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A New Way of Seeing Things Pt. 02 Ch. 05

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Natalie and Liz pose.
6.2k words

Part 32 of the 85 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/01/2013
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Standard disclaimer—this story takes place in a world where STDs don't exist and only babies planned for and wanted do—in other words, a fantasy world. Any resemblance to real-life people is purely coincidental.


Natalie pulled into the Nelsons' yard mid-morning on Friday, well after the trucks had left for their jobsites. The normally outgoing woman seemed to avoid eye contact with Gwen, mumbling a 'g'morning" as they hugged before she ducked around the vehicle to the passenger side, making it clear she preferred her sister-in-law to do the driving that morning. Gwen smiled in acknowledgement, climbed in through the still-open driver's door, and buckled up.

Natalie stared straight ahead, knee bouncing in a steady rhythm as Gwen accelerated down the two-lane road. "So, I'm guessing Tim knows where we're going?"

"Yes," Gwen answered truthfully. "I didn't feel right about not telling him the truth about this."

"No, I suppose not...he doesn't think I'm a bad person, does he?"

"Of course not! He said he thought you were very brave, and that you had the looks for it."

"He's sweet. I felt a lot braver when I first said yes...and I'm not sure I was thinking straight when I agreed to do this."

"You'll be fine. I'm sure Barry won't ask for anything you're not comfortable with."

Natalie laughed. "That remains to be seen. It's one thing to get a little naughty in front of friends and the occasional passerby. It's another to have it captured on film for a stranger paying for the privilege."

"Did he give you any idea who it is that commissioned these?"

"All he would say is some guy who made a lot of money in oil and wants something special to liven up the walls of the game room in his ski lodge."

"Well, did Barry give you any idea what, uh, how, how he's going to ask you to pose?"

"Not really. All he said is that it would most likely be along the same lines as the session Liz did for him a little while back."

"And how was that?"

Natalie looked over at her sister-in-law and smiled bashfully. "Oh, that's right. You never saw those, did you? I was there when they were being taken, kinda like why I asked you to come today. It was her and an African man—I forget his name now. I do remember he was very tall and very thin, taller than Liz, and his skin was every bit as dark as hers is pale. Barry said he was looking for some synchronicity in their body types that would be contrasted by their skin color...anyways, he had them showing way more than enough to make his point very clearly. They both started out naked, and he put them in some really suggestive poses. Artfully done, of course, not like a porno mag shoot or anything, but still...man, it looked like they were doing each other without actually doing it, know what I mean? Liz swore the guy never got his dick inside of her, though. I'm sure he would have liked to. That man was hung! His cock was hard even before she dropped her robe, and was huge by the end! He was leaking pretty good after a while and Sandra had to keep drying him off, not that she minded, I'm sure. If she had kept at it a little longer she would have had needed a mop to clean up. I'm sure he jacked off when he was getting dressed just to get it back in his pants."

"Oh, my," Gwen breathed as she tried to concentrate on the road. "I guess that is pretty explicit. Still, you'll be posing with your best friend, not some stranger. Does Barry know that you and Liz, are, uh, you and Liz are close?"

Natalie laughed. "Uh-huh. When he asked her about doing a shoot with another woman, she told him she wanted me. He told her what he was thinking of and why that might be a problem, and she let him in on the secret."

"Well, being with a friend makes it better, right?"

Natalie put her hand on Gwen's shoulder. "It's always better when you're with friends. But on camera...I'm not so sure about this yet. I just wish I had rubbed one out before I said yes to Barry, rather than after. This seemed like a much better idea when I was horny."

"It'll be fine," Gwen again reassured her, not convinced herself. "You'll be great. I'll bet you and Liz will forget the camera's even there." And maybe we'll watch you" rub one out" on the way home, like you did last time, the Slut suggested.

"That's going to be hard to ignore, if Liz's first shoot is any indication," Natalie laughed. "You know how Barry is about getting in the middle of things to make sure every shot is just the way he wants it. He actually reached in a couple of times and repositioned the guy's cock at Liz's shoot. Didn't seem to bother him a bit. Made the guy kinda jumpy, though."

The SUV grew quiet save for the hum of the tires on the pavement, each woman lost in their thoughts. "Adam called me last Saturday," Gwen finally said in a quiet conversational tone.

"Yeah, I know. He said he was going to. He thought it was a nice thing for you to do, come along with me like this. I think he also wanted to clear the air. He knows you 're a by-the-rules kind of person and might have been stressing about things."

