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A Perfect Match Ch. 07

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Part 7 of the 11 part series

Updated 10/27/2022
Created 07/25/2011
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Part Fourteen: Fireworks

As he got up from his knees, while Miss Meryn was seeing Miss Natasha and Scott to the door, Jeremy was very anxious. Though he had never encountered it before he knew that Miss Meryn was upset, and had been for much of the evening. He just didn't know why. He had tried so hard to do everything he could to make the night a success for her, so that she would be proud of him in front of Miss Natasha. But he had obviously failed. This was made all the more apparent to him when she walked briskly past him from the foyer and proceeded into her bedroom without saying a word.

Jeremy didn't know what to do with himself so he stood there numbly as if in a trance. If only she would tell him what he had done wrong, so he could beg forgiveness and promise never to do it again. An even more frightening thought began to occur to him. What if tonight had just been another opportunity for her to compare him directly to someone like Scott, and he had come up wanting again. He thought back to the cryptic conversation Miss Meryn and Mis Natasha at the end of the night. Was Miss Natasha offering to find someone new and better, like Scott, for Miss Meryn as she had threatened to do once before? And was Miss Meryn considering it, and was just struggling to find any excuse to tell him he had to go. Jeremy was beginning to panic.

His fear rose to a new level when he heard her sharply call him to come into the bedroom. He entered nervously and saw that she had changed into her nightgown, covered by a long robe, and was sitting on the side of her bed. She indicated that he should kneel before her.

As he looked up at her from his knees he could sense that she was still upset and very tense. For several long moments she just stared down at him frowning.

"So Jeremy." She broke the silence sternly. "Explain to me why you felt it so necessary to take off your clothes tonight."

He took a deep breath before answering. "I'm so sorry Miss Meryn. I know you don't like me to undress, but when I saw from the kitchen that Scott had done so, I didn't want Miss Natasha to think you didn't have the same control and respect from me."

"And you think that prancing around nearly naked is a sign of respect for me? As Natasha said, Jeremy, this is my house, and I make the rules. Don't you ever forget it."

"Never again Miss Meryn. I swear."

"And that footstool stunt Jeremy" she added, "what on earth could you ever have been thinking?"

He bowed his head. He knew now he had completely failed her tonight. Every choice he had made had been wrong. But he would answer her question truthfully, no matter what the consequences.

"I was thinking" he admitted quietly "that at that moment there was no place in the world I would rather be."

Meryn lowered her head and allowed herself a small smile. She could never remain angry for long with Jeremy. And, in reality, she hadn't really been angry with him now. She knew that everything he had done tonight had been an attempt to please her. She understood that it was another issue entirely that was really bothering her. It was time to broach it, but she didn't quite know how to proceed.

"Jeremy" she began tentatively.

She paused a moment longer

"Do you masturbate?"

His face reddened. "Yes, Miss Meryn."

Of course he did. How could she think otherwise. The more important question.

"How often?"

He hung his head. "Almost every day."

"Sometimes more?" She asked.

"Sometimes more."

Natasha he been right. Meryn didn't know if it was that fact, or Jeremy's admission that was refueling her anger.

"How dare you. How dare you do that in my house. Under my roof."

Jeremy's head snapped up. "Oh no Miss Meryn. Not at all. Not here. Never."

"What do you mean? You just told me you jerk off a couple of times a day, but now you're trying to tell me you don't do it here." Her eyes widened. "You mean that you do it at work?"

"God no, Miss Meryn. I would never do that. Please believe me. You don't understand."

"Don't play games with me Jeremy. You say you do it several times a day, but that you don't do it anywhere. Explain to me what I don't understand."

He swallowed. "You asked me if I masturbate, Miss Meryn, and I do. But never here. I wouldn't ... I haven't ... Not since ..." He paused.

"Since when Jeremy?"

"Since I met you Miss Meryn."

Now it was Meryn's turn to pause. Then...

"You're telling me that you haven't done anything like that since the day you met me?"

He could only nod.

"Why not?" She was perplexed. "Doesn't being here ... All of this ... Don't I turn you on?"

"Oh God yes Miss Meryn. Since the day I met you I have never been so stimulated. Every day, every minute that I'm with you."

"Then why?" She was truly puzzled.

Head hung once again. "Because I didn't think it was right. I shouldn't ... I wouldn't ... without ..."

She was almost afraid to ask. "Without what Jeremy?"

"Without your permission."

Meryn rocked back slightly. For the first time she actually realized that this wasn't all a game to Jeremy. She was somewhat frightened by the amount of control he had given her, unasked for, over him. She was staggered by the implications, and she struggled to understand what it all might mean. She knew she was at a crossroads, and critical decisions had to be made. For several long, long moments she looked down at him silently.

