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A Slave To Lust Ch. 05

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Sheila whores her way to the West Coast.
4.5k words

Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 07/06/2022
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When Sheila's awareness returned, she found herself on her knees, an erect penis inches away from her face. An odor assailed her nose that was a combination of urine, sweat, cigarettes and manly musk. Unconsciously, her nostrils flared as her lungs hungrily breathed in, the offensive miasma making her stomach queasy, but some primal aspect to it also causing her panties to moisten in arousal. She dared a glance up to find a large man in his late 40's staring down at her. From her vantage point, he towered over her, wearing a stained tee shirt, leather vest and truckers cap. A three day growth of salt-and-pepper stubble cover the lower half of his round face.

"Well, go on, girl. We had a deal and that dick's not going to suck itself." His voice was deep. Not unkind, but also not joking around.

She fought the urge to flee, fought the rising panic and rapid beating of her heart. She focused on the hard dick in front of her. Clung to it like it was the only real thing in a world that had become wholly surreal. As repelled as she was by this situation, her mouth watered at the stiff piece of meat in front of her and she hesitantly reached out to touch it. The soft, velvety warmth of it sent electric tingles along her fingers and she plunged her face into the prickly grey pubic hair to nuzzle his erection. A low moan of approval from the man urged her on and she felt her blood rush to her groin, her pussy lips and clit swelling with need.

She took the entire 5 inches of the thick shaft into her mouth, her forehead bumping into his large gut and nearly gagging on the salty, sour taste of it. She forced herself to lap at the bulbous tip while her lips gently suctioned the base. Despite her self disgust at sucking a strangers dick between parked semi's in a highway rest stop, she found herself unbelievably turned on. She longed to touch herself, to drive her fingers deep inside of her, to rub between her legs, but she knew that that was forbidden. At least the cock in her mouth provided some relief.

"You sure know how to suck a dick like a grade-A slut." He grunted, patting her on the head with his large, nicotine stained hand. "Why don't you take that shirt off and let me see those pretty titties one last time."

Sheila looked up at him with her large brown eyes, mascara and blue eye shadow painted on two states ago in the cab of a truck. Obediently she took off her tee shirt, furtively looking around to check for potential voyeurs. Her face burned with shame knowing that at any moment, someone may walk by and she her on her knees, tits hanging out, with a dick in her mouth like a truck stop whore. The rest of her body was on fire, burning with desire, her pussy soaked and aching with the desire to be filled. She briefly considered just bending over and offering herself to him, to his hard cock, but then the horror of what she was doing struck her and she focused on finishing him off as quickly as possible.

"Oh, gawd, honey, I'm gonna cum. Your little mouth is suckin' the juice right outta my balls."

Her head moved rapidly between his legs, as one of her hands cupped and fondled his hairy scrotum. His balls contracted, as she felt his dick pulsate in her mouth and the first gout of milky sperm slide down her throat. She kept swallowing as he pumped spurt after spurt of cum into her. She made a face, wincing at the bitter and salty flavor of his seed, but making sure not a single drop was wasted.

The warmth of him in her belly made her realize the full weight of what she had done and she struggled for a moment with her rising gorge. Once she regained some level of control, she quickly stood up and wiped the drool from her lips and chin with her shirt, before hurriedly putting it back on. She kept her eyes cast down at the asphalt, while the stranger tucked himself away and buckled back up. Too ashamed to meet his gaze, she wished she could just shrink into the earth, that it would swallow her up and take her away from the gnawing lust that made her a slave to her desires.

As an escape, she allowed her thoughts to travel back in time, hardly any time at all, really, though it seemed like a lifetime ago, to the times when she had a life. She could still remember having a family that loved her, a beautiful house to live in, friends to keep her company. What she missed the most, however, was a sense of control, the belief that her life was her's to decide. She had taken it all for granted and without a thought incurred the wrath of someone she thought unimportant, inconsequential. How wrong she was, how very, horribly wrong.

So distracted by her own thoughts, she momentarily lost sense of where she was until the loud thump shocked her to the present. The trucker had gotten her backpack from the cab of his truck and thrown it at her feet.