No, nothing to stress about here, the Lady harrumphed. Except your family and friends and reputation if they find out just how far you've sunk. "Well, that's nice of him. But going with you is no problem, really. It will be nice to see you take your clothes off." Gwen's hand flew to her mouth, shocked by what she had said. "Oh—oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like it came out! I meant instead of me! Like the last time we did this!"

Natalie laughed. "No problem. I think I know what you meant, but if not, I'm very flattered."

Gwen lowered her voice. "Adam also strongly suggested I not let our parents know about...well, just how close we've become."

Her sister-in-law laughed again. "Well, duh! Your brother can be a regular Captain Obvious sometimes. They'd probably think I was doing it just to embarrass them in front of the town's elite."

"It makes me feel better that he knows," Gwen continued on. "I just always kind of hoped he did, but was too scared to ask."

"Oh, I told him you and I had talked that one day," Natalie said breezily. "Don't worry, no details, but enough to give him a general idea that his sister might be showing some cracks in her ultra-conservatism. And then I let him know we were helping each other out with our grooming, and that I gave you some toys...once he recovered from the shock, he put his hands over his ears and said he didn't want to know the details, just to keep it between us!"

The rest of the ride passed quietly, Natalie's knee bouncing steadily the whole way. The GPS eventually led them to the house where Gwen had reviewed her photos that summer.

"Natalie! Gwen!" Barry McCall cried from the gravel path by the side of the house as they exited the SUV. "Glad you could make it! C'mon in!" Both women were bear-hugged, then led to the studio out back and invited to step inside. The photographer quickly ushered them through the small lobby and into the large open space beyond. The bedroom stage Gwen had remembered from her last visit was gone, replaced by a towering gray backdrop of fabric. A low wooden bench sat on the flagstone floor before it, the dark wood with scrolled ends reminding Gwen of some sort of ancient altar. Off to the left, a young man was fiddling with a tripod-mounted video camera, while beyond him sat several director chairs. Liz, wrapped in a fluffy white robe occupied one. The statuesque redhead put down the glass of wine she held and she made her way to the late-arrivers. Natalie and her friend embraced, and Gwen was surprised to receive a surprisingly firm and lengthy hug as well.

"Glad you showed," she said to the newcomers. "I've been here for almost an hour. I was afraid you were going to chicken out."

"We're ten minutes early, despite my driver's cautious ways," Natalie retorted with a smile and a glance at her sister-in-law.

"Better to get here in one piece," Gwen mumbled in self-defense.

"Liz, we'll need to touch up your—" Sandra came bustling out of a room off to the side and stopped short. "Natalie! You made it!" She hurried to add her hugs to the new arrivals. "Liz has already gone through makeup, so it's your turn when you're ready. Would you like a little something to eat or drink, dear? I've got some things in the other room. "

"Don't think I could keep food down at the moment," Natalie confessed as she motioned to the wineglass Liz had retrieved. "But I will have what's she's having."

"Of course! C'mon in and I'll get you a glass, then we can get started. Don't worry, you'll be great! Gwen, would you like something? We have plenty."

"I, uhh, maybe a soda or something..."

"Right this way, then." Sandra took the younger blonde by the arm and led her away, Gwen trailing uncertainly behind.

"Alright, honey, why don't you take your top off and sit in the chair while I get your wine. We'll get your hair done, face painted up and work our way down. Natalie did as she was asked, pulling her t-shirt over her head and revealing the lacy white bra beneath. She sat in the stylist' chair and gratefully took the glass Sandra handed to her. "Sorry about the manicure," she said apologetically as she held out her hand. "Nursing and long nails don't mix."

The older woman plopped down on a nearby rolling stool and positioned herself between her makeup table and her subject. "Don't you worry about a thing," Sandra reassured her, glancing at the outstretched fingers. "A little nail polish and they'll be fine. We'll get to them in a little bit." She worked quickly, applying eyeliner and rouge, carefully softening the sheen of the nervous woman's skin while Gwen stood by and watched . After a vibrant shade of red lipstick, was applied, Sandra rolled back a bit and looked at her work.

"I think we're close to what Barry's looking for," she pronounced. "We'll have him take a look at the whole package once we're done and let him decide if any final touch ups are necessary." Natalie's hands were grabbed firmly and the offending nails examined before being covered with a polish that matched the lipstick in intensity. "Alright, stand up and turn around. Those nails are still drying, so let me take your bra off for you. " Natalie flashed Gwen an embarrassed smile while the stylist reached up and unsnapped the younger woman's support. The thrill of seeing her sister-in-law unveiled fought with Gwen's shame in looking in the first place. "Alright, turn back around. Let's see if the girls need any attention."

