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A Passing Storm

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Short story. Half-Orc Pirate Captain and one night in port.
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With the Anna Bella docked for a night, the crew excitedly exited for port, I too make my way down the plank to land. We have had a long few months at sea, but they were lucrative. Not every trip is as lucrative, but that's a pirate's life for you, it's all a roll of the dice. I know we will be gone by morning, but I find myself to be a bit giddy.

The prospect of spending some of our new coin, and maybe a few drinks in my favorite port is a happy one. I can hear the familiar wooden clank of my heeled boots turn to a soft crunch as they hit the sand scattered streets of the beautiful seaside town on the largest of the Pearl Islands.

I look up as I walk under the old wooden sign welcoming me back to Port Ahitia, and I smile. With a sigh at my own foolish happiness, I walk towards the Tavern. I don't know why I like this town so much, my favorite place to be is on the Anna Bella at sea. This is really the only port that I enjoy coming into.

It may be because here I can drop my walls, and enjoy myself. As a half-orc that isn't easy to come by. My emerald green skin, and dark eyes put people off. When I was young, I was so bothered by what other people thought I filed down my tusks. They grew back eventually, but when they did I found it hard to talk, so now I keep them short and sharp.

I walk through town, and people smile at me, and are decent to my crew, I am guessing that has a lot to do with it. Soon, I approach the Tavern. It is old, and like most other buildings on the seashore, water worn. The wood smells vaguely of the salt water that is carried inland on the breeze.

Something is different this time though. The building looks the same, the green shutters, and the sign made from reclaimed wood off of ships, welcoming passers by to the Swaying Sandy. It sounded the same. The same band plays it's same songs, but something was different. Something wasn't the same.

I grab the handle of the door, which is the old cut off knob from a ship's cannon, and walk inside. As I take off my red captains hat, and let my black curls bounce, I walk into the tavern. I smile at those locals that greet me, and try to keep an eye out for what has changed.

I go over to my usual corner table by the hearth, and hang my hat on my hook. The fire feels good, and my table a pleasant sight. I let my long red studded jacket hang over the back of the chair next to mine. I sit in my seat, and the band's fiddle player starts to play my favorite tune. Soon the whole band is playing my song. I tap my foot along, and look towards the bar. I need to get Neomi's attention so I can get my first round of many started.

I look around, and instead of Neomi behind the bar I find a strange man's backside. A fine backside to be sure, but not the one I am looking for. The man reaches for a bottle on the top shelf, his rear flexes in his black worn pants, and I forget entirely why I am even sitting here. I would love to just walk right up to him, and get a handful of that tight posterior! He turns around to give me a perfect view of the front, and those pants leave nothing to the imagination. His mast is long, thick, and prominent.

I follow the line of his tight body up, until I reach the opening of his white shirt. Shock over takes me as his chest is green, like mine. I flash quick to his face, and find a half-orc like myself staring back at me. He too is missing his tusks, I wonder why for a moment. Only a moment, as I regain my composure.

I raise my hand as if we both don't know I am staring. "Rum here if you don't mind." Back straight as an arrow, as the man jumps at the sound of my voice.

His face is handsome, and his eyes are so blue. Like the sea itself following a storm. Those eyes could sink a thousand ships if they had a mind. His face is so well defined. Every muscle is on the top, and every thought he has moves them. He turns away, and breaks my gaze.

Slightly embarrassed, I look back at the fire next to me. As if the answer I seek to those cool eyes, was in the flames of the fire.

A moment later a cup is set down in front of me, and I instinctively toss a few coin on the table. A deep, husky, sexy voice replies.

"It's on the house." I look up, and see the man from behind the bar. He brought me my drink.

"Why?" I ask while looking at the rum in front of me.

"First time captains get a free round on me." He replies to me as if I was new to this.

I immediately take offense. "I am not a first time captain!" I bring my legs up, and cross the left over the right with flourish, landing them on the seat across from me. "I have been captain of my ship for longer than you have been a barback!"

He looks over at my boots peaking over the edge of the table, and lets a half smile slip. "I meant, first time at my place sweetheart, I wasn't questioning your abilities."

I am a little taken aback by my mistake, and by his nickname for me, but mostly the fact that he called this his place. I quickly stand, and am toe to toe with him. My heeled boots meant I could look him square in the eye, and I made my eyes as cold as I could.