"Well, it sure was nice having you ride along with me, darlin', but this is as far West as I go. I'm headed South, down to Louisiana. With those big ole' titties of yours, and how much you seem to like bein' on your knees, I don't think you'll have that hard a time finding a ride out to California. You take care now, there's some dangerous people out there."

He climbed back into his truck without another word and started the engine, taking just enough time to leer at Sheila, before driving off. She fought the exhaustion that threatened to wash over her and picked up her bag before heading towards the rest stop. It was one of the larger ones she had seen, with a few restaurants, a convenience store and a gas station collected in a single, generic, cinderblock-deco building. Her only thought though was to get something to wash the taste of the trucker's sperm out of her mouth.

After stepping inside, Sheila had to pause momentarily to adjust to the cool, stale air and the harsh, fluorescent lights. The greasy smell of fried food caused her stomach to grumble, but she made a bee line for the ladies room to check her appearance. She hardly recognized herself reflected in the large mirror. Her dark, unwashed hair hung limply around her face. Her eyes were ringed with mascara that looked like it had been applied days ago and her complexion was sallow. She wore a garish yellow t-shirt that was stretched tight across her large breasts. Here and there were crusty stains that she knew were cum from who knew how many truckers. Her faded jeans hung low on her wide hips, hugging her firm buttocks and ample thighs, but were so torn that they revealed as much skin as they hid.

She turned from side to side to look at herself from a few different angles. "Other than needing a shower," she thought to her self, "I can't believe how good my body looks. Have my breasts grown bigger?" Her nipples stiffened from gazing at herself, marveling at how completely slutty she looked. So entranced, she unconsciously brought one of her hands up to fondle and tweet them through the thin cotton, producing a low moan and sending a shudder of pleasure throughout her body. A middle-aged woman entered the bathroom, breaking the spell and sending an instant flood of shame that filled her up, but did nothing to dispel the arousal. Not daring to look at the woman, Sheila rummaged through her bag for her toothbrush.

After brushing her teeth and washing her face, she looked at herself one more time to brace herself for actually walking out and interacting with people. She began to feel a bit more stable and self-assured, but then, with a rapid flutter of her heart, she felt the presence awaken within her.

"Ah, the heartland of America. I'm sure you'll feel right at home with all the other whores in here." The demon that now dwelled within her spoke in a deep voice that seemed to fill her mind and reverberate through her entire body. She had never believed in the supernatural, in curses, but that was so very long ago and now she couldn't remember the last time she had control of her own actions. A deep pang of despair struck her and she struggled to fight back the tears that welled up in her eyes.

"Now, now. None of that. We have work to do and you know what will happen if you lose control now. Who knows what I might make you do." The powerful voice gripped her with a fear that beat her sorrow back down, deep inside her. She knew. She had some idea of what would happen and that knowledge allowed her to stem the flow of tears and walk determinedly out of the restroom. A storm of conflicting emotions tugged at Sheila, but a ravenous hunger cut through it all driving her in the direction the closest fast-food restaurant. Captivated by the smell of food, she moved towards the aroma as if hypnotized, but then stopped short as she placed her hands in her pockets.

As she stared, crestfallen, at the two nickels in her hands, the demon began to speak.

"What's the matter? That trucker's load not enough for you? You were on your knees earning your hot meal just a few minutes ago." She seemed to feel, more than hear, the words, as they rumbled through her. The memory they brought back to her was like a reliving of the event. The hard, rough asphalt under her knees, the trucker's hands entangled in her hair as they drew her face onto his groin, filling her mouth, the smells of gasoline and masculine musk as her nose was pressed into his pubic hair. She felt a heat between her legs and her panties moisten, while simultaneously a deep humiliation weighed down upon her realizing that she had become a truck stop whore. Reading her innermost thoughts, the demon continued to torment her.

"Of course you're a whore. You saw yourself; you're dressed like a complete slut. Your tits are almost busting out of your shirt. And, oh, look, your nipples are hard." Sheila looked down at her breasts, though she didn't need to. Her nipples felt engorged, hard and so sensitive against the straining fabric of her shirt. Oh, how she longed to touch them. She had always been well endowed, but lately it seemed as if her breasts had grown to a cartoonish size. She may have been more curious about this had her life not become one of constant sexual need and depravity.

