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A Sample Spanking

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He convinced her to try a spanking. Just a spanking.
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I had to get some cash from the petty cash box to pay for a delivery. As soon as I opened the box I knew something was wrong. The day before I'd checked the box and added some cash to it to make sure we had enough to pay for those unexpected emergencies -- like a delivery that I had to pay for.

Now amongst the notes I'd put into the box there was a ten dollar note. Rare things those, what with self-checkout machines preferring to pay with two fives instead of a ten. There are times I'll have five or six fives in my wallet but nary a ten, so the ten being gone was easily spotted. Just to be sure I did a quick count and came up ten short.

I paid for the delivery and noted the transaction in the petty cash book, resolving to keep a closer eye on the box. I was interested in finding out who had helped themselves. A couple of days later I spotted Fiona, our current scut-work girl, sidled up to the box and fiddle around with it. As soon as I had a chance to do so privately I fetched the box and did a quick count. The cash was right where it should have been, the missing ten having reappeared. (The value thereof, anyway, as it was actually two fives.)

I seemed that Fiona had simply used the petty cash to tide herself over for a couple of days and paid it back as soon as she had the money. Understandable, in a way, but not something that I could allow to go unchecked. I invited Fiona to drop by my office after work. She was still on probation so there was no chance that she'd refuse, even if it did mean that she was a little late leaving.

Fiona fronted up right on five. I told her to take a seat for a minute or two while I finished what I was doing. A couple of minutes later everything was quiet in the office, the rest of the staff having made their escape. I looked up and smiled at Fiona.

"So, tell me, Fiona. Why did you lift ten dollars from the petty cash box?" I put it out as a flat fact. Less chance of an indignant denial and requests for proof.

"Oh, I didn't," came the hasty reply. "I only borrowed it. I've already returned it."

"That doesn't answer the question. Why did you think it necessary to borrow ten dollars from the box without asking?"

She was blushing a little and looking very guilty.

"Um, it was rent night and I was going to be a little short. I fully intended to put it back and like I said, I've already done so."

"And how would you have explained things if we'd needed that money between your taking it and returning it? Mm? We'd have been looking around for a thief and as you're the last person hired guess where we'd have been looking?"

She didn't say anything, just sat there squirming restlessly.

"The point is you shouldn't have taken the ten at all. You had other options. You could have asked one of the co-workers for a loan. They tend to be a friendly bunch and lending someone ten a couple of days before payday would probably have been on the cards. You could have explained the situation to me and I'd have lent you the ten. You could have told the landlord that you're ten short and that you'd let him have it in a couple of days. Rent is paid in advance so he wouldn't really have grounds for complaint. The rent you did pay would still have put you ahead."

Fiona just looked guilty and gave me a mutinous look. She wanted to point out that she had returned the money but didn't quite have the nerve.

"You're probably wondering why I'm making a fuss, seeing as the money was replaced," The look on her face said that she agreed with that statement.

"Consider this. What would have been the outcome if I'd raised the question of your borrowing yesterday instead of today?"

She dithered a little but didn't seem to know what to say.

"That's right," I said cheerfully. "You being fired. Possibly a report to the police. No reference for your next place of employment, making it hard to find another job. Being an imaginative type I may become creative with some other type of punishment. You never know."

"Are you going to fire me?" she asked in a small voice, looking quite pale.

"Nope. This lecture is as far as it goes. The main reason for the lecture is to let you know that I did notice what you did and to make sure you don't do it again. Think about it. If you got away with no-one noticing you'd be tempted to do it again next time you were short, and next time you might not be so quick to pay the loan back. It's called the thin edge of the wedge. I'm just making sure the wedge has been removed and tossed in the dustbin. Okay?"

Fiona nodded in a rather miserable fashion, obviously just wanting to be out of there.

"Alright, then that will be all. But as a fair warning if I catch you looking thoughtfully at the petty cash box I'll put you across my knee and paddle your tush."

I smiled while she spluttered, trying to decide what to say.

"You wouldn't dare," she finally got out. "That would be assault. Indecent assault. I'd have you arrested."

"Really?" I asked with a grin. "Tell me, if I offered you the choice between having your bottom spanked or getting fired, which would you choose?"

"Y-you said you weren't going to fire me," Fiona promptly protested.

"And neither I am," I agreed. "I just said if you had to choose. Not that you actually had to."

"Oh," she muttered, looking rather flustered. "Um, I don't know. Neither would be my answer. What's option three?"

"Why would I offer another option? Those two seem fair and reasonable to me. One, you're unemployed without a reference and have to move back in with your parents while you look for a new job. Two, you get spanked and you're still employed and everything is fine. So which would it be?"

Fiona was eighteen and a few months and the look she gave me implied that those few months had made her somewhat suspicious of what men wanted from her. The way she was stacked I couldn't blame her for her suspicions, or the men for their intentions.

"I'd probably go with the spanking," she admitted, "if I could be sure that you wouldn't try anything else."

