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A Night of Sharing

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The events of the night led us to different bedrooms.
5.2k words

Part 7 of the 9 part series

Updated 03/30/2023
Created 12/08/2022
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Her First Stocking series, chapter 7

My wife's sexy tease drove me crazy, and I was teetering on the edge of my emotional sanity when I zoomed in on the last photo she had sent me to read again the inscription on the collar that she had around her neck, which read "fucktoy".

"Was it her idea or the guys'? Was she really going to be their fucktoy or did she even want to be?" I was asking myself those questions, not knowing the answers to any one of them, while squeezing my cock over my pants and murmuring the word "fucktoy", forgetting I was on the street, albeit late in the evening with very few people around by then.

The sounds of heels on the pavement brought me back from my thoughts to reality, and when I looked up, I saw Annie walking towards me, smiling brightly. I watched her approach in her blue summer dress while thinking how beautiful she was, how her long hair was freely flowing over her shoulders, and how her makeup had been touched up, making it more prominent than it had been while she'd worked. She had the same black nylons and heels on as before, and while she stood on her tiptoes, she kissed my lips, to which I responded without thinking. It was just a quick kiss, nonetheless a kiss.

"Let's go. Where is your car?" She asked and, hooking her arm around mine, snuggled up close to me.

"In the parking garage," I replied, and we crossed the road on the way to the garage.

In the elevator, she snuggled up even closer to me, resting her head on my chest while her fingers fiddled with a button on my shirt. She felt good being so close to me, with her small, delicate frame pressing up against me, and I instinctively kissed the top of her head.

"Was I going to cheat on my wife?" The thought popped into my mind out of the blue.

We never talked about me fucking another woman. Every conversation we had revolved around her teasing and fucking other men, or more accurately, the guys. I wasn't sure how I felt about fucking someone other than my wife. The thought had never occurred to me, nor was I sure how she would feel about me fucking Annie per se, but holding her in my arms at the time and having her so close to me made me feel good. In fact, she did feel better than she should have.

Back in the car, I started the engine when it hit me; I did not know the way to Mark's place. I panicked for a split second and was about to text my wife when I remembered Annie had been there.

"You know the way to Mark's house, don't you?" I asked.

"Sure, I do. I have been there, but it will cost you, Sir," she said with a coy smile.

"What? What do you mean?"

"I will guide you there, but only after Sir has kissed me properly."

"You are kidding, aren't you?"

"No, Sir. I have been wanting to kiss Sir all night."

I looked at her astonished, and at that exact moment when our eyes met, my phone pinged. I grabbed it off the dashboard and checked the message, which was from my wife. My heart started to beat faster when I saw a photo attached to it, thinking it was another tease from her, and sure enough, it was.

In the photo, she was sitting on Mark's lap with her arms around his neck, one of his arms around her waist, and his other hand resting on her stocking-covered thigh, while I could even see a bit of white skin above her stocking top as her dress was pushed up somewhat. His face was buried in the crook of her neck as she looked into the camera, biting the corner of her lower lip, while the caption said beneath: "Hurry up, Babe. I don't know how long I can resist the boys."

I looked at Annie, and without a second thought, I softly kissed her mouth. She parted her lips slightly, and my tongue found its way between them, searching for hers, and when our tongues met, they explored each other for the very first time. The kiss felt nice, and she felt good as our tongues discovered each other, teasing and probing in each other's mouths. Then I put my hand on her stocking-covered thigh, feeling the sensual smoothness of her nylon-covered leg, although she had not asked me to do that. It just happened. Eventually, it was she who broke the kiss.

"That was very nice, Sir. I enjoyed it very much, but let's join the party at Mark's," she said.

Arriving after a twenty-minute drive at Mark's house, I parked the car in a nearby street. When I got out, I saw that Annie had not moved at all while she waited for me to open the door for her, so I walked around the car to open it. She stepped out, and when I closed the door, she put her arms around my neck, looked deeply into my eyes, and I saw her desire. I softly kissed her lips, not waiting for her to ask, although her eyes asked for it better than any words might have at that moment. We kissed softly at first, probing and learning about each other, but it slowly turned into a passionate dual of our tongues. Somehow, I did not feel guilty but rather elated as a warm glow rushed through my body. It was she who broke our kiss once more, and we headed for the house holding each other, but as we reached a streetlight, she stopped me.