Sandra eyed Natalie's breasts critically, her eyes even with the globes of flesh a few feet away. "As beautiful as I remember them," she said absentmindedly as her attention was momentarily drawn to the makeup table behind her. "I'm going to make them stand out a little more from a color standpoint," she said as her finger began to dab into a small tin she had retrieved. "We'll leave it up to Barry as to whether he wants to see them pop the other way later." The stylist's finger began to gently smooth around Natalie's right areolae, spreading the color around the bumpy pink skin. "Nothing too shocking," she mumbled as she worked, "just want to bring your natural pink out a little more." The process was repeated with the left, the nipples on both breasts standing erect by the time the woman had finished. "Nice," she said, smiling up at Natalie. "I think I got it just right. Okay, let's see the rest." Sandra didn't bother to ask for permission as she unsnapped the clasp of the shorts, undid the zipper and pushed the fabric down the woman's legs. No underwear, Gwen noted, not even a thong. Such a daring thing to do so far from home!

Sandra never rose from her stool, gently pulling on the naked woman's hip to have her turn in place, the action sending a shiver down Gwen's spine as her own dreams of being examined in the same manner bubbled into her consciousness. Natalie flashed another weak smile as she again faced her sister-in-law. Gwen's eyes were drawn to the abundance of hair between the woman's legs, a verdant patch of dark blonde curls and strands. Natalie continued her turn, stopping with her bottom to the woman in the corner.

"Wow, you two took Barry seriously when he asked you to grow it out some, huh? Well, good job with that—easier to take some off than add it back—but I think you're going to need a trim. Liz did, too." The stylist began to make some adjustments to the chair beside her. Satisfied, she rolled in front of it. "Alright. Sit. Oh, hold it a sec." Sandra reached behind her and grabbed a small basin. "Gwen honey," she said, offering the bowl to the startled woman, "can you go get some warm water for me? I'll probably just need to do a little razor work, not much. Barry will show you where the sink is."

Gwen quickly set her glass down and took the basin, anxious to help. "Be right back," she called, and hurried off on her urgent task.

The photographer was fiddling with a bank of lights. "Uhh, excuse me, Barry? Sandra asked me to get some warm water for her?"

He turned and flashed a warm smile. "Down the hall, other side of the lobby. There's a bathroom down there."

"Nat needs a haircut, too, huh?" Liz smiled at the woman. "Shouldn't be surprised. It's amazing how fast it grows."

"It really is," the nervous woman agreed emphatically, and hurried off.

Gwen found what was she was looking for and debated just how hot the water should be before settling on hot but not unpleasantly so, then hurried back through the studio and into the changing room. She stopped short at the sight of her naked sister-in-law, semi-reclined with wineglass in hand, legs pulled up and spread wide while the older blonde worked intently just inches from the junction of her thighs.

"Uhh, Sandra, I've got your water."

Thanks, hon. Just put it behind me." Gwen did so, taking the opportunity to surreptitiously check the progress the stylist had made in her absence. The wild bush she had glanced earlier had already been tamed into a tighter vee, vaginal lips again plainly visible beneath the soft blonde fuzz that remained. Gwen caught herself staring and looked up at Natalie to find her looking back, eyebrows raised with a quizzical smile.

"I think it looks better—like that," Gwen offered to explain away her rudeness and went to pick up her soda.

Sandra finished her cuts and made quick use of the razor, then applied the warm breeze of a blow dryer while she casually fluffed the remaining patch. Satisfied, she switched off the dryer and examined her work.

"Just a little more color, I think," she said as she intently examined the area exposed by her trimming. The stylist again reached for the contents of the tin and dabbed some on her finger. "Pardon the touch." Gwen watched with interest as the finger dipped forward and began to spread the color on the exposed folds of her sister-in-law's nether lips. Natalie glanced down before stoically staring forward into the mirror opposite her. "Good luck making those elephant ears disappear."

"Not lookin' to make 'em disappear, lookin' to make 'em pop out," Sandra muttered as she worked.

"They look fine," Gwen reassured, feeling the need to offer support. "Very feminine."

"Like mudflaps on a truck," Natalie grumbled.

"All...set. Gwen honey, one more favor. Can you ask Barry to come in and see if his subject is the way he would like her?"

"Uhh, of course," Gwen stammered, the spell broken. She only had to go a few feet past the doorway to find the photographer. "Excuse me, Barry? Sandra would like you to come look at Natalie."

"Always a pleasure!"

