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A Sissy Saga Ch. 23


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"Unhhh!" Margaret panted, watching as Lizzie's fingers gradually pushed into the warm, quivering place between her legs, sinking into the pliant column of her body, moving forward until it was enfolded deep inside her flesh. Gazing at the place where the hand had gone she bit her lips but was unwilling to call a halt. She felt herself expand around the hand, oozing moisture and opening up to receive it.

"Oohhnaggghh!" She exhaled loudly. With the hand buried in her up to the wrist she became enveloped by a deep throbbing excitement. Her eyelids twitched, her mouth went slack and when her breathing became laboured she realised she was completely at the girl's mercy.

Lizzie's eyes fluttered and her coquettish smile almost became an expression of amusement when she saw the pleasure on the woman's face. She'd expected Mrs Pardoe to make her take the hand away, but instead the wicked school teacher was undulating her body and enjoying herself.

She viewed her slender wrist encircled by the woman's taut, stretched flesh and pumped it back and forth briefly, which created a sticky, sloppy noise. Initially she'd not made a fist because the woman's passage had cramped her hand and it had been half paralysed by the warm, spongy inner anatomy that hugged it. Now, because there was a sudden excess of juice she was able to bunch her fingers and punch forward.

Mrs Pardoe heaved in her seat, too far gone to realise immediately that half the girls slender forearm had tunnelled into her body. Semi-hysterical, she shuddered when the arm, like a huge over enthusiastic animal penis, went too deep, but then as if to contradict herself she grasped Lizzie fiercely by the elbow and heaved her pussy up and down its length. The girl felt the wet pussy-lips contracting around her forearm, squirming and rotating each time she pulled back to twist her hand, re-clench her fist and plunge back in.

With a moan Margaret writhed as swirling waves of arousal surged through her body. The throbbing in her thighs intensified beyond bearing. Each thrill leapt up to dangle in tantalising suspension. She wanted that hand inside her, wanted it to master her and fuck her.

"Oh Christ!" Mrs Pardoe moaned, wincing as the sensations engulfed her, "Unnhh, yes."

At that moment she was in a fuck-trance, undulating, wheezing, gurgling, her body surging and arching as her thighs clenched and drove hard down in response to the intimate intrusion. And then it happened. A sweet burning that brought a sharp cry to her lips in union with a sudden juddering sigh.

"Yeeeooow, oooh!" She jerked and threshed, then in accompaniment to clotted snuffles and snorts, cawing grunts and soft whinnies she climaxed and her spasms weakened.

Between the two of them silence reigned for a moment, broken only by the sound of Margaret's rapid breathing. Then Lizzie grinned. "Goodness me, Mrs Pardoe, I think you make even more fuss than Miss Merrydew." she observed blithely.

Margaret's mind reeled. "Surely you don't do such things to a school teacher."

"Miss Merrydew isn't a real teacher yet, she's still learning to be one. She says she doesn't like Pauline and I to visit her lodgings at the weekends, but when we get her clothes off she's always wearing her best undies. She also says she doesn't like us to put a hand up her, but Mrs Tichborne's her landlady, and she holds her down and tells her to take it."

From somewhere the girl had acquired a large rubber glove and was squeezing a slender hand into it, easing the open end up around her wrist until it fitted with an elastic snap.

"W-what - what are you doing now?" stammered Margaret in sudden alarm.

"I've only half done you Mrs Pardoe. You'll have to turn over for the next bit."

Margaret's anus clenched in reflex to the realisation that the girl intended to shove a hand up her backside. She couldn't allow that. It had been almost too much to bear in the comparatively elastic-like recesses of her vagina. It would be impossible to tolerate a fist and forearm in the narrowness of her rectum. Gracious! It would be like taking a donkey-cock.

"Now listen Lizzie. If you're thinking of repeating your awful little trick with my bottom you must forget it. I never allow anyone to tamper with me there."

"Oh please Mrs Pardoe, you'll enjoy it, I know you will." Lizzie insisted, "Mrs Tichborne likes it. She asks Pauline and I to do it to her while she lays on top of Miss Merrydew."

Mrs Pardoe paled. What was being proposed was utterly gross and she needed to re-establish her authority and forbid it, but instead she began to feel woozy and her insides began to do flip-flops again.

"This is ridiculous. I - I don't think - I mean, I couldn't possibly..."