As degrading as the demon's litany was, the low rumble of it sent thrill after thrill through her body, soaking her panties and causing her sphincter to clench and relax, aching to be filled. It continued resonate through her, her grumbling stomach now joined by a different hunger, her most sensitive parts now tingling, longing to be touched.

"I've possessed a lot of stupid bitches in my day, but you are dumber than the succubi of the second circle! Have I made your life a living hell? Fuck, yeah, I have, and it ain't gonna get better. But having me inside you does provide some benefits, if you haven't noticed. Now walk in there and whore yourself out for some cheeseburgers!"

Too exhausted to keep fighting this constant background chatter, telling her that she was a worthless slut, only happy when she is on her knees. This inner voice bestowing titles upon her like cum dumpster, cock holster, piss mop and more, slowly convincing her of her new station in life. She scanned the restaurant with new eyes, flitting from table to table, looking at the people, each one filling her with desire.

The thirty-something mother with her four year-old son and full, round breasts encased in a silky, button up blouse. The huge, black state patrol officer, his muscular shoulders straining the fabric of his dark, blue uniform and a big gun at his hip. A rough, long-haired man in black leather and tattoos covering his muscular arms.

Her stare fixed upon a sandy haired man in a red and white checkered shirt, faded jeans and a trucker's hat. He was not a large man, but had a wiry, compact body that conveyed a sense of vitality. His firm jaw line had a growth of stubble that suited him, giving him a roguish look. A flush of heat blossomed from between her legs, but now, instead of fighting it, she latched onto it using the lust to propel her forward as she stalked into the room.

She sat down at the man's table, flashing him a smile and a coy look. The man looked back, his pale, blue eyes widening in surprise, as this sparsely dressed teenage girl sat across from him. He recovered quickly enough, returning her smile, small crinkles forming at the corners of his eyes.

"Well, hello there, Darlin'. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I, I've been on the road for a while and ...," she paused, involuntarily looking at the man's burger and fries on the table between them and setting off a series of growls from her stomach, "I was hoping you might be kind enough to buy me some food." She looked up at him again, opening her brown eyes wide in supplication.

"This here is a first. A pretty, young thing like you asking a broke down old trucker for a meal. Must have fallen on hard times to be that desperate. Mighty hard times." He appeared sympathetic to her plight, but had difficulty keeping his eyes from staring at Sheila's impressive chest and hard nipples poking through her thin shirt. He licked his lips and looked back up, with some effort, at her face. "If I can't spare a few dollars to help out a young girl, all by herself, on the road, then what's this world coming to? Here," he said, pushing his tray of food to her, "have this and I'll go get some more. I'll be right back."

"Thank you!" she said, looking up gratefully as he stood up and walked back to the counter. She began stuffing food into her face as quickly as she could and not choke. The greasy fries and over cooked hamburger tasted divine to her and she had cleared the tray by the time the trucker returned with another tray, piled high with food. He set it and a large, paper cup with a straw in front of her.

"Where are my manners?" He extended a large, calloused hand to her, which she took automatically. It seem to engulf her tiny hand and hold it in a steel-like grip. "I'm Howie. I've been driving a truck for most of my life. I can't do much else, but at least I'm good at something. How about you tell me a little bit about yourself."

"Um, there's not much to tell." She had to pause to gulp down the food in her mouth before continuing. "I'm just on the road, y'know. I'm going to California." At the mention of the her ultimate destination, she once again felt the tug of something indefinable deep in her gut. Shortly after she left her home on the East coast, she began to feel some force drawing her to the West. It was subtle at first, easily drown out by the fear, lust and, ultimately, exhaustion that had been her constant emotional states for the past few weeks. It seemed, however, to grow the farther she followed it out West. She sensed the demon felt it too and that it was concerned, maybe even worried.

This tangent of thought was interrupted by her dining companion. "The Golden State, huh? Goin' to Hollywood to be a star? You sure got the looks for it, Darlin'. You are one fine looking woman."