"Firstly, I am no one's sweetheart. Secondly, no one can question my abilities. I am the ocean. Thirdly, last I checked this Tavern was owned by Neomi, not some landlubber fresh off the tenement." Shoulders back, and acid in every word that I spoke. I need this man to know that I am no mere woman on the sea, I am the captain of it!

He leans in close to me, and his voice gets deeper. "If I knew your name I would have used it, and as I am a lover of the ocean, I'm very glad you choose my place." He winks, and looks at my lips as he speaks, licking his own. "Lastly, I bought the Sway from Neomi a few months ago, so it is in fact my place, Captain."

We are so close that I can smell him. Unlike most he smells clean, but not only clean, he smells of oak planks. Everything about this man is sexy as hell.

I realize the room is silent, and that we have become the evening entertainment. "Well, congrats be to you then. I will find myself a new place to tie one on." I start to turn to get my things, when he puts his hand on the table, and leans into my ear.

"You don't have to do that. How about I trade you the drink for something, so it won't be free?" His voice is thick with sex. It had been so long since a man's hot breath was so close to my neck.

"A trade? For what?" Showing no signs of anticipation, but wanting so much for him to hand me a room key. Could I let down my walls enough to let someone in even for a night?

Turning his head slightly, and gently breathing on the lobe of my ear, causing a slight shiver up my abdomen, he intimately breaths two words. "Your name."

Thordash didn't know what had come over him, but the second this sexy half-orc walked into his tavern, he knew he had to have her. Now standing here, he knew if he didn't do something she was going to leave his tavern, and his life. He at least needed to know her name, and now that he had gotten away with being this close to her he wasn't going to back off.

She had one hand across her body on her cutlass, and he knew that any moment he could get stabbed. This could be the end of his life, but this was the most amazing woman he had ever seen. She smiled warmly at the locals, and the way her curls fell around her face when she took off her coat was mesmerizing. Thor knows he felt her shiver when he blew on her ear, and he wasn't dead yet.

I lean in to press my lips against her neck. I am so close, but she turns to face me once more. I put on my most charming smile. 'Please, beautiful Captain give me your name, and I can die a happy man.' He thinks to himself.

"Rasisha. Captain Rasisha of The Anna Bella." She stands with her back straight, and that makes her perfect breasts stare at him. His mouth goes dry. "And your name is?"

I can't even talk for a minute. My mouth is a wasteland. A quick swallow. "Thordash." I smile at her.

"Well, Thordash, your bar is getting behind." She gestures over to the bar area, which now has several people standing there.

"It was nice to meet you Captain Rasisha. I hope to keep you," I pause at her confused smile, "as a patron." I walk away, confident that I mended the fence, and that close proximity to her should come with a warning because I'm having a hard time.

A busy night it turned out to be, but every opportunity I got, I spent at the Captain's table. The Anna Bella's crew came in, and drank up most of my cheap stuff, and broke two tables. After the second table I kicked the crew down the street to The Scuttle Crab for the rest of their festivities. I did hear from them that they will only be in town for the night.

If I was ever going to make my move on Rasisha it would have to be tonight. After her crew left, she started to look as if she was going to head out as well. I couldn't let that happen, so I walked over to her table.

"Are you hungry?" The question came out before I could really think it through.

She looked up at me slightly startled. "Actually, I am. I was going to go get something." Her lips are so red, that I find myself lost in how she could make them that color.

"I have food." Do I? The cook has already left, and I think there are only a few crabs left that are cooked. Oh no! What if she says no? What if she says yes!? Both idea's fill me with a deep sense of thrill and terror. It has been many a year since I have tried to be with a woman.

"Do you now?" She licks her lips, and stares at my lower half.

I swallow hard, and try to remain calm. "Would you like to see something incredible?" I will take her to my favorite place on the island.

She laughs. Earlier I had seen her laugh, but it was too loud to hear her. Now this magical sound is the only sound in the room. It quickly becomes my favorite sound in the world.

"Sure." She smiles at me, but I could see something behind her eyes that makes my cock rise up in anticipation.

She stands, and grabs her things. We both head out into the dark night. Walking away from the port, and up the hills to the cliff side. I know she must be nervous up here, but she shows no signs.