Somehow her words didn't form up readily and her mild protests faded away. Horrified she climbed up onto her knees and pushed out her backside, allowing herself to be positioned by the little girl's hands. Oh god, she thought. She was going to let her do it.

A slush of oil fell between her bottom cheeks and Lizzie's rubber clad fingers scratched and burrowed. Margaret generated a subdued harrowing wail as the small, well oiled gloved hand wormed into her back passage and thrust against her sphincter.

"Oh, Lizzie darling, please. Please be careful."


In the gymnasium things had begun rather sedately. The dozen or so 'girls' who were required to join the gentlemen there were wearing delightful fluttering summer mini-dresses that didn't hide their loveliness, and they were all perfectly made-up to make their eyes huge, their bodies sweet smelling and their lips kissable. Men met some of them at the door to scoop them up in strong arms as bundles of excited girlish squeals, and with pointed toes kicking slightly, they were carried off inside like blushing new brides.

Wendy walked in, strutting gracefully through the door and smiling at the grey-haired gentleman who'd kissed him in the porch earlier. The gentleman's eyes sparkled in return. "Hello Wendy, I was hoping to see you. You're looking lovely."

The sissy half-turned, wiggled his bottom and generated an extra-sweet smile over his shapely bare shoulder. "You say the nicest things, sir. You take a girl's breath away."

The stock-broker throbbed with joy at the undiluted effeminacy aimed at him. "All the other men are grabbing pretty girls. Would you be my girl?"

Of course he would, he said. Wendy settled on the shy stock-brokers lap and slued his arms about his neck like the softest of ropes, fluttering his eyelashes and wriggled his bottom to seek out the swelling in the man's trousers. He found it at once.

"I'm so glad you picked me." he said in his best little girl voice. "We had such a lovely kissy-cuddle before, but we didn't have a chance to finish properly."

All the pantywaist's in the room were by then perched on a gentleman's knee and receiving kisses, hugs and sexy feels, and Wendy's man was no different. Bolder now, the stock-broker kissed Wendy hard on the mouth as he stroked his long delicate hands artfully up and down the sissy doll's slender shape and felt the soft outlines of the body beneath his clothes. "You're wearing very little under your dress." he said eventually.

"None of us are wearing anything but our tiny panties underneath, sir. Will you help me take my panties off?"

The man swallowed hard. "Take - them - off!"

"Yes sir. All the girls know why they're here. We're all here to be fucked, sir."

Around the room the lovely feminine boys began gasping and sighing and before long every gentleman in the room had a princess's panties off and was playing with her pretty toys. All the goodies there were exquisite - pink and girlish - and as each creampuffs sissy foreskin was gently peeled back and moved up and down a dozen excited peelips parted to show dribbles of seeping goo.

The stimulation of so many other gasping sissies in the same room soon had the girly-things overheating and one by one they squealed and pumped blobs of hot, sticky sissy-juice all over their gentleman's busy, loving hands.

Quite soon the pretty summer dresses had been removed and the men undressed too, and everyone climbed down onto the rubber safety mats strewn about the floor. No seduction was employed there, nor any coaxing or courting. None was needed, for the men were committed to sating their primal urges while the sissies were primed to please.

Trouserless now, the nervous stock-broker at last lost his inhibitions and shoved his stout penis into Wendy's backside. Mindful of the man's inexperience the pansy had helped by sitting astride his thighs and positioning his anus on top of his demanding dick, then holding the oiled cock in his sissy-soft hand he'd whimpered as he lowered himself onto the thick, slick column, knowing it couldn't come out easily.

At the angle he was moving everyone in the room could see his little rosette stretching to its limit. Gravity came to his aid, his own weight helping to force the cockhead in, and he was able to rise up slightly, and sit down again slowly, repeating the action and increasing the tempo until he was sedately bouncing up and down.

Within minutes his gentleman was shunting it in and out of him with such furious passion one would have thought he'd been waiting to do it all his life.

A little way off Trudy's tight orifice was stretched firmly about Lord Chance-Barton's redoubtable man-root and massaging the liquid stuffing out of the nobleman's glands, while also nearby two other cuties were laying together, swooning as they each took a prodigious cock side by side.

There was a slight excess of men, and one or two pretty frillies were handled by two of them at the same time, but the pantyboys all knew that sissies had to be prepared for that. Mrs Pumphrey's sissy-son Sara-Jane was experiencing his first real homosexual-orgy with Councillor Grimshaw and Doctor Breeze. The doctor was sitting on the mat and working the femmy-boy bum up and down on his rampant shaft, while Grimshaw occupied the lady-lads mouth with his giant cock, pulling his pretty lips forward onto his bull-sized testicles.

