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A New Toy Appears

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A man gets shrunk and used.
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[Features: Shrinking (5 feet and 5 inch sizes), sph, premature ejaculation, treated like a fun toy, and insertion.]

It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the birds were singing but my girlfriend was... a little angry.

"You did it again! I've told you, I keep telling you, don't leave the seat up!"

"'s just a seat..."

"I fell in!"

I had to hold back my laughter at that. My lovely girlfriend was great but, she did have a tendency to not look before she sat. She also wasn't the most amused by me trying not to laugh.

"You!!! I wish you were smaller so I didn't have to glare up at you!"


Unbeknownst to them, Amanda had witch lineage. It was an ancient thing and random at that. It would never help with something positive, if it would help at all. Yet in that moment, that singular moment, it awakened for a brief period of time and gave her wish a passing grade. The power seeped through her blood and cursed its intended target.


I was strongly trying to hold back my snickering when I felt, something in my, chest? The smile instantly vanished from my face as I got a bit worried for a second. My body felt weird but I couldn't tell why. It was incredibly distracting and my clothes started to feel... loose for some reason. It felt like something important had just happened. I was thrown out of my thinking by my girlfriend's yell.

"Oh my god!"

I looked at her...and looked up.

Before, my girlfriend was 5'5 and I was around 6 feet tall.

But now, now I was staring solidly up at her and she was significantly taller than me. I'd been shrunk down to at least 5 foot!

"What's going on?!"

But my girlfriend had stopped looking at me in shock, well, at least total shock was not staring at me in raptious awe with stars in her eyes.

"My wish..."

Her wish? Her wish! Hadn't she just wished for me to be smaller? No way...that actually worked?!

"I wish for a million dollars!" I immediately said. No such luck though, no random bags of money appearing. Well it was worth a try and it would take my focus away from that fact that I'd apparently shrunk.

"Quick! Wish for something else. Maybe you still have 2 more wishes."

My dreams of genie wishes would have to be put on hold though, as she walked closer and loomed over me. It was at this point I realized I hadn't just gotten shorter, I'd shrunk. My entire body was smaller in various ways. Width, height, length, etc etc. My clothes were trying to fall from my body and my girlfriend was looming over me. It suddenly occurred to me that my back was against the wall. I had actually started backing up at some point and now there was no more back to go.


She seemed to barely hear me.

"So small..."

She moved her leg forward and I could feel it, her thick thigh between my legs, pressing against a certain hard aspect of mine. It was with some embarrassment that I noticed that although it hadn't technically shortened when I shrunk, it had remained proportional. And that meant it wasn't as big as it use to be.

Judging by the shock on her face, she had only just noticed what she was pressing up against.

"Wow. It's so small."


"I, I don't think it's that small."

Yet it was like my words were unable to penetrate the trance she was in. She reached down, slipping her hand down my loose pants and grabbed my entire package. No, not just my dick or anything like that, but the entire thing in one hand...and I was hard too...

Before I could think further about shrinking or my emasculating manhood, she gripped my (comparatively!) small dick in her hand and started stroking it. One, two...oh.


"You, you came already?"

My girlfriend had suffered so many shocks she might have that be her new default face at this rate. Alas, I could say nothing. It was true, I came already. It felt good, truly good and I just couldn't help myself! What part of me being shorter makes me cum sooner?! I couldn't even look her in the eyes and like a damn breaking, with her now sticky hand still wrapped around my cock, she started doing the worst thing possible. Truly, unforgivable.

She started laughing and making fun of me.

"Hahaha! You're like a two pump chump. You didn't even last for more than 2 seconds. Perhaps we should start calling you speed? Hahaha."

The shame! The pure shame of it all! How could I ever look her in the eyes and call myself a man again?!

But she started stroking me again soon and I was so surprised I barely had time to brace before I had cum again.


My knees were shaking and if she wasn't holding me against the wall with her hand on my dick I might have fallen over.

"So cuuutttteeeee! You're so adorable now!"

Before I could respond or move or recover, I felt her start stroking me with force and power, forcing me to cum yet again but this time, this time she didn't stop.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh ah ah ah

She was standing over me, looming over me, as she smiled down at me and continued stroking and milking all the cum out of my cock with her compartivetly giant hands. I couldn't escape or move as she squeezed all of it out of me. I felt less like a cow by the second and more like her personal toy she had decided she needed to get all of the liquid out of and was doing so with great enthusiasm.

