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A School for Spanking Ch. 03

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Paul's first student spanking has some surprises.
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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 04/13/2018
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I was in my office early the following day wondering if Cecile would appear or not when at precisely 8 am there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," I called out.

The door opened, and Cecile came in dressed correctly in the uniform of white blouse, blue cardigan, tartan kilt and white socks. She had an air of sullen defiance on her face as she approached my desk.

"Thank you, Cecile, for making an effort and wearing your uniform correctly, your timekeeping is noted as well."

"I'm the only girl wearing a uniform today! I'm going to stick out like a sore thumb for fuck's sake!"

"That's enough with the language Cecile, I'll overlook it on this occasion, but no more is that understood?"

"Okay, but how long have I got to wear this? I feel foolish and conspicuous."

"Here's the thing Cecile, there has to be a consequence to all our actions, your behaviour yesterday was unacceptable and required some form of punishment. If there are no consequences to our actions or behaviour in life, then society would crumble."

"Humph! I think I'd rather take a spanking than be humiliated like this, at least it would be over with quickly."

"That's not an option right now Cecile, so, you may go now and then come back here at 1 pm, at which time I if you have behaved, I will consider allowing you to change into casual wear for the rest of the weekend."

Turning around to leave Cecile looked over her shoulder, "Are you sure you wouldn't rather lift my skirt and spank my bottom?"

"Don't push your luck Cecile or you will be wearing your uniform all weekend."

I swear she put a little extra sway in her walk as she left my office, and to be brutally honest I would have been delighted to lift her kilt and expose her white panties! I started to wonder at that point whether I should have checked all her uniform? Surely that would have been inappropriate? As I was thinking this, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in please," I called out.

It was Serena who walked in, she came over and sat down in front of my desk.

"I just saw Cecile in the corridor, so she came on time and in uniform then? I wasn't sure yesterday whether she would, she was full of attitude when we left your office?" Serena said, crossing her legs and making herself comfortable.

"And she's still got plenty of defiance in her today as well! Although, I guess it has to be encouraging that she showed up at all? She was very angsty about looking conspicuous in her uniform while everyone else is in casuals. So I've asked her to come back here at 1 pm, and I will review this dependant on her behaviour between now and then."

"That seems reasonable enough to me, I think she still needs to show a little fight, for her own pride as much as anything else, let's see how this morning goes shall we?"

"Yes let's, If you don't mind I have a slightly awkward question I need to ask?"

"Oh really Paul, surely after your interview with us a few weeks ago there's no need for awkwardness?"

"Well no probably not, maybe advice then?"

"Okay, fire away."

"Well, part of the reason for Cecile to present herself here this morning was to ensure she was wearing her uniform correctly. Do you think I should have made a full check that all her uniform was in order? I didn't think about it until after she'd gone, but can't help feeling it would have been inappropriate of me to have asked her to show me her Panties? The last thing I need is to get a reputation for wanting to lift everyone's skirt to see their underwear!"

"Of course you don't Paul, even though you do!" Serena laughed. "Seriously though, you would certainly have been within your rights to check, in this instance. However, I'm not so sure it would have served any purpose. As a rule of thumb, when uniform infringements arise there would be an expectation of a thorough check of compliance that would include underwear."

"Ah right, okay then," I stumbled, "I've got a lot to learn it seems?"

"Oh, you'll soon get used to our ways Paul, I'm sure of that! Now then, I'll get back and try to keep an eye on our wild child."

"Okay, thank you, Serena," I replied as she got up to leave, I couldn't help admiring her shapely arse as she left the room, it fitted so well into her tight jeans and took me back to the day of the interview

The more I thought about my new job, the more I realised how difficult it was going to be to remain professional at all times. To start with, most if not all of the female staff were gorgeous, and secondly, the students were all young adult women and judging by what I saw yesterday were equally stunning and dressed in a fantasy school uniform. I was going to have to be very careful not to succumb to some of the delights this institution had to offer. Wouldn't I?

I spent the rest of the morning working on lesson plans and the like, at 1 pm precisely there was again a knock on my door which I answered it was Cecile, whom I invited to come in.