"What's up here?"

"I told you my favorite spot on the whole island." I laugh.

He is going to try to kill me. Why else are we heading up here in the night? Damn, I thought that he had been trying to get him some Captain. Oh well. I keep a hand on my cutlass as we walk farther away from the lights of port. Thankfully I can see well into the dark because of my orc heritage.

We come upon a grove of trees with long seaweed like plants hanging from them, and he pulls them aside.

"In here." He motions for me to go in, and while I hesitate, I go in. What the hell. Roll the dice.

Inside, my breath is taken away. Passing the trees, a cliff opens up, it is alright with thousands of stars. I stop and marvel at them. He comes up from behind me, and places his hands on my waist.

In my ear he says to me. "Captain Rasisha of The Anna Bella, it is my desire to be with you this evening. Please give me this great pleasure."

"Thordash, I will be gone by morning." I don't want to hurt him.

"I know, but we have tonight, if you will allow it. I throw myself at your mercy." He says as he pulls my body against his, and leans forward to kiss my ear lobe.

I slowly lean my head to the side, and remove my hat. Tossing it to the ground next to us. "Tonight" I whisper. I open my jacket, and let it fall between us.

My shoulders are exposed to the chill of the night air. I have a black corset with no shirt underneath. Only the back leather strap of my baldric covers my right shoulder. Thor starts to nibble the nape of my neck, and digs his hands urgently into my hips.

I grind my hips into his, and feel his undeniable intent pressing against my backside. I want this so badly. I grab his hand, and pull him around to my front. Kicking his leg out from under him, he begins to fall towards the earth. Still holding his hand in mine, I stop him just before he hits. Gently letting his body land on the damp grass, I take off my under things, leaving only my corset, and skirt.

Thordash quickly follows my example, and unbuttons the front of his trousers. Revealing his incredible mast to me. Sexily placing one foot on either side of his hips, I slide down onto him.

He grunts a satisfied sound, and places his hands on my hips again. "Good aim." He is pleased.

"I know what to do with a cannon." I say to him playfully, and wink. We share a laugh together.

Oh, this is the release I was needing. The rum makes my head spin, and I rock back. I move myself up and down along his shaft. Slow at first, to tease him.

Thordash thrusts his body with the movement of my hips, and we both speed up. The moment becoming urgent, and the crashing waves below us are drowned out by the sounds of our pleasure.

Thor sits up, and wraps his arms around my body. He buries his head in my bosom. Kissing my cresting breasts, as we move together. He fills me, and just as I think it can't get better, he presses on my shoulder blades leaning me down to him. He kisses his way up to my neck, where he makes a meal out of me. His arms hold me in place, and his lip softly traces kisses over my skin.

He gently bites me, and I gasp, not from pain, but from pleasure. Freeing one arm, he puts his hand in my hair. He runs that hand up to the base of my head, pulling hard, and when my head follows, he kisses me.

My hands find purchase on his back, as our mouths part. He sucks my bottom lip into his mouth, and bites down. I thrust my tongue into his waiting mouth. His lips are soft, but his kisses are ravenous!

Thor began to untie my corset, and with no time at all it was loose against my body. He broke our kiss, and swiftly tears it from my trembling body. Wrapping his arm around me, he pushed off from the ground, and rolled us over.

He is now on top, but he wasn't done. Pulling out of me briefly he maneuvered me onto all fours, and flipped my skirt into the air. Exposing me to the night, and to him. He bent down, and with no warning replaced his shaft with his tongue! Using his hands to spread my lips, and kissing my center.

Thor had found my treasure, and wasn't letting it go. I dig my hands into the damp grass of the cliff, and moan. His tongue dances between my lips, and his mouth sucks hard on my jewel! I shiver, but it has nothing to do with the cold night air.

Running his tongue the length of me, and back again. Lapping up my juices as he goes. I am hot and cold at the same time. Electricity shoots from his tongue into my center. He wraps his lips around my jewel, and sucks hard!. He brings it into his mouth, and flicks it with his tongue. Oh my he is using his tusks, and running them along the space between my jewel and my lip! It hurts so good! Top to bottom, and back again! He tastes inside me, and I am so close to being undone by him!