My cock felt like it was going to explode, no, it was already constantly exploding and felt it was gonna burst for real and forever as she kept using me, squeezing me, rubbing me, stroking me, covering her hand and my underwear and front in a constant deluge of cum. I was moaning, I only realized later, and I couldn't stop the sounds coming out of my mouth, not one bit.

"So cute. Come on, cum, cum some more, come on, more and more."

Amand was loving this, it was sexual but it also felt like she was playing around and having the time of her life, making me her own little squeaky toy.

Eventually, she stopped and I collapsed forward, her hand still on me, my head pressed up against her as my vision went black and exhaustion started to creep into me. Before I fainted from overly cumming so much, some of her words reached me.

"Wait, are you getting even smaller?"

Then my vision went black.





When I came to, the world was very different. For starters, I was outside but the sky had become plain white and looked much much closer than it should be. I turned to my right and saw a large vast expanse of red, reminding me of my bedsheets. It was, however, looking to my left that hammered home the real reality of my situation.

My girlfriend was there.

And she was the size of a skyscraper.

My eyes bulged out and as I saw her hand come for me, instincts flooded me and I tried to run. It wasn't a conscious thought, merely "Big! Move! RUN! COMING AT ME!" Going through my mind.

I of course wasn't fast enough.

I was gripped in a giant hand, rapidly rising hundreds of feet in the air, before I was in front of her Gigantic face.

"Looks like someone finally woke up huh haha."

My only thought at the moment was, as I previously said, was "BIG!" And so I think I asked the most logical question that could have ever been asked in my current situation.


"Hahaha! You kept shrinking. I was getting kinda worried there for a moment, but you finally stopped at about 5 inches. A little short, but I think you're cuter this way anyway haha."

With that, it really, really dawned on me. That wasn't the sky, that was the ceiling, that wasn't a red plain similar to my bedsheets, that was my bedsheets and my girlfriend wasn't giant, I had just shrunk!

I was in shock, flabbergasted, and reeling from probably cumming two dozens times at least.

That is my excuse for not immediately noticing that her hand, and thus me, was moving and I soon found myself some place dark. Panic set in for a moment before my mind recognized that she had put me in her purse.

"What are you doing?!"

"Listen, I had this great idea. You're soooo cute and adorable now! So, we're gonna play a prank on my little sorority."

Her sorority? At least that's what she called the three female friends that she hung around with all the time.

"Uh, shouldn't we, you know, try to turn me back or something?"

"What?! No way! You're so cute like this and when we will ever get the chance to play this prank again? Nu uh, no way, we gotta play around while we still can!"

It wasn't clear if Amanda thought she could turn me back at any moment, absolutely couldn't, or thought I would turn back at any moment but one thing was clear from her words. She wasn't at all interested in doing it right now.

"Come onnnnn, you're so cute and it's so funny, you gotta play this prank with me."

I also wasn't sure if she meant the prank was funny or she found me being shrunk funny. Probably both, really.

"I- I don't know about this amanda."

"All you gotta do is not move. No matter what happens, you can't move at all, okay? Not even a little bit! You owe me for having me fall in the seat earlier today!"

She said that last part with so much intensity while looking at me that I realized that while my girlfriend being angry at me before was hilarious, her being angry at me now would be terrifying and mentally made absolutely sure to myself that no matter what, I was going to ruin this prank for her.

"Y-yeah! Absolutely, no moving, got it."


And like that, I found myself being carried in a purse, completely naked. It wasn't a long trip to her sorority's house, ie, her best friend Sally's place but it did give me time to reflect. Mainly on important things like "Can she wish for more things? Can she turn me back? Can she wish for infinite hot dogs?" Truly, the greatest questions that mankind has ever known. Especially that last one dang it.

Thrown out of my fantasy of infinite hot dogs, I found myself not being jostled around anymore. I assumed we had made it and she had set me down as I could hear her voice and others.

"I'm telling you, it's 100% a realistic doll, so you gotta be a little careful okay?"

"Okay okay Amanda, we heard you the first time."

Ah well that's good, safety first. Wait, doll?