"Would you kiss me again, Sir?" She asked with wanton lust in her eyes.

I took her firmly into my arms, holding her small frame tightly against me, while she wrapped her arms around my neck, looking up into my eyes as our lips met when my phone pinged. I ignored the phone, and we kissed passionately, our tongues dancing with each other for an endless time. I forgot about my wife in our kiss as our tongues made love, yes, made love, and I felt no quilt at all, just elation. Eventually, the kiss was broken, and again, it was she who broke the kiss.

I thought about how, in the restaurant, my wife had not objected to Annie's teasing and touching, which made me feel relaxed about our kisses, and to be honest, I wanted her by this point. Her all-night teasing got to me, and I started to feel my desire for her getting stronger with every kiss we'd had.

"You are very beautiful, Annie."

"Won't you look at your message?" she asked.

"Oh, yes," I said and fished out my phone from my pocket.

The message was from my wife, and when I opened the attached image, I saw that in the photo she was sitting on Jim's lap, her arms around his neck, and they were kissing, making out as his hand explored her thigh. She or one of them captioned the photo with the words: "I cannot fight them off much longer, Babe. Hurry!"

"That is so hot, Sweetie," said Annie. "Kiss me, please."

I did. I kissed her, and we kissed with uninhibited passion, our tongues devouring each other's mouths as they swirled around each other. She felt good in my arms, and I wanted her, I wanted to fuck her, make love to her. Annie broke the kiss and said: "Let's join them."

A short while later, I knocked on the front door, it opened, and Mark greeted us, inviting us in. He led the way to the living room, where my wife and Jim were. Seeing my wife, I felt a large lump form in my throat, and jealousy flared up in my heart as I saw her sitting on Jim's lap, just as I had seen her in the photo, except that she had no dress on by this time and only wore her heels, stay-up stockings, ankle chain, and collar. She looked at me with a big smile, and I could see in her bright eyes that she was turned on.

"What took you so long, Babe?" She asked somewhat breathlessly.

"Sorry, Baby. I am here, now."

"Just in the nick of time," she chided, turning back to face Jim.

She kissed him softly on the lips, which gradually turned into a passionate kiss in front of my eyes. I watched them make out while my naked wife sat on his lap, holding each other tightly as they passionately kissed, and I felt the familiar stir in my gut, but I loved it. Annie's hand touched mine, and her fingers closed around my hand ever so gently.

"Let's sit down," she said, pulling me to an armchair.

I sat down, and Annie sat on my lap just as my wife was sitting on Jim's lap, wrapping her arms tightly around my neck.

"Kiss me, Sir," she softly whispered.

I glanced at my wife as she passionately kissed Jim, while Mark sat next to them, right behind her, his fingers exploring the creamy white skin of her smooth, delicate back.

"Please kiss me, Sir," Annie pleaded.

I looked into her glossy eyes as our lips touched again, and we softly kissed and nibbled on each other's lips when our eyes slowly closed, letting the kiss take over our senses as it turned into a passionate dual of our tongues. She took my hand and put it on her thigh, caressing her leg I felt the sensual feel of her nylon under my fingers. When I could feel the heat of her pussy on the tips of my fingers, I pulled my hand away from her pussy, broke the kiss, and glanced at my wife.

She was passionately making out with Jim while Mark kissed the back of her neck, her Achilles heel, and his hand worked itself around her body, fondling her breast. Even from the armchair, 3 metres from her, I could hear her soft moans as she was getting turned on by the guy's actions. My cock became painfully hard in my pants while watching her and feeling Annie's presence on my lap and in my arms. She felt it too.

"You like to watch your wife with other men, don't you, Sir?"

I turned to her and kissed her, forcing my tongue between her lips, although she was not resisting at all as it slid into her mouth in search of hers, and our tongues made love. Finding her clit with my fingers, I rolled it under the tip of my pointing finger, which made her moan in our kiss. After a couple of minutes of kissing and teasing her clit, she pulled away, breaking the kiss.

"May I suck your husband's cock, Mistress?" she asked my wife.

"Yes, Annie. Make him a happy man," she said, breaking her kiss with Jim.

"Thank you, Mistress."