"What do you mean, anything else?" I asked, giving her a blank look.

"Don't give me that," she scoffed. "You know just what I mean."

"Do you mean that you think I might have illicit intentions?" I gasped, sounding shocked, or doing my best to.

"No, I don't think that. I know it," she retorted.

"I'm shocked. Shocked and hurt that you might think that of me." I sighed deeply to indicate how shocked and hurt I was.

"Oh please. It's ankle deep and rising."

As polite a way as any to tell me I'm bull-shitting her, I guess.

I sadly shook my head as I rose to my feet and moved around the desk to stand next to her. I indicated that she should stand and when she did I sat on the chair.

"I guess the only way to prove my good intentions is to demonstrate them. Why don't you just bend over so I can demonstrate with a small spanking and prove that I can draw the line at that point."

Fiona blushed.

"You surely don't expect me to bend over so that you can spank me?" she gasped, sounding horrified.

I smiled, incidentally noticing that a couple of little tents on the front of her blouse suggested that the thought wasn't totally abhorrent.

"It is just a suggestion," I pointed out, "and to be honest I didn't really think you would. You seem a little too young and nervous to risk doing something like that."

"I am not nervous. Neither am I all that young. I am a mature adult. I just feel that it's not in my best interests."

"Fair enough. Ah, just why isn't in your best interests? I mean, you get to experience something new and relatively harmless. Something that you can refer to if a similar situation arises sometime."

I paused for a moment and before she could say anything I started again.

"I'm being dense, aren't I?" I observed. "You've probably been spanked by a boyfriend and didn't like it and don't want to try it again. Quite understandable." (I was quite pleased with the amount of sympathy I managed to inject into my voice.)

"What? I have not. He wouldn't dream of doing something like that."

"No? If you say so. As a matter of curiosity are you now thinking of what it would be like if he did?"

"No!" Said quickly and with a blush. Yeah, she was wondering.

"If I did agree to let you spank me what would it entail?"

"Just a simple spanking. Surely you've been spanked in the past, by your parents, surely. Anyway, don't worry about it. I can see the whole idea makes you nervous."

She now had a slightly indignant look. Apparently it was alright for her to have doubts about being spanked but it wasn't alright for me to tell her not to bother.

"I am not nervous," she protested. "I was just being careful. I'll do it."

"Are you certain? I'd hate to think I was coercing you into a rash decision."

"It's fine. I'll admit you've made me slightly curious and if nothing else it will serve as a reminder if I ever feel tempted to borrow without asking." She was sounding slightly defiant, ready to show me that she wasn't a nervous child.

"Ah, this might not be such a good idea," I told her, letting my doubt show. That only served to firm up her intentions.

"No, it's fine," she said airily. "After all, it is your idea. I'm just going along with it." She was smirking, gaining confidence.

"Fine," I said, giving it a typical woman's meaning of on your head be it. (Who said that only women can use fine as a threat?)

I reached for her arm and Fiona found herself bent over my knee. She was dressed in standard office wear and in our office that consisted of a skirt and blouse more often than not. Some of the girls wore tights as well but just as many didn't bother. Fiona was one of those who didn't bother.

She made a slight squeaking sound when I flicked her skirt up. She then let out a wail of protest when I slipped her panties down.

"Hey, what are you doing?" she demanded.

"Ah, I'm about to spank you," I pointed out, my hand casually resting on her bare bottom. "Surely you expected to be spanked on your bottom? I mean, where else?"

"But you pulled my panties down."

"Well, of course. A bare bottom enhances the experience." I patted said bottom to help get my point across.

"But, but," she spluttered, her voice fading away.

"Of course, if you're too nervous to continue I'll quite understand," I assured her and I could feel the irritation rolling off her. How dare I insinuate that she was a child, a wimp, who couldn't take a simple spanking?

"I'm fine," she snapped. "Just get on with it."

I did. My hand lifted and came down firmly on her bottom, using a slightly cupped hand so that it was all noise and fury and not much pain. She gave a yelp which she quickly stifled while I flattened my hand and rubbed her bottom.

"What are you doing?" There was that question again. Couldn't she work out what I was doing? Well, of course she could. The question she wanted to ask was why I was doing that.

"Seeing that this is not a punitive spanking I'm just making sure to massage your cheek slightly after each spank to ease away any real pain and to prevent bruising." A simple explanation, one that she could easily understand. Just me being a gentleman -- for a given definition of gentleman.

I settled down to 'spank' her, although I spent a lot more time stroking her bottom than actual spanking. The spanking certainly sounded severe but I suspected few of the spanks did anything more than smart a little. I finally finished up when a spank went astray, cupping her mound. Not my fault, really. Her legs had drifted apart, leaving me easy access, and from the look of her vulva it probably wanted to be touched.

So it was that when my hand landed that final spank the subsequent rubbing to ease the pain was on what might be considered sensitive flesh. Because of this I continued rubbing for a bit longer than for any previous spank.