Gwen retreated back into the room and out of the way of the large man. "Some makeup, trimmed her pubes, a little color to her nipples and pussy lips, nothing too major," Sandra announced as he entered. "Think I took enough bush off?"

The photographer peered over the glasses perched on the tip of his nose, inspecting his wife's workmanship. "I think we're good. A comb through the hair on her head and we'll be good to go." He turned to Gwen. "Could you ask Liz to come in? I think they're ready for wardrobe."

"Of course." She retreated, uncomfortable about summoning the elegant woman from afar like a child to the dinner table.

"Liz?" she said softly as she approached the chairs. "Barry asked if you could come in now to get your wardrobe."

"Okay, thanks. Can you hold this?" The tall redhead handed her the half-empty glass. Gwen watched the woman as she moved towards the room, the confident sway of her hips making even the cotton robe seem sexy. She stood there alone, wondering if she should follow along.

"Excuse me, Miss?"

Gwen whirled to find the source of the voice, the young man who had been working on the video camera earlier, now seated behind a laptop. "Mrs.," she corrected, stopping short of giving her name after the Lady issues a strident warning about anybody knowing she was here. Politeness won out over secrecy. To hell with it. "Nelson. Gwen Nelson."

"Hi Mrs. Nelson, Chris Martinez. Are you modeling later?"

"Me? Oh, goodness no. I'm just here, uhh keeping my si—my friend company."

Well, that nice of you. Sorry, you just looked like the type Barry shoots for some of his other clients."

"I'm hardly model material."

"I would strongly disagree. Anyways, would you mind playing one for a bit and sitting on the bench over there? I want to see if my camera setting are going to work in the light Barry's gonna use."

Gwen hesitated. "I thought this was going to be still photography?"

"I'm Barry's videographer. For weddings, family reunions, special projects. Today, he wanted to do a 'Making Of' sort of documentary. He'll take the stills, I'll take the video of him taking the stills."

"Oh, I see. Just sit on the bench? I don't have to take my clothes off, right?" Gwen instantly felt stupid for asking the question.

Chris laughed. "Not unless you want to. I just want to check for shadows, white outs, that kind thing."

She carefully set down the drinks she was holding and delicately took her place on the low wooden bench, knees together, hands primly folded over them. Above and to her left and right, two cameras, evidently remote-controlled from the laptop the young man was sitting at, whirred as lenses focused and bodies turned to test their range of motion.

"Great," the young man said as he looked up from his screen. "Would you mind going around behind it and standing?" She did as he asked, unsure what to do with her hands as she stood in place. "Very nice. Now, if you could put your hands on the bench—that's right, bend over—and bring your face up?" Gwen assumed the pose, wondering if she was giving the young man had a view down her buttoned blouse. "Excellent! That does it! Are you sure you're not a model?"

"Very sure." Are you? the Slut wondered. A swirl of white over by the changing room caught her eye. Liz exited first, a ponytail of red hair tied with a single black bow hanging down over a shimmering white silk dressing gown. High heels clicked across the wood floor she seemed to float above as she moved towards the set.

Natalie was next, her cardinal-red gown set nicely against her shorter length of carefully-tousled blonde hair, bare feet making no noise as she padded along behind her friend. Barry was next while Sandra gathered some emergency touch-up supplies from the room.

"How do I look?" the crimson-robed woman asked in a low voice as she came to a stop, arms folded protectively in front of her. Above them, the motors of the video cameras grumbled. Neither woman seemed concerned with the videographer's presence.

"Beautiful. You both do."

Barry cleared his throat. "Alright, ground rules, ladies. Natural expressions, please, maybe even on the serious side. You wanna laugh, go ahead but get it over with. Ya wanna close your eyes and enjoy the moment, you can do that, too. You wanna look bored, well, maybe I can do something with that. But for God's sake, no porn faces! I'm goin' for a little subtlety here. And as always, excuse my wandering hands in advance—I'm not trying to get fresh, I'm just trying to get the best possible pose. Well, times-a-wastin'," the big photographer called out cheerfully. "Let's take some pitchers! Nat, stand behind the bench in the middle. Liz, behind her with your arms around her chest." Gwen marveled at the scene as the women took their place—the brilliant colors of the robes contrasting with their hair and the backdrop, the heels making Liz look almost a full head taller than her shorter friend. Barry moved Liz's arms ever so slightly so they gently pressed against Natalie's breasts, then stepped back, aimed, and triggered the camera. Again he stepped in to push the taller woman's cheek against the side of Natalie's head while having her look down at the robed-covered mounds below. Variations of the pose were tried, including one where the smaller woman's red clad arms around Liz's waist the only evidence she was behind her.


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