'm going to eat it all," I teased, "So, no shitty kisses, no rubbing it on my body for you to lick off. Nothing for you. But that would be cruel, wouldn't it? I am not a cruel woman, so open up, slave."

My daisy stayed quiet.

"You seem to think I didn't love my experience under your ass, so it seems like a good time to establish some rules. If you are to be mine, you must understand that i will always be honest with you. If I do or do not like something, I will say so. You are fundamentally incapable of knowing my feelings on anything unless I tell them to you. Do not try to interpret my words or silence to mean something that I do not expressly say is true." I nudged the poop closer to her face. "Have I made myself clear?"

Her shoulders straighten and her arms unfolded, "Yes Mistress."

"Put this in your mouth, but don't bite."

She did as instructed and I followed her hand with my eyes as it crept down her body to massage her clit. Which she did for a second before she looked at me questioningly.

"You have permission to touch, but not come." I said and opened my mouth to take in the remaining half of the shit.

The creamy filth shifted and moved like ocean currents in our shared mouth space. I searched for her mouth with my tongue and was met by her slimy tongue as it pushed her portion of the shit and into my overfilled mouth.

I opened my eyes for a moment to find the slave bucking her hips wildly, I reached for her free hand and guided it to my right breast which she groped forcefully.

With her hands occupied, I gripped the hair nearest to her head and began to push all the shit into her mouth with my tongue and exhaled air. From within her mouth I felt the shit descend down her throat to leave my tongue free to play in her open mouth.

"I've never done that before!" the slave panted, "I've always wanted to but I never thought anyone else would want to."

"Sounds like you found the right Mistress." I said and smeared shit across her lower face. "Now put your hands on my hips and eat me out."

I watched as her dirty face set between my legs and began bearing down in hopes to give my new slave something to eat. Soon my efforts lapsed and I cared less for my bowels than I did for the radiating waves of pleasure emanating through me and from her mouth. My breath grew heavier and I absent-mindedly smeared her shit across my face from cheek to cheek. With each inhale, my nose filled with the smell of it and I relished the scent of my slave.

I reached for a rubber pillow and said, "I want you to eat my ass."

After I propped my hips up on the pillow, the slave moved her hands to spread my ass and explore me with big laps from her tongue.

I quickly fell away from lucid thought and into the dreamlike state of pleasure. Mindlessly I placed my dirty fingers into my mouth to find a glob clinging between my pinky and ring fingers. Naturally, I removed it with my tongue and let it melt inside my mouth.

"Mmm." I hummed to myself and was replied to with the distinct sensation of something moving through my large intestine.

"Daisy? I think I might-" my words were cut off as wind forcefully broke from my asshole and into her stunned face.

After obseving her expression I apologized, "I'm sorry. I assumed you wouldn't be too shy with gas."

"I'm not, it's just that you-" She stammed

"Shhh, do my pussy some more, I want to come." I groaned and stuck my slick hand into her hair and guided her head to my pussy.

As the dream world of filth and lust welcomed my mind again I felt around for the last of the shit.

"More." I mumbled and began to pack my mouth until it spilled over and pressed against my nostrils.I dug a little passageway in the shit so I could breathe the perfumed air in deep, heavy gasps.

Suddenly my gag reflex activated and my head jerked up and I became aware of the physical world again. My slave was no longer visible to me.


Her head popped up between my legs like a Prairie dog. Her mouth was full of shit.

"I pooped?" I asked and wondered how I hadn't noticed.

The slave closed her lips around my shit and swallowed.

"You taste wonderful, Mistress." She said and smiled. "You drink a lot of coffee, huh?"

"I do, it really refines the overall taste of it, doesn't it? What is in my ass? Is that your fingers?

"You stopped going, you're probably backed up." She smiled and licked her fingers.

"Don't move a muscle!" I ordered and propped myself up, reached for her last dirty finger and stuck it in my mouth.

Inside my mouth I felt her explore all the features of my mouth until she settled on my palette and stayed there.

I removed her finger from my mouth and asked, "What are you doing?"

Again, she folded in like a Daisy at night and said nothing.

"No, no, no. don't close up on me." I said and reached for her hand, "Just tell me."

She stared at my face and I suspected she had been hurt in the past. Taking on a new slave was never a straightforward process. Sure, I got to enjoy their bodies and revel in their favorite kinks, but I also inherited their baggage and spent more time helping them unravel their hang-ups than I did fucking them.

"I like the way it feels." Daisy mumbled.

"You like the way it feels?" I repeated.

"Yes." Her body was relaxing but her head was still bowed. When I touch that place with my finger, I think about how poop gets stuck there and you have to get it out with your tongue after playing and it just, I like touching it."

I shifted my body closer to straddle her with my legs and said, "That's really hot, actually, thank you for sharing it with me."

"You're welcome, Mistress."

I turned my hand around the curvature of her left breast, brought her close and said, "You know, I have some sticky crap stuck on my palate ridges right now. Why don't you use your tongue and help me get it out?"

In any other circumstance, the logistics of trying to achieve what I'd asked for would have made me laugh, but when my Daisy wrapped her body around me and began searching around my mouth for little flat specks of shit pressed against the roof of my mouth I felt desire swell like a tsunami.

In the heat of passion, I tried to feel every inch of her body and was delighted when my fingers glided over a slick patch of fecal slime on her body. Finally I weaved my dirty hands into her hair and pulled.

"Mistress, I'm close. May I come?"

I smiled, "Not yet, slave. Mistress always comes first, remember. that"

She responded by showing me her dirtiest hand, turning it over to see that both sides were evenly coated and pointed her fingers at my lips.

"Please show me with a kiss which fingers you want inside you, Mistress."

I was a little startled by her bold suggestion, but played along to see what would happen. I pressed my lips to her pinky and pushed it fully into my mouth so the slime collected on my lips. I did the same to her ring finger, slowly licked my lips and said, "Not those two."

"Thank you, Mistress."

I felt the dreamlike trance of pleasure tug at me as she explored my entrance with the fingers I chose. As she introduced her dirty thumb to my clit I realized I still had to go. After dismissing the thought of warning her, I beared down and hoped to surprise her. Much to my pleasure she pressed her mouth to it and sucked on my hole as it expanded around what I expected would be the last of my shit.


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