Variations on such themes repeated themselves around the room tenfold as huge hairy ball sacs swung against soft, small buttocks and thick cocks pumped fiercely into obliging rectums.

The atmosphere in the gymnasium was soon electric with lust. Ropes of hot goo smeared down over cocks and over fingers as beneath the dimmed lights a spermstorm began to blow. The spread of wildly writhing bodies took on the surreal format of a sex-circus in which the guttural grunts of men in rut combined with tiny gasps and thin girlish groans, and before long the room was awash with squishy bottoms and cum filled bellies.

The gymnasium was Hardwick's area of responsibility, but knowing how susceptible he was to diversion when naked young men were available Miriam had discreetly asked Emma to keep a watchful eye on things. She was standing in the vestibule outside the gym door when Parson Roper appeared. Freshly showered and with a bathrobe girding his portly frame he marched straight by and entered the gym, only to reappear within moments sporting a mournful expression.

"This really is too bad Miss Twist. Miss Hancock assured me there would be ample young men to entertain everyone, but when I arrive I find not a single one free. Indeed, some of the gentlemen in there are having to share."

Emma smiled in mock sympathy. "Our sissies can manage several men one after the other and it was envisaged that the guests would spend quickly and make for a rapid turnaround. But they all the men seem to have come fortified by aphrodisiacs, and they're determined to keep going."

"Surely such a thing could have been foreseen," snapped Roper bitterly, "We aren't living in the middle-ages for goodness sake."

The edge was taken off his irritation when Gloria arrived with some of the girly-boys previously engaged in the fashion show.

Being aware of the housekeepers own passion Emma studied them with an element of suspicion. "Only five of them, Gloria? There should be more than that."

The roly-poly housekeeper flashed an ingratiating smile that betrayed an element of guilt. Hardwick would never have noticed her holding back a couple of sissies for a little private diddling, but she'd not reckoned on Emma being there.

Bulbous breasts and gelatinous buttocks rolled beneath her dress. "Oh aye! Fancy that! I must have left a couple in the house. I'll go back an' get 'em right away."

Hardwick appeared through the door of the gym shortly after Gloria had departed, his face glowing from inexplicable exertion and his tracksuit trousers bulging indecently at the front.

"Everything okay in there, Mr Hardwick?" Emma asked.

The gym instructor nodded. "Yes indeed. All the guests are extremely pleased and all the faggots are in sissy-heaven."

As he spoke Larkin loomed behind him, his expression was lecherous, and sweaty tufts of hair sprouted above his ears. "By heck! This is a right lively homo-orgy Miss Hancock's laid on. A bloke can't teach them lady-lads in there anything about whorin'. They're willin' to try anything that takes a mans fancy."

He had an arm around the shoulders of a dreamy-eyed effeminate who's soft cheeks still bore traces of a recent cum-drenching.

Seemingly insatiable the shop owner's eyes lit up as he surveyed the spread of newly arrived talent as if they were succulent choice cuts in the window of a butchers shop.

"Hah! They're all lovely, but some fresh, young tranny-meat wouldn't go amiss."

At once his broad hairy arm reached out, grabbed hold of a flush faced sissy, and yanked him in through the door so swiftly that Roper, who was watching, was astounded.

Emma didn't constrain a smile of sardonic satisfaction. "Better be quick parson. The new supply is disappearing already."

Puffing with sudden panic Roper clasped Jemima and Zoë firmly by an arm. "These two are mine." he proclaimed, and marched them away into the gym to seek a space on one of the mats.

Hardwick looked sheepishly at the two remaining nancy-boys. "Er, um! These appear to be surplus at the moment Miss Twist, so I'll - er - keep 'em occupied until they're needed."

A short time later Gloria reappeared with a second clutch of sissies, but to Emma's surprise she also brought Mrs Amos with her, dragging her along by the hair and pulling her about as if she were a marionette. "I's found this 'ere slag abusin' one o' the students up at the house Miss Twist, an' I knows you said she weren't allowed to do that."

Emma ushered the new arrivals through the gym door, then turned to scowl at the distraught cleaning-woman. By then Gloria had thrown a thick arm about her head and was crushing it in a head-lock.

