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A Player's Romance


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"Hey, why don't we all jump into the hot tub, it will only take thirty minutes to fill up, we can have a drink while we wait?"

Bree seemed to like this idea, but I had other plans with Trish.

"Why don't you spend some time in there with Bree, Trish and I are going to head back to her place, and we have work tomorrow as well."

"Yes, it has been a fantastic night though Phil, we should all do it again soon. And I loved meeting you too Bree, don't be a stranger." Trish added in as we said our goodbye's and left for home.

When we got back to Trish's apartment, I followed her into the bedroom, watching as she got undressed and ready for a shower.

"Want to join me?"

I quickly disrobed and joined Trish in the hot shower, it felt good after our physical exertions tonight.

"So, what did you think about your first foursome?"

"It was way better than I thought it would be. Phil fucks almost as good as you."

"Almost? I'm glad you still think I'm number one."

Trish turned to me and we kissed again while my hands rubbed her beautiful ass while hers reached for my cock.

"Don't get me excited again, I need my sleep shortly so I can work tomorrow."

"You're no fun, alright just this time though, you better not deny me again mister."

"I promise."

"Can I ask you something Mike, about what Bree said to us earlier?"

"That she thought we must be in love?" I responded.

"You were thinking about that too huh?"

"A little."

"I was kind of expecting you to correct her, but when you didn't, I don't know. I was happy you didn't tell her different." Trish said as she rested her head against my chest.

"In that moment I might have been lying if I told her different."

Trish looked up at me, squinting her eyes a little. But she didn't say anything, just rested her head back on my chest as we stood there under the hot water.

"Do you want to stay here tonight? You can go back to your place in the morning to get changed for work."

I nodded yes as I rubbed her back.

In the morning I awoke to find Trish still asleep beside me. I turned to my side to face her, and just lay there watching her sleep. Could I really be falling in love with her? It felt like it, I was so happy to be just laying there beside her as the sun crept in through the window. Trish then began to stir from her slumber to slowly open her eyes, to find mine staring back at her. A big smile came across her face.

"Good morning handsome, sleep well?"

"Yes, very well."

"Did you want to meet up for a few drinks tonight after work?"

"For sure, where were you thinking?"

"Silvio's perhaps? They have a musician play on Friday nights, and the food is good too."

"Silvio's it is then. What time will you be there Trish?"

"About 7pm. Do you want to pick me up on the way?"

"Sure, I can do that."

With that I gave Trish a quick kiss then got out of bed and got dressed to leave. Friday was busy at work, but it made it all the better when I could leave to go and get ready for my date with Trish.

I picked her up just on 7pm and she looked great, not dressed to impress like last night, more casual but sexy none the less. We got to Silvio's and Trish got a table while I grabbed our drinks at the bar.

I always get Trish cocktails on Friday nights, it's a way of acknowledging that the weekend is here. I sat back down with her and had a sip of my bourbon, while Trish looked at me while sucking her drink in through her straw.

"Mike, how busy are you next week? At work I mean?"

"Nothing really big is on, so just the routine I guess."

"Could you possibly get Wednesday and Thursday off? I know it's short notice."

I took another sip of my bourbon, wondering what Trish had in mind. She had never asked me to do something like this before, our relationship had been casual up until now.

"Quite possibly, can I ask why?"

"One of the girls had to take family leave, she was meant to go to a resort up state to evaluate for the business, I'm replacing her. We get accommodation for free when we do this, but there is some work to do with staff, checking the amenities and so on. So, it's not all relaxing by the pool."

"So, are you asking me to go with you?"

"Yes, I can't get it for you for free though, but I can get a massively reduced rate."

"That's fine, I'm more interested in that you want to take me away for two days."

"I just thought it might be good for us, to go somewhere together away from everything."

I looked at Trish with a slight furrow across my brow, are we really going to be a couple in a proper relationship? We sort of admitted to each other last night we had stronger feelings for each other than we had previously let on, but could this even work?

"You don't want to?"

"No, I didn't say that."

"You didn't have to, I could see it written across your face."

"It's not that Trish, I couldn't think of anything I'd want to do more than to spend two days and nights at a resort with you. What I'm wondering is then what?"