Annie slid off my lap, and standing in front of me, she slowly removed her dress, all the while looking into my eyes intently as she exposed her beautiful body to me in her stockings and heels. I glanced towards my wife, who had just climbed off Jim's lap and walked over to Annie, embracing her as their lips met in a passionate kiss. We all watched in awe at the erotic sight of the girls in front of us when I noticed that Jim began to remove his clothes, and Mark, taking his lead, began to remove his clothes too. They both sat back on the couch, watching intently as the girls made out while slowly teasing their cocks. Seeing them, I pulled my cock out too and began pulling on it, but I did not remove my clothes.

They were two beautiful women in each other's arms, passionately kissing and making out in front of us like lovers. They nibbled, kissed, and bit each other's lips while their tongues explored each other's mouths, and their hands traversed the smooth skin of each other's backs in a slow, tender motion. We had our cocks in our hands, slowly stroking them while our eyes ate up the erotic sight in front of us. No porn scene I had ever seen was as exciting as Annie and my wife making out in their erotic live show.

I had to stop touching my cock if I did not want to cum right there and then while watching them, as it was painfully hard and felt like it was about to burst at the seams, while the purple mushroom head was engorged as I had never seen it before. I cast a quick glance towards the guys, who seemed to be experiencing the same feelings as me when the girls stopped kissing and looked into each other's eyes with wanton lust. I heard my wife's soft voice.

"Take good care of him. Give him the time he will never forget," she said, indirectly giving me full permission to fuck Annie.

"I will, Mistress," Annie replied, softly kissing my wife.

"Give yourself to the pleasures that are waiting for you, Mistress," Annie continued.

They separated, then my wife walked to the couch and sat between the guys, whispering: "I am all yours tonight, boys."

She opened her legs and placed them on theirs before turning to face Jim, who leant in for a soft kiss that quickly turned into another passionate exchange. Mark started to nibble on the back of her neck while caressing her stocking-clad thigh resting on his lap. Soon Mark's fingers were exploring her pussy, her folds, her clit and her vagina. For a short while, I was totally absorbed by them, forgetting about Annie until I felt her warm lips on the tip of my cock as she kissed it. I looked at her; her eyes were on me, watching my face and my reaction.

"Suck my cock, Annie, but don't make me cum," I told her.

"Yes, Master," she said, taking the head of my cock into her mouth.

I could do nothing but groan, and so I did. I groaned loud enough for my wife to take notice, and she glanced towards me without breaking their kiss; our eyes met for a split second. Annie was really good at sucking cock, and she brought me very close to an orgasm several times as she sucked and licked my phallus, often taking me down her tight throat, which I loved. I wanted to repay her for the pleasure she had been giving me and, at the same time, cool down somewhat before I considered fucking her. I wanted to fuck her and feel her tight pussy squeezing my cock, but I also wanted to make it last.

"That's enough for now. Let me get up, Annie."

"Yes, Master," she replied.

I loved the way she called me "master", it turned me on even more, like I had some power over her, even though I knew I had none. I got off the armchair, and I looked at my wife while I removed all my clothes before kneeling on the floor in front of Annie, who took my place on the edge of the seat. I saw Jim sitting on the couch while my wife was on her hands and knees in front of him, his cock in her mouth, her head bobbing up and down on his rigid member, and at the same time, Mark kneeled beside her, his right hand squeezing and groping her arse cheeks, and his left squeezing and groping her tits.

I looked at Annie, seeing that her eyes were locked on me, shining with lust, I pushed her legs wide apart, scooted between them, and placed my hands on her nylon-covered thighs, then began to kiss her inner thighs, each kiss bringing me a step closer to her moist pussy.

"That feels so good, Master," she moaned between breaths.

My tongue touched her folds and lapped up a little of her juices; she tasted sweet. I ran my tongue from her anus to her clit over and over, eliciting a soft moan from her every time, then began to focus on her clit, swirling my tongue around it in every which way. Her pleasure built in her groin, and her moans became louder and louder when I heard a loud slap on skin, followed by another slap shortly after and a piercing squeal, then silence. I stopped eating Annie's pussy out, as it alarmed me, and listened intently when it happened again. Now worried, I was about to turn towards my wife to see what was happening when Annie put her hands on my head and softly said: "It's okay, she is enjoying it. Please don't stop, Master."