She decided.

"Jeremy." She asked quietly. "Did you ever give pleasure to Natasha? Sexually?"

Face reddening again. "Yes Miss Meryn"

"Did you enjoy it?"

Now blushing furiously. "Yes Miss Meryn."

Her face now softening. "I think I would very much like for you to do something like that for me tonight."

He just looked up at her without speaking.

Oh my God, he's going to refuse. After all this, she thought desperately.

"Miss Meryn?" He finally broke the silence.

"Yes?" she quavered.

"I really want you to enjoy this. I think it would be a lot better if you lay back and try to relax."

She smiled. She really was acting like a schoolgirl doing it for the first time. In a way though, this was a first time. Like this. She lay back on her bed with her legs still bent over the edge. And waited.

The first thing she felt was his hands working their way under her robe beginning to caress the outside of her thighs. He continued this for several minutes, gently and slowly stroking her outer legs. And she did begin to relax. She then felt his lips softly touching the inside of her right knee, then slowly kissing his way up her inner thigh. When he reached her panty covered mound he lightly brushed over it with his lips, eliciting a slight moan, before kissing her left inner thigh to her knee. He then proceeded to softly lick his way back up her thigh. Reaching her panties this time he nuzzled the area with mouth and nose, her hips slightly thrusting in response, before licking down her right thigh. She was starting to become very wet. Inside.

One more time Jeremy licked his way up her thigh, now more strongly and broadly with his tongue. When it reached her center, its own wetness struggled to meet hers the cloth of her covering. Get them off, she screamed in her mind as her hips began to gyrate more. As if he had actually heard her plea his hands reached up and pulled her panties down and off, his tongue then returning immediately to her lower lips. It pressed through, found her clitoris, and gently began licking. Her moans became groans, her back arched, and as his tongue became more insistent, she came heavily.

Responding to her cry of joy, Jeremy's tongue began thrusting in and out more forcefully, inspiring further spasms of pleasure for Meryn. Wave upon wave of her orgasm continued for over a minute, his tongue working furiously throughout, before it began to subside, and then slowly, peacefully, came to an end.

As she settled back into a very satisfied rest, she became aware that while Jeremy's attentions had diminished, they had not ceased. His tongue had continued to gently lap inside her outer lips producing a very strange sensation. This was a new experience for her. While she had had oral sex before, it was usually as a part of a sixty-nine, and it had always ended when her partner had cum. She had never had it continue beyond her own orgasm. As his tongue began to probe into the depths of her inner recesses, she felt herself begin to respond again. It was a much different feeling from earlier, deeper and more sensual. An almost guttural sound escaped from her throat as her pelvis once again started to sway, a warmth and vibration beginning to suffuse her entire body. She then felt his tongue recede to attend her clitoris once again, but he replaced it below with a different invasion of her sanctum. Thinner and less intrusive than a penis, but clearly more personal, his finger explored her entire vault, circling her cervix, pushing and pulling into all of her walls. And her vaginal muscles rushed to respond, as if to try to catch and embrace and hold it within. But as it continued it's elusive, delicious movements, her hips began to more vigorously rock. Just when she thought that she stand no more, a second finger joined the first, spreading and thrusting and filling her entire being.

She exploded. Her back arched, her fists began pounding the sides of her bed, and in a distance she heard screams that could only be her own, as fingers continued to thrust back and forth within. And she came, and she came, and she came some more. For over a minute and well into two. And she began to hear a hoarse voice between the screams, first saying, "Oh my God, oh my God." followed by "Don't stop. Please don't stop", then finally, after over two minutes of unfathomable ecstacy, a labored surrender, "Enough ... Please ... Enough." And her pleas were heard, as fingers and tongue were gently withdrawn, and she collapsed back into an unreachable haze.

With her heart pounding and her breathing labored, Meryn tried to comprehend what had just occurred. Her first orgasm had been as good as many she had had in the past. But the second one. She could find no concept or words to describe. She had heard the term "the earth moved", and she had indeed felt something shift within her. Even that however seemed inadequate to the unique nature of what she had just experienced.

After several minutes, as her heart finally began to slow, she realized she had lost awareness of Jeremy. Feeling a new sensation however, she lifted her head with effort and looked down. She saw that he had lifted her legs up onto the bed and was kneeling at the end, gently kissing her feet. Letting her head fall back, she lay there for several more minutes in blissful exhaustion. Finally, as her heart and breathing returned to something approaching normal, she raised her head once again, propped a pillow under it, and gazed down.

"Jeremy." She finally called to him softly.

"Yes Miss Meryn." He answered.

"That was wonderful."

She could see his smile between her toes.

"Thank you Miss Meryn."

After several more moments she called again. "Jeremy."