"I'm not following."

"Where are we going with this Trish, with us?"

"I don't get it Mike, you say you're happy about spending time with me, that you would love to go away with me, but are worried about what exactly when we get back? That I might still be going out with other guys?"

"Something like that."

"So what, now you're becoming the jealous possessive guy? It doesn't suit you Mike."

"No it doesn't, and I'm not. Possessive anyway, the jealous bit might possibly come out though, that's what I'm worried about."

"Why? You've slept with more woman than anyone I've ever met. Hell, you slutted your way through your own marriage, not to mention how many women who were in relationships with other guys when you've fucked them. So how is it that now you're worried about getting jealous?"

"Well, I didn't love any of those women like I love you, not even my ex-wife."

Trish almost choked on her drink, we admitted we cared for each other last night, but neither of us said the L word. She just stared back at me for a good twenty seconds, then drank some more of her cocktail.

"All right Mike, if we do this, would you agree to neither of us seeing anyone else? That if we do want to have some extra fun, we only do it together, like last night at Phil's?"

"Yeah, that could work. We could at least try it for a while."

"No Mike, if I go down this road with you there is no 'try it for a while'. We either do it or we don't. If it doesn't work out, we're done."

"Why is that? You've just gone from being happy to continue our casual relationship to demanding monogamy. I said I might get jealous, but I wasn't about to force you into being tied down."

"Mike, you are asking me to be in a real relationship with you, not just casual fuck buddies. If I'm going to be in love with you, with us being together, all this other shit has to stop. And once I commit myself to us, there is no coming back from that, to what we have had up until now."

I sat there and sipped my bourbon, was I prepared to really do this? To give myself just to Trish, to not fuck other women like I have been for the last ten years? To risk losing her if I fuck it up?

"Alright, I'm game if you are Trish. Just us, no-one else unless we're together."

Trish nodded her head then leaned over the table so I could kiss her, sealing our agreement.

I then sat back and started laughing, looking across at Trish.

"What? You find this funny?"

"If someone told me when I was first checking you out at that club, that just three months later I would be agreeing to become yours, giving up all other women, and be happy about it. I'm not sure if I would have chatted you up that night or ran for the hills."

"Well, you can still run for the hills Mike if you want."

"No, not unless you are there running with me."

"I'm liking the romantic side in you coming out Mike, It's new."

"Hey, I was always romantic, it helped me to pick up a lot of women."

"That wasn't romance, that was just you wanting to get laid."

"Well either way, I am happy right now Trish. Way happier than I thought I would be if this day ever came."

"It feels good to really care for someone, to be in love, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, now I have to worry about not fucking it up, I never had to worry about that before."

"And the heartbreak, the rejection and hurt. The anger, the emotions. It's a lot to risk going through, it is easier to not get too deep with people." Trish said with a more seriousness to her tone.

"Well, I hope it doesn't ever come to that. Let's order our meal and as soon as we're done, I'm taking my woman home for a good fucking,"

Trish smiled back at me and reached for the menus.

We arrived at the Pine Mountains Resort on Wednesday morning at 10am, Trish took care of the booking in and work arrangements while I went to the bar to wait for her.

I ordered myself a coffee and looked around. The resort is everything you might want for a romantic getaway with your partner. It had beautifully manicure gardens, large resort pools, romantic picnic and seating areas scattered around the grounds and overlooking the gorgeous lake that had a pine forest covering most of its shores.

As I started to make my way back to the resort buildings, I saw Trish strolling down towards me.

"So, what do you think? Have you already walked the grounds?" Trish asked.

"Yeah, I have. It's great, come on I will walk you around so you can see for yourself."

Trish then surprised me a little by taking my hand as we started walking down to the lake shore. It felt nice, good. It was the first time since the early days of my marriage to my ex-wife that I was enjoying holding hands with a woman, with someone I cared about.

"Wow, this is really impressive." Trish quietly stated as we took a seat under a tree on the edge of the lake.

"Yeah, feel that breeze coming off the water. And the quietness." I added, as we sat with my arm around her, saying nothing for a few minutes just taking it in.