"So, Cecile, how has your morning been since we last spoke? Has it been the humiliating disaster you imagined?"

"I guess it's been okay, the rest of the girls haven't been as mean as I was expecting." She said as she slumped down in the chair.

"Good I'm glad. However, I don't remember asking you to sit down young lady! So if you don't mind, please stand up and wait for me to ask you to sit down."

"Oh, Perlease!! Really?"

"Yes, really Cecile! This ongoing attitude of yours just isn't helping your cause at all! Now please stand up!" I said firmly and with authority.

Cecile stared me out for for a few seconds then did as I asked, "Happy now, sir?" She said looking sulky and defiant.

"Yes, that's better, now, please sit down so we can talk." Again, she did as I asked, sitting heavily on the chair.

"I realise and understand you are angry and unhappy at the moment because of the situation with your parents. However, we are on your side here and happy to give you support, but for heaven's sake, you have to drop the attitude. If you carry on as you are you'll end up in this office far too often."

"Oh, you'd love that wouldn't you sir? Any excuse to get your hands on my arse."

"No Cecile, as much as it may surprise you that is not my raison d'etre for being here, I am here to teach and support the students, just like you this is my first term here, so I am still learning the ropes."

"So, I'm supposed to believe that this whole gig you've got going here is not just a cover for you to get your rocks off spanking young arse?"

"You can believe what you like Cecile, but the truth is I have never spanked a student in my life and had no idea it would be part of my duties when I applied for the job here! So no, I'm not here simply to get my rocks off as you suggest!"

"So you don't want to lift my skirt and spank my cute bum?" Cecile asked this with a glint in her eye and a challenging tone to her voice.

"For god's sake Cecile this is completely inappropriate behaviour and not helping your cause, I have allowed some latitude in your behaviour due to your current circumstances, but, I cannot allow you to carry on like this!"

"What's wrong with me then sir? Are you gay or something? Am I not attractive enough for you?"

This situation was becoming more and more difficult to handle, Cecile was playing me like a fiddle, and the truth was, I was struggling with some very unprofessional thoughts about this dusky young woman who had exposed her impressive breasts in my office the day before. Large and firm, beautiful olive-skinned breasts topped with dark brown aureole and hard nipples just waiting for my tongue to play with. The soft white cotton of her panties contrasting with a perfectly rounded arse, oh yes, young lady you are undoubtedly attractive enough for me. However, I wanted to keep my job!

"Sir? Are you listening to me? I asked you a question! Do you not find me attractive? Am I too short, is that the problem?"

"I heard you Cecile, and I will not tolerate your behaviour any longer, I am a professional in a position of trust. Whether you are too short, too tall, attractive or unattractive is not the issue here! The subject is closed Cecile, and I am afraid I will have to insist that you remain in your uniform for the rest of the day." Despite my thoughts about helping you out of it, I thought as I was saying this! Had Cecile come round to my side of the desk she would have seen the problems she was causing me as I struggled with the discomfort of a huge boner!

"Oh no, you're not doing that to me just because you don't fancy me!"

"Jesus Cecile, don't you get it? I'm not supposed to fancy you! I'm here to teach you, support you where necessary, and correct your behaviour if required. You're making this whole situation very difficult for yourself and me! You're starting to leave me with very few options, so are you going to do as I asked or not?"

How in the name of everything that is holy am I going to survive this job? This woman was sending me crazy, I had an uncontrollable hard on, and I was sure now, that she was provoking me to spank her, or worse. And therein lay the problem, all the students here were consenting adults, young women with minds of their own and I'm quite sure sexually mature in most instances.

"No Mr Sampson, I'm not, I do not intend to wear this uniform for a second longer today, and there's nothing you can do about it!" With this statement, Cecile stood and leaned forward putting both hands on my desk, "will that be all sir? Or can I go now and get on with the rest of my weekend?"

I was sure now that Cecile was pushing me to take some form of action although for the life of me I could not understand why? Every instinct I had had up to this point suggested to me that a spanking or any form of punishment like that was the last thing on earth she wanted. As I looked her in her defiant eyes, I decided to call her bluff.