"Quite right, Gloria." Emma said, "You appear to understand my instructions far better than she does herself. The hag must be taught a sharp lesson, but since I'm not free to do it myself, perhaps you'll oblige me. Confiscate all the money in her purse then give her a good slapping before you throw her out of the gate."

Mrs Amos was beyond struggling, her arms dangled limp. Wide-eyed, face crimson, she moaned and attempted to make some sort of plea, but that was stifled when one of the housekeeper's enormous hands clamped over her mouth.

"O'course, Emma. That's no trouble. I'll take her off an' do it now."

Emma briefly contemplated the fate of Mrs Amos as she was dragged away. Fearful of the beating she was about to get she'd beg and plead and make all kinds of salacious offers in hope of reducing its severity, and since Gloria was pretty much starved of any other sexual outlet that evening some of her offers may be accepted.

She tried not to think to hard about what the two gross looking women could indulge in. She couldn't spare the time to be sick.

She checked her wristwatch. Judd and Greg Totter had been installed in the gym-store for the exclusive use of an affluent American who'd paid a substantial cash fee. The client hadn't shown-up yet, but that wasn't a great surprise. He'd probably got lost. She suspected Americans - those that knew it existed - thought of Yorkshire as something like London, only with fewer hot-dog stands.

While there was a lull in other proceedings she took the opportunity to go and check that everything was still in place, and she was surprised to find the visitor there and already stripped to his underwear. The spotless white of his vest and shorts contrasting sharply with his coal-black skin. A figure sufficiently imposing as to be intimidating, he had the typical Negroid features of flaring nostrils and broad lips, and he was tall, over six feet, with wide shoulders and a bull neck.

"Mr Biffo. I didn't see you arrive."

The mouth of the guest spread into a wide grin. "Drop the mister babe, an' jus' call me plain Biffo. Some fat lil' old lady showed me the way here, an' I's streetwise enough to manage everything else." He inclined his head towards Judd and Greg who were standing naked against one of the walls. Both of them seemed intimidated. While Judd had his hands on his head, Greg was clutching at his bare bottom in the manner of a freshly spanked little girl, and he looked as if he'd been crying. "Couple o' nice twinks yu laid on fur me. I like the way yu made 'em cute an' hairless."

"Being smooth-bodied is a standard requirement at Fairyfield." Emma told him.

The American grinned. "That naughty lil' Greggy said he don't put out fur no niggers, so I had to upend him and whop his ass like he wus some lil' girl. Now he's had a good cry he wants to please me - he wants to please me any way he can." He stared at Greg. "Ain't that right honey?"

Greg sniffed unhappily. "Yes - yes Mr Biffo, sir."

Biffo grinned. "Yu'see, he's showin' proper respec' now an' callin' me, sir. Both them cuties know the blackman is master here."

Emma observed everything coolly. Greg was always a bit of a cry-baby when he got spanked, but mindful of Biffo's hands being the size of table-tennis bats maybe he had a good reason for tears this time. The blackman leered at her and made a show of the ten inches of thick meat trapped in his pants. "Wanna join in an' make it a foursome babe? I got lots to share around."

Emma shook her head. She was only ninety percent lesbian and sometimes indulged the other ten percent with a good sized cock, but intriguing as Biffo was she had no intention of participating in an orgy that would put her in the role of a supplicant.

"I'm afraid I'm much too busy. I'll leave you to enjoy the boys." she said.

"Shame. I ain't trailer-trash y'know. I've been to college."


"Yeah, Wisconsin. I was in the football team, my boyfriend was a cheerleader."

"I dare say it's a lovely place."

"Sure is. Wisconsin produced the first Barbie doll, and Somerset can claim to be the Inner Tube capital of the world and home to the Hamburger Hall of Fame. Pity I had to move to the east coast to make my money."

The moment she'd gone Biffo reached down, grabbed his undervest and pulled it over his head. His pectorals were well defined and magnificent with dark nipples standing out in spectacular fashion, while lower down a set of tight abdominal muscles rippled on his smooth, hard stomach. He was an unscrupulous gangster with pretensions to be refined, but who couldn't shake off the mannerisms of the Harlem streets that had honed his nature.

"Hey, Judd."

Judd blanched. "Yes sir." Ethnic differences didn't bother him as they bothered Greg, but Biffo's massive physique both terrified and intrigued him. He felt strongly attracted to the big Negro's inherent manliness, and unconsciously he glanced down at his wedge-shaped hips, trying to imagine what the his big black cock would look like when extracted from his pants.

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