Trish then stood up and held out her hand.

"Come on, I still need to check out the rest of the grounds before we have lunch."

After lunch Trish again had to meet with the resort management to discuss business related stuff while I took the opportunity to have a relaxing swim. As I was later sunbathing by the pool, Trish came over and sat with me.

"Oh, look at you and your body all glistening, tanned and wet under the sun. You should be in the resort commercials."

"I can imagine you in a skimpy little bikini with me in the ad as well, lots of guys would want to come here then."

"I brought my bikini's as well, maybe later I can show them off for you. But right now, I want you back in our villa, I want to try out the bed. For business reasons of course."

"Oh, of course."

Later that evening we had a wonderful dinner, the food was fantastic. I'm sure the fact Tish was there to review the resort so that it could be recommended to their clients had nothing to do with the superb treatment we were getting. Then we found ourselves back at the villa having a night cap looking out over the dimly lighted grounds from our suite's balcony.

"Enjoying yourself Mike?"

"Very much, it's so relaxing here."

"No second thoughts about what we agreed to?"

"None at all, but then again you're the hottest woman at the resort."

"So, if there was someone here hotter than me, it would give you pause?" Trish responded with a smirk.

"Only if she was interested in a threesome."

"Oh really, you still want to chase girls but now you will only fuck them with me as well?" As Trish rubbed my thigh.

"That was part of the agreement, remember?"

"Yes, I remember. But that's only meant for special occasions that we're both into, not just for you to fuck more woman at the same time." Trish stated with a chuckle.

"Hey, it could be with a guy instead you know." As I leaned in and kissed Trish on the cheek.

"Yeah, whatever." Trish responded.

"Seriously though, I am happy with our agreement. I'm happy being here with you today Trish, this has been terrific. I really needed this."

"Being away from work?"

"No, spending time with you."

"I'm still trying to get used to the loving, caring, romantic Mike." Trish added with a laugh.

"I'm so used to the cheap compliments and never-ending sexual innuendo that it might take me a little while to take you seriously." She added with a giggle, rubbing her fingers through my hair before kissing me again.

"Hey, come on. I wasn't always a cheap caricature of a gigolo, was I?"

"Not always, I wouldn't have fallen for you if you were."

"I'm glad. I'd like to think I have a little bit of substance to my personality. Just a little." As I gave Trish a light tickle. She jumped up, then turned to me and grabbed my hand.

"Come on Tiger, time to show me how much you love me."

We stood and went inside to the large king-size bed, embracing and kissing as we climbed on. After the more energetic fuck session this afternoon, it was time for me to make love to Trish instead. We took our time, slowly enjoying our lovemaking. It lasted for well over an hour, but neither of us were exhausted at the end, just totally satisfied and happy as we cuddled in each other's arms.

"That was wonderful, very romantic Mike." As Trish leaned in and kissed my forehead.

"It was, I can't remember being with someone like this before Trish, this was defiantly a first for me."

Trish looked over to me and gave me a knowing smile.

"So, you have never made love before, I mean really made love? With someone you love?"

"No, I don't think I have. Even with my ex-wife it was more lust than anything, we were both young and just liked to fuck a lot. We never really connected too deeply, it made it easier for me to cheat on her as well, I guess."

"Oh, stop it. You know how to say all the right things to make a girl swoon don't you?" As Trish sarcastically giggled at me for talking about my ex-wife at this moment in time.

"Sorry, I guess I was trying to say that yes, that was the first time that I enjoyed making love with the woman I love. That better?"

"Yes, I didn't expect you to lose your sense of humor though by falling in love." As Trish leaned in and kissed me again.

I smiled while looking into Trish's eyes, she really was a special woman.

On Friday night, Trish and I arrived at the night club to meet with Phil. After we had met his date Sasha and enjoyed a few drinks and dances I found myself at the bar to buy a round. I looked back at our table as I saw Trish head off towards the ladies, with Phil still chatting to Sasha.

On my way back to the table with the drinks I spotted Trish chatting to a guy at a table on the way back from the ladies restroom. I took my seat and looked over to Phil and Sasha. She was obviously enamored with Phil, she looked to be about twenty-four or five, long dark hair and very pretty grey eyes.