Soon, like god opening up the heavens, the purse opened up and light spilled down on me, while a giant hand reached down to grab me. I then remembered that I needed to not be moving and went limp. I was grabbed and pulled out and was thankful that I didn't blush because suddenly my girlfriend and 3 of her friends, massive skyscraper giants from my perspective, were looking down at my tiny body.

"It's even got red rosy cheeks! This doll looks amazing!"

Damn it.

"Oo oo let me see, let me see."

I was in, I think kelly's? Giant hands. Her fingers gripped my naked body and her thumb rubbed against my entire chest in circles. Her thumb lowered and, wait no!

"It even gets hard?! This thing is cute."

I soon felt as her giant thumb pressed on my dick and rubbed lightly. No no no, this is bad. If she keeps doing this, I'm gonna...

Dang it. At least I didn't moan?

Kelly looked down at me with her green eyes and looked to be in shock. I guess the game is up already huh?

"It can cum?!"

"WHAT." I heard Jenny? Say. I honestly should pay more attention to my girlfriend's friends.

Before I could even so much as blink, I was snatached in Jenny's warm and tight hands. Who was staring at my erect dick as if could tell her the secrets of the universe.

"How on earth can a doll cum? Are you going crazy Kelly?"

"I'm telling you, it happened! Just look at my thumb!"

Amanda decided to speak up then, with a smile on her face and like she was trying to hold back a giggle.

"Yes, it can cum."

Uhhh, Amanda, don't you think we should stop the prank here? I've already gone a bit too far I think at this point...but no, judging by the look in her eyes, clearly, I haven't gone too far and it wasn't time for the fun to stop.

I felt more than saw, although I definitely saw, jenny hold me up and stare at me, before she used her other hand's index finger to poke my dick and start rubbing it like she was trying to remove a spot of dirt. If she had only done it for a moment, maybe I could have prevented it, but not audibly reacting at all was all I could do as I came on another one of my girlfriend's friends fingers. Damn it again.

"Wow. I hope this part isn't accurate to your boyfriend haha."

"He'd be a bit one of a one pump chump if he was."

"A real cums first and second type of guy huh? Haha."

Ack! Dang it, the shame. Held up naked by giantess's while they laugh at me, how will I ever recover from this emasculation?

My concern turned towards a different worry as Samantha said:

"I wonder how it tastes."

And suddenly felt 4 pairs of eyes on me. W-What? What? You can't be thinking of more right? I mean uh, what about your fingers?! Find out from that!

Yet my completely common sense internal explanation seemed alien to them as now I was in nice Samantha's tan hands and saw a calculating look in her eyes.

She leaned down, with her tongue out and slowly licked my dick. A giant massive tongue salivating down on me and coating my dick in her fluids as I nearly immediately came onto her tongue, and she didn't stop there, going so far as to continue to lick all the way up to my head, coating the entire front of my body in her wet gooey saliva.

"Huh. It tastes just like the real thing. That's incredible!"

"Ewww, Samantha now it's coated in your spit!"

"OH uh, sorry girls."

"And I wanted to see how much it could cum before it stopped." Jenny said to my heart pounding terror.

"This is one interesting doll."

With this done, I thought it would be done and Amanda would put me away or something. But then she shocked to my core by saying:

"Make sure you properly clean it properly after that Samantha."

"Yeah yeah."

Samantha always was a bit of a tomboy. We had hung out together with her before. And Samantha "cleaning something properly" was gross. She spit cleaned. For the first time, perhaps, I wanted to hop up and down and say "wait wait I'm not a doll!" although that feeling should've probably come sooner.

I saw Samantha grab a rag and then my eyes widened in fear as she pulled back, made a little sucking noise, and spat on me. Except to me, it was like a pool of water had just slammed into my body, coating me quite violently in her saliva. It was everywhere, in my eyes that I had to close, in my hair, I was wet before but now it was thick on top of me. Before I could perhaps drown, I felt her wrap a hand towel around me and rub it off and into my skin as well. I was being spit cleaned. I even cummed from the towel rubbing me a few times and couldn't hold back my noises but no one seemed to notice.

After that was done, a horrible horrible thing was said by Jenny, once again showing her pure terror.

"I wonder if it can cum through anal stimulation."