"Oh, ah, thank you." She blushed at the compliment. Given the company she had been keeping during her travels, this was the most charming man she had met in a while. She looked back up from her ravenous eating to see a sparkle in his eyes that made her heart beat just a little faster. She let her eyes wander to his square shoulders, his wiry arms, muscles like taut, steel cables under tanned skin. She could feel her nipples tingle and she saw his eyes drawn toward them, causing her to flush with embarrassment and yet burn with arousal.

"I just happen to be going West myself and I sure would like a traveling companion as pretty as you. How about riding with me for a while?"

Sheila hesitated for just a moment, knowing instinctively what this man wanted. Could she whore herself out again for a value meal and a lift? She had been at this precipice before, ashamed at what she had become, but she also knew that she had no choice. The call out West was too strong to resist, as was the building lust within her. And why not accept this kind man's offer? If she waited too long, who knew the type of person she would eventually beg to fuck her?

"Are you sure it's not too much trouble?" She coyly batted her lashes at him and sat back on the hard, plastic bench, forcing her chest out, her breasts threatening to rip right out of her top.

"No trouble at all." This time, he made no pretense as he ogled her, practically salivating at her lewd display.

After she had finished eating, he led her out to the parking lot and toward an area of the parking lot littered with several eighteen-wheelers and other trucks of various sizes. They began walking between two large trucks parked close together, so that it felt like walking down a long alley way. He was walking in front, but turned so abruptly that she bumped into him, sensitive breasts running up against his solid chest.

"Oh, I'm sorry." she said automatically, trying to back up, but he reached one of his arms around her waist, holding her up against him.

"Don't be sorry, Darlin'. I'm just trying to be friendly."

He pivoted her, pushing her back up against one of the trailers. She felt hard metal at her back, while he one hand up to her throat, pinning her against the steel wall. She placed her hands against his firm torso, as if to push him away, but it was a feeble attempt that melted as he kissed her forcefully. Hunger now gone, her lust returned as she felt herself become wet, as her nether regions began to swell in jeans that seemed far too tight.

He broke the kiss, keeping his grinning face close to hers and his hand at her throat, slightly constricting her airway. She wanted him inside her, filling her up, opening her with his stiff cock, but still she resisted. Holding her still, he used his other hand to fumble with the button of her pants.

"Wait, wait!" she said breathlessly, "I'll be happy to show you my appreciation, but not here. Let's get into your truck. I promise I'll make you feel good."

"Oh, I know you're gonna make me feel good. I'm just a little impatient. And, besides, you owe me for the meal. You're not going to deny me a little fun, are you?" Her jeans slightly undone, he thrust his hand into her pants, fingers roughly working their way into her moist folds. As they slid over her swollen clit, she moaned involuntarily. "You're wet and ready for it, aren't you, Slut?"

Her body went rigid as he worked his fingers between his legs and she had to bite her lip to keep from crying out in pleasure. Ashamed that she was about to be used twice in the same rest area parking lot, she was even more ashamed at knowing how close to orgasm she was from being used in such a way.

So engrossed in the sensation of him diddling her against the side of a dirty truck, she was shocked as he pulled her to him for one more clumsy kiss and then turned her around to press her face against the cold metal of the trailer. One of his hands now held her in place by the nape of her neck, while the other unzipped her the rest of the way and yanked her pants and panties down to her knees. She felt on fire with excitement at being so exposed and knowing that this man was going to fuck her here, out in the open and that she would do nothing to stop him.

All of her senses seemed heightened, all time slowed. The strong hand at her neck, pinning her to this dirty, metal wall. Her nipples pressed against the cold metal, The sound of his belt being undone, his zipper opening and his pants sliding down his legs. The feel of his hot, hard cock as it sprung free, slapping against her back. She became lost in the ecstasy of the moment and anxious for him to fill her.

Keeping his hand on her neck, he reached his other hand in front of her, between her legs, grinding into her crotch and forcing her pelvis back toward him and arching her spine. Sheila instinctively widened her stance, anticipating him entering her. He did it in one thrust, her wetness allowing his hard dick to slide completely inside her, buried up to the hilt.


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