This time she didn't ask what I was doing.

"That's not my bottom," she pointed out, a bit of a quaver in her voice.

"That's okay," I reassured her. "I'm no longer spanking you."

"In that case why are you touching me there?"

"I guess I'm showing you that you were correct when you claimed that I'd have illicit intentions," I confessed,

"I didn't say anything about illicit intentions," she snapped. "You did."

"Oh, did I? Well it seems that I have them." A couple of fingers slipped between her lips and started some internal exploration. "Ah, what do you suggest we do about it?"

"I suggest that you stop what you're doing right now," she said, spoiling her demand by giving a startled scream just as she finished speaking.

"Sorry," I apologised quickly. "I guess I must have touched too close to your clitoris." She gave another scream and yelled at me. "Um, yeah, definitely that's what the problem is."

I swung her off my lap and onto her feet. By some chance I finished up holding the front of her dress up, leaving her fully exposed. I just naturally continued stroking her rather intimately.

"It seems to me that you now have a choice," I told her. "You can either tidy up your clothes and run like a rabbit or you can bend over my desk and I'll take unconscionable advantage of your nubile young body."

She stood there, all aroused and vulnerable, but not wanting to admit it. Neither did she want to seem nervous so she wasn't hurriedly tidying up her clothes. I gave her a happy smile.

"Of course," I said after a couple of moments, "if you can't decide I'm quite happy to take the choice out of your hands."

I stood up, turned her around and gently pushed her towards the desk. She took a half step towards it and leaned forward, bracing her hands against it. She was turning to look back at me so I made sure I was standing where she could see me as I undid my trousers and let them drop. With those and my jocks out of the way Fiona could have no doubt as to the rest of my immediate intentions.

I eased up behind her, easing my erection between her legs, letting it press up of its own accord to brush along the length of her slit. Now that her attention was fixed on that threat I pulled her blouse loose from her skirt, reached up the back of it and unfastened her bra. One hand around to her front, pushing the bra up out of the way while my hand rested against one breast, cupping it nicely and rubbing her nipple.

That done my free hand reached down and started some essential manoeuvring. An easing apart of her lips and an adjusted position for my cock and I was pressing against her, then into her. She gave a small gasp as I started sliding into position, then pushed back against me, helping to settle me fully inside her.

I didn't rush her. I had a feeling that she was expecting me to but I saw no reason not to take my time. The longer the better as far as I was concerned. I pulled right back and then drove firmly home again, pleased to hear her gasp as I did so. A few more efforts like that and she was moving with me, pressing to meet me as I thrust home. At the same time my hands were enjoying the feel of her breasts, squeezing and bouncing them, teasing her nipples and just generally fondling them.

I kept up those relatively slow withdrawals and firm thrusts for a while, just enjoying myself. I was keeping one eye on how she was reacting but at this point my main priority was my own fun. I did notice when she started to get a little restless, wanting something more. The obvious response was to give her something more and I increased the pace, finding Fiona quite happy to move along with me.

This happened a couple more times, me building her up until she wanted something more, then lifting it to a slightly higher level. With the last increase in pace I was very quickly heading towards a grand finale. From the squeaks and sundry noises Fiona was making I suspected that she was in the same state so I had no problems with turning on the heat and trying to finish things off.

I nearly had a heart attack when it registered with me that Fiona was a screamer. I had my hand out from inside her blouse and over her mouth, at the same time exploding with my own climax as she tried to scream through hers. (I didn't even complain when she bit me.)

Fiona vanished into the ladies room and came out ten minutes later. She gave me a deeply suspicious look.

"That sort of thing is not going to happen again," she assured me.

"Funny. I was just about to tell you the same thing. It's contrary to good office management to allow myself to be seduced by the staff."

The look on her face when I suggested that she had seduced me was comedy gold. She was still tossing me little looks as she left.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

My suggestion to Anonymous who finds these stories to be all the same is to not read stories by this author, seems so simple.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

As always... Your stories are the only ones that get me very wet and horny all the time. I'd like more teacher student or husband and babysitter

Btrying2Btrying2over 2 years ago

An amazingly arousing story. I follow Ashton because the stories are ones I tend to really enjoy. This one was not an exception. Well done as the layers of seduction and sexual entergy were peeled back for me/us to enjoy. Big smile here.

Thank you for sharing your creative talents with us. John

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I always enjoy your stories, but this one had a little extra: the elements were put together rather more convincingly, while maintaining the ‘tongue in cheek’ element. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I love this author, but the stories are all the same.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great writer. Fun and sexy.

63luckyman63luckymanover 2 years ago

Nicely done. 5 stars for Fiona and looking forward to her next spanking. She is probably looking for a way to provoke the next one.


JBEdwardsJBEdwardsover 2 years ago

What a way to start the week, with a great story by Ashson! Thank you. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

“And neither I am” said no English speaker, ever.

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