I suddenly realized I had sat up in Samantha's hand, who thankfully hadn't just dropped me, as all of them were staring at me with frozen shock etched into their faces. Amanda had busted out into full belly laughing so I was in the clear on that side of things and no one was reacting. It took a few minutes of me nervously looking around, especially at Samantha before anyone said anything.




Which wasn't especially helpful as Amanda just exploded into even deeper laughter. I decided to speak up before they freaked out and literally squashed me like a bug.

"Uh, Hello everyone. I'm Amanda's boyfriend."

That was met with even more silence.

"""WHAT?!""" x3

After that, Amanda calmed down enough to take me back to her and explain the entire situation. I expected anger if, I'm being honest. But their reactions surprised me.

"Cutttteeeee." Is all Kelly said.

"This is a scientific amazement." Jenny followed with.

Samantha however, was, uh, apologetic.

"I'm so sorry Amanda! I ain't no homewrecker, I didn't have any dang idea it was your boyfriend, I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay! No harm done and it was really funny!"

No one was angry at me for coming on them, or in Samantha's case, inside them, kinda, technically. Does the tongue count if it wasn't in their mouth at the time? Anyway, no one wanted to beat me like a cockroach so I felt that was good.

"Hey, you know what we should do?" My lovely, not terrifying at all girlfriend said.

"""What?""" 3 voices replied in sync.

"Dare or shot!"

"""Dare or shot!!!"""

Oh no.





"I put some muffins in the oven." Said Kelly.

I was sitting in the middle of a table, with a bottle next to me. I wasn't quite sure what this was all about but I was pretty confident it involved drinking since everyone had something with them.

"Okay everyone, just so you all remember, we spin the bottle and whoever spun it, dares the person it lands on to do something. Everyone else takes a shot. We go in a circle. Except this time, we'll be using Amanda's cute boyfriend as the source of the dares okay?"

What, did they use telepathy at some point? I've been right here and they haven't mentioned that all before now!

"Amanda, you go first."

Wait, wait wait, shouldn't I get a say in this? But I had a feeling I've already lost that battle somehow.

Amanda spun the bottle and it almost landed on Samantha, to my horror, before it stopped on Kelly.

"Hmm, Kelly, go ahead and give him a kiss."


Gah! Don't grab me so fast!

Suddenly it was dark and wet and there was something enveloping my head.


Then I was quickly pulled out and back into daylight.

"How was that little guy?"

"Kelly! You're supposed to kiss him, not try to eat his head!"

"But he's just so small, it's hard not to put him in my mouth! And his muffled screams were cute! He looks tasty anyway..."

My fear of Kelly had now quickly eclipsed my fear of Jenny.

Samantha's turn and she landed on Amanda.

"Hmm, how about ya show us just how much of a one pump chump he is and make him cum 10x ey?"


But Amanda apparently was only too happy to destroy what was left of my dignity as she held me down on the table, flat on my back while she slowly rubbed my dick and milked me in front of all of her friends. I could feel them staring at me as I couldn't but moan and buck underneath the weight of her hand and giant fingers as she stroked me.

"One, two, three...ten."

I was left panting, lying on my back in the middle of a little pool of my own sweat and cum, feeling thoroughly used.

"Wow, even at 10x, it still took no time at all! That's just too adorable. He's like a little toy!" Kelly said, proving she was once again, the most terrifying.

"Hmm" said my girlfriend. "Yeah, he is kinda like a toy."

Before that thought could hopefully go anywhere, it was kelly's turn, who already seemed a bit drunk. I guess she was an ultra lightweight or something. She spun and it landed on Jenny. She seemed to think to herself for a solid minute, which was fine by me, as I needed time to recover.

"Oh! You should pee- my muffins!" The timer had gone off, saving me from a sentence so horrifying that I thought my heart was going to stop.

She came back a little later, seeming confused.

"I forgot what I was going to say...just spank him a little I guess."

"Uhh" I said before Jenny picked me up and held me in mid air on my stomach and lightly started tapping my ass with her finger. It didn't exactly hurt or anything, she was being really light, but it was very embarrassing as everyone saw me get spanked! And her finger lingered a little a little bit too long and rubbed me a little bit after every spanking...

Soon though, I was thankfully back on solid ground and it was over. I'd have to stay away from Jenny or I might lose something precious...


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