"Yes Miss Meryn."

"Would you like to cum?"

He stopped his adoration. A hoarse, almost strangled reply. "God yes Miss Meryn."

She pushed herself up slowly to sit on the end of the bed in front of him, and looked down into his upturned face. Finally she offered.

"If we didn't include intercourse or oral sex," she began "is there any way you would like to cum that would be special for you?"

He tried to speak, but failed, and then hung his head. She believed she understood why.

"It's alright Jeremy. I really do want to know. If it's something I can't do, we'll try to find something else."

He looked back up. Face beet red again, he answered hesitantly. "If you could let me lie down in front of you Miss Meryn ... and ... stroke me with your feet."

Meryn smiled. "Take off you pants Jeremy and lie down on your back."

He stood up, pulled off his briefs, and lay down on the floor on his back in front of her. It was the first time she had ever seen his penis. It stood straight up, five inches into the air, thick and throbbing, covered and glistening with copious amounts of precum. Meryn knew from experience that it was the underside of the shaft where most sensation lay, so she placed her left foot at the topside of his penis to anchor it, and then lightly brushed, barely making contact, the length of the underside with her right big toe. This produced a low pitched groan.

"Did you like that Jeremy?" She cooed.

"Oh yes Miss Meryn"

She stroked him again, again barely touching the shaft. This time it was greeted by a thrust of his groin. She repeated it a third time, causing him to begin to hump the air. He had teased her unmercifully earlier, and she wanted to return the favor.

"Would you like to cum Jeremy?"

"Yes, yes Miss Meryn."

"Beg me Jeremy. Beg me to cum."

"Please Miss Meryn. I want to cum so badly. I need to cum so badly. Please, please Miss Meryn."

Looking down on him she saw he was struggling mightily to maintain control, his fingers clawing at the carpet, and his teeth gritted.

"Why don't you cum then Jeremy?"

"Because..." he forced out.

"Because why?"

Through clenched teeth, every effort bent to holding back. "Because you haven't given me permission."

A flood of emotions surged through Meryn. Exhilaration. Power. But most of all a sense of connectedness. She smiled broadly.

"Yes Jeremy, yes. You may. You have my permission. Cum for me Jeremy."

With that she began stroking his slickened undershaft more firmly with the side of her big toe. To her surprise he did not cum with the first stroke. Nor with the second. It was as if he was trying to savor every possible moment of it all. On her third stroke however, with an almost anguished cry, his back arched and he erupted, a geyser of his cum shooting almost a foot into the air. As he ran her foot more vigorously up and down his shaft, further spurts rapidly followed, progressively diminishing in height, but obviously not in depth of sensation. He furiously gripped the carpet on each side of him, and his inarticulate cry became continuous, as his cum continued to issue forth in ever slowing spasms for well over a minute. Finally his cries stopped, his back relaxed, and his penis became semi flaccid between her two feet, only occasionally now twitching and dribbling.

Meryn remained unmoving as she looked at him breathing hard, his eyes closed, and a look of utter joy on his face. After several minutes his panting began to subside, and he opened his eyes and gazed up at her.

"Miss Meryn?"

"Yes Jeremy."

"That was wonderful."

"I'm glad."

She waited for several seconds, but she had to know. "Was it as good as with Natasha?"

He looked up at her quizzically. "I never had anything like this with Miss Natasha."

"But you told me you did it with her."

"I said I gave her pleasure. She never did anything like this for me."

Meryn nodded, guiltily pleased. "Was it as good then as with anyone else you've done it with?"

Jeremy smiled. "Miss Meryn, this was the first time I've ever cum with someone else."

She was somewhat saddened to hear this. Still, there was something to be said for being a first, and for that she was very glad. For him. She returned his smile, then looked down at her cum-covered feet. She lifted one up to indicate it and said lightly.

"Ah Jeremy, do you think you could help me with this."

His eyes widened.

"Of course Miss Meryn."

He instantly scrambled up to his knees. She had expected him to rush into the bathroom and return with a washcloth and towel. Instead he immediately began to lick his cum from her feet. At first she was slightly repulsed, but he was so ardent in his efforts she sat back and began to enjoy it. He cleaned every inch of both of her feet with his tongue, paying special attention to between each and every toe. When he was done, he carefully set down each foot and knelt back.

"Miss Meryn," he offered quietly, "I just can't thank you enough for making this the most special night of my life. I will never forget it."

Meryn closed her eyes and sighed.

"Neither will I, Jeremy. Neither will I."

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ZakfarZakfarover 5 years ago

Nice done. Only have to point that the way things had been going so far, the phrase, "Beg me Jeremy. Beg me to cum," didn't make much sense. It should be deleted actually. It would work fine and actually better without this sentence there.

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