"So how did you two meet? You said you are a waitress, right?"

"I'm studying as well, doing my Master's. Waitressing helps to pay the bills."

"That's impressive, although you may need to talk slowly with Phil, I don't think he is at a Master's level of intellect." I added with cheeky laugh.

"That's alright Mike, she likes when I grunt, especially in the bedroom."

With that Sasha kissed Phil on the lips. He was right though, experience has taught me that women don't care how smart or wealthy you are as long as you look good and are great in the bedroom. If you're not, well you better earn good money and spend most of it on them.

It was a few minutes later and Trish still hadn't returned, so I looked around to see her chatting with the same guy still. I did notice that he would occasionally place his hand on her arm or shoulder as they talked. This is always a good move when you are chatting up women, to gauge how interested they are and to let them know that you are available for them. If they accept your touches and make no attempt to move your hand, it generally means they too are interested and available.

So, what is going on with Trish? We just returned yesterday from two romantic days away, after only last week agreeing to be a couple that doesn't sleep around. Yet just one week later and Trish is giving this guy all the right signals. I looked back to Phil and Sasha who were too involved in their own conversation to notice my growing unease.

I took a deep breath, and told myself to calm down, he's probably someone Trish knows and there is nothing in it. Maybe I would have to learn to trust her as well, that too is something I've never had to worry about before. A few more minutes past before Trish took her seat beside me at the table, she didn't say anything about taking so long, or who the guy was, she just thanked me for the drink.

The four of us continued chatting, then Sasha and Trish went out to dance together while Phil and I discussed football. When they returned, Phil went to the bar this time while Sasha and Trish excused themselves to go to the ladies. A few minutes later Phil returned with the drinks as Sasha sat back at the table, but without Trish.

"Where's Trish?"

"She's chatting to some guy she met when we were on our way back from the ladies."

I looked over my shoulder again to see the same guy chatting with Trish, his hand rubbing her shoulder as they spoke to each other. Okay, now I'm starting to get annoyed. I figure this guy is trying to get into her pants, and Trish is wise enough to know that, so why is she letting him chat her up like that?

I was determined to not show my discomfort at this, the irony not lost on me that I was now feeling like the jealous boyfriend. Just like I had seen so many times before, when it was me chatting up their girlfriends in front of them. So, I began chatting with Phil and Sasha to put Trish and this guy out of my mind.

Another five minutes had past and Trish still had not returned to the table. I looked over my shoulder again but could not see Trish standing at the same spot.

"If you're looking for Trish she's dancing, I might go join her in a moment."

With that Sasha took a sip of her drink then stood and headed for the dance floor. I moved across to her seat so I could look towards to the dance floor.

"So, what do you think of Sasha? She's a knockout right?"

"Yeah, she's smart and pretty. You've done well for yourself Phil."

"You seem distracted, you're not getting jealous of Trish chatting and dancing with that guy are you?"

Even Phil had noticed. I spotted them on the dance floor, Trish and the guy, along with Sasha.

"Hey come on, this is me you're talking to. I don't get jealous, I'm the one all the other guys should be worried about." I stated with a bit of false bravado.

"Yeah, normally that's true. But I think you're falling for Trish, aren't you?"

I took a deep breath, then looked over at Phil.

"We agreed last Friday to be a couple, for real. We spent two days this week away at a resort. So yeah, I've fallen for Trish."

"Well fuck me, someone has finally tamed the Brazilian Love Machine. Got to say I didn't see that coming. I mean, you and Trish seem to have a good connection but to be tied down as a couple, whew! The great Mike Oliveira a one-woman man."

"Don't be so surprised, sooner or later we all got to grow up a bit. Just wait, you'll meet the right girl one day and want to be more than just her fuck-toy."

"Sasha could be that, who knows Mike. I'm actually happy for you, so no more shit about it I promise."

I smiled back at Phil as I continued to watch the three of them on the dance floor.

About two songs later Sasha came back to the table and I got up to give her seat back. Now this was really starting to annoy me as I glanced up to see Trish and this other guy still dancing.

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