I was right on the edge of climax, when he sat up. Positioning himself behind me, Thor grabs my hips, and rockets me backwards, onto his waiting mast. Thrust after thrust I follow him to the goal.

He is deep inside me, and every inch of me can feel every inch of him. I clench around him, and release, only to clench again. Yes, harder! I can't even form words! I throw my head back, and howl into the night! If I wasn't already on my knees they would have buckled!

Yes, Thordash! "I am yours! HARDER!" I scream! I rock, and meet his pace. Back and forth, back and forth! The motion, the speed, the force!

I can feel my bared breasts bounce with each thrust, and my puckered nipples graze the damp cold grass below me. My body is alive with this feeling, and I never want this moment to stop.

His throbbing mast fills me to the brim. I can feel everything. It is like breaking water during a storm. Relentlessly crashing into a ship at sea. Tossing the ship about, as if it had no weight. Except instead of being in the ship, I am the ship.

I scream as my climax finds purchase! He crashes harder into me. The sea is reaching its climax as well. Together we started this voyage, and that is how we finish it.

Thor bends down, wrapping his arms around my midsection, and rolls over, so that he is on the bottom once again. I roll off him, and am laying next to him. In his arms, I place my head on his chest.

Our breathing quick, and our bodies tired. Close to falling asleep, I look at him.

"Thordash, do you have dreams of being at sea? Living the life of a pirate?" I smile at him.

He looks at me, a little sad. "I would love to go with you," he stops himself, and his brow furrows for a moment. "If that is even what you are offering, but I have two younger siblings that I have to take care of.

Last year our village was burned to the ground, and I took my siblings and ran for it. We ended up here, and I used the money we had to buy the Tavern."

"Oh Thor. I'm sorry. How did you lose your village?" I had no idea, we never really got into how he got here. I am not very good at small talk, I never have to do it with anyone.

"Pirates." He simply said one word. One word, and my world stopped. "No, it wasn't. It was an intertribal war between the pure orcs and the half-orcs." He smiles at my shocked expression.

I ball up my fist, and hit his chest. "I was right the first time, you are a landlubber." I tease him.

"Ouch," he rubs the place where I hit him.

"No, but I am sorry."

"What about you? Do I get to find out the true story of Captain Rasisha of The Anna Bella?" Thor attempts to change the subject.

"My life before I became a pirate is unimportant. All that matters now is the sea, and what I can give to her." I look past him, and out to the ocean. It calls to me.

"So, you are saying you won't be staying here with me forever?" He said it with a laugh, but his smile never reached his eyes.

I am hurting him. "I should go." I go to move, but he holds me in place.

"Stay here with me, for tonight. I know the score. Don't worry about me." He smiles at me.

I get comfortable again with my head on his chest. Tonight. That is all I can promise him. It might be more than a year before we are back this way. Pirates have to follow the trade routes, and I am no different.

Besides there is no guarantee that we will ever come back this way. Today this is a free port, and these are free people, but that could change tomorrow if the King's men come knocking.

"Okay, but can we get closer to the edge?" I ask him with the excitement of a child.

This excitement causes him to smile, and so we get up. I walk over the very edge of the cliff, and look down. The sound of water crashing was coming from the bottom of this cliff. Large, jagged, and severe looking rocks are at the base of this, and the ocean is staging a full scale battle against them. Some people may pass this by, but I may stand here, mostly naked, all night.

Thor comes up behind me, and puts his arms around me, holding me close as we both look off the edge of the cliff. The sound of the sea, and the waves crashing, I feel strangely at home with him. He is the physical manifestation of this port town. He is familiar and comforting.

He grabs the edge of my skirt, and pulls it down to the ground. He is kneeling behind my bare body. Wrapping his hands around my legs, he runs them the length of my body as he stands. Stopping at my breasts to take handfuls, and pinches my puckered nipples.

I throw my head back, and moan loudly. "Oh, Thordash!" I can feel his muscular chest as he pulls me close, and I realize that he has stripped himself on the walk to me. We stand baring ourselves to the sea, and giving ourselves to this moment.

Gruffly in a whisper, Thordash is in my ear. "You are the perfect woman! You are strong and weak, wild and calm, beautiful and severe, I am in love with you. I know we have only tonight, but I want to take in every second as if it were a dying man's last breaths."


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