"All right Cecile you are free to go, make sure you are on time and in uniform on Monday morning for your first class," I said, with the barest hint of a smile.

"What do you mean I can go? You can't just send me away without..."

"Without what Cecile?" I cut in, "eh, come on Cecile, what did you expect me to do?"

Looking utterly deflated Cecile slumped back down in the chair, "I don't know sir, I just wanted something to happen, to have my actions piss someone else off instead of feeling like a passenger in my own life where everyone else's behaviour affects me?"

"And so you pushed me to spank you? How do you think you would have felt afterwards if that had happened?"

Cecile smiled for the first time since I had met her, "Sore!"

"Quite Possibly, yes!" I replied unable to keep a smile off my face. "However, you do understand that despite your reasons which I have some sympathy for, I cannot accept them as mitigation for your earlier behaviour."

"But surely sir, you can't be thinking about spanking me now?" She said with a look of pleading in her eyes.

"I did say to you earlier that there always have to be consequences to your actions and as I just said, I cannot allow you to get away with your earlier behaviour. Any punishment you receive will be due to my decision and not because you think you have goaded me into to it for whatever seemingly justified reasons you think you may have."

I'm not going to lie, the interaction with Cecile had me conflicted between professionalism and lust! My previous jobs had always been with students below the age of consent, and as such meant, there was no such conflict. But here the students were adults and in the early bloom of womanhood. With a gentler tone, I asked, "So Cecile, are you going to do as I requested earlier and stay in uniform for the rest of the day or will I have to deliver a different punishment?"

Looking confused Cecile sighed, "I said earlier that I did not intend to wear this uniform for a second longer today if that means a spanking then so be it!"

"This is not what I wanted Cecile, despite what you may think!"

"Actually sir, I do believe you, and for that reason, I am happy to accept what is coming." With that, she started to undo her cardigan.

"What are you doing Cecile? I have not asked you to undress?"

"Please Mr Sampson, allow me the dignity of having some control, I clearly stated I did not intend to stay in this uniform a second longer, and now I am going keep my word!"

"But Cecile, this is completely unnecessary!"

"I know it is but is my choice and I am only doing this because I trust you."

She trusts me! Well isn't that just dandy what if I can't trust myself? Her cardigan was off now as she stood to continue removing her clothes. I should have done something to stop this, but I couldn't or was it wouldn't?

Her blouse was stretched tight across her breasts as she removed the bow tie throwing it on top of the cardigan. Slipping the buttons on her cuffs, she deftly undid the blouse buttons and shrugged it off her shoulders. The bra she was wearing was no more than a token garment, plain white cotton; it must have been several sizes too small as her large breasts bulged out of it, most of her dark areola clearly showing. Her nipples were prominent and pressed against the soft material. I wondered if she was enjoying what she was doing? Although, she wasn't looking at me provocatively or "putting on a show" as such, just undressing as if she were on her own.

She slid the waistband of her kilt round a little giving her better access to the catch and zip which once undone allowed it to fall to the floor. Picking up the skirt, she collected up her blouse and cardigan from the chair and walked across my study placing them neatly on the sofa. What a vision! Her dark olive arse framed beautifully in her white cotton panties as she walked across the room. While not tall, she managed to move with lithesome grace, her outfit of white cotton bra and panties, white socks and black pumps was all school girl, but her body and movement was all woman.

She approached me standing at the side of the desk now, looking hard into my eyes as if trying to make a decision of some sort. Then, her mind made up, she bent down and took first her pumps then her socks off, and with no hesitation at all unclasped her bra and released her magnificent breasts. I didn't know where to look, in fact, should I be looking? Her breasts were mesmerising, perfectly formed orbs, prominent, firm nipples inviting attention, then there was the subtle swell in the front of her panties of her pubic mound. She had her fingers in the waistband of her panties ready to slip them down her legs when I stopped her.

"No, please Cecile, this is wrong,! I did not ask you to undress, and it cannot be right to have you naked in my study?" I was stumbling a little as I spoke and incredibly conscious of my state of arousal.

"Please Mr Sampson, this is fine with me, I feel liberated and more in control than I have for some time, I am happy to take my punishment. Now panties on or off for my spanking? Oh and don't worry about that fine boner you are sporting, at least now I know you are not gay!"