"Really, it is okay. She is in control," she reassured me again while looking into my eyes and guiding my face to her soaking pussy. "Please eat my pussy, Master."

I went back to Annie's pussy, finding the entrance to her vagina, and swirled my tongue around it before returning to her clit. The sounds of slapping skin and my wife's squealing had returned after a short pause, and the room echoed with those sounds. Somehow this energised me even more now, and my tongue was swirling around Annie's clit with extra vigour, and she joined the chorus with her ever-louder screaming and yelping.

Later on, my wife told me about the spanking she had received and the squealing. She was sucking Jim's cock vigorously while Mark teased her clit bringing her close to an orgasm, when suddenly, he plunged his fingers into her vagina and, at the same time, smacked her bum, taking her breath away. The smack was a sharp, stinging pain for a few seconds that sent jolts of lightning through her whole body, giving her the most exquisite feeling that she had never felt before in her life. Mark smacked her arse again while thrusting his fingers deep into her dripping cunt when she pulled her lips off Jim's cock to catch her breath, and the impact of that smack made her squeal.

With each smack of her arse, the lightning bolts through her body were so intense that she couldn't concentrate on sucking Jim's cock any longer. While Mark finger-fucked her and slapped her arse, she rested her head on Jim's thighs, and he tenderly caressed her face with his fingers. Every slap triggered a mini orgasm that made her squeal until she lost all control over her body and mind and a full-blown orgasm exploded in her body, making her quiver uncontrollably for minutes. Mark pulled his fingers out of her vagina and sat back on the couch, watching her trembling body. When she recovered somewhat, they helped her onto the couch, and she sat between them. She had never imagined anyone would ever spank her, not to mention make her cum while being spanked.

Swirling my tongue around Annie's clit I plunged my finger into her dripping cunt, which triggered her orgasm and caused her body to convulse in the armchair. She wrapped her legs around my body while I eased back on her clit, licking it ever so gently, extending her orgasm as much as I could as it rippled through her body. When she calmed down somewhat and let me up from her pussy, I looked at her face, thinking I had never seen her as beautiful as at that moment in time in her post-orgasmic state.

"Thank you, Master," she said with a weak smile.

I turned towards my wife, sitting on the floor at Annie's feet, and saw her eyes closed as she sat between the guys. I quickly realised they had made her cum hard because her face was glowing in her post-orgasmic state, which I knew so well. They gently caressed her body, drawing aimless lines all over it with their fingers. She opened her eyes, and her gaze met my eyes.

"Thank you, Baby," she whispered, then closed her eyes again.

Turning towards Annie, I saw she was watching them intently too. I kissed her knee and began to caress her legs from the tops of her feet to her knees and stocking tops. As I did that, she turned her gaze towards me, and when she placed her hand on my head, her fingers got entwined in my hair.

"Come, sit with me," I said to Annie.

She slipped off the armchair, and when she sat next to me on the floor, I put my arms around her, pulling her close to me while we softly kissed. I glanced briefly towards my wife and saw she was watching us smiling, her eyes were shiny from the pleasures she had received. I kissed Annie again, affectionately this time, our lips melting into each other while our tongues made passionate love. When we broke the kiss, I looked at my wife again.

From behind, I could see her open pussy lips glistening with her juices and her fuckhole gaping the way she was sitting on Jim's lap, on his knees, straddling him with her arms wrapped around his neck while leaning forward and kissing him fiercely. His hand was on the back of her neck, holding her head firmly, and his other hand was on her bum, squeezing it hard, while Mark sat next to them, watching as we did.

I looked at Annie and watched her while feeling her hand on my cock, gently holding it between her warm, delicate fingers. Leaning in for a gentle kiss, my lips lingered and teased hers, eventually melting into each other, and we kissed passionately, which made my somewhat soft cock harden in her grip again. My hand and my fingers found her breasts, and I started to fondle and grope them, and when I squeezed one of them a bit harder, it made her moan in our kiss, so I did it again, and she moaned again.

My wife was still kissing Jim intensely when I broke our kiss and glanced towards them, noticing that Mark was teasing her pussy and exploring her folds. I turned back to Annie and kissed her nipple, sucking it into my mouth, which made her moan, and she pushed my head onto her breast, which made me suck it harder and twirl my tongue around it frantically until by the time I broke away from her nipple, my cock was hard.


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