"You may leave your panties on Cecile, it was never necessary for you to be naked for this punishment, and that last comment has earned you additional punishment."

"Exactly what will my punishment be sir?" She asked.

"I shall spank you six times on this occasion, and I hope it will be the first and last time I need to do this. Now please go over to the sofa and bend over the arm." She transfixed me again as she walked across the room, every thought in my head was unprofessional and inappropriate and fully demonstrated by my state of arousal.

Cecile calmly bent over her hands on the arm of the sofa, her breasts hanging like ripe melons waiting to be plucked. I stood behind her enjoying the view of her panties stretched tight over her arse, and I also noticed a distinct wet patch blooming on the white cotton.

Thwack! I landed the first slap hard on her firm buttock.

"Fuck! Fucking hell sir! Take it easy! That fucking hurt!"

"It was supposed to Cecile, you aren't supposed to be enjoying this, and that's enough of your language, or I will have those panties off you, and it will hurt more!"

Thwack! The seconded slap landed and only elicited a grunt from her.

Thwack! When this one landed her arms gave way, and she collapsed over the sofa, then she stood and protected her bottom with her hands.

"Jesus! Fuck sir! Does it really have to hurt so much?"

"You know the answer to that Cecile, now bend over again please."

She may have been protesting and swearing at me, but the wet patch on her panties had doubled in size, rather like my cock that was bursting to be released.


"Ouch! Okay, that's enough! I had no idea this was going to hurt like this! I've learned my lesson now, thank you, sir." She said again standing up and holding her bottom.

"You said you were happy to take your punishment earlier Cecile, so take it!"

"I know what I said, but I didn't realise how much it would hurt!" She whined. "Can't I just give you a blow job and call it quits?"

Now that was the best idea I'd heard since this all had started, however, "No, absolutely not! You'd enjoy that far too much, in fact, I think you're already enjoying this too much?"

"Are you crazy? Whatever gives you the impression I'm enjoying this? Unlike you sir, you're nearly busting out of your trousers there!" She said pointing at my crotch.

"And the wet patch that has been growing on your panties means you hate every minute of this I suppose?"

"You shouldn't be looking sir!"

"Shouldn't be looking? Oh please, Cecile, you're virtually naked in my study, by your own choice I might add, your panties are the only thing giving you the slightest hint of modesty. Where else am I supposed to look?

I realised that I was rapidly losing control of the situation, I was no longer interested in punishing Cecile. I wanted to take her glorious breasts in my hands, suck on her swollen nipples and bury my cock deep into her sopping wet pussy. I could no longer see her as a student anymore but as a very horny young woman begging to be fucked.

Cecile had a glint in her eye as she looked straight at me and put her hand down the front of her panties, "You're right sir, I am very wet, my pussy is dripping with juices, but that doesn't make sense, because my arse is stinging and it hurt when you spanked me?"

"Cecile! For god's sake behave yourself! And take your hand out of your panties, immediately! Or I'll be forced to..."

"Forced to what sir? Forced to take my panties down and spank my bare bottom, would you like me to take my panties off sir, or do you have to do that for me, sir?"

She was teasing me mercilessly now, and it was apparent she could sense she was getting the upper hand, and right at this point, I'm not sure I cared. The sexual tension in the room was palpable now, and Cecile still had her hand in her panties playing with her pussy.

"I think this should stop right now Cecile before anything happens that either of regret!"

"That's not possible sir; I haven't had my full punishment yet, surely you must finish my spanking, three more isn't it?" She had not taken her hand from her panties as she said this and had moved closer to me so that her breasts were now lightly pressing my shirt as she looked up at me. More worrying for me was that I could feel Cecile's hand on my cock as she moved it inside her panties, and it felt good!

"You're right Cecile," I stuttered with as much authority as I could muster. "and your provocative behaviour has cost you another three strokes, now get back over the arm of the sofa."

"Another three strokes? Cecile said with an inquiring tone and a glint in her eye, "if you insist sir."

Cecile hadn't moved, and with her hand still in her panties, I felt her hand on my cock stroking it.


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